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Forums / In game politics / fantasia stone market

fantasia stone market
12:53:39 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

sorry  500 Million gold   not 500k gold :P

19:19:51 Jan 15th 08 - Sir XelNaga:

bought your 500 stone to help ya out cyber.

*god damn flu* *cough*

19:25:58 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

Wow,how long u been STGing?

Were you missing from 20th December till 8th January by losing your connection, cant even log in to buy food?

Im back 1 week after losing my entire economy to my cities starving for majority of that time. And im dealing in billions of stone already while pumping out armies. Dont worry,ill have armies u can see soon enough.

500million..ill be there soon if my growth continues like this.

20:19:31 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

yeah yeah neo just talking.. bla bla..i was out a few days to ... but i have a decent food production   ...

20:38:04 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

thats the difference. I didnt have the production of food to stop my cities from starving. Meh, 2weeks+ its nothing to you mate. Lets see you stop playing that long and ill guarantee ill have acheived a hell of alot more than a 500mil pool of gold and some small armies.

Infact ill acheive more than you anyway even with my absence.

20:45:14 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

hahaa:)  lol mnan neo  you are the best player:)   i admint
if you sai that   50k catas  150k mages and 130k knights  is a small army then i belive you .. lol:)   .. .

20:45:48 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

hahaa:)  lol mnan neo  you are the best player:)   i admint
if you sai that   50k catas  150k mages and 130k knights  is a small army then i belive you .. lol:)   .. .

20:51:26 Jan 15th 08 - Duke Arzun:

illiterate and stupid, nice combo...

20:53:29 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

if you sai that   50k catas  150k mages and 130k knights  is a small army then i belive you .. lol:)


LMAO! holy crap i thought u had more than that atleast. Hell yeah im gonna acheive better armies than you.


Edit: Obviously its not a small army, but i expect alot more.

00:41:10 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith: many catas wud u have had by this stage of the era? He has the equivalent of like 85k catas.

I'd say 125k is more than manageable by this stage of the era. After all theres like 16 and a half days left of the era. 400k cata is easily possible for a full era of STG, and i dare say that 600k would be possible for a no lifer to acheive as an STGer.


Since Cyber only has 85k when 16-17 days remain, i was missing for around that time, i am more than capable of achieving that. How many times greater remains to be seen. I wud like to think 3-4 times.

07:06:10 Jan 16th 08 - Sir XelNaga:

well.. i had 530k catapult at the end of last era i think. and last era's stg market was much worse imo... with less suppliers too...

*sneeze* *cough*

07:55:50 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

im not such a good stg er im online only half of the day and at night wen most ofthe stone sellersare online im not so  stg is just ocasional forme ... ill be dwarf again nezzt era:)  you need to be more then half of the day onlien for good stg ing ...:(

08:53:05 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

Im online for 5hrs in the evening after school and then i check the market just before i leave for school in the mornings. Very few people seem to put up stone at these times. I hardly see any Abydos,PHI or Zeon stone at this time unless its for stupid prices like 1.03 or greater.

So i figured you are getting it while i leave for school or  while i sleep.

01:18:54 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith


1/15/2008 9:25:58 PM

Wow,how long u been STGing?

Were you missing from 20th December till 8th January by losing your connection, cant even log in to buy food?

Im back 1 week after losing my entire economy to my cities starving for majority of that time. And im dealing in billions of stone already while pumping out armies. Dont worry,ill have armies u can see soon enough.

500million..ill be there soon if my growth continues like this.

Don't forget the exams! And the labs! And the conferences! And the school projects! And helping out your granny cross the street! And your dog ate your homework! :D

15:04:15 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Merchant:

i just sold 157 mil stone! happy?

22:40:47 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Sloth:

I hardly see any Abydos,PHI or Zeon stone at this time unless its for stupid prices like 1.03 or greater.

yay for stupid stone being bought at 1.03 ;-)

18:14:05 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Clone V:

well i was selling  at                          0.99(499)
and u can see it being bought at    0.95

  • 23:59:19: Binh The Assassin[DB] bought 10000000 stone for 9641800 gold from you on the market.
  • 23:59:22: Binh The Assassin[DB] bought 10000000 stone for 9443000 gold from you on the market.

19:34:55 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Merchant:

Human discount

23:05:51 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Love:

I am buying huge amounts of stone and just piling it up. Reaching 2 million soon.

Dont expect me to sell it, ever. I am doing it to just to spoil for all of the STGrs.

23:09:25 Jan 21st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

2 mills not a lot of stone, thats less than half a ticks worth for me.

23:10:18 Jan 21st 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

He meant billion :D:D:D

And yes, I'm doing that too atm... I have about 20 bilion.

00:49:17 Jan 22nd 08 - Ms. Fellatio:

"And yes, I'm doing that too atm... I have about 20 bilion."

I'm sure it's 200 billion.

01:16:02 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

20billion is entirely possibly, i know someone who is pumping out 3/4 billion per RL day.

So thats what...30 days?

Meh, all they do by saving it up is cut their own potential income, unlss they STG it themselves, but even still at that large amount they wud need a massive warehouse city to cast and convert a large amount of it. It wud take several casts on a small warehouse city.

01:33:44 Jan 22nd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

yeah, well, i have 214,207 stone on hand....... HAHAHAHAHA i deprive you of much needed gold hahahahahaha  win ;)

01:36:29 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

omg ur mean, ur depriving me of the 6k profit i cud make from that. Meanwhile u deprive urself of 214k gold.

