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Fantasia countdown.
02:44:39 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Spook:

We are still alive! Currently fighting NEBC, one member of twilight and a few memebers of PKS but we are far too stubborn to die xD

02:50:08 Jul 29th 08 - Lord Slade:

its Spook


02:57:27 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Pann:

Your putting up a pretty good fight too.

07:15:36 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

Guys...we need some more "discussion" about Fantasia stuff.

15:15:56 Jul 29th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:


subtract 3 ao 208 after carnage xD

15:28:36 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Arkantos:

NEBC NEBC 7 Mr. Arkantos 100


B Boo 9 Mr. Spook 57

That's all i know and we broke through their first set of blockers.

00:10:44 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Dude:

hai guyz

00:18:17 Jul 30th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

GO WoL!!!!

01:12:17 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

SHEOL Sheolic Empire 25 Duke Diomedes 100
DB Dark Blood 21 Lord Oya 100
Zone The Twilight 24 Mr. Fordius 91
PKS Peacekeepers 29 Sir Grim Darkhammer 81
WoL Wolves of Lithuania 19 Duke Drakos 79
Music Music 24 Mr. Gilth 71
NEBC NEBC 7 Mr. Arkantos 23
Havoc Carnage 13 The Architect 22
LGC Legacy 18 Mr. Roxbury 20
B Boo 9 Mr. Spook 11
Angels Angels 4 Mr. Izmake 3
shyers Shyers Empire 2 Sir Half The Shyers I Use 2
jpg crazy apple 13 Mr. Dragon 0
swat SWAT 2 Ms. Nina 0
HIM His Infernal Majesty 1 Mr. Your Multi 0


Sheol just seemed to jump up a % last tick :)

01:46:21 Jul 30th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

DB is in the lead where it counts.

I'll never stop saying that the biggest influence a factor can have toward a Kingdom's era winning chances is that possessed by Activity (was I clear? :p)

I rank Morale second and Skill third. But of course, we're all entitled to our own opinions.

Hope I didn't appear as a whiner :p

14:22:11 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Shpedro The Acr:

PKS take Angels players that is why they jump on %

20:42:09 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

noooo where the teamwork weirdii :(

01:30:53 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

DB Dark Blood 21 Lord Oya 100
SHEOL Sheolic Empire 24 Duke Diomedes 89
Zone The Twilight 24 Mr. Von Darkmoor 80
PKS Peacekeepers 29 Sir Grim Darkhammer 79
WoL Wolves of Lithuania 19 Duke Drakos 73
Music Music 24 Mr. Gilth 63
NEBC NEBC 7 Mr. Arkantos 23
LGC Legacy 18 Mr. Roxbury 23
Havoc Carnage 13 The Architect 18
B Boo 9 Mr. Spook 12
Angels Angels 4 Mr. Izmake 2
jpg crazy apple 13 Mr. Dragon 0
swat SWAT 2 Ms. Nina 0
HIM His Infernal Majesty 1 Mr. Your Multi 0
shyers Shyers Empire 2 Sir Half The Shyers I Use 0

Mr. Birdhows
Member of: Sheolic Empire.

Mr. Warkeeper
Member of: NEBC.

Mr. Gothrim
Member of: Music.

Grumpy old Star
Member of: Dark Blood.

Mr. Ingo Von Lucker
Member of: The Twilight.

Duke Vytautas Didysis
Member of: Wolves of Lithuania.

Mr. Xerxez
Member of: Dark Blood.

Duke Fraser
Member of: Sheolic Empire.

Mr. Spraitas
Member of: Wolves of Lithuania.

Mr. Bomflau
Member of: Wolves of Lithuania.

Whats going on out there?

00:02:55 Aug 2nd 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Mostly DB is having some succes at one front in a time attacking Sheol wile sheol seem beat back the attacks on whichever front been least reinforced by DB (these are not facts but just my guesses from what I can see with my current LoS).

00:14:12 Aug 2nd 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Brashen from where im standing (and these arent facts, just my guesses from what i can see with my current LoS) it seems more like DB are having a picnic and laughing at two (potentially even three) unnamed wannabe super-power KD's who were forced into using a fairly game-breaking bug in order to merely survive. But thats just me and my LoS. Might be flawed from all the green i'm seeing on this huge damn map.... :->

Hows the tree sales going lately mate? Market not as peachy anymore?

05:51:38 Aug 2nd 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

harry you posted that KD score upside down!!

12:31:18 Aug 2nd 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

Yeah ok shyers :P

Name them, name them. I think we all know who they are.

04:25:31 Aug 3rd 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

?? Raistlin to be honest I dont understand at all what you are talking about?

what bug?

And what is that about tree sales?
I get deacent prize for my tree. not as good as when I had rebuilt and were waiting to place a arms and start training again and had lots of tree to sell and money I were not spending so I buy up the cheap tree on the market to raise the price before selling. = is that exploiting the bug to you?

please explain because im totally at a loss here.

