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Forums / In game politics / Nirvana era of Magneto

Nirvana era of Magneto
20:20:20 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Well, there is a saying: What you don't know won't hurt you. If you hadn't known (didn't take it) then it wouldn't have attacked (if they kept to word).

20:29:06 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

You dont think i didnt Eits it before moving on it?

22:25:49 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Mmm. Well if they attacked you could've ruined their reputation in the forums... I'd rather do that, cuz it lasts longer than just a simple era of taking a couple bases. xD

01:52:02 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart: the dumbass thats gonna even allow that. they prepped two cities, and dropped an armoury.

05:32:35 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Shadow:

we drop armouries everywhere on the borders of our territory or as outposts. guard towers for los and armouries for defense. you were the most hostile one here its a wonder we didnt keep anything for you at all because you probably were just looking for some excuse to break a cf. and you found a lame excuse at that. "trying to find a way around my defenses" like hell we were there was nothing in our forums about you. your not that special.

btw what cities did we prep? the ones we were taking from bio dont count. and the armoury like i said is for los. we did it last era were doing it again this era.

07:06:20 Aug 6th 09 - Sir Shakezilla:

it was fun while it lasted:) gl Nirvana

07:21:20 Aug 6th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Just by reading what you said in one of your messages Brett, you are multi of someone, and I know who that is ;).  But I won't say anything. :)

08:06:18 Aug 6th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Oh yes, we have discussed that in our forums too Poly.

10:06:45 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

lol...multi...thats weak...

10:16:03 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

we drop armouries everywhere on the borders of our territory or as outposts. guard towers for los and armouries for defense. you were the most hostile one here its a wonder we didnt keep anything for you at all because you probably were just looking for some excuse to break a cf. and you found a lame excuse at that. "trying to find a way around my defenses" like hell we were there was nothing in our forums about you. your not that special.

btw what cities did we prep? the ones we were taking from bio dont count. and the armoury like i said is for los. we did it last era were doing it again this era.

It was made clear scouts..and definately no armouries. You broke that agreement. Bio free and royal were both prepped.

10:23:37 Aug 6th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Bio Free was an ex Bio city and Royal we cannot see so was an accidental landing. So there you go thats that part of your argument scrapped, and no scouts were sent into your area after you said not to and the area east of Royal Rumble does not count!

And yes multi-ing is weak

10:28:59 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

your leader agreed the no go zone and planted the city there himself. Bio was my was prepped 3 days after i took it, and royal you can see very clearly as you had 3 scouts the week before right by it.

11:18:40 Aug 6th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

The week before? So you have been arguing about us having scouts near your cities a WEEK ago!!

11:24:47 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

Told you from the start. Dont send scouts. Stay your side i stay mine.
Told the same to any other kd that entered. They listened.
You didnt.

11:27:22 Aug 6th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Told us from the start! I had a scout there near the era beginning and was i sent a warning?!!! NO! It was simply killed, so we contacted you with peace but did you listen no, your having no relations this era, im sorry mate but if you do that your bound to die.

11:47:48 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

Shall I really make you look silly and post every single warning up, including the responses from your leaders? Not my fault they cannot communicate with the rest of their KD. Complain to them...not me.

12:53:06 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Shadow:

your talking to our vice so if he didnt get it then no one did.

"your leader agreed the no go zone and planted the city there himself." so now your ok with the armoury? because you were complaining about it a little while ago but now you seem fine with it.

"Bio was my was prepped 3 days after i took it" didnt we discuss this a couple posts ago? it wasnt yours we started preping, you took it and did we take it? no we let you have it.

13:59:24 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

shit...must i draw pictures for you?
you couldnt take it cause i smacked the army that was prepping me.

04:00:31 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Shadow:

i would like pictures yes. im very Visual.

10:28:10 Aug 7th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Brett's getting angry :P

22:42:58 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:


Guildmaster Chade (8/7/2009 9:28:10 PM) GOOD BAD dont realize it kid, to you? You are nowhere near my level to threaten me like that :) You know what, have got a lot more to learn about this game ;) and your multi accounts at the beginning, did not stayed unnoticed, trust me ;) have fun dying cause i have napped all the wars i had, and now, a bit more than 12 million soldiers are coming to you from two worlds.....

dodge that, little one!!!

All goes one guy wont play by their rules...rofl...12

23:58:50 Aug 7th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Thats no joke Brett!

00:26:34 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

12 million... Psh. I alone have at least 40million troops. BEAT THAT

02:36:14 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

Ok numbnuts ...lets go with those 12 million troops.
That means, with a troop cost for upkeep of 3 gold per unit, each of your players has an army upkeep of 2,117,647 per tick, or a total of 36 million for all 12 million troops. gonna pee myself in a minute...rofl

04:52:41 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Depends, you need some if you have those kind of issues... Maybe he wasn't referring to all his KD's members.. Other KD's may be involved too. I am at a spectators view, not saying SIN is coming.

15:01:27 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Roheran:

brett, i thought you would have taken our core by now?! you being the best player in VU history and all... you snook in, took a few cities and were repelled quite easily my a 5th of our kd... all talk little boy

16:57:15 Aug 9th 09 - Lord Mcfalter:

I'm just wondering why Brett is the only one of hundreds of players that we've got problems communicating with... very odd.

Ahh... but maybe that's because he's ELITE and all the others are not... maybe.

