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Forums / In game politics / Federation Recruitment

Federation Recruitment
01:13:22 Feb 6th 10 - Lady Blood Soaked Madness:


01:14:08 Feb 6th 10 - Ms. Evil Coffin Joe:

Yes, Happy Birthday, Uther!    =)

01:52:08 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

It's not his birthday!!?? Yet. I think I would know. I'm his favorite cousin. He'd tell me if it was his birthday. =)

03:16:20 Feb 6th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Better ask him Sable.  LOL

05:07:13 Feb 6th 10 - Sir Cadmus The Reborn:

Darn it, the truth's out!

13:59:16 Feb 6th 10 - Sir Aries II:

Happy bday Uther.
Whats going on here, I leave you alone to your kd for one era and look at all this nonsence :p

14:52:37 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

His birthday isn't until tomorrow!! (Feb 7th.) I knew you guys were trolling. =P

04:40:50 Feb 7th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



thanks guys i appeciate the love!

14:50:25 Feb 7th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

NOW it's your birthday. Love you bro. =)

15:53:45 Feb 7th 10 - Master Windu:

Yeah Uther, Happy Birthday dude. Hope ur wishes come true.

16:15:51 Feb 7th 10 - Lord Himanil IX:

Happy Birthday Uther. I suspect that the chances of that happening might be rather small Windu as we all have good reason to belive that some 105 other people would be hoping for something opposite, 105 people presently above us on the ranking board.

Just kidding though, wish you the same Uther.

16:46:25 Feb 7th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Hey look everybody, I don't have a picture!

<--See! No picture!

Does that make me unique!? =D

03:45:26 Feb 8th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

No because you're going to join me right?


08:17:20 Feb 8th 10 - Mr. Shadow:

you should it was his birthday afterall

19:33:12 Feb 8th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


18:43:52 Feb 9th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I'm pretty sure I won't be playing VU again any time soon.

I could tell you why, but then I'd have to slap you around a bit with a large trout.

02:56:42 Feb 10th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

I love being trout slapped! =)

*Edit This is the happier side of the recruitment page, Me likey.

06:28:30 Feb 10th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Oooooh oooh, please tell me then, but first you must tell me where you will slap.

17:03:39 Feb 10th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

yes i wouldnt want to take the trout below the belt


07:30:29 Feb 17th 10 - Sir Medusa of The Red Hairs Lover:

Trout Slap370 up328 down love it hate it
The act of slapping someone - usually across the facial region - with a wet penis or a representation thereof.

lets hope that below the belt remark doesn't get anyone carried away like this guy with the horse.

16:51:31 Feb 17th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Im not sure if i want to click on this link while im using my colleges Wifi


00:54:25 Feb 19th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

ROFLOL  I wouldnt

00:59:56 Feb 20th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

The Federation

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Federation
Members: 19
Created: 12/25/2009 5:05:18 AM
Leader: Lord Uther Pendragon


A tight order of War Chiefs and a fierce following is what makes our federation and to all lengths the Royal Guard will vow to protect those who form together within our ranks. With hope we carry on and through hope we find our strength and salvation. It is this salvation that binds us and it is these binds that eradicate our foes. The question to ask oneself is not of what you gain but to what end you wish to follow; for if you are not in our ranks there are only three moves. Run, hide, or die.

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”

1) Past names and eras of experience
2) Past kingdoms and rulers of reference
3) Are you best on offense or defense?
4) Any other information that you may find useful to us.

This is the Federation, Take everything and give nothing back.




15:35:25 Feb 20th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


Check out the new banner!


16:19:29 Feb 20th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

hey nice fcking banner Uther btw good luck man

16:21:11 Feb 20th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Thank you Shazy, best of luck to you as well!

16:23:03 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

ROWW!! Join us or me eat you

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