09:59:22 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

Its a pretty major bug....

10:31:18 Aug 3rd 08 - The Architect:

Game breaking bug?  What is this?

11:46:48 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Ah just the usual game-breaking flamewar. :P

13:40:20 Aug 3rd 08 - Trigger Happy With Turettes:

00:04:33 Aug 4th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

I read the thread from crisscross alittle now.

But Raistlin why are you saying im a bug abuser?

I had problably my first period of farming ever after we lost our core were I was training 0 troops.
And I think this is the first era I actually built 100k+ buildings that are economy buildings all eras including this I been *beep*ming troops all era long and rellying early era conquests for my economy.
And when you commented about me having expensive tree on the market that was simply because I was waiting to see if if sheol could beat you back so I could decide were to put my armory and thus were not using my recourses to anything and could afford to play some on the market..

And to be honest I dont understand what would make you come out with flames about me abusing this bug.

as far as I can remember I been involved in two plunders this era #1
Swedish Chef Brashen

7/17/2008 4:02:32 AM


Swedish Chef. The city of Damine is now under our command!
They had 1207423 gold, 935227 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

I think it was against DB so does that meen you guys are bug abusing scum?

Second plunder was against my mine second punani and it was Mr. Harrypooper [Zone] (7/25/2008 2:10:33 AM) who plundered me and I made the hasty decision that I could not afford to have my mine being plundered and razed it. hmmm wait a minute is that not the opposite to what I should have done if I was bug abusing?

It just saddens me when I player I always respected and treated with respect come out and throw such accusations against me and against other players he should know well enough to know they would not do it.

01:27:21 Aug 4th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Brashen, he didn't say you were bug abusing. He simply asked you how your tree was fairing.




01:32:49 Aug 4th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Harry dont be silly.
In his post were he start by using my name he said this and that which leads to him speaking about bug abusers etc.

Sure he did not say I used a bug but cmon dont be daft you must see why I react to such a clear implication against me.
And it does not help when one of my friends tell me he just spoken to raistlin and been accused to be bug abusing and wonder what bug that would be. atm I had not read chriss thread and could just redirect him here.

01:37:27 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross The Mad:

Lol, it seems to be Grumpy is not satisfied with the current situation :D.

Man, cool down, we have not exploited the bug, Our hoh armies have come out, because 2/3 of my kingdom was really good with "economic building up" when era started and the other 1/3 ( I was one of them) took out 2-3 smaller kingdoms close to us.
So they had strong economy to built them up, also they had not fight a lot and no troops losses till DB showed up.... so normal grow lead to their army power.

Before we fought DB, we didn't had much resistance, and didn't lose towns, so there was no chance for us to even find out about that bug !!!

This only happened when I lost 3 towns against DB in 3 turns and wondered  why I got a lot of resources, insteat of losing them.
After I found out about the mechanic I kept it for myself and contacted Zeta about it ( I alss didn't told it to my kingdom buddiess only asked them were to report it without telling the mechanics). I got no reply, so I posted it 3 days later in forum.

Meanwhile I haven't been selling resources at the market, when an enemy army was close to my towns or allready prepping to avoid using the bug. I am not that stupid using a bug after reporting it !!

Don't trust me, read Zetas comment about when he fixed the bug !!!

VU Admin

8/3/2008 11:07:50 PMThe bug was fixed a few days ago. Can anyone confirm if it's fixed?

Neither have I been online a lot latly, was busy with RL.
And also my kingdom didn't even know about it, or was switching towns with allies.

But ofc you know all of that, because your kingdom has enough halfer scouts inside of our core us to keep watching all our movements. You should have seen, that there were no town hopping between naped or allied kingdoms.

But ofc looking and understanding all these facts would mean, that you have no more reasons to blame, flame and insult players you just dislike.

So keep on yelling and screaming, just continue to be a loosy winner :b.

It is really a shame that you have to justify yourself just because you are reporting a bug, whom you have scrumbled across because the enemy is kicking your but !!

10:50:37 Aug 5th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Cool your jets, top gun.

As for kicking our butt....yeah, sure.

15:56:53 Aug 5th 08 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper:

Ok, i really don't mean this to be a flamming question or anything of the sort...


 But why DB, do you burn and destroy our mines way back behind your front lines even though, their is no hope of us reclaiming them?

16:13:17 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

Why does it bother you if you have no hope of reclaiming them?

And how do you know we are simply not renovating unless your returning them wrecked =P

16:30:26 Aug 5th 08 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper:

Haha, calm ur jets dude, twasn't flame bait!

No i'm just nosy. Also if your all renovating, then some of your are going to have a shitload of armories :0.

00:24:35 Aug 6th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

A serious answer... Durza, incase you haven't noticed, were fighting in your core. Whos got the bigger chance of keeping them? Plus this tactic is working, is it not?

