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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax - Era of Agent Smith

Mantrax - Era of Agent Smith
01:09:19 May 7th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

wow get more MU's next time aloy..... ^^

02:29:33 May 7th 09 - Mr. Bongs:

I would like to inform you guys on why the horde got frozen. They decided to cast freeze on a scout which i merged into not even thinking. But i would like to say that the problem has been fixed on why i even pulled the horde. We killed all 1.2m of yums troops!

So for all you poeple fighting mad just watch ur scouts cause they like to waste mus on scouts :PPPPPPPP

04:34:47 May 7th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Yes it's such a surprise that your tens of thousands of Naz and AMs finally broke us. Not. :)

This era has been.. Well, frustrating to say the least.

07:34:33 May 10th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

To Rebirth and Veggies... Great job there. I say its so hard to defend 2 or 3 fronts. We drained our resources to a point where peasant recruits and provision to balance the upkeep were zero. You can all berserk your armies to our core. ;)
Our cities are up for grabs... hurry limited Mantrax cities only.

08:30:00 May 10th 09 - Prince Mielo:

<3 MAD :)

11:44:58 May 10th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

yeah sure thei wont get mi 400 M  i will wreck all mi citys before thei get their hand s on it ..  no *beep*ing peasents to train and no slaves to buy :( *beep*

12:02:00 May 10th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

you put up a good fight and it was a honour to fight against both MAD and YUM. till we meet again, good luck=)

04:19:49 May 11th 09 - Mr. Arkantos:

so who's beating who?

05:03:56 May 11th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

F&V plus Rebirth have greater chances against MAD plus YUM

06:57:26 May 12th 09 - Mr. Xuiian:

It is great to see Rebirt and Fruit&Veg teaming up to fight MAD. This can only mean MAD is so strong the enemy have to team up and bring everything to the table to beat us. Go MAD!!!

To Reb + F&V: Awwww cute, you can't do it on your own and now you have to involve another superpower to beat MAD... your mom must be very proud. One-on-one fighting is for real men. A concept you will not yet understand. There is no doubt, together you will win - what an empty victory...

10:17:49 May 12th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

having the whole era weaker enemies is also a skill Xuiian; even in the RL most winners are only targeting a weaker opponent or hunting in groups

10:18:29 May 12th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

ehh, like Gladiatorul said it is a 2 KD vs 2 KD fight.

besides, we started this war alone against MAD and YUM. we had no contact with Veggie, and didnt know they was going to strike you aswell.

edit: wise words Glad all though im sure you are with me on the though that its not always the case.

10:33:40 May 12th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Half of Yum had sub 1m incomes when ya'll marches your troops over.. We were never going to do anything more than slow you down for a few days ;)

10:36:04 May 12th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

indeed it is not always the case but it is the target of a good Diplomat; I remember how hard you (Rebirth) fought last era - but atleast you had to fight on a single front;

as far a YUM is concerned - they were just re-building their economy after losing in FANTA; so - from my point of view - this war was not fair, but nice;

10:42:47 May 12th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

i dont want to go into a discussion on how it was fair or not, but i've gat a few point of wievs that makes me think we didnt have the upper hand;P

i can just tell that we didnt march in 26 members with big ass armies:P

11:17:05 May 12th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Overcome - who cares about fairness - just the winners remain in the histories
@Ademo, it must be frustrating for you - this is the 3rd time you are trying to re-build; I really find it very booring to rebuild at the end era - and I don't care too much about scoring (I expect it strange again, anyway).

How wants Melbourne, my first town?

11:35:32 May 12th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

well, it was actually u that brough it up:P and im glad you dont care, cause there are people that does;)

12:05:11 May 12th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Overcome, I brought it up because you suggested it was a fair fight, and we all know it wasn't. However, we will never find fair fights from everyone's perspective - it is very subjective to say so. I dont' complain it wasn't a fair fight - and I hope noone will complain about my KD winning in unfair fights in the future.

