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Forums / In game politics / FATE TO BREAK RELATIONS

19:11:31 Feb 13th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

also i am not oblivious to the actions of my kingdom and IF the walls to that single city were opened it would have only lead to more of my kingdoms blocker. MAD obviously hasnt attacked us for a reason and they still havent. So now istead of that army just moving up the borders out of our control where he may just trot into HiV Territory he is now stuck inside a zone where he will have to waste 80 ticks heading south and then back north to get to HiV. Other wise he would have made it much sooner.

also every time you make a post (Glad) i feel like everyone gets a little bit dumber for have reading it:

@ Uther - with every post you make you are re-confirming you don't know much about what Fed players are doing. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to pick a fight with you, I am only showing VU KDs what's the hidden face of Federation (under your leadership), in the nicest way possible. And I am doing that by posting real facts.

Im sorry but i just dont see how Acid and Base mixture here has come out to give you water and salt. You are not making sense and you are contradicting yourself.

The second you even said anything foul towards me or my kingdom then it became personal. Also i did think that you and i were friends Glad and for the first time in awhile i was wrong to even think so.

I kicked BL from my kingdom and we still chat it up... Hell im even using my graphic design skill to make the new banner for his Anti-federation kingdom.

Though you really dont have any reason to not be my friend, other then the fact that we took a city from a kd-less that you were feeding off of.


my bad, were we supposed to let you cheat?


01:36:50 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

Get of your high horses Fate. If it wasnt for this msg. then maybe i would have believed all your honour crap, You are just buying in an exuse for waring federation.  

Message From Sir Shadowssky


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Sir Shadowssky (2/12/2010 4:33:58 AM)GOODBAD
can u CW on Taiel Head so i can pass.
You (2/12/2010 4:51:30 AM)
nah. Your own mistake for napping bow.
Sir Shadowssky (2/12/2010 5:02:28 AM)GOODBAD
you guys have war with them so if u do it won't cost any trouble, i just want my army to pass.

01:41:45 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


o shit

01:47:59 Feb 14th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Hehe, he was trying to pull a Hanky! :P  Where did that lil fella wander off to anyways, haven't seen him in awhile :(

01:50:57 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

yeah, and he is new in fate, so is stu btw. He joined this era as one of the traitors. Why not let the new guys deside the backbones of the kd morale and see if it is worth arguing over ?

01:58:24 Feb 14th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Uther, next time I'll get map copies and post them; I didn't think I'll go so deep in this matter - this is the only way you can be dealt with;

01:58:49 Feb 14th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Uther, next time I'll get map copies and post them; I didn't think I'll go so deep in this matter - this is the only way you can be dealt with;

02:10:50 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Dead right Gladiatorul

you gotta be prepared when trying to deal with me


Hope you guys end the era off well

02:33:46 Feb 14th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

Yep Deno, that's exactly the same situation *rolls eyes*

02:49:18 Feb 14th 10 - Mr. Pantheon Alive:

Alright already!

02:51:53 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

Yeah the difference is that when Federation members just cw, your guys get racist. 

[3:43:29 AM] Rimtautas/Penguin says: yo paki
[3:43:32 AM] Rimtautas/Penguin says: open up
[3:43:46 AM] AaMIR says: (finger)
[3:45:22 AM] Rimtautas/Penguin says: just open theos leg and taiel head

02:56:19 Feb 14th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

Well, that's Penguin for you ..

03:01:14 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

no actually. When he contact one of our members with a request, that is Fate to me. Whatever player it is dosnt matter. 

03:13:23 Feb 14th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

Then your member should be less of an idiot and do 2 things:

1. NOT open the gate
2. Contact us and let us know so we can sort it out :p

Doesn't take a genius to work that out...

03:20:20 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

Yeah thats my point. You are blaming Stu for the actions of federations. It is all about responsebility. You never know what your members are doing when you arent micromanaging to the bone. apperantly it takes a few examples to work out. 

03:22:35 Feb 14th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

Yes and the difference between what you've just told me and Stu, is that he did it twice AND the leadership was notified after the first instance of CWing. They -chose- to do nothing about it.

03:52:50 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

about the And the leadership notificaiton. I notified you about the Shadowski insident the day before the Pengu insidident. It didnt stop you from trying again eihter. I am not saying we are better or worse. Just that the entire argumentation is junk to begin wtih. 

