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Forums / In game politics / I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye
23:17:37 May 20th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

so kick him and kill him if the majority of your kingdom is against it.

If you don't kick him, you're for it.

23:23:07 May 20th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

NEVER FEAR. i am assisting juicy on zetamania !!!! DVS 4 THE WIN!!!

23:23:33 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

"1. Bling left the kingdom becouse he was mad about us not warring Juicy. He has not traded cities with anyone in F&V."

That's not what he said in his messages.

"2. When Lychee sais "again" he is refering to the Fate/Juicy blocker issue."

Really? Because it seems pretty obvious to me that he was referring to townswapping in the post, maybe you need to read it again?

"3. Its interesting how the screens luls posted up only shows the comments that are "incriminating". It doesnt reflect the whole story nor the views of the kingdom, neither its leadership or the majority of its members."

Oh that's right, it's all a setup, poor innocent Veggies are being framed by me and Revenge... let me ask you, how does it feel to eat so much *beep*? I mean I know you're one of those fanatical vegan types that never eats meat, but stubstituting meat with *beep* doesn't seem like a fair trade.

"4. We all observed Bling and Primate doing this, TBL just planted those couple of cities before that screens was taken. We are not condoning this kind of behaviour and will sort this out within the kd, preferably without Rev providing *beep*bra with any more of our kd forum, or we will sort that out as well."

Well god damn, TBL just put the cities right before the pic was taken, such bad luck, Veggie must have the worst karma in the world.

"5. You're all hypocrits."

Go eat a *beep* taco fag.

23:29:56 May 20th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

To be fair btw, scout led merging IS now "feeding" as the battles somehow add to the final score =) so why else would dvs be leading merges. It just makes perfect sense to have one guy doing the hits esp when he is already so far infront in battle wins. What is the point in defending that particular aspect. There is nothing wrong in it. Its just a new aspect to the game that zeta failed to spot, as he always does when he improvements something in the game. Theres everything wrong in denying it, it adds some kind of legitamacy to DE's claims that you are "feeding".

Anyway, DVS, come trade towns with me =p i didnt even realise what i was doing lolz.

The hoh really needs an overhaul its lost all legitimacy for me. Specific races get too much bonus, now we have some silly method where a wreckaged town or 1 building town adds to the way score is calculated. WTF :S At least make the battles count if troops are killed inside. And im not saying neither party didnt kill troops =p but im sure alot of instances that wasnt the case (esp with death right now lol)

ahhhhh :) did i just support juicy, i dunno lol. Anyway something is wrong here =p quit denying it and call for a change for next era. One day this game will have a decent high score system in place.

23:32:12 May 20th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

And btw b4 wilber spouts something ;) by nothing wrong in it i meant its zetas fault!! whine to him

23:36:08 May 20th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

<&Ez> lewatha go agree with me!

I agree! partly...

leading merges to take over cities has been around before the score update system, just to gain land. It just wasn't as effective as it is now.

23:40:52 May 20th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

yes true. and people did it then to a certain extent, but now its doubly more effective and has become an issue.

23:48:34 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Which is why i was annoyed that they started doing it so blatantly, when I have liberated cities of my KD members.
Feeding is Feeding.
I also refused to kick and feed off the inactives, as the other members of my KD will confirm.

23:52:14 May 20th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

Well that you can do easily, they cant argue with you on the kicking of inactives and taking their cities ;)

23:53:56 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

Oh yes poor you, you were offended by the injustice done to others in Juicy by dvs.

"I also refused to kick and feed off the inactives, as the other members of my KD will confirm."

Oh all the hypocritical things I heard today out of your peanut brain, this takes the cake. You brag that you don't feed on inactives, they you have no problem townswaping?!? Do you actually process what you write or do you just hit the keyboard at random?

23:59:55 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Juicy been doing it for a while now. If you cant beat them, join them.

00:02:09 May 21st 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

would anyone like some chocolates?

00:02:20 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

I think I already said that just because you're trying to justify yourself doesn't mean anyone actually is buying it, you're townswaping, the fact that you're apologizing for it by saying "dvs is leading a merge and attack!"(shock gasp), only makes you look even more retarded, if that's possible.

00:10:22 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

I've had a great era. I really enjoyed the neck and neck for 2 weeks with DVS. He pushed me to fight harder and longer, and I'm sure I pushed him.
Then the element of feeding came into play. I didnt start it, but was not going to sit around doing nothing because the DB elements in Juicy start talking to other KD's about helping out in a feed. I was offered the same assistance 2 weeks ago and refused it.
Juicy spotted the scoring system "error" and found a way to distort it. Call it merge leading and taking yours kd's cities for yourself, call it feeding. Call it what you will. Since then, this era has been rubbish.
If DVS wins, congrats on the first 3 weeks, and shame on the last. I enjoyed the battle.

00:16:17 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

What I find funny is that even with all the mass townswapping, you're still second, truly a testament to just how much you suck

"and I'm sure I pushed him."

Let me assure you that the only thing you're pushing is bull*beep*, and quite unsuccessfully at that.

