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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 88

Fantasia Era 88
21:28:24 Sep 22nd 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

cap me ASAP so I can restart

06:51:19 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

I may be over reacting?😇

07:28:21 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Tbh I didn’t remember human had half training time

That could explain it

I never been matched OOP before so he gotta be cheating😅😂

That’s my logic😂

07:35:24 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

I could have fought back but went to bed at half 6😂

I played for slightly less income & more troops oop this time

I started training earlier than normal & had 100k less income

Halfling needs most activity

Human & orc have a more simple less activity strategy

Your orc strategy sucks I think because I can have 30k giaia 1sr day oop

90k giaia second day oop

Or 60k giaia & 10k hammers

Human is the middle man & can consistently train with a low income strategy

I usually play for more income & to just survive 1st tick OOP  & dominate after 24hours

07:37:54 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Human, orc & Halfling are evenly matched with positive & negatives for each

Human has simplest & easiest play style

07:39:38 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Your orc strategy gets stuck after 24 hours OOP

07:43:58 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

I find playing for 1st tick OOP noobish because you generally suck for the rest of the era

You can’t beat my strategy of just surviving & the come back after

I will build even better next era

07:51:02 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Only I had a reasonable start this era everyone else had a slow start

I slacked on leadership & didn’t prevent anyone from making mistakes because it’s first era as a whole kingdom

With a solid kingdom we will beat you next time round👊😹

07:54:15 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

I’m going to play orc & hunt you down😂

08:57:39 Sep 23rd 22 - Legend (I am Venom Fanboy):

Hanky stop spamming the forum. And start killing plebs...

09:01:23 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:


I’m in my secret hideout plotting world domination😂

09:04:47 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

12:48:13 Sep 23rd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Ahura Mazda):

It was a team win Hanky - not sure why you're so focused on a single player.

It takes time for a new KD/team to come together; you had us sweating as is this era. I'm sure next era you will be even more powerful =)

I also vote that you bug zerks next era. Seems fair.

13:16:58 Sep 23rd 22 - Mr. Ivanhoe:

Hanky Fark you talk too much just stfu lol

14:59:39 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Ellesia:

Hanky por favor stop with the multi posts

Write it all in one post
You’re giving our title a bad look

16:33:03 Sep 23rd 22 - Mr. Plebeian Cyrone:

22:35:24 Sep 22nd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Human & orc have a more simple less activity strategy

Your orc strategy sucks I think because I can have 30k giaia 1sr day oop

I think it's fine playing for the first turn OOP. It works pretty much every time. Since we play in a reliable KD, we can play this way and it brings the team far more value than it would if one were solo or in a bad KD and playing this way. Is this an era winning strategy that for the individual player? No. Like Konstant said, everything is a team effort with Imperium. None of this OOP stuff ever works without farmers sealing the deal later on in the era.

IMO "winning" in VU and being high in power ranking and isn't usually a good reflection of skill. The "winner" is often times someone who does nothing but farm and sweep up at the last fight like a janitor (definitely not implying this is ALWAYS the case, many "winners" deserve it). I try to reject the idea of winning (just a personal thing) so it doesn't make me play poorly. Is skill how many units you can make? Really? Hanky you thought your high power percent on day 1 meant something; another example of how stats (like winning too) mean absolutely nothing without context. You guys had higher power because you had 3 players BT for production. That was the context. I had 25k Gaia because I did other things with my gold that arent reflected in power rankings (I dropped a fake proxy in Zerk core to force units). That is the context there.

Anyway, you did pretty well all things considering Hanky. I wish you wouldn't quit before you actually became effective. You could have at least turtled up and forced more units or something. Winning, like all things, isn't black and white. You could have done more damage that ultimately makes us lose if you didn't quit early.

18:00:12 Sep 23rd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Ahura Mazda):

Ultimately, Imperium works because no player is greater than the whole and every player is willing to sacrifice.

Imperium has never been a kingdom, but rather a team.

18:35:29 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

😂😂 you guys😂

& cycrone I could have made a last stand, added a military level & knocked your final blow back but I was so tired from being so active the first two days, around the clock, I fell asleep at 6:30, two ticks before my army arrived at my defensive city

We could still be stalemate & I could have added more gt’s where you are

Hell, I could have sent pes from another city this morning & trained 25k slingers & doubled my army today

18:38:15 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

I quit too soon & could have done damage

I didn’t realise our mage only needed today to setup shop 

19:25:54 Sep 23rd 22 - HorusPanic (Ms. Hate):

i needed a better start, 

1) dropped my first city is a shit spot
2) didn't establish a safe mining colony

otherwise, still had OOP magic and the era isn't over yet. i'll play it out to my last man

19:56:03 Sep 23rd 22 - Prophet Ellesia:

How would you establish a safe mining colony if you're in oop war? Explain please

20:07:52 Sep 23rd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Areion):

Depends where you are relative to your opponent.

If your core is intermixed, the only guarantee of safety is units and/or being behind blockers.

22:14:18 Sep 23rd 22 - Mr. Plebeian Cyrone:

I agree with you Hanky; you could have made a last stand and made it absolute hell to actually finish you off. Just play one era out to completion Hanky COME ON we literally all know you could be an extremely formidable foe if you just play it all the way out!

Adding to what Konstant said, one thing you can do in an OOP war like this is to literally just have 1-2 cities. Make 2k GTs. Make some units. I do think 5k GTs is overkill (this is the second time I've seen players build 5k+ GTs), but if you have allies that can bounce a siege and don't have time to make units its not that awful. You can't leave any cities undefended or without GTs. Imp has a good 1 city strategy for players who can't be active OOP in an OOP war and I think it's a very smart a good strategy. Seriously, what's worse; having your farming slowed down slightly because of 2k GTs, or just outright dying and feeding? NOT A HARD CHOICE! 

