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Forums / In game politics / Carnage Embassy 2.0.1

Carnage Embassy 2.0.1
13:16:08 Sep 7th 07 - Lord Yerean:

ther's always "rules" to "peace".... did we make any?
no? then there weren't any.

13:17:51 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

then why the fuss on me attacking you?

oh wait, i get it, im not allowed to retaliate.  sorry my fault.

19:42:13 Sep 9th 07 - Lord Echram:

Please do not discuss Real World Politics here. There are enough other places to do that. The picture was simply put there as a little joke towards this whole Twamao/Carnage issue. It was in no way meant to have any meaning towards Real World Politics.

11:21:28 Sep 16th 07 - Mr. Barny:

those flames on that last page were so long... they were more like forest fires...

21:48:07 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Architect:

We need something interesting to talk about...

Ohhhh!!!!  I have an idea!!!!

I, the Architect of Carnage, shall hold in this great land, a contest, drawing upon the skills of masons from east to west, across the great lakes in the north and the ocean(s) of the  far far south.  I call on you masons to step forth with designs for a new Embassy.  This embassy must truly reflect the great majesty of the Carnage name and stand through time as a testament to our fortitude.  Bring forth these designs in the form of picture, whether drawn in paint, or something more interesting like whatever it is that Roxy uses.  All attempts are welcome as long as they are within the bounds that I described above. 

So, heard my creed all you Masons of the land.  Bring these designs within 1 week and the winner shall have Draven as your own for the night.  Get to work then.

22:21:18 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

A can of spam would be a nice symbol:P

22:49:33 Sep 18th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:


22:51:40 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

  • 21:05:10: Osanna lead by Lord Yerean attacked and took over New Wartown. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Tenel. We lost 0 Hobgoblins, 0 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, 480 Mages and 380 Berserkers in the battle.
  • 21:05:10: Our Imperiator failed to defend New Wartown. Osanna lead by Lord Yerean attacked and took over New Wartown. We lost 1 Hobgoblins, 5086 Rockthrowers, 1434 Warlords, 31178 Mages and 32241 Berserkers in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 21:05:10: All troops in Imperiator have died!
  • ouch guys, nice hit.

    23:09:54 Sep 18th 07 - Lord Yerean:

    thank you thank you!
    i guess that's your birthday present for me? sooo nice :D
    thanks a lot Smuff!

    00:27:32 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

    it was like that when i found it.

    i didnt break it. i promis. ;P

    01:23:36 Sep 19th 07 - Sir Helios:

    Hey where is the news about the walls going bye bye right before that?

    *Feels left out*

    08:49:31 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Architect:

    Very Nice Gaius.  I'd say that for the moment you are deffinately winning this heated competition.  :P

    Very nice with the addition of the bouncers and such.

    09:06:41 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

    didnt show any walls going on my news. maybe you missed?

    15:01:59 Sep 19th 07 - Sir Helios:

    Would have been around 21:04:00 your time right before the other message. =)

    We managed to destroy 325 walls in New Wartown, owned by Mr. Smuff[BoW].

    15:53:49 Sep 19th 07 - Sir Zmonev:

    Septim got to much spare time.

    16:05:23 Sep 19th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

    Which explains why I spam :-P

    Thanks for the complement Architect

    19:34:30 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

    32k zerks, big hit. sounds like a fun war!

    23:18:00 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

    not really. we are getting battered all over the park, BoW is too big and Zeon is doing *beep* all ( im not really suppost to say that, but oh f*cking well ;] )

    now i have to start from the begining again, i remember when carnage took out my 60k zerker army back when i was with PHI :) personal vendetta maybe? :P

    13:31:28 Sep 21st 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

    lol Phi ftw :X

    14:33:57 Sep 22nd 07 - Lord Yerean:


    • 00:04:27: Kenny lost a battle against Supefly from Mr. Kobuskan. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters, 0 Cavemasters and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
    • 00:04:27: All troops in Kenny have died!

    15:03:13 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Penguin:


    16:31:24 Sep 22nd 07 - Sir Zmonev:

    noooooooooooooooo Kenny!

    "His soul lives within me now"

    16:34:44 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Penguin:

    so u are something like a mutant that obsorves soldiers souls? :D

    16:44:01 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Love:


    23:35:02 Sep 22nd 07 - Lord Yerean:

    to avenge Kenny, I'm sending a holy crusade against Music.
    this of course will not bring kenny back to us (next era will though!), but at least it will give him honour.
    i can only think so much of Kenny... he lived for just 6 ticks! he was so young and eager to live... but Music cut short his life and will now pay for it!!!

