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Forums / In game politics / FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness

FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness
18:21:17 Nov 14th 12 - Zond (Mr. Coolio):


One less to fight :P

19:47:18 Nov 14th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):

21:08:34 Nov 14th 12 - Dragon (Sir Black Dragon):


that is just funny

06:41:04 Nov 15th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Rawrfaic):


Anyways. I'm next to The Silver Flame of the Golden Frozen Paladin's Order or whatever the hell. And I tried to NAP them.
No response. wtfbitch

03:45:07 Nov 16th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

Message from Electric Phenomena

Just want you to know

You (11/15/2012 8:44:40 PM)
your a sexy beast

05:53:21 Nov 16th 12 - Mr. Nice Pot of Irish Stew:

WOW... so many posts in an era thread its just mind blowing..

20:41:12 Nov 16th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

I would like to request that someone put Slaves on the market, i will buy them all no matter the price.

23:01:12 Nov 16th 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

Sold some, have a lookout on the market if u wanna catch them!

01:12:42 Nov 17th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

I only got 3... :(

07:20:49 Nov 17th 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

Didnt say I was selling more than that :P

08:24:52 Nov 17th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

its like you took all my hopes and dreams wrapped them in a ball and punt'ed it off a cliff.

18:36:12 Nov 18th 12 - Zond (Sir Inflatable Car Bed):

Mm Seems I may have finally been killed. Or at least soon i will. 

07:42:28 Nov 19th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

sorry to hear that Zond.

07:45:10 Nov 19th 12 - Zond (Mr. Horus Beater):

Yeah i died, but i left a surprise ;) 

08:01:23 Nov 19th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

11:46:44 Nov 19th 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

Yes, Zond left a surprise. 

He called him Apeiron, defender of the meek and destroyer of the unworthy.

Apeiron shalt reek havok upon those whom have slaughtered Zondervan.

13:23:35 Nov 19th 12 - Mr. Hodor The Adventurer:


15:33:29 Nov 19th 12 - heroix (Mr. Unicorn The Rapist):

So... City name, several armies from the same person plundering it - we got some dirty tactics here.

15:42:24 Nov 19th 12 - Mr. Fordius:

Lol that city belong to Zondy who was fighting Relentless.

He than natived it as he was being overrun by them.

Not sure what dirty tactics you refer to?

16:18:35 Nov 19th 12 - heroix (Mr. Heroix):

Ok. Did think it was Relentless who natived it.

00:06:26 Nov 20th 12 - Zond (The For The):

I think hes referring to the farmers i spammed, which turned into slingers when i natived it like a boss. 

00:24:35 Nov 20th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

hahaha you deserve a medal nice.

12:39:58 Nov 20th 12 - Mr. Bounce II:

cant u guys read he think relent is plundering it (repetedly). but to know that for shure u would have to prep on the city and see its defences.. dont accuse without making shure its true

13:48:17 Nov 20th 12 - Mr. Dragonfly:

Bounce seriously what are you talking about?

you tell us that we can't read yet you seem to compleetly ignore the fact that the city is natived so no point plundering them :D


16:01:56 Nov 20th 12 - Mr. Bounce II:

wow gee I never tried plundering a native town how stupid am I 

19:21:45 Nov 20th 12 - Electric (Mr. James Doakes):


20:08:42 Nov 20th 12 - Mr. Bounce II:

another illiterate agreeing with my question.

20:32:13 Nov 20th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

No I was agreeing to how stupid you are O.o

22:25:37 Nov 20th 12 - Mr. Warlock:

I see slaves being sold, and ppl trolling in here they needed slaves? Doubt it ;)

22:43:14 Nov 20th 12 - Mr. Bounce II:

you are stupid for not understanding my sarcasm..

only a fool would try to plunder native towns so often that he would expect everyone to know it..

23:38:55 Nov 20th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

Warlock, i am constantly buying 3 slaves at a time.

10:23:28 Nov 21st 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Binh Binh....why you no play this era? :(

12:38:35 Nov 21st 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

Must be really sad being in MAD.

This is a flowchart of their era so far:

Build mines - > See Beothuk - > Destroy mines - > Flee to resettle behind Relentless

15:27:13 Nov 21st 12 - Mr. Aloysius:

happy mocking at us?

15:33:03 Nov 21st 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Well, I for one, thought MAD executed their game plan perfectly. Stall our offensive for as long as possible until Relentless are able to get involved in the war. Now the odds have swung back in their favour.....

18:28:15 Nov 21st 12 - Mr. Jimmy Savile:

Mr. Badder Than Wilbad


09:23:28 Nov 21st 12
Binh Binh....why you no play this era

he got grounded by his sister [truth]
for racism [slightly less truth]

01:03:27 Nov 22nd 12 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Big Bad Orc):

"03:23:28 Nov 21st 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Binh Binh....why you no play this era? :("

Turn out the free wifi I was able to use at home for the first 4RL days of mantrax just dissappear into thin air. So I was force to play the rest of mantrax era with 1 login every day or two from the library. I didn't bother playing on fant with that kind of limited login :P

04:02:14 Nov 22nd 12 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir):

19:38:35 Nov 21st 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

Must be really sad being in MAD.

This is a flowchart of their era so far:

Build mines - > See Beothuk - > Destroy mines - > Flee to resettle behind Relentless

yes its sad, becuase most of MAD main players are not playing this era and some are semi-active,, only few are active enough.. not like last eras.

04:07:50 Nov 22nd 12 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

No need to mock any other teams, just play the game and have fun :)


04:13:51 Nov 22nd 12 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Zephyr):

The great Jenna has spoke, everyone quite.

06:42:43 Nov 22nd 12 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

Haha cute...


07:07:45 Nov 22nd 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

*Bows to the great Jenna*

*Quits trolling*

*Cries to sleep*

07:07:46 Nov 22nd 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

*Bows to the great Jenna*

*Quits trolling*

*Cries to sleep*

07:37:09 Nov 22nd 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

*Bows to the great Jill and Binh*

Binh, if you get back to active gameplay next era, and I am still playing actively, let's have a good match :)

21:54:39 Nov 23rd 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

So, how come Death Dealer left MAD?

00:55:13 Nov 24th 12 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):

I left b/c my time before I retire from VU again is growing short so my activity will be less than a 3rd of what it was last age/era. I completed my objective, thus my activity will be directed towards the only two remaining worlds I have yet to conquer (Nirvana and Valhalla).

00:57:33 Nov 24th 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

[TROLL] Interestingly enough you didnt leave after last era. You leave now - when you're loosing. [/TROLL]

00:58:37 Nov 24th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

Maybe he is trying to win in every possible world and then quit, come back and call himself the great conqueror.

01:02:18 Nov 24th 12 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous Death God):

lol ask Aloy, I planned to leave about mid way before the age/era even started. I planned to farm some and give my cities to MAD after leaving, figured it would help ^_^

01:13:38 Nov 24th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

So you even accept that mad feeds on players that leave? amazing simply amazing now I understand why they have 30 members the drop out to 25-28.

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