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Forums / In game politics / BOW and ZEON

16:12:31 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Dalak:


Owner: Mr. Vladimir
Size: 126 building(s).
Kingdom: Nemesis
Gates: open
Kingdom Banner

Send Mr. Vladimir a message »

 Heres our allies at it again.. This guy wouldnt even let me into my own area yet readily opens it up for our enemy... Top

17:58:50 Oct 9th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

LOL Ms. Quietone cant seem to stop flaming LOL
It all depends on the situation.

what Daimyo Chuck Norris is saying is partly true, Thay did attack and took over one blocker witch was a violation. But we also opend our blockers coz we had no other choice as i already explained to the Leader and wont have to explain again here

@ dalak That was a exident he Still had his Gates Open from the time that one of your KD member wanted to go true. in fact it was you. I orderd him to close it but it was already to late.

19:06:31 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Love:

Relictor of BoW is one of the few players who will be staying with the KD next era.

The people in my town that he took from me, his ally and friend did not like the authoritarian rule that he set upon them. Too bad so many other cities is still ruled with his iron fist.

18:00:01: Tired of the rulership of Mr.Relictor the people of Shanxi that are loyal to you have returned the city to your command.

19:27:43 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Mr. Smuff [BoW] (10/9/2007 5:16:07 PM) GOOD BAD
take'em back and take ANY of his citys you can see. i wont kick him, too many players are leaving BoW for go to Phi next era. we need to get him back next era. but you can kick his a$$ as much as you like for the rest of the era

Thats the honor of BoW.
I couldn't hold my self to post this... sry...
But BoW - you suck!

19:58:10 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

I have now kicked Relictor and resigned from BoW.

I think the kings and senior people of -all- the Fant kd's must somehow come together and reaffirm their agreements regarding people going "native" and attacking their own kd's or allied kd's. This can all too easily become a cheap way of settling scores and grudges in the cloasing moments of an era. And should it be permitted to become a trend, it will ruin the game for many.

19:58:11 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Thanks for understanding and kicking him...
I thought I'm gonna blow up.

20:24:32 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Gothrim, most fantasia kds don't have this problem with their members.

I wonder why? Actually, I kid you. I know why, I laid out why on the first page of this thread. This problem isn't extended to most fantasia kds, and as such doesn't require their participation.. What is needed is for kingdoms, such as the one you were in, to perform better and more responsibly at a senior level.

20:44:15 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

wow, the number of honorable kingdoms left is so low after this era, so sad! good thing phi is back. sad to see carnage leave. where is mirror? even monks were honorable in my eyes. osi needs to get abydos back as well.

(LGC can flame those kingdoms as much as they want, but at least they were honorable)

all i can say is, FF FTW!!!!!!!

21:35:56 Oct 9th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

gothrim... As swifty already pointed out. The only kingdoms that are getting problems with these "traitors" are the kingdoms that do not have decent recruitment policy. Everyone can join a kingdom like BoW, no wonder your kingdom has/had problems with traitors.

As I stated a few times before : I hope this is a lesson for you all. And certainly for BoW.

22:02:09 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

@Soccer: Yes old friend, we are indeed leaving, you see the mothership has finally sent us our boarding passes and we are off to our home planet of Rigel IV (not Rigel V, reggae loving bastards!).


nah....just kidding ya;)


We are all joining BoW next era:D


or are we???


or are we just bull*beep*ting the vu community???


Stay tuned for more!



On a serious note, BoW has had some good fighters in their bunch to be sure, but there needs to be more serious coordination (which will come over time) and probably a change in leadership?

@Xuaron: Sure man, if thats what you want to believe (looks at screenshot of nemesis blocker with closed gates and zeon army on one side and a second screen of zeon army on other side of wall with closed gates).....

Too be sure, if zeon wanted us bad enough, they would be more than happy to burn your blockers. But at least a token closing of the gates to show solidarity with your allies would have been nice:(

22:09:47 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Lewatha, thing is, the people who lost it were, for the most, part not "everyone". Whereas at least some of the "everyone" --multis excluded-- worked very hard and tried desperately to stay loyal in the midst of all this. Even with Rumpnissen (hardly quite "everyone"), one could have seen it coming on the internal forum (though he shouldn't then have attacked Music). But what Relictor did has no explanation. Nothing was said on our forums, there was no prior warning at all. I could not accept Smuff's response.

This has been the worst experience of my short VU career to date.