Hope this is explanatory enough - as I am not planning to debate this further.

12:22:14 May 12th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

like i said, i disagree that it was not a fair fight. cause i think it was.

so its kinda arrogant to say we "all know it wasnt".

but yeah, as i said, i dont want to discuss this, cause it usually dont comes much good out of it

12:38:48 May 12th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

"so its kinda arrogant to say we "all know it wasnt"." i must add: its arrogant cause neither of us knows all the facts and its a matter of opinion.

13:00:07 May 12th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

I see you are very insistent, Overcome - you may not have all the facts, but we do - if I am telling you that your armies were fighing about one fifth of ours (& half of my magic power) - I bet you would change your opinion. Maybe you mean somethin else by fairness, then I do: I mean we basicly had very low chance of winning these 2 battles, under these circumstances. It would be 'a kinda of arrogant to say' that MAD would have equal chances the win the war against you & F&V.
We are loosing however and we didn't have the chance to show any of your 2 KDs, who would have been the winner in a fair fight 1 vs 1. Maybe next time.

13:21:19 May 12th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Overcome, it wasn't a fair fight. I respect your opinion to think it was, but it's my opinion that it wasn't. I don't really care that it wasn't, though, because it was actually an enjoyable fight.. Much more interesting that rebuilding.. again :p

15:21:15 May 12th 09 - Mr. Hilario:

hehe. Its a fair or maybe not-so-fair fight but its too hard to defend against two kingdoms with the same caliber like us. ;)

15:29:57 May 12th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

okei Glad, if you claim to have all the facts then you can tell me how many of our members that was active during our fight, and then you can tell me how many people from Rebirth you actually fought;)

you can also tell me how we ended up with pumping like crazy in the start to take out BOW and GOTF, for only to see most of our reward going to Juicy who came in from the south against minimal defenses and made a clean sweep.

we gat hit hard by that war, lots off losses, very low reward.

damn, now we get started on this crap. i hate this discussion, cause there is never a ultimate solution. atleast that i have seen.

16:07:35 May 12th 09 - Mr. Hilario:

So, I can see that you have a hidden grudge with JUICY after they took your warspoils. That will repeat again after F&V will get most of the warspoils. that will be cool.

16:11:30 May 12th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

lol, i dont. and i would not advice you to jump conclutions like that;)

i dont have a problem with Juciy, except for a few members maybe. but thats for totally other reasons:P

and we have gained a much bigger reward from you guys allready then we ever gat from BOW. so it has been worth the efforts^^

16:15:07 May 12th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

*Walks in*

for only to see most of our reward going to Juicy who came in from the south against minimal defenses and made a clean sweep.

Not true.

*Walks back out*

16:18:45 May 12th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

lol, may i ask how many warriers you killed to get into there core?

BOW members said themself that they had not buildt a proper blocker in the south, and that they focused on the north cause Fate were coming and we stood on 2 of there blockers (3 at the end).

that was what i saw, and that is what ive heard. therfor this is the conclution i came up with. im open to other conclutions, but i have to use the experience i have gat to retell my story and not taking wild guesses:P

16:43:29 May 12th 09 - Mr. Hilario:

oops. dont listen to wilber... ;)

22:04:33 May 12th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

well overcome the situation was that mad was figthing down south of mantrax  / north of fantasia against  fruits   vell actuali we were fgihting  max 6 players from mad , and then at thew moment when  moreof our players started to  send down armies against  veggies  leaving north  of mantrax "practicly undefended  you guys march in whit your armies and atack ... an  now we were in the siotuation taht opur mines were exposed to your armies  up north and we had to stop training on the veggie fron t and start trainin g in north to defend ..
if you guys call this a fair fight then im the *beep* and im sorry  ...

22:32:12 May 12th 09 - Sir Atomic Pepper:

any poof worth his salt protects his back entrance when he is otherwise engaged elsewhere. i suggest you should have done the same

22:44:34 May 12th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

here is my thing: we are now 26 members in Rebirth, we have max been 27. but we had 3 players fighting in another, world, 2 inactive while we was 27. plus we had 4 players joining after we defeated BOW/GOTF and 1 right before we deafed them  (right after we went to war with you guys).

