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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Wars I

Mantrax Wars I
00:21:32 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade:

I have not been leader this entire era.  Zek went to Starta and made a new Gaul kingdom, so I became leader cause of that. 

03:46:28 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Acerf:

Lol  Glad is just getting used to losing so he's making up for it with his mouth

04:16:29 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Fire:

isn't it ALWAYS peace or CF before you attack?


think about it.

Lol. No?
Gladiator: Stop whining. You make yourself look bad, really.

05:14:35 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Zek:

Most of are kingdom died wile at work , Sigh .  We got allot of new players Also . Someone just Kill Might for me ? that would make me happy .   Good luck Mantraxians ill be back Next era if we do not goto Fantasia . 

     Sucks to go out so quick but this is Also my First Era as Ruler of a Kingdom ,

05:16:41 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

Zek, why do you hate me so much? What have I done?

05:19:20 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomv:

you infected him with cow disease

07:42:05 Mar 28th 08 - Master Yoda III:


08:50:42 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Air:

Mr. Zek


3/28/2008 5:14:35 AMMost of are kingdom died wile at work , Sigh .  We got allot of new players Also . Someone just Kill Might for me ? that would make me happy .   Good luck Mantraxians ill be back Next era if we do not goto Fantasia . 

     Sucks to go out so quick but this is Also my First Era as Ruler of a Kingdom ,
Yea nice execuse, and yes, go to fantasia, u guys need to learn how to fight, we where in your core 24 hours before protection ended and you kds first armoury was built by bobson 2(!) ticks before he was OOP. If you stay on lower worlds and keep having it easy you will never learn some things.

09:36:33 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Zek:

 I Excuse nothing , your insults explain everything  , i had an armorie . i also Had = Troops to Water's army with a 50% chance to win , i made a bad gamble and it cost me heavily .  If i had won that battle i would have been Able to Crush you like as bug ...   had a Small army half the size of yours obliterate you . Don't give me this Mightier than Thou wannabe elitist Bulls *beep* You are No better than anyone else .  The Simple fact is you got some new players Mines and Boost to income it was obvious we were going to lose fighting 1v1 with your armories Build by are mines .  Had we placed Armories Next to your mines we would not be having this conversation .
       Act as if you have some great Skill attacking people 1 at a Time just OOP   Most of the Players we got are not even a Full era under there belts .    We did great last Era a Coming out of protection  we have some people in Gauls that have played 20 era or so also .  many Mistakes  were made  individually  and Collectively .

 I have Done Fantasia its a whole Different ballpark ,

Might the God of Cows 

 I don't hate you , but you are fun to tip over =D .

10:10:35 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Santa:

Had we placed Armories Next to your mines we would not be having this conversation .
Then why didnt you? And about the fight with waters army, you lost that fight, forget about it. Dont go, I couldve killed you and stuff like that. It makes you look like a newb. You lost and it looks like youre trying to look for excuses.
But there is nothing bad in loosing, in means the other one was the better one, and there must always be a better one. See a loss as a way to learn from your mistakes, and do learn from them when you loose. Its the only way a kingdom can grow to be one of the best, by learning from its mistakes.

11:06:46 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Fire:

If i had won that battle i would have been Able to Crush you like as bug ...

A) You wouldn't have beaten Air, he got a massive income boost by then.
B) Water and Air would've gotten support from the other 4 members if one of the two was squashed.

15:55:17 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Dark Legion:

nice job angels on defeating burnst stil we did not give up only we got kicked

18:10:43 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

angels won a fight!?! wow :P

im not saying much but well done to zinxu for holding out so long.... itll all be over soon :)

as for all this arguing, im glad its not me for a change...but SHUT UP :P

FF rule see ya'll around

18:13:03 Mar 28th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Currently I think the wars are:

FF Freedom Fighter 23 Lord Scientist 100


Preds Predators 22 Sir Darkmarsbar 41

SPQR Frumentarii 6 Sir Ridthick Liech 15

Dark Dark 5 Ms. Zinxu 11


than there's:

Five Elements 6 Mr. Earth 86


GAUL The Gauls 12 Mr. Archbridge 10

than there's:

iPF Internal Primates Forever 13 Lord Primate Meltyface 30

WotW Warriors of the World 4 Mr. Polydeuces 15


E Eternity 20 Lady Noadea 53

and last but not least:

Angels Angels 13 Mr. Trendkill 49


BT BURNT 4 Ms. Critical Acclaim 3


those are the wars I currently know off.

any others?

