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Forums / In game politics / Eternity

14:18:56 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Twister:

Well, there can hardly be any rules at war, honorable or not... and if angels are in need to grab onto straws, then you shouldn't condemn them for it - them little Angel boys and girls with wings on their back only have Cupid's bows and arrows on them, and their funky little arrows could hardly do much damage anywayz, so they're forced into scare-tactics to stay alive on Mantrax... ;)
I am interested however, Blunky, - you left the Angels, who will you be joining now - the Devils? - hoping for honorable play from Hell? :D Real life is far from perfect, and Visual Utopia is not above imperfection either... ;)

14:34:37 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Blunky:

I wasn't condemning them for it I was merely stating that in my opinion it was a dishonourable tactic and I did not wish to be associated with it.

15:13:28 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

who cares lets JUST FIGHT

18:00:50 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Dark, this has nothing to do with preds.

18:11:25 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:


20:37:38 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Booyah Peeps Sacred Warrior:

Mr.Blunky it was a mistake on our part for that i am srry but i wasnt on when these talks went on so i could do nothin to stop them. I know it was unhonorable and am saddened by it I wish  it never happened but now their with eternity and they are allies so its pointless to continue.

Angels has now payed the price for its unhonorable act with a traitor in our core.  This is Eternity's thread so no posting anythin to do with him here.

Back to the predators war i so think eternity is gonna win go eternity even though i dont know if its started yet.

21:02:42 Aug 29th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

lol, how will eternaty win ?

21:10:47 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Booyah Peeps Sacred Warrior:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Eternity
Members: 18
Tag: E
Created: 8/20/2007 5:20:08 PM
Leader: Ms. Selkirka


dont underestimate the space nipple it will win just because its awsome like that and no man can resist its influence!!!!!!!!!!!

22:34:40 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Ignoring the space nipple reference and some slight incidents of spamming, I am rather pleased with the conduct in this thread :)

lets see, up dates on politics:

WAR: Preds
           Arkantos (self declared)

PredsPredators33Mr. Rix499

EEternity19Ms. Selkirka100

keep in mind we are gaining new members 1 since last time and that some of our members have just restarted (having been killed in another kd) so most of this is growth. Don't worry, actual war is on its way.

16:33:58 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Killer:

Wow, look at the speed:
PredsPredators33Mr. Rix496
EEternity19Ms. Selkirka100

Gaining very quickly : - )  Preds will soon be only 495% power.

01:57:04 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Razios:

first actually evidence were gaining on them is the 20k army disappearing from our wall :)

18:17:57 Aug 31st 07 - Sir Jack Frost:


Commander: Mr. Dakarius
Kingdom: Eternity
Size: Brigade (Around 5000)
Status: Moving North
Kingdom Banner
Send Mr. Dakarius a message »

Eye in the sky results brought by Mr. Mercury 1 hours ago:
Casting Eye in the sky from Settling upon Rawr with 92% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Rawr from Mr. Dakarius[E]:
Rawr from Mr. Dakarius

If this is the best you have, we aren't frightened....

19:24:02 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

nah, dak's best armies always have 'dragon' in the title! and he has more than one dragon title for his armies, im guessing thats his 5th or 6th best!

19:30:53 Aug 31st 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

I vote for preds to dominate mantrax this era and for dak to die multiple times because he has too much of an ego.

20:55:33 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

but, he is cute when he talks all powerful ;)

21:46:52 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Deadly Doughnut:

I second Lewatha.  He deserves to die many many times.

23:21:49 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Reznor:

I third that!!Die Dak Die!!!!=]

00:27:15 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Razios:

We all want Dak to die because of his huge ego but I hate Frosty over there more. I know ur not frightened of Dak but I know you're frightened of... THISSS! *takes out a hair drier* feel the power of heat!

00:30:36 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

ye die dak die, too bad dr dosnt get to party with preds this era :(

03:53:31 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Men:

and if raz doesnt scare you, i know Mr. Men does!!

dude dont mess, you are all so unorganised its unbeleiveable, have you like designated 2 members to our kingdom, are you seriously gonna underestimate us that much?!?

06:16:45 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Tooty:


That's it I'm moving south to kick your ass. talking like your hard or something. Keep in mind that we are attacking well... TC, allies, BW and now we are attacking AoA and CON aww wait and YOU. All this with just 3 vice and 1 leader. unorganised? we don't even need to order that much since or members know what they are doing.

Predator wasn't born yesterday... aww wait eternity was lol

Vice of Predator

ps we are attacking Holy too... Easy

06:41:34 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I'm not that arrogant :( (selkie makes sure of that)

12:39:19 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Men:

oh man, stop acting like your lgc, your players dont know what theyre doing, youve just got alot more players and have been farming for alot more time!

since ive got here on this world the only kds with power are eternity, preds and i think angels, som dont act like your at war with everyone cos theyre all *beep*

13:32:07 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Tooty:

Did I say everyone? and they aren't *beep* they are doing the best they can. AND predator  didn't actually came here and say we are the best. All I can see is some little boy like you saying predator is unorganised when we aren't. beside I want to see you guys fighting with 7 KDs and then we can see who is unorganised.

look at you... some guy from some weak KD trying to make my members look like a *beep*:
"your players dont know what theyre doing"
actually yes they do, crushing you guys and 6 other KDs?


Vice of Predator

14:42:00 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Men:

btw, i called them *beep*t, not nubs!

and your kingdom has had it easy all era, no big challenges cos all the other main mantrax kingdoms had to go to fantasia! eternity are the only other kd with any class, and they started so much later, were playing catch up!

and i know you didnt say your the best, but its what you lot are thinking, and its annoying, youre not great, you are just advantaged

15:11:34 Sep 1st 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

lol, late ?