    FOR KENNY!!!!

    10:49:02 Sep 23rd 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

    Kenny had troops inside him?! kinda makes him...a..."person who get's paid for performing sexual acts upon those who pay for it..."

    10:52:16 Sep 23rd 07 - Mr. Rimtas:

    :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D wtf is going in fantasia?

    10:56:09 Sep 23rd 07 - Lord Yerean:

    Kenny was a swordsman you fool!

    11:24:07 Sep 23rd 07 - Mr. Rimtas:

    wtf? :D:D:D

    oh hey architect-ender :D

    11:28:53 Sep 23rd 07 - Mr. Rimtas:


    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Carnage
    Members: 35
    Tag: Havoc
    Created: 2/24/2007 1:42:12 PM
    Leader: Sir Zmonev


    Ãáòîáçåý~<âò¾þ¡õ¦çô»Èáöïãý~ ¼âò¾¼âò¾×åaòånïôaããåðôéîçaððìéãáôéïî¡¡áôtèåmïíåîô®¼âò¾¼âò¾Óïdïîàôaððìùwéô躼âò¾¼âò¾¡¡Ùïõòpòåöéïõ¡¡îáíåó¼âò¾­Pòåöéïõ¡¡ëéîçäïíó¼âò¾¡¡Åøðåòéåîãå¼âò¾¡¡Ôùðåo¡¡ðìáùåò¼âò¾¡¡Íïôéöáôéïî¼âò¾¼¯ð¾¼è²¾Ìåáäåòó¼¯è²¾¼õì¾¼ìé¾¼áhòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Úíïîåö¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾ÓéòZíïîåö¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼áhòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Äéïî¡õõó¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾ÓéòDéïîùóõó¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼áhòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Çõõóêå¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾Íò®Gõõóê弯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼áhòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Åéðïï÷¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾Íò®Eéðïï÷¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼áhòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Åãèòáí¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾Ìïò¡¡Åãèòáí¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼¡¡èòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½ÖïîDáòëíïïò¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõòkéîçäïí¢¾Íò¡¡Öï¡¡Äáòëíïïò¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼¡¡èòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½ÄáîîùBïù¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾ÓéòDáîîùBïù¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼¡¡èòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Âìõ¡¡Äï¡¡Áîãèïòéôå¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõòkéîçäïí¢¾Íò¡¡ÂìõåDïçAîãèïòéô弯ìé¾¼¯õì¾ ¼ãåîôåò¾¼äéöiä½¢áäó¢¾¼âò¾¼áhòåæ½¢ÊáöáÓãòéðôºråôõò¡¡ôòõ廢aããåóóëåù½¢Ã¢téôìå½¢ÁÌ¡¡¡¡Ã¢oîÆïãõó½¢ãìïóå×éîäï÷¨©»¢¾-cìïóå-¼¯á¾¼âò¾ ¼óãòéð¡¡ôùðå½¢ôå¡õ¯êáöáóãòéðô¢¾¼¡­- çïïçìåßáäßãìéåîô="ðõâ­±¸¹±µ±´¶·°²±³²¹±¢» çïïçìåßáìôåòîáôåßáäßõò¡¡¡¡¢èôô𺯯öéóõáì­õôïðéá®ãïí¯áäó®áóð¢; çïïçìåßáäß÷éäô¡¡¡¡´¶¸» çïïçìåßáäßèåéçèô=6°» çïïçìåßáäßæïòíáô="´¶¸ø¶°ßáó¢; çïïçìåßáäßãèáîîå¡¡½¢·³±±´²¹µ´±¢» çïïçìåßðáçåßõò¡¡¡¡äïãõíåîô®ìïãáôéïî» çïïçìåßãïìïòßâïòäå¡¡¡¡¢³³³³³³¢; çïïçìåßãïìïòßâ¡¡¡¡¢²Ä²Æ²Ä¢; çïïçìåßãïìïòßìéî¡¡¡¡¢ÆÆÆÆÆÆ¢; çïïçìåßãïìïòßõòì="¹¹¹¹¹¹¢» çïïçìåßãïìïòßôåø¡¡¡¡¢ÃÃÃÃÃâ; ¯¯­­¾¼¯óãòéðô¾ ¼óãòéð¡¡ôùðå½¢ôå¡õ¯êáöáóãòéðô¢ óòã½¢èôô𺯯ðáçåáä²®çïïçìåóùîäéãáôéïî®ãïí¯ðáçåáä¯óèï÷ßáäó®êó¢¾ ¼¯óãòéðô> ¼¯äéö¾¼¯ãåîôåò> ¼¯äéö¾¼¯ãåîôåò> ¼äéöi佢⢾Ôïôá¡¡Åøåãõô¡¡ôéíå¡¡¡¡óåãïîä󮼯äéö¾ ¼¯âïäù> ¼¯èôíì> ¼óãòéðô¾ æõîãôéïîcìïóå×éîäï÷¨©{ éæ¨÷éîäï÷®ïðåîåò¡¡óåìæ®ãìïó娩 åìóåpáòåîô®äïãõíåîô®çåôÅìåíåîô¡õ䨢òå󢩮ãïì¡¡¡¡¢ª¬°¢» } ¼¯óãòéðô>