18:17:35 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

HCHoly Cows8Mr. Might the God of Cows100


GAULThe Gauls12Mr. Archbridge33

HCHoly Cows8Mr. Might the God of Cows100


DaciiThe Dacians6Mr. The Gladiator28

HCHoly Cows8Mr. Might the God of Cows100


MADMultis Are Deleted5Ms. Shimuka Simca90

I dunno about the MAD war. They have lots of armies prepping buts thats about it :P

18:58:22 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Redbeard:

FF Freedom Fighter 23 Lord Scientist 100


Preds Predators 22 Sir Darkmarsbar 41

SPQR Frumentarii 6 Sir Ridthick Liech 15

Dark Dark 5 Ms. Zinxu 11


than there's:

Five Elements 6 Mr. Earth 86


GAUL The Gauls 12 Mr. Archbridge 10

than there's:

iPF Internal Primates Forever 13 Lord Primate Meltyface 30

WotW Warriors of the World 4 Mr. Polydeuces 15


E Eternity 20 Lady Noadea 53

and last but not least:

Angels Angels 13 Mr. Trendkill 49


H Heaven 7 Prince Heavensfrontdoor 102

BC The Black Chain 14 Mr. Sieghart 21

BT BURNT 4 Ms. Critical Acclaim 6

{ I owned the number 1 HoH army with my Number 5 HoH  ;] }

19:04:09 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

errrr i own the number one army.... no you didnt :P

19:21:03 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Fire:

Yeah, Evans owns the number 1 HoH. How on earth could you own the number one spot with your fifth ranked army? !

19:27:28 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Heaven had number one


" Hey Heaven "

I saw it, then it went   ^-^

So I guess he really did do it   xD


19:29:19 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Redbeard:

Mr. Redbeard

3/28/2008 6:02:28 PM

Army command center

Redbeard The Great with 3230 soldiers awaiting your orders, Mr. Redbeard...

The enemy has 8844 soldiers armed with Steel weapons and strong armor. They have 0 peasants traveling with them. We have 99% chance winning this battle


I killed 4000 and injured like 3000

He will be back, but very weak

Mr. Redbeard

3/28/2008 6:29:06 PM

Hey Heaven

Army Info
Commander: Prince Heavensfrontdoor Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: Heaven
Size: Regiment (2000-4000)
Status: Moving South West

Its back
Alot weaker though ;]

owned by Sir Evans

Aether lifeguards
owned by Mr. Aether

Air Blows
owned by Mr. Air

owned by Mr. Master Mind

owned by Mr. Mighty Mouse

owned by Mr. Air

Dark Riders
owned by Mr. Ransom

Redbeard The Great
owned by Mr. Redbeard

owned by Mr. Air

Storming Winds
owned by Mr. Air

Thanks Sausage for the back up


19:37:02 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

This could well be true, if Redbeard is an Orc, the nazzies in his army can boost the overall power in your army

So in fact, he could be telling the truth and Evans
NOW you have the no1, but he said  OWNED

OWNED  =  Past Tense  :)

Then again, he could be pure lying  xD
I suggest asking someone from Angels, as he is part of the kingdom

19:57:37 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Fire:

Sausage rolls have the perfect shape to be sticked up someones ass.

19:59:52 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

also it could have been redbeard was any race, and the big army was pure gaia, and thatd be easy to kill :P

20:01:10 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Please, write in correct grammer

And indeed Evans
But that 'Hey Heaven'

Was number 1 HoH

20:11:33 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Elsin:

Please do not correct peoples grammar.

20:12:07 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Evans:

yeh ive seen gaia go there before, ive known to be second to an army weaker than my own because it was sheer numbers of gaia, looking at you santa :P


22:16:22 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Fire:

Re: Sir Sausage Roll

roll over and die plz

00:38:13 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Umm... No ?

10:28:51 Mar 29th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

but the real question in this is :

Music Music 23 Mr. Kobuskan 123

Where's Music?! are they actually warring anyone?!