I'd love to see these "start talking to other KDs about helping out in a feed", I mean I know it's complete bull*beep*, not even creative one, but you must be really desperate to flat out lie like this. Pathetic.

00:24:46 May 21st 09 - Lady Quietone:

Ody you are seriously a nag fag and a fat liar.  DB elements? lol that is funny.... and stop lying about what you pretend to know about're getting beat period.  That's the end of it...there is no KD's helping us feed there is no plans for it either...nor is there anything that we have distorted..  You've been accusing us all era with your pathetic lies and still no proof why? because there is none...

You seem alittle lost without your Veggies buddy (TBL) for backing you up now....he's grown quite silent.

00:25:34 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

mass townswapping? my first attack was a few hours ago. They been at it all week. Check the stats. Stats dont lie.
I would post the pm's but will wait for the people who sent them to give me permission first.
For now, I stick to the fact that the first few weeks were great, and it was neck and neck. This past week, while they have been feeding, we have been fighting 4 KD's on the same map. Juicy, Choc, Heaven and Godlike. We've held our ground well. So when you got half the skill any of my players have to do what we've achieved this week, feel free to bring it on next era.
For now, DVS had done well before the feeding, and who knows what the "real" outcome would have been had it been left to the way it was.
I didnt start it. End of story.

00:27:10 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Lady Quietone


17:24:46 May 20th 09

Ody you are seriously a nag fag and a fat liar.  DB elements? lol that is funny.... and stop lying about what you pretend to know about're getting beat period.  That's the end of it...there is no KD's helping us feed there is no plans for it either...nor is there anything that we have distorted..  You've been accusing us all era with your pathetic lies and still no proof why? because there is none...

You seem alittle lost without your Veggies buddy (TBL) for backing you up now....he's grown quite silent.

Maybe the fact he is probably in bed because its 4 in the morning his side?

00:27:53 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

"I would post the pm's but will wait for the people who sent them to give me permission first."

Hahahah hilarious, the eternal unidentified sources, you are just a walking cliche aren't you. Why do I have the feeling you came to a battle of wits unarmed? You're just sad and uninteresting now.

00:27:59 May 21st 09 - Lady Quietone:

lol this is the same story you used several weeks ago the first time you claimed we were cheating....and you never showed proof then either ...shut up already


you're a liar and everyone sees it....DVS is fighting on many many maps and he's leading by purely attacking period.  not by any random scout merges..but his own armies and if you're too stupid to see that well then shame on you.

00:32:23 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Lady Quietone


17:27:59 May 20th 09

lol this is the same story you used several weeks ago the first time you claimed we were cheating....and you never showed proof then either ...shut up already


you're a liar and everyone sees it....DVS is fighting on many many maps and he's leading by purely attacking period.  not by any random scout merges..but his own armies and if you're too stupid to see that well then shame on you.

I posted his mighty mergers you *beep*. As have other players.

00:36:45 May 21st 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

The number of towns taken with merges is rather small in comparison with my own sole owned army takeovers.

It is sad that this will never actually resole.  Although, it is you who are townswapping, not I

00:37:19 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

expidite & co (merged)

army info
commander: overlord dvsmasta kingdom banner
kingdom: juicy
size: group of armies (around 500,000)
status: camping

merged armies

owned by overlord dvsmasta

owned by commander aligreat

00:38:53 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

So do as I said to do, and liberate your KD members towns.

00:39:33 May 21st 09 - Lady Quietone:

Ody again..that has nothing to do with what you are accusing yet again.

When we first showed up on valhalla there were several merges led by your mighty scouts prepping on 90k mines all over the place with your kdmates 500k armies merged to what...your tiny scouts so stop using that as an excuse already....

has nothing to do with what you're trying to pull

00:42:37 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

The arrogance needed to actually think you can dictate internal policy in other kingdoms, who the *beep* do you think you are to think you can order other people to do as you like.

Ody it seems to me that you forgot the last time you got a kingdom in trouble for exactly this same arrogance, last time your entire kingdom was dead within 12 hours, I'm sure you remember that humiliation?

Why don't you run along like a good little boy and mind your own things and don't butt into other kingdoms unless you'd like to see history do a repeat.

00:43:54 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Show me one. I am an Orc. By sheer cost of troops, my army sizes will be smaller. Yet all your players are in hiding from my own armies.
Since coming to Val, I've smacked your kd around while fighting 3 others at the same time. Get over yourselves.

00:47:41 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Sorry. Dont recall. Couldnt have been significant.

00:48:50 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

Yes, I guess after my entire kingdom got raep in 12 hours I'd like to forget about it as well, can't really blame you. Good thing we don't forget as easily as you it seems.

00:49:17 May 21st 09 - Prince Mielo:

Really Ody ...

You do realize it takes a KINGDOM effort to let 1 person take control of your sweat made armies? If we let a colleague let him in control of it to his cause taking over fantasia ... what does it make to you? It's not your problem as it's a fair move and tactic, which involves OUR team spirit, not your selfish attitude ...