27 - 10 = 17. after a week we had 13-15 members on Mantrax attacking you guys.

and like i said, we had a big settback against BOW/GOTF with only training warriors, and almost no rewards in form of income.

correct me if im misstaking, but i think MAD or YUM were 28-30 members and 26 members? i dont know about inactivty and such on your part (like i say no one of us knows all the facts) and same goes for Veggie, i think they were 28 or something at the time we started.

i still think it was a "fair" war, cause we were 2 KD fighting eatchother and both had there weak points.

anyway, i hate that i cant help posting to this things. i guess i just have to much dum hounar to let anyone speak bad about Rebirth

02:41:34 May 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Overcome - I have never said anything about your start (that is your history). At the time we (MAD) had to fight F&V and Rebirth - you & F&V already had about 120% of our strenght already. So MAD had to fight against 240% strenght. Indeed Spagetty had also 50% but they were only buildings with no armies.

Now you saying you did attacked us with 13-15 players full armies strenght. I wish we had 13-15 active players (on both fronts). However, I don't believe we did have that many and the most of active's players full armies were on South. We only managed to get a weak merge (from newly trained armies) to stop your 12-15 full armies for a while. The same time we coudnt send much the other front, from where we had to retreat; if you call this fair - then I would call Primate's fight last era (in Zet) - fair, too.

03:12:17 May 13th 09 - Lord Sky:

Our war was fair - we didn't cheat. Whether or not you were stronger than us in the beginning is irrelevent.... although I recall while we were prepping on your blocker MAD was approximately 93% of Rebirth's power. I neglected to check on Yum's power... but 93% seems a fair match to me. There have been many wars when the percentages have been more skewed.

Anyway, my point is that your kingdom's strength falls on your members. If you have active members that work together well, you will be a strong kingdom. Rebirth, due to a good player makeup and good teamwork, was able to fairly defeat you. If you were overwhelmed, oh well... it happens sometimes. Life sucks. Deal with it.

And if you want to talk about bias, I began the era in BoW and we were overwhelmed by Rebirth, Juicy, and Foundation attacking from three sides.

03:48:16 May 13th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

"Rebirth, due to a good player makeup and good teamwork, was able to fairly defeat you. "

ftw. :))

04:00:48 May 13th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Rebirth was 243% over Yum power when ya'll rocked up to our doorstep.

Overcome, member count is not a measure of fairness. We were only just starting to get our incomes to a half decent level.. They ranged anywhere from around 500k, to i think 1.7m for one of our memebers who got killed off a bit earlier than the rest on Fant. Some of our guys restarted after we got pushed off Fant, so they had to redo sciences etc as well as get their economy back up.

Add to that the fact that some people simply "gave up" when you started attacking, because we'd been beaten off Fant already and then bullied by Juicy and they just weren't up to fighting someone 2.5x our size

Also, we still had to train some troops in the South on the border because Veggies was coming to hit us again, cus apparently once wasn't enough.

We knew from the start that we'd never beat you. The best we could hope for, was to hold you off long enough for those wanting to resettle on Arma, to get moving.

07:39:33 May 13th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

I can count with my two hands those who are active in our side. 4 of them can be considered as the one who truly are fully active. Some of our members were deleted cuz of inactivity. and others were newly recruited members from fallen KDs. mainly there are only 3 of us who are defending on our north area against your 13-15..(wow! what a match up) and 4 on our south area..

if we could have only 1 war dealing with, maybe this wont happen.. so its not a fair fight for me, but i might say that both KDs veggie and rebirth have good politics game play. another good VU era.

08:52:06 May 13th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Mr. Overcome


5/12/2009 9:29:57 PM

you can also tell me how we ended up with pumping like crazy in the start to take out BOW and GOTF, for only to see most of our reward going to Juicy who came in from the south against minimal defenses and made a clean sweep.

we gat hit hard by that war, lots off losses, very low reward.