11:08:33 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Santa:

Sir Evans


3/28/2008 8:12:07 PM

yeh ive seen gaia go there before, ive known to be second to an army weaker than my own because it was sheer numbers of gaia, looking at you santa :P

:P HOH is f*cked up. Its more about numbers than total army strength, thus 10k gaia can be number 1 while 100 nazgul wouldnt even get in, while they are a lot stronger :P

14:00:00 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Deth:

what is the biggest army

14:31:42 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Pirate Lewatha


3/29/2008 10:28:51 AM

but the real question in this is :

Music Music 23 Mr. Kobuskan 123

Where's Music?! are they actually warring anyone?!

  Seloc and I are also annoyed ='[
We killed HH... erm... Yer?

15:54:52 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Water:

oh u are great u killed HH..

16:38:23 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol i saw alot of Music players. I even put a scout at their core. Want to know where are their core?? Its quite near to mine, and iPF's core..

16:42:14 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Fire:

:P HOH is f*cked up. Its more about numbers than total army strength, thus 10k gaia can be number 1 while 100 nazgul wouldnt even get in, while they are a lot stronger :P

600 nazguls don't get in either :'(

16:52:17 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:


No one can have 600 nazzies right now

16:56:21 Mar 29th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

It's possible...

17:08:30 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Redbeard:

FF Freedom Fighter 23 Lord Scientist 100


Preds Predators 22 Sir Darkmarsbar 41

SPQR Frumentarii 6 Sir Ridthick Liech 15

Dark Dark 5 Ms. Zinxu 11


than there's:

Five Elements 6 Mr. Earth 86


GAUL The Gauls 12 Mr. Archbridge 10

than there's:

iPF Internal Primates Forever 13 Lord Primate Meltyface 30

WotW Warriors of the World 4 Mr. Polydeuces 15


E Eternity 20 Lady Noadea 53

and last but not least:

Angels Angels 13 Mr. Trendkill 49


H Heaven 7 Prince Heavensfrontdoor 102

BC The Black Chain 14 Mr. Sieghart 21

BT BURNT 4 Ms. Critical Acclaim 6

iPF Internal Primates Forever 13 Lord Primate Meltyface 30


Lol, a little against us ay?

17:15:16 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Redbeard:

This is from our perspective..

H Heaven 7 Prince Heavensfrontdoor 85

iPF Internal Primates Forever 13 Lord Primate Meltyface 53

BT BURNT 3 Ms. Critical Acclaim 1

BC The Black Chain 13 Mr. Sieghart 8

147 %  vs 100 %


17:32:06 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:


Angels Pwn anyways ^-^

Super Angels, kill Heaven  ^-^

17:32:19 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Evans:

Dark are dead so are SPQR
FF have won two of their fights, the third is still ongoing

20:38:00 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:


21:04:04 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Dark Legion:

Angels Angels 17 Mr. Trendkill 100





Five Elements 6 Mr. Earth 144

iPF Internal Primates Forever 14 Lord Primate Meltyface


MAD Multis Are Deleted 5 Ms. Shimuka Simca 41



BC The Black Chain 10 Mr. Sieghart 3
BT BURNT 3 Ms. Critical Acclaim 1

mmm idk how there gonna fix this angels XD

21:05:17 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Dark Legion:

is music on matrix did not see them lol only guals a city and those were fighting dont mind my spelling pleas~!!!

21:08:35 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Dark Legion:

army of darkness & co (merged)

army info
commander: sir darkmarsbar kingdom banner
kingdom: predators
size: brigade (around 5000)
status: camping

merged armies

army of darkness
owned by darkmarsbar

owned by mr. arrow

jackdaniels iii lifeguards
owned by mr. jackdaniels iii

nester lifeguards
owned by mr. nester

pimped ii
owned by mr. bling bob

for starters
owned by mr. arrow


nice going  i saw on the map a 100-200k army was wow lol


but nice job on creating

21:16:32 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Heavensfrontdoor:

Sir Sausage Roll


3/29/2008 4:52:17 PM


No one can have 600 nazzies right now

Are you sure? =)

Euhm, you guys in Angels are 17 vs 7 -.-

22:08:53 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Evans:

its possible but not easy....

23:30:53 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Water:

angels is fighting not only heaven ;)

00:25:08 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Heavensbackdoor:

So we interfered when they already killed BURNT and the other *beep* kd, We are not only fighting Angels either.

04:04:17 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Fire:

Sir Sausage Roll


3/29/2008 4:52:17 PM


No one can have 600 nazzies right now

The stone prices were below 0.4 this morning. I decided I'd do something about it. I now have over 600 nazguls.

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