    mhm wtf? with chiness?


    13:15:35 Sep 23rd 07 - Lord Echram:

    Your not badass enough to read it:


    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Carnage
    Members: 35
    Tag: Havoc
    Created: 2/24/2007 1:42:12 PM
    Leader: Sir Zmonev



    We are not accepting applications at the moment.

    So don`t apply with:

    - Your previous names
    - Previous kingdoms
    - Experience
    - Type of player
    - Motivation


    14:48:44 Sep 23rd 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

    I am surprised noone has said it yet so i will.....


    "Oh my god they killed kenny!!"

    17:12:52 Sep 23rd 07 - Sir Helios:

    To answer that question up top, Fantasia is one big war zone right now. To my knowledge every KD on the map is actively fighting 1-3 KD's at once.


    20:27:06 Sep 23rd 07 - Mr. Draven:

    /me smacks arch, i just seen the far above post  :P

    21:32:36 Sep 23rd 07 - Mr. Architect:

    what did I do?  I'm innocent I tell ya, INNOCENT!!!  :)

    07:18:33 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:


    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Carnage
    Members: 35
    Tag: Havoc
    Created: 2/24/2007 1:42:12 PM
    Leader: Sir Zmonev



    We are not accepting applications at the moment.

    So don`t apply with:

    - Your previous names
    - Previous kingdoms
    - Experience
    - Type of player
    - Motivation



    i wanted to join too! (only if blue dog is no longer a vice :))

    07:26:50 Sep 24th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

    I guess I won that Embassy design contest...

    09:12:44 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Architect:

    Well Gaius, if you will read the fine print:

    "Bring these designs within 1 week and the winner shall have Draven as your own for the night."

    As of yet, it has only been 5 days.  For all we know someone may have been working on an insane embassy for the past 5 and is waiting to un-veil it within the next 2 days.  We simply don't know, so we must wait.


    Rules are stated above.

    16:04:04 Sep 24th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

    Well, Mr. Draven doesn't sound like all that good of a prize...although I could give him to Swifty...hehehe

    10:57:28 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Shade:

    12:13:35 Sep 29th 07 - Lord Yerean:

    Vieira (Shade),
    upload the image to
    and then link here.

    15:19:42 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Kobuskan:

    I am proud to have killed Kenny, send some more Kenny,s

    16:09:21 Sep 29th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

    Well...I think it has been more than seven days...I WIN!!!

    23:32:22 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:


    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Carnage
    Members: 35
    Tag: Havoc
    Created: 2/24/2007 1:42:12 PM
    Leader: Sir Zmonev