01:06:03 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross The Mad:

yeah it is working ^^ but not neccessary =P.

Insteat melting the fat cow, you slaughter it lol :b

03:24:46 Aug 6th 08 - Trigger Happy With Turettes:

If we still had the burn city option this would be easier :p ....

21:47:08 Aug 6th 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

nah, with burn u don't get these :P



Guildmaster. The city of Birdhows is now under our command!
They had 77782385 gold, 76293282 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 11000 slaves in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 46083 troops.

23:01:18 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

Thats fake right? Or someone's using the bug... or massive amounts of STG(which is unlikely)

23:34:07 Aug 6th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

If it was real wouldnt it have his full name not just guildmaster and not the rest?

23:42:43 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Justin:

ya its fake it should look like this with the full name of the player:


Mr. Bloody Sabbath. The city of Land of Humans is now under our command!
They had 0 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 397 troops.

00:05:06 Aug 7th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

lol, that's not fake! drenth is god!

00:26:12 Aug 7th 08 - Lord Griffinwing:

woooooooooooo! that was one heck of a slow army!!!!!


My Lord. The city of Pwnage Mines is now under our command!
They had 66154397 gold, 52796426 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 1000000 slaves in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 153904 troops.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Tomcat XII (your army)
Swordsmen 35167 30741 8146
Hammerthrowers 37348 26094 7624
Axemen 125469 36683 30613
Runemasters 51372 33206 14629
Cavemasters 0 0 0

00:31:25 Aug 7th 08 - Lord Oya:

that is one of the worst armies ive seen in a long time :) good work sir!

00:32:03 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

ya its fake it should look like this with the full name of the player:


Only when your a Mr. Somebody

Ranks above get, My lord etc, in drenths case, Guildmaster.

I know for a fact it isnt fake because I bought the stone =p

15:35:19 Aug 7th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

73k swordsmen? the last time i saw someone actually train that many lvl 1!t, i don't think i've ever seen that!

20:58:42 Aug 7th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Note: Look at the date.

Mr. So and so

7/30/2008 4:02:08 PM
Damn that's a lotta gold o.O


Ms. or Mr. The city of ---- is now under our command!
They had 101800363 gold, 55060922 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.


I only edited the names to keep this person safe from anything such as unwanted messages. I didn't change anything else.


I think this person got alot of training done due to that.

10:46:21 Aug 8th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Sir Harry The Crazy


8/5/2008 12:50:37 PM

Cool your jets, top gun.

As for kicking our butt....yeah, sure.

Wilber, please re-read Crissxcross's last phrase. You misunderstood it and jumped at his neck when he only admitted defeat.

As with the Bug thing, your love of flames makes you look bad.

And I'd be nervous too if I'd have to justify myself in front of people who've done worse things than myself. Be a good fellow and understand him :)

11:42:02 Aug 8th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Ah yes sorry, even as you said I had it wrong, it took me a while to get it.

As with the Bug thing, your love of flames makes you look bad.

Is that to me, if it is I don't know what your talking about...?

21:53:31 Aug 8th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

well gee, i abuse bugs, thats why I'm so awesome... i just assumed everyone did... that's me and Zeta's little game, find it and fix it.

22:13:44 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

They had 101800363 gold, 55060922 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city, that is now

wow 101M gold. nice!

23:49:22 Aug 8th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:


DB Dark Blood 21 Lord Oya 1418


Havoc Carnage 9 Death Lord Draven 100


11:08:55 Aug 10th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

DB Dark Blood 21 Lord Oya 100
PKS Peacekeepers 28 Sir Grim Darkhammer 79
Zone The Twilight 23 Mr. Von Darkmoor 77
WoL Wolves of Lithuania 19 Duke Drakos 64
Music Music 20 Mr. Gilth 39
SHEOL Sheolic Empire 21 Duke Diomedes 29
NEBC NEBC 6 Mr. Arkantos 19
B Boo 8 Mr. Spook 13
LGC Legacy 18 Mr. Roxbury 10
Havoc Carnage 9 Death Lord Draven 8
shyers Shyers Empire 2 Sir Half The Shyers I Use 1


Have a look at it from the this :)

11:11:27 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
DB Dark Blood 21 Lord Oya 638
PKS Peacekeepers 28 Sir Grim Darkhammer 500
Zone The Twilight 23 Mr. Von Darkmoor 489
WoL Wolves of Lithuania 19 Duke Drakos 410
Music Music 20 Mr. Gilth 249
SHEOL Sheolic Empire 21 Duke Diomedes 187
NEBC NEBC 6 Mr. Arkantos 124
B Boo 8 Mr. Spook 82
LGC Legacy 18 Mr. Roxbury 66
Havoc Carnage 9 Death Lord Draven 49
shyers Shyers Empire 2 Sir Half The Shyers I Use 8

This makes you guys look better ;) bigger numbers for ya

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