However, I do take Swifty's point. It didn't happen in the established kingdoms like Carnage and others.

22:27:45 Oct 9th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

*An overwhelming smell comes over the whole room, everybody looks at eachother when suddenly Septim flies from the ceiling.

"Skydiving accident, wasn't spying on you from the ventalation shaft at all, nope, no way...wussup?"

22:37:47 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

Nemesis just declared war :)


22:42:49 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

Relictor ignored all my pm's and messages on msn. no idea why he attacked zeon. but at the end of the era i couldnt be bothered to kick anyone. all the vices and karac would have had to have been informed ect and internal communication has collasped over the last couple of days. and i didnt want a nother Zackira running around tearing *beep* up. but in hindsight i can see someone needed to kick him.

BoW has had a ROYALY *beep* era, which i think you all no lol. cant say im happy about it, dont think anyone is. but things can only get better.... i hope.

23:08:27 Oct 9th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

Blue Dog Anchorite Clarify what blocker you mean.

Chateau Rouge was the blocker that was taken by Zeon.

23:09:27 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Well war in 48h, (47h I guess now).

23:22:37 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Zackira of Strike:

Alright smuff you really piss me off , you know i still have an army in fans it not that big but it can do damage and i could turn it all on you for all i care. And you know what i did left BOW because i try to help the recruiting policy and not accepting anyone when i was still a vice and post something about recruiting on the forum and it just get deleted and anything i wanted to said about the situation and i just had it and you know what you even recruit mr.legend who even attacked zeon and bow WOW.

23:39:42 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

hahaha, oh zackira do you worst. BoWs core is about to be over run so you 500k is really of little concern. my post wasnt flame bait, but if you chose to take offence then be my guest....

and as for you being a vice, karac didnt even want you as a vice. the only reason you got it was cus you winned and winned about it. rofl.

00:05:40 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Doesnt matter at this point Xuaron, too close to end of era to bother with....

But as i tried explaining to other Nemesis leadership, we were under the assumption that Nemesis had no naps with Zeon, just a mutual truce. Then several blockers were opened and then closed once Zeon's hordes were through. The general response i got back was usually "well, they would have burned our blocker anyways."

That is true. But whats has us pissed is nemesis could have taken a stand with allies and told Zeon burn our blocker and go to war with us or find another way around.

Like i said, close to end of era, no use in arguing or debating...but here are 2 examples of how some in nemesis treats allies....

#1. This is a blocker that belonged to a player of ours who has gone semi--inactive....

Mr. Cyber Assassin [Nemes] (10/9/2007 5:20:03 AM) GOOD BAD

hi when yo uare can you contact me i want to get mi army past your gates to the north ...

Then our man gets this....

10:26:26: Cyber Killers lead by Mr. Cyber Assassin attacked and took over Druks. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Gate City. We lost 0 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers and 0 Archmages in the battle.


#2. Here is one of the blockers in question....


00:08:22 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Zackira of Strike:


Dessssst & CO (merged)

Commander:Mr. Kurosaki
Size:Horde (Millions)
Status:Moving North East
Kingdom Banner
Send Mr. Kurosaki a message »

Merged armies:

Owned by Prince Kenobi

Nazzies Paradise
Owned by Mr. Brannigans Law

Owned by Mr. Diomedes

Owned by Sir Coligynerfolka

Tight End
Owned by Duke Borazon

Owned by Mr. Brannigans Law

Owned by Duke Borazon

Owned by Sir Archias

Owned by Mr. Asystole

Owned by Mr. Asystole

Owned by Mr. Brannigans Law

Business Time
Owned by Mr. Tanc

00:13:41 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

pfft, ill have that ANY day of the week lol

00:17:06 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Rumpnissen The Evighetsmaskin:

Lmao at smuff,You can barely had  a real merge this era  never the less your people don't even know how to merge or supply troops to a merge.Who are you trying to fool?yourself?

00:31:34 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

you dont GET sarcasm do you rump? lmao ;)

00:35:25 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Rumpnissen The Evighetsmaskin:

No,I do not have any sarcasm toward any players of BoW Nor the Bow kingdom,though I already had my amusment.

00:36:20 Oct 10th 07 - Sir Fizban:

You know Carnage folk, with friends like Nemesis, who needs enemies? Maybe next era (if you all are secretly around. ;-) ) there'll be a re-evaluation of sorts and you can figure out who your true, honorable friends really are.