04:21:53 Feb 14th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

Yes and that's being dealt with. Was Penguin supposed to magically read my mind halfway round the world to know what Shadow had done? (he should know better in the first place though). Or do you suggest we post every tiny political detail on our forums for the entire KD to read and comment on?

04:40:36 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

First of all i did send him message telling him to build an armory ont he other side outside of your territory and he did this, though he did not recieve my message on not doing it again. Whether it was lost in the endless stack of messages or he deleted it while clearing his message i dont know, but i took the right procedure after the incident.

i dont know why people cant just understand that shit happens.

04:46:20 Feb 14th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

nothing to do with breaking relations, but seems fate hasnt a bit of honor. least not the one who ordered my death.

im on starta, was told as long as i keep my gates shut so rvl cant run on a certain part i wont be touched. i do so.

then i get a message saying they found out im ex dom and i must be killed. this funny as ive been here for long enough to make a huge city from start. yet just now they wish to kill me.

no offense, but me having to leave just to stay alive proves you already won. dom is dead and im a kdless guy trying to sit era out for now.

hopefully rvl can hold you off until end of era.

05:04:59 Feb 14th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

The "shit happens" argument got him the free pass for the first time, Uther.

For him to be "allowed" to do it again, with no consequences from within his own KD, leaves it for us to deal with. You chose not to boot him from your KD, so now you have to live with how that affects your KD.

05:12:56 Feb 14th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

for once, i agree with ademo :P

05:21:23 Feb 14th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

Good lord.. First sign of the apocalypse?? :D

05:23:18 Feb 14th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

it must be! we are closer to 2012 than we all realized! :O

least we get to watch uther go first ;)

05:38:08 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

no seriously. The first time was done out of impulse because there were no terms for the agreement of our other then do not build in the core and dont tick eachother off.

We though

hmmm 40 walls wont tick anyone off, also we built on the edge of your core.

The second time had a legitimate reason because he never recieved my word on not to do it again and last time i check my men do not follow Fates orders but mine, and if they dont receive word then they have been trained to continue as they were. In this case my message was deleted by accident and he never received it so it more more then a legit accident and i even said this to your leaders. I just think all of your kingdoms farmers were just looking for some action and we were an answer to how to end the boredom.

05:39:05 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Had this been when you guys had more wars earlier in the era you guys wouldn't have even double took on the situation but because you had next to nothing on your plate you guys actually did something

06:03:31 Feb 14th 10 - Ms. Black Mamba:

"but seems fate hasnt a bit of honor."

What's this "honor" thing that you speak of?

06:05:49 Feb 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

rofl Mamba

06:13:31 Feb 14th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

something no one has but some thing you do :P

07:14:03 Feb 14th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Lord Deno Pan


21:20:20 Feb 13th 10 Yeah thats my point. You are blaming Stu for the actions of federations. It is all about responsebility. You never know what your members are doing when you arent micromanaging to the bone. apperantly it takes a few examples to work out.

I think you're missing something here...we're not saying ohhhh, Federation is evil, Federation are d*cks, was an incident, sh|t happens, and we have to respond mostly because our NAPs were involved.  We still think Federation are good peeps.  We understand it probably will not happen a third time, as Stu (hopefully) understands that CWing a no-touchy/NAP is bad.  We didn't create this thread saying Stu is a b@st@rd.  As far as we were concerned, it was an Ooops, and we all had moved on with what needed to be done.  I think as far as Fate is concerned, t his matter is largely closed.  Time to move on.

07:16:01 Feb 14th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

General Maximus Decimus Meridius


22:46:20 Feb 13th 10

nothing to do with breaking relations, but seems fate hasnt a bit of honor. least not the one who ordered my death.

No, you lied to Knigh telling him you were not in Domination.  Just today I let him know that you were lying out your @rse and that you were indeed a Domination player that had merely dropped tags.  Lesson learned, do not lie to people to save your own @rse.

11:56:39 Feb 14th 10 - Mr. Dalak The Dodgy Gynaecologist:

Sorry I cant resist.. :)

So a couple of our members asking (all be it rudely in one case) for blockers to be opened is the SAME as CW a blocker twice?

What a load of crap.

And for the record I think that Uther is a 'stand up' guy. He has shown good grace despite what has happened. I will humbly disagree with one thing he said though. It wouldn't have mattered if you had CWed in the middle of the era or at the end. The result would be the same. Either way goodluck mate.

