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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Age 5

Mantrax Age 5
01:08:04 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Legend:

Hows my sis Ford? She doing okay there?

03:05:12 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Fordius:

Her butt hurts a lil bit she says.
But that's not much of a suprise.

She's saying Hi and she says that you need to tell ur mom that we're coming over tomorrow for dinner. So she better cook something nice :P

05:21:06 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Binh The Travelling Merchant:

*A bard came to every town in Mantrax and tell a story of epic drama.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me tell you a story that touch the heart of every single souls. A story that can make a baby weep, men cry out in anger, and women shriek out in terror.

Once upon a time, there was a travelling merchant. His name is Binh. After he made some cash from honest living, he decided to buy a farm in Britain for his family to live peacefully there happily. Several months after, a guy called Benard Montgomery in a bandit group called Little Britain came and destroy what was once a peaceful life. In an attempt to pillage Binh's peaceful farm, Benard has slaughter Binh's little doggie called Pooh. Luckily Pooh made several warning bark before his death to warn Binh of impending danger. Binh has then picked up his gun and shoot off Benard's band of brigand. Benard manage to flee before getting shot himself.

Binh now vow to destroy all the bandit leaders in Little Britain at all cost to avenge for the death of his beloved doggie.

To be continued...

07:28:40 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Totoro:

Kill the Brits :)

Sieg Zeon!
Viva La Revolucion!
Totoro heads off look for more forgotten warriors to annoy, you can't get rid of dust without dynamite...

Broom or vacuum? Dust mop or Swiffer? You've been trying to figure out the best way to get rid of dust since we first started playing house.

did you forget? :p

11:01:37 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Warsonari:

Bah, come on? Really? I just got my 300K axemen build and now I got to rush in to use them for... what? Pointless slaughter with no goal or fun whatsoever cause in 240 hours this era is gone and so is any fun in this game.

Armageddon will end the world of Mantrax in 240 days unless the city of Zaaap is destroyed!!

11:11:29 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Totoro:

Well, as one of the one's being slaughtered I have to say
lololololololol :p

11:53:59 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Legend:

Omg... How sad is this shit 2/3 weeks in the era and already arma come on bunch of losers can't win so arma immediatly. I hope RoC or any other kd that's close to it will kill you and and do some nasty stuff to ya.

12:19:57 Jan 23rd 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

How sad is it that you're crying about casting arma when you planned to do it yourself when it was convenient for you?    We are getting our asses kicked by FW right now (Battles won: 27 Battles lost: 66) so I don't think anyone in our kingdom won't be glad to see this era end and a new one begin. Contain your glee Totoro :p

12:29:38 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Legend:

Well I told our mages who will cast arma fast will get his ass whooped by me no matter what. I find it sad that this happens. And I don't want to see that Mant turnes in a Fant where arma is getting controlled by Dark Side.

Can't you do anything Mcmax?

12:36:24 Jan 23rd 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

Isn't Music warring ROC? not sure why they would help Music :p

12:39:44 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Legend:

Well that's true. But this is something that hits the entire world not only music. So if they would do something about it will help not only Music but also FW/Susu/LB/KoH and any other kd that I missed out.

12:42:05 Jan 23rd 11 - Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior:

Except for one city (one they took from me :-(  ), all of Pussyfoots cities are behind fortified blockers.

So no, not for the moment. But we are working on a new tool. A tincan opener - so maybe later.

12:50:08 Jan 23rd 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

Perhaps the spell should be removed and the worlds returned to set # of days in an era then there would be less farming until week 3  and more warring. From what I observed this era there was more farming then fighting until this week (so not surprising someone has the power to cast arma), albeit not Susu since we've been fighting since OOP :D

12:52:04 Jan 23rd 11 - Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior:

I tend to agree with Legend in this matter.

Casting Arma before the fightings are done with a clear winner/winning team is a game-killing deed, that shouldn't be tolerated in any of the VU-worlds.

We shall discuss this in RoC and return with our "opinion" on how to solve this problem. We might need to do something we don't like to avoid something worse.


13:00:42 Jan 23rd 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

Max, would you agree, ROC did what Music did; farmed until this week. To me that is more of a game killer then the early arma casting. Just my opinion.  And yes I just lost more players who find the game "stale" and "uninteresting"... and it's a sad day when school wins over a game lol

/begin quote

I won't be playing VU anymore. I find the game pretty boring although I have had fun with you guys and gals (so thanks for that).  From what I've observed in my short time here the same people fight the same people (kingdom names may change but the general line up doesn't) and the owner of the game doesn't update it.  So, between it being stale and needing to spend more time on school, school wins. Sorry but good luck to you all!