00:39:14 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

hang on one sec rump, you lead some of our hords and YOU *beep*ed up with it. maybe if Heero Guy had been in command of it in the first place we might have held out for a bit. so dont come and lecture me about merges lol

00:53:13 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Rumpnissen The Evighetsmaskin:

hords?what hord?you people  never had one i acutally supplyed most of the troops,and heero guy wasn't active enough you know that.And held back?Like i said who are you trying to fool here?and ill lecture you whenever i want and I will do so if I Want.Thankyou,

00:55:36 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Rumpnissen The Evighetsmaskin:

and i acutally bought time to keep carnage busy,I didn't :*beep*" it ungrateful you people are Ahhhh well I got my amusment like  I said.Kurc nor any Vics are active enough to acutally do somthing so please shut the *beep* up.

02:16:18 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Zackira of Strike:

yeah rump is right smuff ..your a farmer so kill building and only all out attacker realy wins in this game

02:41:23 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Wow, now the flaming is getting good, someone pass me the marshmallows!!!


On a serious note, I dont have anything personal against nemesis, no hard feelings really. Most of them have been really nice and fun to talk to. But there are several members in there that need to learn what diplomacy means and learn to think before acting....


Now then what about smuff farming? I hope he has a carnage approved license for whatever he is growing:(

04:39:37 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

Mr. Zackira of Strike


10/9/2007 6:16:18 PM
yeah rump is right smuff ..your a farmer so kill building and only all out attacker realy wins in this game


im pretty sure nemesis is number one here. u can debate they dont farm, but u will lose.

09:24:58 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

zack im not a farmer. lol just shows how much you were playing attention. i have only build 5 citys this era, 1 mine 3 armourys 1 lumer and 1 food (wait that makes six lol oh well)

it also begs the question WHY did you have over 200k troops in our core while we were fighting other kingdoms?

10:14:20 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Now i know what is going on inside BoW, they got a Rabbies virus, after Relictor it is Mr Werewolf that's left BoW and went nuts.

22:23:12 Oct 10th 07 - Lord Yerean:


* Nemesis was probably the worst ally I ever had in any kingdom I was in... But at least they didn't attack us...
* BoW held good at Carb, but underestimated our powers... if they kept sending troops to Carb, I doubt we could have gotten in.... well maybe on Music's side
* Zakira and Rumpnissein, don't brag about yourselves too much, doesn't make you any good...
* Nemesis *REALLY* needs to understand what an ALLIANCE is, and what a CEASE FIRE is. And also everything else...
* Personally, as hard as I tried watching the lgc-nemesis battlefield, I couldn't find any good tactics from Nemesis... only brute force... and suicidal LGC stinky orcs.... pff

(This info was sponsored thanks to the Disband Carnage campaign. If you didn't receive my 2 cents, please ask Seloc, he probably stole them... )

22:49:23 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Verll:

so...whats this ZEON thingie?

04:34:20 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Hi, I know this sort of sounds random, but I read up about a lot of kd's in this thread and what they did this era.

I am a ZEON player, and here is my opinion of how the era went for  each MAJOR kd and how ballsy they all are:

ZEON- We NAP'd a ton of kd's, not very ballsy. Also, a lot of our members farmed. But on a positive note, we eliminated tons of kd's and fought some good fights. Also, we had a short civil war due to Russians.

BOW- Also NAP'd a ton of kd's, and eliminated a ton of kd's. They weren't very honorable on their NAP's, harbored known cheaters, refused to boot players who broke the MAP, and possibly was the most disorganized kd this era, and was constantly plagued by civil war and betrayal. Also, they fought pretty well against Carnage.

Nemisis- Fought a good fight with LGC/DB, but they also NAP'd pretty much every kd other than LGC and DB. On a side note, I have read from Carnage members that they weren't too good on their NAP with Carnage.

Music- Again, they NAP'd a lot of kd's just like BOW and ZEON. They didn't really eliminate many kd's this era, but they were very honorable on their MAP's and didn't have any mass-betrayals.

Carnage- Fought hard against LGC/DB at the start, and only NAP'd them after they both realized that the war was non-beneficial to the both of them. But they did have just as many NAP's and MAP's and BOW, ZEON, and Music. I must say that for a kd with so many members, they were well organized, and fought pretty well.