12:28:13 Feb 14th 10 - Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer:

Lord Deno Pan


07:36:50 Feb 14th 10

Get of your high horses Fate. If it wasnt for this msg. then maybe i would have believed all your honour crap, You are just buying in an exuse for waring federation.  

I think you have severely misconceived the situation, Deno.

I think it is obvious that if any Fate player were to ask any member of HIV to do any action that would constitute a NAP break or an unethical action on their part, feel free to absolutely tell them "NO", and say why.

On the other hand, Stu has already CWed us TWICE (and spiced up the situation by being a smart arse). With regards the first CW, we already sent Uther a warning. When the second CW happened, it is a declaration of war. We asked Federation to kick Stu. Federation refused. Thus, they show their intention to stick by Stu. Fine. It becomes a kingdom to kingdom affair then.

If any Fate player were to actually CW a city of any of our NAP partners, you would find 7 Fate vices pushing each other out of the way to be the quickest to kick that offending player from the kingdom.

Ultimately, your argument and interference into this matter is seriously flawed. I don't even know where you plucked the "honour crap highhorse" thing from - feel free to point out where Fate has been talking about honour in this thread... (I thought we were talking more about stupidity than anything...).

As a matter of fact, I wonder what would your own PERSONAL reaction be if the same thing was done to your kingdom (i.e. 2 CWs and smart arse message). I would personally put alot of money on you personally initiating war on behalf of your kingdom even faster than when Fate did.

12:45:29 Feb 14th 10 - Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer:

Lord Uther Pendragon


11:38:08 Feb 14th 10
no seriously. The first time was done out of impulse because there were no terms for the agreement of our other then do not build in the core and dont tick eachother off.

We though

hmmm 40 walls wont tick anyone off, also we built on the edge of your core.

The second time had a legitimate reason because he never recieved my word on not to do it again and last time i check my men do not follow Fates orders but mine, and if they dont receive word then they have been trained to continue as they were. In this case my message was deleted by accident and he never received it so it more more then a legit accident and i even said this to your leaders. I just think all of your kingdoms farmers were just looking for some action and we were an answer to how to end the boredom. 
Lord Uther Pendragon


11:39:05 Feb 14th 10
Had this been when you guys had more wars earlier in the era you guys wouldn't have even double took on the situation but because you had next to nothing on your plate you guys actually did something

LOL! What you say here is hilarious, Uther :)

We have plenty of enemies left to contend with without having to war Federation :) I even questioned whether we would be able to win a war with Federation with our armies spread out over 6 maps, but we decided that ultimately, we needed to make a stand on this issue and scaled back on our engagements in other theaters.

Also, as Adakis pointed out, there were some calls to actually war Federation after the first CW was done (even among the vices, the majority actually "already" voted for war). Somehow, we managed to "settle" the matter...

... until the second CW happened. 

14:59:29 Feb 14th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

You (2/10/2010 4:09:47 PM)
hey im a kdless guy in the general area you are and i see you taking cities, just wondering who all you taking out (if im a target)
Mr. Knigh The Notorious (2/10/2010 4:47:05 PM) GOOD BAD
arent u ex music?
You (2/10/2010 4:48:42 PM)
no im not.
Mr. Knigh The Notorious (2/10/2010 5:13:58 PM) GOOD BAD
wats kd were u in
Mr. Knigh The Notorious (2/10/2010 5:18:25 PM) GOOD BAD
ah i see ur General Zondervan, hmmm i'll leave ur cities outta respect for ur name, dont take anyting from me tho, if im ordered to take em i will give u a heads up first
You (2/10/2010 8:38:52 PM)
sounds good, just incase ill spam some troops in some cities.

im just looking to chill



please do show where i lied??? i believe ANYONE can show i didnt lie. seriously. he asked but before i could tell he said he would leave me alone. please know what the hell you are talking about first.

15:09:58 Feb 14th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

also, yes he did inform me i was to be killed. i have nothing against him.

16:25:48 Feb 14th 10 - Clan Elder Mcfyatt:

Careful! He must have the long lost "Official VU Handbook on NAP Breaking" because he seems to KNOW that it is a minor offense and you are all wrong!

/me runs

King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod

I love that post - does that mean that whoever conquers the last city of Stu is to retrieve that artifact?

Where are those cities???