17:25:42 Aug 9th 09 - Chancellor Mcfeast Deluxe:

Where are all the pies? My AMs are hungry from the long walking :(

17:41:38 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Well... Depends what kind of pies you want. :)

17:54:35 Aug 9th 09 - Chancellor Mcfeast Deluxe:

The AMs like beef pies but the weavers want chicken ones.

19:41:41 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart: many of you are their??? Its one of me vs you twats and so far you have cf'd or napped everyone here to try get rid of when you get close to being my level one on one, come talk kids.

19:43:35 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

Roheran...if id been your kd leader id have kicked you out havnet put a single troop out in weeks now.

21:03:45 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Roheran:

hahahaha, bless ya

21:10:55 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

wohoo...his first army out..i been putting them out all week dude...not sitting around farming or trying to anyway :P

21:22:38 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Roheran:

your los is obviously is not very long. numpty

21:41:20 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

wow...2 in a week...good going. *gives roh a gold star

22:10:11 Aug 9th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Brett, you know nothing of the way our kingdom is organised so be quiet and as for us having CF or napped everyone thats complete bull. You seem now to be saying that we should be beating you? Yet before you were claiming to be the strongest player in VU and that you could quite easily take us. Why the change in tune?

22:16:33 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

Its a numbers game. At some point, the numbers count. Throw enough shit and somethings gotta stick eventually.

01:59:17 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

.... Brett, just drop the arrogance and have a good war. I'm tired of all these sissy cat fights. GotF, I do have to admit, I haven't seen many armies... Brett, I have to admit, you'll probably lose.

problem solved, quit fighting like old women.

23:42:32 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Edd:

KH has arriver at Nirvana. We expect a warm welcome.

03:18:45 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Lol. Better hope we let you settle. >:P

08:31:25 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Roheran:

a warm welcome indeed, doesn't get any warmer than rain of fire  ;)

11:51:29 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

Brett, I don't know you. I don't like you. Sure as hell don't see why we should take bullshit from a single person.. lol as if you owned Nirvana. Think again, annoy me enough and I might put all my attention on you if you know what I mean?

17:58:44 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

Come on over. Or you dont have the balls without the rest of your kd to back you up?

18:08:51 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Chris:

So you guys' NAPed? GotF NAP/CF/MAP the entire map to kill me? Nice...

18:11:24 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

Nope.. They requested the NAP which I turned down. knowing full well that none of the terms at any stage would be honoured.

18:18:18 Aug 13th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

We wish no NAP with someone like you Brett, and Chris we have a NAP with Sol and we have a temp CF with WWF which personally i didnt want. We do not think of you as a big enough threat to do that for you Chris.

18:19:44 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

Funny...your vices even sent the terms over for it...rofl.

18:21:15 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

Mr. Dragon (8/10/2009 6:42:58 PM) GOOD BAD
Mr. Jay should be sending you an apology.

I am interested in increasing relations between us and establishing a border where Dragon Hold and Shmehs Here are. I will place my own honor on the line for this and seriously hurt any that break a Nap between us.

If you are willing I would like to establish a NAP between us under the following terms.

Standard Nap terms for Guild of the Fallen

1. This NAP agreement shall be in place on (all worlds, or specify world here)

2. This NAP is to last the entire length of the era and cannot be honorably ended unless agreed upon by both ruling parties.

3. The forces of either kingdom will not engage in battle or attempt to capture each other’s cities. Nor will any magic be cast between the two kingdoms.

4. If a member of one kingdom does initiate an attack on a member of the other kingdom’s army they forfeit one city of the offended members choosing as agreed to by the Kings or their Viceroy Representatives.

5. Taking a city of the other kingdom requires the forfeiture of that city and one city as agreed to by the Kings or their Viceroy Representatives.

6. If the member continues their assault they will be removed from the kingdom and shown no support. And attacked by both sides until dead or both kingdoms agree to stop

7. Any scout or army landing on a city can be killed without reproach but will normally be given 24 ticks to move. A report showing the offense is required.

8. During the term of the NAP, if either of the Kingdoms become NAP'd or MAP'd with one of the other kingdoms enemies, the kingdom whom is NAP'd with the enemy agrees to stay neutral in any battle which involves the second kingdom. Any blockers allowing access are to be closed to both sides of the conflict to be fair.

9. Neither kingdom will accept war refugees unless agreed upon by the kingdom the player was fighting.

10. Either kingdom is allowed to have relations or make war with anyone outside the agreement without notification or repercussions from either party within the agreement.

11. Neither kingdom will move armies through core areas of the other kingdom without notification and permission.

12. Kingdom jumpers of an enemy are not covered under this treaty for a period of 72 tics (days). ( If a player that is part of an enemy kingdom or is an enemy in their own right joins or switches Kingdoms in the middle of a war, that player can still be attacked for a period of 5 days. Any armies placed in that players cities are subject to attack without retribution)

As you can see, these terms have in place consequences for either side for breaking it. And if you like them and will agree to uphold them I will ensure that all terms are enforced. On this you have my word.

and if you like we can even put in a 72 hour cancellation clause instead of era long.

What do you say?

18:25:40 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Shadow:

once again shmeh is a vice. seriously you dont read? pretty much our whole kingdom doesnt like you and didnt want the CF.

"Come on over. Or you dont have the balls without the rest of your kd to back you up?" if one of us attacked you i think we all would do it for fun not for help.

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