All it says is that you are one hell of a greedy person in one kingdom environment.

00:54:28 May 21st 09 - Lady Quietone:

He wants to accusing us of having other KD's feed us and then when we ask for his non-existant proof he then reverts back to his scout merge plea which he himself has done all era...


00:56:28 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Sorry. Correct your grammer. Then repost.
It was a fair tactic till you started feeding him your own cities.

And bring your army out of hiding already. I been waiting to smack it.

00:57:22 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

Well who needs stuff like "facts", "proof" or "reality" when you can just bull*beep* on the forum like a bipolar retard.

"Correct your grammer."

Perhaps you should correct yours you constant *beep* blocked *beep*.

Don't you just love grammar nazis that misspell grammar.

01:07:09 May 21st 09 - Lady Quietone:

LOL lame attampt to hijack the real issue of his nasty feeding and townswapping and then...misspells himself!

01:22:06 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

In linguistics, grammar refers to the logical and structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural language

Which is why I said "correct your grammer" and not " correct your spelling"

01:27:18 May 21st 09 - Mr. Plato:

correct your life

01:27:51 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

Oh wow, and just when I thought you could not say something even more retarded you go ahead and say that. Do yourself a favour and reread what you just wrote, if you don't see something the first time, reread it until you find it.

If incompetence hurt, you'd be in a hospital.

01:28:43 May 21st 09 - Mr. Plato:

actually it does hurt... the pain i am recieving from this incompetence is torture

01:31:28 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Sorry. Going out for a few beers now. Will be back in time to smack which ever defrosted army is around, if there are any.

01:32:40 May 21st 09 - Mr. Plato:

12 year olds shouldn't drink beer, give those brain cells some chance of development please!!!

01:33:12 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

Don't forget the fake ID Ody, that would be embarrassing.

01:37:16 May 21st 09 - Lord of The Underworld:

The whole fate blocker thing was the same issue a couple eras ago when we were fighting RET. Godlike had the blockers opened by Fate to let them in our core, completing the demise of Vengence. Not surprised about blocker swaping that is a tactic that PKS and Carnage/Fate used before....

01:38:21 May 21st 09 - General Zondervan:

wow, pathetic...

02:14:50 May 21st 09 - Mr. Garlic:

"That's not what he said in his messages."
He said nothing about why he left the kd in that message, he was talking about the townswapping. Some people where discussing how one would go about to win the era with the current factors in place. Aparently(this is nothing I was aware of) Bling had told couple of people he was willing to leave and townswap to make sure Juicy doesnt win(something he is now doing). You have access to our forum, check yourself in the "For the record" thread to find the reasons he left.

"Really? Because it seems pretty obvious to me that he was referring to townswapping in the post, maybe you need to read it again?"
Firstly, why are you better equiped to interpret what my kd mate is saying than me? Secondly, HE IS, talking about townswapping. Something wich has already been flamed over for couple of weeks and something I have already apologized to Juicy for(3 times I believe on the forums only).

Oh that's right, it's all a setup, poor innocent Veggies are being framed by me and Revenge... let me ask you, how does it feel to eat so much *beep*? I mean I know you're one of those fanatical vegan types that never eats meat, but stubstituting meat with *beep* doesn't seem like a fair trade.
If you want I could post up some more screens to give a more balanced view. Or you can just vidimate that you are biased. The threads name you took that from is "Bling feeding Primate" btw,  not "Lets Feed Primate". And tbh, I'm not the one acting fanatical.

Well god damn, TBL just put the cities right before the pic was taken, such bad luck, Veggie must have the worst karma in the world.
I'm not defending TBL in any way, Bling has a very bad influence on him. But if he continues to obey orders he will be kicked from F&V.

Go eat a *beep* taco fag.
Eloquent as always.

02:15:57 May 21st 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

agreed =p

02:16:08 May 21st 09 - Duchess Illidan:

Im not Augh

I still <3 you :D

02:24:20 May 21st 09 - Mr. Garlic:

Found a typo in my post. TBL would be kicked if he DOESNT obey, not the other way around :P

02:33:32 May 21st 09 - Lady Quietone:

Augh I just dont know what to think when you post anymore because you tell us one thing then we see said bling left for some inter kd issues but then TBL clearly posted in that thread we saw saying it was a plan all along for him to leave the kd to aid you in winning the era.  Since then he's just decided to help Primate instead..

You posted in here early on that it wasnt Veggies feeding that it was bling alone and then the towns that get taken do in fact belong to Veggies...and then we see the posts in your own forums where TBL again says he's going to help Primate.

I dont think it's the KD as a whole...or maybe it is I dunno, but it's been an ongoing sitauation with TBL since the day we crossed into Fantasia and it's still how much can one rely on what you are saying?  I would hope that you could pull it together and actually hold TBL accountable for all he's done this era but I dont see you handling it at all....just apologizing for his constant disregard for any credibility you're trying to obtain for Veggies.

02:38:40 May 21st 09 - Mr. Slobodan Mielosovic:

02:46:50 May 21st 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:


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