/end quote

13:09:58 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Legend:

School should always win of a computer game. That is live changing. This game isn't so his/her choise is right.

Well farming is a way to war later on. Like RoC and Music now are doing. We didn't had the luxury like Susu to have an enemy at the beginning.

13:19:02 Jan 23rd 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

I agree, he made the right choice. And I'm aware of that (farming) :p 

but it also means casting arma early (depends on your perspective lol) is also part of that to plan for now with that strategy.

Just making an observation that when Susuwatarii fought PKS and Japan on Zetamania we had as much fun on that map as we did on this one because we fought from the start to end (btw when we casted arma on that map even then some thought it was too early when infact is was not by recent castings timing).  Sucks this era will end early for us but we'll be back next era to give it another try ;)

13:24:06 Jan 23rd 11 - Lady Jade:

Back for another spanking you mean :P

13:25:36 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Legend:

But what I see now of Pawerful is the same tactic that butt buddies used on Zeta. Farm in a corner and end the era fast with 1 of there players as era winner.

I was with PKS that era. Was a fun I got killed to many times in that era :P But I didn't find it to early you guys were almost died Capi was dead. And if you guys didn't put troops in that arma city it would have been taken 2.

13:33:44 Jan 23rd 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior


05:24:54 Jan 23rd 11
Hmmm, looks like Deno's little Puppy (no not that Puppy, but the one shitting in our backyard) want's to show he how great he is.

Can't stand that I walked right past all three of your blockers, huh?

We picked a spot that was easy to fortify, because I knew it was going to happen. I noticed both Music and FW not touching each other from the start. Then there's me being stubborn and not wanting to nap every person  by us to fight them. Guess it's wrong that we farmed up to fight a 19 player kingdom too then, huh? ;)

13:35:21 Jan 23rd 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

lol, ofc! :)

still need to decide if I like getting them more then giving them :p

04:24:06 Jan 23rd 11 - Lady Jade:

Back for another spanking you mean :P

13:36:14 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Legend:

Farming isn't the problem. It's wise to farm against so many players. But a fast arma is ridiculous.

13:45:22 Jan 23rd 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

Its not fast if you fight from the start (and nearly dead lol), it's only fast if all you did was farm :p  

PS - Yes Zetamania was fun and yes we nearly died.. nearly ;) :p

PPS - to those in FW whom we fought who did not get the opportunity to farm , cheers to a fun battle and boooooooooooo to it going your way :p

PPPS - to FW please kill LB for us :)

13:48:54 Jan 23rd 11 - Sir Mcmax The Magic Warrior:

My post wasn't about you ("no not that Puppy") but the Shiitfuuckdog. Our (RoC's) backyard is your area. And the big Pooh he made was the one on the 1-buildingcity of Zaaap.

13:53:29 Jan 23rd 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

mine mine, all mine!!! lol Can't really hold more than one town, atm.... so I'll sit and wait for you guys to say hi. :P

Almost forgot about him.... he yapped at me and I bit him. lol

14:29:40 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Pedobear:

Me being a brand new player and this being my first era, I was against the arma myself, it seemed like such a waste, even with conditions as they are presently. But I must say, after having my friends here being called losers by people exploiting the xp feeding "in hopes it will bring zeta back in action" I must say Im rather happy about it. 

Like with any new game, I try to arm myself with information, and in the forums I see a few things constantly repeated. Amongst these being "The game is dying because of Zetas absence" I dont think this is true. I think the game is dying because of the players. 

The game its self, coming from a new players point of view is just fine except for the predominance of one race and the xp feeding. When my friend brought me over here, it seemed more and more to be something I would enjoy. But now, after seeing the community and what its all about, I highly doubt I will be playing after this era.

I mean, Its one thing to exploit a glitch, and to do so without denying it, whatever, cool, maybe it will get things changed. But then to sit behind the same banner as those who have done that and throw out names over a completely legit aspect of the game is childish to the most extreme. Then, another thing I constantly here is how great a select few players are. Well, being a gamer, I recognize the snowball effect when I see it. Happens almost every game where "the best" like their status as "the best" so group together rather then actually having to prove it. Now I have heard alot about the "eliteness" of a certain few playing on this map, but for them to be in two of the biggest kds and napped with each other is thoroughly unimpressive.  I dont see how that can honestly be fun for anyone.  Eh, whatever floats your boat.

A game is only as good as its players, and I dont think I have seen such poor sportsmanship, childish forum post, and in the lower worlds unwillingness to help new players succeed in any online game.