LGC/DB- I grouped these 2 kd's together because they pretty much function as 1 kd. From what I know, they only had 1 NAP with Carnage, and that was only after a very long war with them. They definitely win my banner of respect for being relatively small in comparison to all every kd they were hostile towards, which was pretty much every kd. From what I heard, they defended very long against that full, undivided attention from the strongest kd in the game, and only really lost because they got screwed over by the admin over a wall. On a side note, I give them massive amounts of respect for having like, pretty much no NAP's, something that was rarely found this era.

PKS/FF- I also grouped these 2 kd's together because they had similar goals. They were MAP'd with Carnage, which is pretty much their defining characteristic. I also have to give both of these kd's credit for being good fighters. Also, I need to give FF credit for being so resilient. After all that FF survived you would think that at some point in the era they would have switched worlds, but they stayed alive and strong.

MAD- I didn't really hear much from this kd this era, so it's hard to have an opinion about them. They were in the heart of the Nemisis core, and I believe that they were NAP'd to Nemisis also. They did well defending against the Carnage alliance, and I think they fought against LGC/DB.

11:21:03 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Oamawt:

Sir Fizban


10/9/2007 4:36:20 PMYou know Carnage folk, with friends like Nemesis, who needs enemies? Maybe next era (if you all are secretly around. ;-) ) there'll be a re-evaluation of sorts and you can figure out who your true, honorable friends really are.


13:03:08 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

LoL, I'm guessing our P% will drop alot these last 57h =)

13:43:39 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Eipoow:

MAD- I didn't really hear much from this kd this era, so it's hard to have an opinion about them. They were in the heart of the Nemisis core, and I believe that they were NAP'd to Nemisis also. They did well defending against the Carnage alliance, and I think they fought against LGC/DB.


We (carnage) didn't fight against them ... :p


14:39:57 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Dreadii:

''and only really lost because they got screwed over by the admin over a wall.''
thats not right

15:31:19 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Kobuskan:

The only thing MAD did was NAP and CF everybody, except DB and LGC, because they where ordered by Nemesis to attack (do or die)

15:45:11 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Sun:

Mr. Kobuskan


10/11/2007 9:31:19 AM
The only thing MAD did was NAP and CF everybody, except DB and LGC, because they where ordered by Nemesis to attack (do or die)


thats pure gold.

15:55:13 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Actually MAD was warring DB long before we joined in and allied them. Around that time LGC NAPed Carnage so it stayed a 2v2 war.

16:00:50 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Army Upkeep: -42,760,832
I've got to stop exploring

16:01:22 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Sun:

Some minor corrections. ;o

1-2 days "long" before nemesis forward armories were set up near us with armies marching down constantly. Around that time DB and LGC napped Carnage.

I said its "pure gold" b/c it is the highlight of this era for KDs to fight db/lgc or die. Think it was still a good show.

16:05:10 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Ok if it was 1-2 days, then by that logic you only warred Carnage for 1-2 days also. Cause MAD was fighting DB from out of protection.

16:06:17 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Eh yea it was a fun war, had some close battles. It was fight or die to us :P.

16:12:48 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Mr. Asystole


10/11/2007 2:55:13 PM
Actually MAD was warring DB long before we joined in and allied them. Around that time LGC NAPed Carnage so it stayed a 2v2 war.

DB/LGC warred Carnage and PKS  immediately out of protection, and MAD a little later. In that time, NMS NAP'ed everybody, explored for a good period of time, then moved on DB's flank, meaning we were outnumbered two to one in KD figures, and a lot more in actual kd percentage (500% from NMS alone, after you had explored). At the point you started flanking DB, we NAP'ed Carnage or else we would of been overwhelmed much sooner.

Call it 2v2 if it gives you that warm feeling in your belly, or want to defend NMS' lack of fighting here. But the actual overall strength following your whoring period and intervention would make it a lot higher, and the time it took you to beat us was pretty embarrassing for a kd who had nobody else to contend with.

16:16:07 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Sun:

@asystole, MAD did not immediately war us OOP, you have been mistaken. it was in the middle of warring carnage did we have 2 ppl check out mad with their armies. mind you they had bigger mines already built when we checked them out, took them a while to get rid of 2 armies lol.

16:18:54 Oct 11th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Swiffers, they had some honor for them to protect to begin with? I didn't realise it...

Also Asy, you've got to be doing some farming over there, few sane people I know would have that much cash in armies alone, and imagine what profit he's probably making. ;-) (Also, probably a 'bulked up' figure with all his mages, cavers, etc. being out of towns.)

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