Hmmm....i hate u guys hurting me so much.

03:26:22 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Sloth:

20billion is entirely possibly

no its not although i guess nubs think so :P

08:26:56 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

Mr. Sloth


1/22/2008 2:26:22 AM
20billion is entirely possibly

no its not although i guess nubs think so :P


or maybe just crap dwarves dont think so :P

09:20:07 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

  • 08:22:02: Mr. Cyber Assassin cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Stgigng upon Fegyver with 69% chance of success...300000000 of the stone in Fegyver was made into gold.
  • 09:42:49: Mr. Cyber Assassin cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Stgigng upon Fegyver with 69% chance of success...300000000 of the stone in Fegyver was made into gold.
  • 09:46:58: You have received one bonus turns for voting on Visual Utopia!
  • 12:20:18: Mr. Cyber Assassin cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Stgigng upon Fegyver with 69% chance of success...300000000 of the stone in Fegyver was made into gold.
  • 12:20:47: Mr. Cyber Assassin cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Stgigng upon Fegyver with 69% chance of success...268118634 of the stone in Fegyver was made into gold.
  • 15:11:13: Mr. Cyber Assassin cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Stgigng upon Fegyver with 69% chance of success...300000000 of the stone in Fegyver was made into gold.
  • 15:11:17: Mr. Cyber Assassin cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Stgigng upon Fegyver with 68% chance of success...287371050 of the stone in Fegyver was made into gold.
  • 17:28:30: Mr. Cyber Assassin cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Stgigng upon Fegyver with 68% chance of success...300000000 of the stone in Fegyver was made into gold.
  • 17:28:33: Mr. Cyber Assassin cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Stgigng upon Fegyver with 67% chance of success...300000000 of
well this was mi stg casting 2 weeks ago ... but now is down to  only 3-4 times / day
:(  there is  less stone on the market for a good price  so beter i don't buy it no more for  hire preice then 1.03

10:07:10 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Carlitodchaingunner:

  • 14:54:46: Mr. Carlitodchaingunner cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Transfer upon Wanderer with 71% chance of success...210000000 of the stone in Wanderer was made into gold.
  • 14:55:00: Mr. Carlitodchaingunner cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Transfer upon Wanderer with 71% chance of success...210000000 of the stone in Wanderer was made into gold.
  • 14:55:13: Mr. Carlitodchaingunner cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Monging Buraot upon Wanderer with 71% chance of success...210000000 of the stone in Wanderer was made into gold.
  • 14:55:29: Mr. Carlitodchaingunner cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Monging Buraot upon Wanderer with 70% chance of

me, actually, I always needed to cast 4-5 times stg of 210M each. and i need to do it 3-5 times a day...

10:39:31 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker:

17:05:01: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:05:03: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:05:05: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:05:07: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:05:09: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:05:12: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:05:22: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:05:32: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:05:42: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:05:52: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:06:22: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:07:02: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:08:02: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:09:02: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:15:02: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:25:02: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:35:02: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.
17:45:02: Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Eternal upon Eternity with 63% chance of success...1231112342 of the stone in Eternity was made into gold.

beat that. hahahaa

11:19:47 Jan 22nd 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

I'm not a nub :-<

16:21:35 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Love:

Oh not 2 million. Shesh i meant 2000.000.000. Dont know the amounth that is in letters in english tho.

Considering my income is about 3 million per tic id have to say thats a pretty sweet amount.

14:04:35 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker:

thats called a billion, 9 0s, two billion to be exact.

18:07:55 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Love:

Why thank you for enhancing my english knowledge Zerocool. :-)

19:00:24 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Love:

Wtf i wanted to sell but i cant apparently :(

Fantasia Market

The market traders can not take that much resources.

You have no supplies in the market.

19:22:12 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

18:39:37: Carlitodchaingunner[PHI] bought 88176649 stone for 82004284 gold from you on the market.

09:11:23: Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith[DB] bought 44045253 stone for 40920000 gold from you on the market.

  • 16:59:03: Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith[DB] bought 21000000 stone for 19109999 gold from you on the market.
  • 16:59:45: Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith[DB] bought 46601764 stone for 42873624 gold from you on the market.

  • 09:46:36: Zerocool The Napbreaker[PHI] bought 41137343 stone for 38669102 gold from you on the market.
  • 20:28:29: Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith[DB] bought 37568868 stone for 37500000 gold from you on the market.
  • this is the main bueyrs :D they allways buy my stone <33333

    19:44:01 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

    woot i wins

    19:55:14 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

    but its just from 3days :D zerocool buys alot more :D and cyber assasin buys sometimes :D

    19:58:52 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:



    20:02:04 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

    ook oooooook :D Neo Is 1# at buying Penguins stone yay .. :D happy now? :D

    20:06:12 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:


    fear me, rargh! : D

    21:31:45 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Love:

    So what is max amount to sell on the market? I want to get some cash but i cant sell coz i have too much stone!! What to do?

    21:44:24 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

    pu yt in on the amrket for lesthen 1 il lbuy all your stone:) if you sell it for less then 1:)

    22:15:48 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

    sell it in 250mil bunches for 1 each and ill buy it.

    U can sell as much as u want at any time but they can only be sent out in 250mil bunches

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