Hopefully that will serve as a little perspective of why this new player is choosing not to continue the game after this era. Good luck to you all ^^

16:19:43 Jan 23rd 11 - Sir Erythnul:

Tactically you ca't fault them , secure a area large enough for 6 members to co habitat together in (Halfers/orc/dwarf/elf) without getting race imbalances from each other , but also small enough area that  you only need 2 blockers . Then build (since farm is such a bad word which is funny because every empire does it in varying degrees) your income and troops up and watch as everyone else wars. Then send one rather large PUPPY out to the nearest empire to them breech there core and sit in one of there largest cities and watch as we (i happen to be in this empire try and scramble. Then cast Arma (opinions are varied as you can tell by the previous and im sure future posts) on a city that is well as fortified as a city can get and watch the fireworks ! 

Come on you have to love it ! 

17:30:20 Jan 23rd 11 - General Who:

If neither of yours was needed then all of you stfu and keep it politics, you want to flame. Flame politically. Not personal crap and 1 word posts. You want personal do it in the other forums, this is Politics.

17:30:43 Jan 23rd 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

I see your army on the horizon, Erythnul! I'll fight you!

By the way, that name have anything to do with the D&D god of Slaughter? :D

17:46:10 Jan 23rd 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

It is very difficult to know who he's talking about when he mentions puppy in a kingdom named Pawerful, but it's hard not to think he was talking about me. O.o

20:02:50 Jan 23rd 11 - Lord Deno Pawder:

It is even more difficault to know what you are talking about, when you are responding to my post that got deleted :-)

20:43:57 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Sgt Rock:

 I personally dont know anything about farming this era . KoH has been fighting since OOP and this has been one of the most enjoyable eras I have played in a while.

  I salute Anubis as they have fought a long hard fight against more than one kingdom and not complained about it. 
 They would have undoubtedly killed us eventually if it hadn't been that Music moved in on them too. That is the luck of the game sometimes.

21:56:46 Jan 23rd 11 - Mr. Barny:

I don't think that Pawerfull's use of Armageddon's demonstrates the problems with the spell (which primarily affect Fantasia) or is something that people should be so upset about. Whenever an era ends before it is convenient for them, people will tend to complain. In this circumstance, it's really not imbalanced or premature.

Just because an era ends before 1000 ticks doesn't mean that it ended too early. This era, Pawerfull is now in an unwinnable situation. On top of that, they have 2 enemy kingdoms that now share a direct border with them. In this particular instance, it would not be difficult for an organized kingdom to stop the Armageddon.

22:42:18 Jan 23rd 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

I have no intentions of cancelling Arma, FW will have to try :p

17:14:18 Jan 24th 11 - Mr. Ultimit Solider:

rock and music r noops pls quit this game. go barny and my pawerful and forgotten friends !!!

xoxo ultimit solider

17:24:31 Jan 24th 11 - Mr. Ultimit Solider:

general who "personal crap" directly affects politics !!! plz leave this forum with your holier than thou attitude !!! go deno !!!

22:58:38 Jan 24th 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

13:28:31 - Fire rains from the sky in Endless War and kills 1 peasants. 0 lumbermills also burned down.

01:22:57 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Infiltraitor:

Do not trust Dark Side , or Forgotten Warriors or whatever they call themselves for suggestions. They are for their benefit and not for the community's benefit.

04:43:55 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Aloysius:

that's the plan.

Message From Mr. Barny
Your kingdom

Back to message list

You (1/11/2011 9:39:32 PM)

you guys casted Armageddon. Congratulations to both our kingdoms for a smooth era. I say, let us control arma to crush those 4kingdoms that seems to unite against us. We are gaining ground against Relentless in the northwest and so far repelled all Hex advances. Let me know if you guys have plans to cancel arma before it expires and recast it.

Mr. Barny (1/11/2011 10:15:43 PM)    GOOD    BAD
Sorry, I just got home. The first thing I had intended to do was to let you know what was going on with that, but I got carried away in in-game actions and forum discussions.

The main reason we have cast the spell is to simply get control over Armageddon. Right now we are 95% sure that the we will end up canceling the spell, we have plenty of enemies left to fight. We are at the blockers of Abydos on all sides, and we certainly don't want the era to end. On the west end I already burnt the Abydos armories and blockers before they were defended, so I will certainly breach their core on that side and others will breach them on the east. Once Abydos falls, we have Hex to kill. Once Hex falls, we can kill the enemies that you are fighting- if there are any left.

How are your wars progressing? I noticed some huge armies headed up to fight Nomination.

Guy's, dont let anyone outside our kingdom know it. ok.

03:41:05 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Barny:

"Infiltrator", you have just proven yourself to be an idiot on so many different levels.