16:48:02 Feb 14th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

General Maximus Decimus Meridius


08:59:29 Feb 14th 10

You (2/10/2010 4:09:47 PM)
hey im a kdless guy in the general area you are and i see you taking cities, just wondering who all you taking out (if im a target)
Mr. Knigh The Notorious (2/10/2010 4:47:05 PM) GOOD BAD
arent u ex music?
You (2/10/2010 4:48:42 PM)
no im not.
Mr. Knigh The Notorious (2/10/2010 5:13:58 PM) GOOD BAD
wats kd were u in
Mr. Knigh The Notorious (2/10/2010 5:18:25 PM) GOOD BAD
ah i see ur General Zondervan, hmmm i'll leave ur cities outta respect for ur name, dont take anyting from me tho, if im ordered to take em i will give u a heads up first
You (2/10/2010 8:38:52 PM)
sounds good, just incase ill spam some troops in some cities.

im just looking to chill



please do show where i lied??? i believe ANYONE can show i didnt lie. seriously. he asked but before i could tell he said he would leave me alone. please know what the hell you are talking about first.

I see no Vice in this convo. /discussion

16:51:09 Feb 14th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

i have nothing wrong with you wanting to kill me, but doesnt no one in dim restarting and people leaving show you already won.

i simply wished to sit this out for end of era scoring.

and i like how you dont say anything about the lieing part.

zond out, bye city whore ;)

16:51:32 Feb 14th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

General Maximus Decimus Meridius


09:09:58 Feb 14th 10 also, yes he did inform me i was to be killed. i have nothing against him.

If you didn't, wtf was the point of your first post saying he had no honor?  If you had just done the smart thing and talked to a Vice (such as Dalak on the same screen!), would not be a problem.  Knigh has no more power than me or the man on the moon to speak for Fate.  Neither of us knows all the information in any situation, and as such have no final say.  We have great Vices, they are nice 'n friendly and all cuddly, feel free to msg them, they dun hard :)

16:55:04 Feb 14th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

i didnt say he had no honor :P i said the one who order my death!

i could be a mean person and tell someone to take my cities :(

17:02:52 Feb 14th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

You may pronounce him guilty a thousand times over, but the goddess of the eternal court of history will smile and tear to tatters the brief of the state prosecutor and the sentence of this court, for she acquits us
Condemn him
Condemn him
Condemn him
History will absolve
Singing "this will be the day that he die".

18:38:46 Feb 14th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

As far as I know, no one has messaged "Ordering your death"; simply said you are still in the "yes" pile for hitting.  Once you start a war, until you message a leader, you stay in it.  That's all there is to it.  Does that mean someone is aiming straight for you?  No.  Simply means, you're in the "yes" pile until you message someone that can take you off it, or era ends.  We will not hit all of the "yes"s before era end.

If you or anyone else that has been in war with us this era and would like to discuss  not being on the "yes" pile, here is the list of people to contact:


Do not bother messaging me either.  I have no authority to tell anyone to specifically attack you or not to attack you.  As long as a Vice knows that you are agreeing not to hit Fate any more, they usually always accept a surrender.  Without knowing you will not attack anyone why would they not leave you on the "acceptable to hit" pile?

19:04:03 Feb 14th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

happy, i messaged someone :) am i allowed the wait for reply? or does it not matter :P

02:28:15 Feb 15th 10 - Duke Jictelious The Younger:

Whoa people, don't highjack this thread!  This thread is strictly about flaming Fate!

Personally, I'm thankful Stu cast CW on our walls.  You see, the peasant who rebuilt them is a cousin of mine, and he got a nice contract for it.  He retired early and is vacationing somewhere in the mountains of Starta right now.  Crushing walls is good for the economy!  We can't blame Stu for trying to provide jobs, can we?

08:53:02 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Vapor The Bloodthirsty:



topic pls... all this other stuff is boring.

04:07:47 Feb 16th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Yes it is quite boring...

The eras need to be made shorter. It would give people more of a reason to war rather then farm, and bogus junk wouldn't be brought up in the forum even though one of these hate posts was made by me so this thread could be saved for Fate. Gladiators dont deserve to be mentioned on the same thread :P

04:24:09 Feb 16th 10 - Endless Spankings The Naughty:

86 hours of spanking left!!!!, how can people be bored and not spanking? :(

10:33:15 Feb 16th 10 - Sir Medusa of The Red Hairs Lover:

it is a spank or be spanked era out there.

17:50:07 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Bkob:

i blame "the man." "the man" intercepted the message to stu. then notified all the other kingdoms that it is time to attack the feds and kick them off the top 5. :) dont worry next era ill be the bad cop. while uther plays good cop. lol this bs wont happen again. ill lay down the law.

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