    Ãáòîáçåý~<âò¾þ¡õ¦çô»Èáöïãý~ ¼âò¾¼âò¾×åaòånïôaããåðôéîçaððìéãáôéïî¡¡áôtèåmïíåîô®¼âò¾¼âò¾Óïdïîàôaððìùwéô躼âò¾¼âò¾¡¡Ùïõòpòåöéïõ¡¡îáíåó¼âò¾­Pòåöéïõ¡¡ëéîçäïíó¼âò¾¡¡Åøðåòéåîãå¼âò¾¡¡Ôùðåo¡¡ðìáùåò¼âò¾¡¡Íïôéöáôéïî¼âò¾¼¯ð¾¼è²¾Ìåáäåòó¼¯è²¾¼õì¾¼ìé¾¼áhòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Úíïîåö¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾ÓéòZíïîåö¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼áhòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Äéïî¡õõó¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾ÓéòDéïîùóõó¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼áhòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Çõõóêå¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾Íò®Gõõóê弯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼áhòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Åéðïï÷¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾Íò®Eéðïï÷¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼áhòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Åãèòáí¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾Ìïò¡¡Åãèòáí¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼¡¡èòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½ÖïîDáòëíïïò¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõòkéîçäïí¢¾Íò¡¡Öï¡¡Äáòëíïïò¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼¡¡èòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½ÄáîîùBïù¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõ¡¡ëéîçäïí¢¾ÓéòDáîîùBïù¼¯ìé¾¼ìé¾¼¡¡èòåæ½¢íåóóáçåß÷òéôå®áóð¿óåîäôï½Âìõ¡¡Äï¡¡Áîãèïòéôå¦óõâêåãô½Ùïõòkéîçäïí¢¾Íò¡¡ÂìõåDïçAîãèïòéô弯ìé¾¼¯õì¾ ¼ãåîôåò¾¼äéöiä½¢áäó¢¾¼âò¾¼áhòåæ½¢ÊáöáÓãòéðôºråôõò¡¡ôòõ廢aããåóóëåù½¢Ã¢téôìå½¢ÁÌ¡¡¡¡Ã¢oîÆïãõó½¢ãìïóå×éîäï÷¨©»¢¾-cìïóå-¼¯á¾¼âò¾ ¼óãòéð¡¡ôùðå½¢ôå¡õ¯êáöáóãòéðô¢¾¼¡­- çïïçìåßáäßãìéåîô="ðõâ­±¸¹±µ±´¶·°²±³²¹±¢» çïïçìåßáìôåòîáôåßáäßõò¡¡¡¡¢èôô𺯯öéóõáì­õôïðéá®ãïí¯áäó®áóð¢; çïïçìåßáäß÷éäô¡¡¡¡´¶¸» çïïçìåßáäßèåéçèô=6°» çïïçìåßáäßæïòíáô="´¶¸ø¶°ßáó¢; çïïçìåßáäßãèáîîå¡¡½¢·³±±´²¹µ´±¢» çïïçìåßðáçåßõò¡¡¡¡äïãõíåîô®ìïãáôéïî» çïïçìåßãïìïòßâïòäå¡¡¡¡¢³³³³³³¢; çïïçìåßãïìïòßâ¡¡¡¡¢²Ä²Æ²Ä¢; çïïçìåßãïìïòßìéî¡¡¡¡¢ÆÆÆÆÆÆ¢; çïïçìåßãïìïòßõòì="¹¹¹¹¹¹¢» çïïçìåßãïìïòßôåø¡¡¡¡¢ÃÃÃÃÃâ; ¯¯­­¾¼¯óãòéðô¾ ¼óãòéð¡¡ôùðå½¢ôå¡õ¯êáöáóãòéðô¢ óòã½¢èôô𺯯ðáçåáä²®çïïçìåóùîäéãáôéïî®ãïí¯ðáçåáä¯óèï÷ßáäó®êó¢¾ ¼¯óãòéðô> ¼¯äéö¾¼¯ãåîôåò> ¼¯äéö¾¼¯ãåîôåò> ¼äéöi佢⢾Ôïôá¡¡Åøåãõô¡¡ôéíå¡¡°®°²såãïîä󮼯äéö> ¼¯âïäù> ¼¯èôíì> ¼óãòéðô¾ æõîãôéïîcìïóå×éîäï÷¨©{ éæ¨÷éîäï÷®ïðåîåò¡¡óåìæ®ãìïó娩 åìóåpáòåîô®äïãõíåîô®çåôÅìåíåîô¡õ䨢òå󢩮ãïì¡¡¡¡¢ª¬°¢» } ¼¯óãòéðô>


    what is this , kinda *beep* , but it's a normal thing for carnage , they are the *beep*s , they took the title by the sowrd of *beep*ing

    11:32:14 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Shade:

    11:42:47 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Dreadii:

    ZEON air pollutor scum they should die

    15:33:21 Sep 30th 07 - Lord Yerean:

    gimme a month and I'll make you a kickas embassy :)

    07:37:05 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Architect:

    do it.

    15:22:21 Oct 1st 07 - Lord Yerean:

    Done... took just 2 hours... so not really a serious work... could be much better... but am not feeling like it now..
    1. The magic tower is still a bit "cold", after all the Freezes it's been casting.
    2. The temple of the Holy Doughtnut
    3. The Temple of the Holy Monkey
    4. Sorry, the rest of the 50k nazzies are still in the basement...
    5. Since no GOOD beer was found in fantasia, we were forced to make our own, to offer to our guests.. Sorry for the pollution, we're still working on a way to make it into usable power... 6. We need some oil to open the gates, so forgive us if we don't!!!

    15:42:08 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

    lol, nice;)

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