22:59:49 Sep 23rd 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Lawrence is somehow worse than Fred

22:59:49 Sep 23rd 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Lawrence is somehow worse than Ivanho

17:25:01 Sep 24th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Can crybaby Lawrence the traitor cry more in this thread please?

19:45:07 Sep 24th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

If Imperium allies Team B again this era then they lose their 'Complain about the MAD x Berserkerz Alliance' privledges

19:46:17 Sep 24th 22 - Mr. Fcukr:

Not really. I kinda took them out solo when I first joined imp, so think there is sympathy for that.

22:17:01 Sep 24th 22 - Mr. Plebeian Cyrone:

Assuming illuminati is with MAD/Zerks, it would be even if they NAP. It's not really comparable to the MAD/Zerks alliance whatsoever anyway. 

01:44:40 Sep 25th 22 - Mr. Aloysian:

The double standard. Hahaha

02:50:30 Sep 25th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Ahura Mazda):

Zerk and MAD have been allied for...checks notes...the existence of zerks...which is...checks notes...18 eras...which is almost 4 years of actual time.

TB has NAP'd Imperium...checks notes...twice.

03:07:41 Sep 25th 22 - Stark (Mr. Star Now):

@ konst, Thrice. And you guys took us out same amount. 

NAP for era… Least it’s not as low as getting someone to build in our core and send an orc to take the ONLY city that got Zero defend. Funny how zerks win era and call it fair fight

03:13:24 Sep 25th 22 - Konstant (Mr. Farmer Tester):

checks notes are off...point still stands.

What do you mean someone built in your core with no defenses? An untagged?

07:00:18 Sep 25th 22 - Mr. Aloysian:

The double standard. Amen. 

07:34:51 Sep 25th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Ahura Mazda):

Does Math

18 Eras > 3 Eras

Does Math

4 Years > 3 Months

08:50:31 Sep 25th 22 - Mr. Ivanhoe:

Does maths it still happened.. does maths doesn’t matter if it’s 1era or 100.. does maths still an idiot..

09:16:07 Sep 25th 22 - Stark (Mr. Star Now):


He was with us last era. Kept low after we took ivanwhore x 2 out and kick out another. No action throughout. 

This era he builded just outside core and blocker. Was told off and he build one in core. Bzerk came and seem to “know” which ONLY one to take as all our cities are with GTs and defend troops. Right after that, he left the kingdom. Convenient ya

11:43:07 Sep 25th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Zakum):

aloy still projecting?
ok nice nothing changed

11:45:25 Sep 25th 22 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Mortalis):


If it was a zerker plant, they didn't let me in on it. I just bypassed your blocker and it was the first city I saw.

Sometimes I think you're all just looking for something to complain about. 

If it'll make everyone happier, i'll return it to the B-Team.

11:53:21 Sep 25th 22 - Mr. Ivanhoe:

Not sometimes every era.. who gives a flying fuck about imperium or team b? None of us even cares what’s going on in that are.a. yet time and time again more oh zerks are cheating crap.. keep up the good work.. idiots

13:34:13 Sep 25th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Ahura Mazda):

Oh you definitely should care. Enjoy your one era respite of the traditional Imperium - Zerk ass whOOPing™ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

*Patent Tending 

13:50:29 Sep 25th 22 - Mr. Ivanhoe:

Lol we care soo much… NOT!

16:49:30 Sep 25th 22 - Stark (Mr. Star Now):


TB dont usually get into forum to complain or flame. Just happen thats not the only city around and that guy did the worse move ever traveling 30 ticks to drop a city out of core when he spawn just after era starts. 

Cant blame us for taking him as multi. We had great problem getting rid of multis when build and train up and start attacking after the left the kingdom last era. 

We admit losing in fair fight or even bts buying since $$ was "invested" but not to low down multi

21:18:43 Sep 25th 22 - Mr. Acada:

I left because you guys had zero plan or communication. Most of my questions this Era and last Era were unanswered. I'm not sure how you guys have done this good because everyone is lost in the sauce.

And, I was randomly placed in your kingdom last Era. I had no choice so why can't I leave if I want to join someone with better communication?

But also, please don't take Busch :D

07:30:34 Sep 26th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

I was really hoping to see Mr. Lawrence make it past day 7 with the backstabber advantage

22:39:41 Sep 28th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Lawrence wins  'worst player of the Era' award for creating the strongest player on the map and failing to outlive the backstabbing target

I expected more from Fred/Lawrence the cyberbullying victim

04:53:47 Oct 1st 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Wake up everyone it's day 12 that means farm time is over

15:39:40 Oct 4th 22 - Mr. Plebeian Cyrone:

Damn MAD has a lot of humans this era while Zerkers are all mud hut Orcs and Trolls. WHAT IS THIS UNHOLY UNION?!

22:17:06 Oct 4th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

MAD is a core-defense oriented Kingdom so it makes sense to pick Human if they arent centering defense around their blockers.

Berserkers probably pick Orc because Orc is the best race in the game (flexible, strong in all aspects, etc etc) and Troll because they are an excellent race especially if you're in the opposite corner from your enemy.

22:22:29 Oct 5th 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Crasher):

Leader of Imp is in full cheatmode at the moment, using dozens of bt, probably cant stand losing, what a disgrace 

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