Let's look at the way that you open up your argument. You are posting anonymously, thus you have no credibility. On top of that, you further sully your character by registering a multiple account (since I am sure that on your real account you have a Fantasia character already) and snuck it into MAD just so you could leak a message between me and Aloysius, which Aloysius explicitly states not to let anyone outside of your kingdom know of. I can already tell that you are a trustworthy and ethical guy.

The icing on the cake is that the message log does nothing to show that myself or Dark Side are making suggestions that serve our own interests at the cost of the community, in fact; it shows just the opposite. I am a vice of Dark Side, and Aloysius is the leader of MAD, our NAP partner. I acknowledge that the current Armageddon mechanic is broken and imbalanced, and that the only way to stop an era from ending prematurely (like what is happening now on Mantrax) is to control the spell. Like a good ally, we are keeping MAD informed and alerting them to the fact that we intend to cancel the spell, something that benefits both of our kingdoms and Fantasia as a whole. If players in Dark Side wanted to make suggestions that benefited ourselves, we would all agree that Armageddon is perfectly fine and balanced and that nothing needs to be changed; because in it's current state the spells seems to be working in our favor.

I'll give you a 3/10 for effort though. It was a novel attempt and it looks like you put a lot of time and effort into trying to slur me and the kingdoms that I am a part of. I am sure that if you try a bit harder next time you will be able to construct a rational post that doesn't make you look like a complete retard.

03:52:19 Jan 25th 11 - General Who:

He cant post, i banned him for posting it in 7 different topics.

03:59:32 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Barny:

Judge Kobuskan


00:01:25 Jan 11th 11

Barny why don,t you explain the AotD bug your are using to defeat your enemies, or do you want to keep that advantage within your own KD.


Judge Kobuskan


09:39:50 Jan 11th 11
Isn,t stg and stone feading also cheating

Judge Kobuskan


05:58:02 Jan 23rd 11
Ne idea just popped up, what about science feeding

Mr. Brick


04:10:41 Jan 21st 11
People complain about cheating

Mr. Infiltraitor


16:22:43 Jan 24th 11
Do not trust Dark Side , or Forgotten Warriors or whatever they call themselves for suggestions. They are for their benefit and not for the community's benefit.

I am just using posts from both this thread and the Fantasia thread where this was posted. If I wanted to, I could pull up a dozen more posts that demonstrate a completely identical typing style and sentence structure between Kobuskan and the mysterious "Infiltrator". 

Real subtle there champ. If you are going to take the time to register a new account just so you don't have to take responsibility for your post, at least vary the way in which you type.

05:21:21 Jan 25th 11 - Ms. Tress Mayhem:

It seems like a stretch if you ask me Barny. I don't see any commonality in language structure between those first two and the last one plus I don't think Kobu would do that tbh. Its not his style. 

I agree with you; I don't think the stolen message he posted proves his argument at all.       

so what else is happening on Mantrax? my line of sight is seriously limited atm due to some rampaging angry turtle :p

07:28:50 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Legend:

Uhm.. Barny. Have you ever talked to Kobu on skype?

Kobu always does his ' as a ,  
You can see that in Kobu's real posts where he uses his own acc.
Infiltraitor uses the ' so it's hard to believe it's Kobu.
Yes it can be Kobu. But it's not really his style of typing.

Prove Kobu's posts:
Barny why don,t you explain the AotD bug
Isn,t stg and stone feading also cheating

Infiltraitor post:
They are for their benefit and not for the community's benefit.

07:46:37 Jan 25th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

Well, Legend, that could be something done on purpose, in this instance. 

But Barny, I'm sorry, but I don't see enough proof to throw that accusation out there myself, to be honest. I may not've been around to get that familiar with kobu though, so you may be right, so I dunno.

09:16:57 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Hopeless:

But Puppy if it's something that Kobu does 24/7 he would make a mistake as  the person called Infiltraitor. You can't make the perfect sentence if some thing is usuall typing for ya. And if Zond/any other admin ask Zeta (When he's alive) to do a ip check then it wouldn't be Kobu. And if it is then I am very disapointed in him.

09:39:30 Jan 25th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

Not saying it is, it could be or not, but I don't see enough proof to say that it is. Was just pointing out that someone who's careful can pull off mimicking a different typing style is all. :D

09:46:04 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Hopeless:


It also can be Barny. Saying that it's Kobu but he said it about himself so we would hate Kobu :P

10:04:36 Jan 25th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

It can also be you, just so you can babble on with me out of boredom! :P

10:26:47 Jan 25th 11 - Mr. Hopeless:

Yea, School sucks did all my projects. Have to do something between tick switches.

10:36:41 Jan 25th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:


I just talk to myself..... gives me enough entertainment when I argue back.

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