I sthat why pred started a week late last era & ended up 2nd ?

G3t @ life Men.

15:25:30 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Mantrax differs in difficulty from era to era. It also depends on placement.

19:37:17 Sep 1st 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

i wil agree with you there, this era has been somewhat boring for us...

19:59:34 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Men:

there ya go, exactly what i was saying, eternity wasnt there last era, so i couldnt give a *beep* how well you did!

00:05:31 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Tooty:

Men I can say lots of things about our self to make you smaller KDs look stupid but I won't because I know this is a game and everyone's enjoying it. I'm going to ignore your posts from now on since you don't seem to know this is a game and some of the KDs are better than others, that the way every game is and this is. So what if we think we are the best in mant? thats because we are at the moment and we don't care if you started after us we are still 4 times stronger. It's not like we think we are the best looking guys in VU too... lol like blonde girls =P

Vice of Predator

01:20:26 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Razios:

Aren't you the guy LW stepped on, wiped off and fed to the wolves last era? the DR guy? and if needed TC to help you beat the so called 'lesser' kd aren't we the better? I know most of these player as second generation Preds not the better first generation.

Mr. Tooty


9/1/2007 8:32:07 AM
Did I say everyone? and they aren't *beep* they are doing the best they can. AND predator  didn't actually came here and say we are the best. All I can see is some little boy like you saying predator is unorganised when we aren't. beside I want to see you guys fighting with 7 KDs and then we can see who is unorganised.

look at you... some guy from some weak KD trying to make my members look like a *beep*:
"your players dont know what theyre doing"
actually yes they do, crushing you guys and 6 other KDs?


Vice of Predator

Obviously you didn't see LW killing you last era. We didn't have any NAPs unlike you of course, and yet we were beating Preds back. Obviously my trusted friend Trynton has made you more braver with his tactics. Don't call us a weak kd seeing that you haven't fought us yet. You are a farmer like MOST of Preds (didn't say all). Because I haven't seen a single army from you. You aren't destroying us and you never will. You're only hope is a spy and I know Trynton is noble enough not to stoop to that level. No more flaming, settle this in the battlefield.

01:45:45 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I'd been wondering who Tooty is. Still don't know.
@ Preds, this kingdom might have been recently formed, but many of us have been together before ;) don't underestimate.

01:55:26 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Men:

yeah Jesters, Wooh, in-seperable!!

02:35:25 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Tooty:

@ rezios what the hell are you talking about? I've never been in DR and I did get in LW's core and burn 3-4 big cities. Actually LW didn't kill us, they could of but they didn't so no I didn't see them killing me.

and for people who keep saying am a farmer and they haven't seen me... well? I'm in north of the map it will take another 30 days for my scout to just get there so I can make an armoury in south. I actually haven't had a chance to talk to Trynton yet so no I was always brave haha =P. since you guys think you know everything about preds well I'll show you something you've never seen. Me thorn and massive will be there soon.

DUDE what the hell i wrong with you guys? the only risen (dont know how to spell it =s) am here is because I saw you guys calling us weak. I didn't come here to say we are the best.

And we are NOT underestimate anyone? where did you get that?

Vice of Predator

02:59:21 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I could be wrong, but  don't think you were ever called weak. Weak couldn't conquer a world-any world. However I believe (personal oppinion) that Eternity is stronger. Now if you guys win I will smile, say good job, and continue the strengthening of this kd.

16:32:21 Sep 2nd 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

@Razios, f.y.i we have only a nap with our old friends Ldk and Legion, Not Tc-In fact we have more or less killed them-Get your facts stright next time...

@Dakarius,I see you are honorable and for that i wish you all the best of luck in future era's ;-))

-Sir Jack Frost

Lord of the fork.

17:16:39 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Men:

lmao, dak honorable?? jk

*hugs dak*

20:22:59 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Tooty:

*looks at men*

tooty: you *beep*?

lol joking.

21:33:28 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Men:

im confident in my sexuality

03:34:58 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Tooty:

=O really?

Everyone quick push your back side to the wall!!!


00:21:02 Sep 4th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

HAHA everyone look what Mr men has in his army... you must be joking...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from Mr. Men

00:35:54 Sep 4th 07 - Mr. Men:

army? i have more than one....and our ex member just quit and RoF'd me!

01:02:26 Sep 4th 07 - Mr. Deadly Doughnut:

That's not a horrible army.  Sure it's not going to be knocking down any 90k's any time soon, but it could still go places.

01:09:39 Sep 4th 07 - Mr. Men:

my armys going to Hollywood baby!

17:32:54 Sep 4th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

but why lvl one's and two's? 

18:04:31 Sep 4th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

dunno maybe hes smoking somthing

19:57:54 Sep 4th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

or they are leftover from earlier this era............... 50 lvl 2's is really not something to laugh at, it happens all the time. its like asking why there are ghosts in scouts at the end of the era.

19:59:36 Sep 4th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

lol, because 1 Rider is as useless as 1 Ghost.

20:27:07 Sep 4th 07 - Mr. Wraith:

Men I said I would test you. And I needed a way to get rid of 4000 mages. That was the easiest.

01:02:03 Sep 5th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

E players dont lie our member mercury ROFed your "merged army" Ye nice army.. MY ASS lol

E is getting owned nicely now they will be dead soon with that small core. see when you guys show no respect when you fight us we wont show any respct any time soon.

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