How typical of JUICY.

08:59:20 May 13th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

"Rebirth was 243% over Yum power when ya'll rocked up to our doorstep."

sorry, but i find this one hard to believe.

and i guess it all comes down to different perceptions and opinions.

09:08:11 May 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Overcome - these are facts - not perceptions - they had about 50% of our power and you had 120% - so easy to do the math - just multiply by 2

09:11:41 May 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Cucumber - in life there is always a compensation rule: it seems you (F&V) now fought the hardest (against us) and someone else (Rebirth) gets compensated.

09:20:17 May 13th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

"these are facts" facts can be proved, now prove that you have correct in the powerdifferences between our KD's

there has been said alot of different things here, and you just say your own things. therefor to me its perceptions. as some may have looked at the score after you guys had taken a heavy beating.

im going to stop posting here now, cause im just tired of getting into this things. i think its the bitterness of the loss that drives you guys into thinking it wasnt a fair fight.

i will finish by saying that we have our perception of this war and YUM has theres and MAD has theres.

09:22:29 May 13th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Nah, I have no qualms about Rebirth getting the lion's share in this war. We win some, we lose some. Furthermore, they are not pretentious or overbearing like JUICY.

09:29:03 May 13th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

yeah .. veggie wont get many of our mines .. becosue our active palyers ar e down sout h . .so we will wreck our citys before we  lsoe them but up north belong to some not soactive members of mad so rebirth got their big juicy mines :) :P

i wonder wat would the war luck like if we were in peace whit fruits and we  had all our armies up north  against rebirht  :) hmmm.. that would have been an interesting figth ..  i have seen al of  rebirts eyes and none of their single armeis vcoudl have matchesd up whit mi armies merged ... i lost more then 230k catas:P  down south  becouse  i was  stupid inof  not to merge them .. ( and this was just mi armie )  i dont manchion the knigths becouse thei dont count so much
 -   but i  think i gave some good fight s for veggie :P
chears you all
im  done in mantrax all mi citys are wrecked .. 
grtx Zoltan

09:31:03 May 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@ Overcome - indeed - the can be proven (maybe by VU admin - if he's got backup copies); these numbers are not based on anyone's imagination.
They could have been proven if any of us had made coppies at that time - so they are facts (even though with lost information).

09:34:07 May 13th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

lol, but there has been different numbers by everyone untill now:P

so you mean they can prove yours?

and Darklord, we do have some good ones^^ i think one of our biggest gat 80 k nazguls=)

09:35:55 May 13th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

 :) 0   well i know why rebirth attacked us and overcome is so mad at us :P because i was  member of  rebirth  and  left them  :)   sorry Overcome for leaving you guys i told you then to that MAD is  mi  kingdom :)    and ill leave you if their started again :)  and thei did:)

Mr. Darklord
Lived in Era 37, got 1 heirs (Darklord) and was a member of Rebirth



09:39:42 May 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Overcome - Shogun had only about 25 - 30k nazz immediately (again recorded facts) after taking the undefended towns in the north - at that time I (as a Magician) had a similar army (power strenght). I let you do the math.

09:44:44 May 13th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

i though he were talking about now, Glad;P

and Darklord, i aint mad at MAD^^  i just think its lame to say it wasnt a fair fight

09:48:58 May 13th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

It's not perception Overcome. I've paid probably more attention to the power %'s this era than i should have :P You WERE 243% of our power when you attacked, i know because i looked.. It was one of the things talked about in Yum at the start.. knowing that we had very little chance. You were not very far behind RVL in the % power and quite a ways ahead of #3 (i don't remember who that was at the time.. Veggies i -think-)

It's got nothing to do with being bitter, either - I already said it was a fun fight, but it was far from a fair one... Too bad for us, that's how the game goes.. Not much we can do about it.

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