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Forums / In game politics / Talents Era of Magneto

Talents Era of Magneto
13:43:04 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

Mr. Haya


12:39:49 Aug 4th 09

Elldorian, i suggest you shut up otherwise i'll cancel the NAP.

Swearing shows a lack of class.

and you threatening to attack us doesnt ? and you making assumption on my character doesnt? youve threatened atleast 4 times to join the enemy in a war that we only joined to help you. and you want to try to lecture me on how to treat a NAP partner?

13:45:06 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Edd:

Mr. Dropkick


08:39:39 Aug 4th 09
MAD has a new member in talents...ME!!! :):):):):):):)


your not new ur on starta and Fant i killed your scout.

13:50:50 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Elldorian- nice lies.


Who warned me about MAD? You

Who was preparing to fight MAD at this point? You, so how could you have joined to help me, Ignis didn't even know where i was, probably still doesn't and i only knew he was in the West, we weren't fighting.


How to treat a NAP partner? 2 days ago you decided to swear at me cause i refused to join your kingdom and because my armies weren't yet ready, everyone i talk to says you're a liar and a hothead.

13:53:29 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

i swore at you? no i swore. the swear word wasnt directed at you unless you think i called you a fuck.....

n.o2- when i was preparing to fight MAD that was to help purgatory. when purgatory died we no longer had a reason to fight MAD. and then MAD and us were going to have a NAP. the fact one mad player wasnt respecting it and the fact YOU were still planning to go to war is what caused us to turn it down.

so please point to me the lies?

and now it seems youve left your KD for dynamite just because it isnt NAP'd with mine. and yet you was complaining about us letting in a 'traitor'

13:56:32 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

Infact im not even going to argue with you in the forums as this is exactly what made people believe i was a 'hothead and a liar' in the first place. but youve made claims im a traitor. i would just like you to name the times i 'betrayed' a KD.

13:57:53 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Haya:

You letting in the traitor, your attitude in general and the fact that Dynamite is a good KD were the reasons i switched, add to the fact it's allied with my former KD.


Now i'm not going to attack your KD for 24 hours out of respect, i have broken no NAPs, i have not accepted people into my KD who were on the otherside yesterday.


I'm not going to get involved in a fight on the boards, as always i do my talking in game.

13:58:25 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

you mean you cant back the claim that im a traitor? and why do your actions not suprise me? it seems that the second IoK start losing you because unsatisfied with our policies. even though we TOLD YOU We would be letting in the purgatory people who want to join before hand.

14:01:01 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Haya:

I never called you a traitor, Denizen is the traitor.

Ofcourse i knew you were going to take losses, i was getting my army ready and you went off on one, insulting me, swearing at me etc


It takes time to train Nazgul Elldorian. Why did you not realise that?

14:02:23 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

when did i insult you until after you said you was going to attack us? i think it was you insulting us with your constant talk of it was you and your alliance with dynamite that would stop MAD. without us whilst you was training this precious nazzies MAD would of kiled you .

and FYI Mad already know were you are.

14:03:40 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

Exploration For Nation

Army Info
Commander:Mr. HayaKingdom Banner
Size:Scout (1-5)

your prepping on us already. that was a fast 24 hours man.

14:06:12 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Ermm that's a scout..

14:07:33 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

which is prepping on our cities. regardless of what it is. so if we started putting scouts on your city whilst we were claiming we wont become hostile til 24 hours it would still count.....

14:08:46 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

i also lol at the fact 24 hours is roughly how long it takes your army to reach my core....which is were they are heading for.

14:09:23 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Which army would that be?

14:09:41 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

Off nero

14:11:23 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Lmao, that's not designed as an attack army. I can be 100% certain that you will not be attacked by that army.

14:12:38 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

o well. thats the same way before it was thought of as 100% certain our nap partners wouldnt attack us.

14:16:57 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

we all knew it would happen. due to interworld recruiting not allowing Talents KD's to grow themselves Dynamite ,  a higher world KD that hasnt warred on talents , now is strongest on our world.

[BOOM] Dynamite
With Mr. Alfred Nobel as leader.

[] Imperium of Knights
With Divine Elldorian as leader.

[MAD] Mad Against Drugs
With Mr. Aloysius as leader.

[] The Forgotten Ones
With Mr. Daemon III as leader.

[] Talents Defence Force
With Mr. Ashwin as leader.

[Hell] G O D L I K E
With Mr. of Violations as leader.

[] Watchers
With Ms. Temperance as leader.

[H] Heaven
With Archangel Argyle as leader.

[] I Come From a Land Down Under
With Mr. Darwae as leader.

[] Randoms Sexual Deviants
With Duchess Sexxy Minx as leader.

14:18:59 Aug 4th 09 - Duke Angelus:

Man stop your bitching, i joined Dynamite after i land on Talents as i wanted to go solo, but i thought, i might as well join someone so i thought of Augh and joinned him.

And i recruited FIVE players so there are six of use in total, not our fault were growing faster

14:20:21 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

slade im not talking about you talking about cross worlds being fail for lower worlds. why is it you felt to be involved?

14:27:06 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

time to die ehh

14:53:06 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Elldorian why is it that you feel to be a dick all the time?

I'm mean I'm just wondering cuz in your posts you're just such a whiney bitch...

And it is not a "fail", we can't help it that you can't get people to join your side I mean because there is no way they are joining us because we might actually be better players(sarcasm). Nah, they're probably joining us because we have cookies, and milk...

14:57:58 Aug 4th 09 - Duke Angelus:

Divine Elldorian


16:20:21 Aug 4th 09 slade im not talking about you talking about cross worlds being fail for lower worlds. why is it you felt to be involved?

If you havent noticed... IM IN DYNAMITE!


17:40:58 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

Mr. Brainiac


13:53:06 Aug 4th 09

Elldorian why is it that you feel to be a dick all the time?

I'm mean I'm just wondering cuz in your posts you're just such a whiney bitch...

And it is not a "fail", we can't help it that you can't get people to join your side I mean because there is no way they are joining us because we might actually be better players(sarcasm). Nah, they're probably joining us because we have cookies, and milk...

4 people joined you and 9 people joine dme so i dont know what your on about here. 

Duke Angelus


13:57:58 Aug 4th 09 Divine Elldorian


16:20:21 Aug 4th 09 slade im not talking about you talking about cross worlds being fail for lower worlds. why is it you felt to be involved?

If you havent noticed... IM IN DYNAMITE!


the comments were directed the the cross world system not your KD so go away

18:26:47 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Elldorian what do numbers have to do with anything? And obviously we got the better of the 13 players :)

Divine Elldorian


08:16:57 Aug 4th 09
we all knew it would happen. due to interworld recruiting not allowing Talents KD's to grow themselves Dynamite ,  a higher world KD that hasnt warred on talents , now is strongest on our world.

[BOOM] Dynamite
With Mr. Alfred Nobel as leader.

[] Imperium of Knights
With Divine Elldorian as leader.

[MAD] Mad Against Drugs
With Mr. Aloysius as leader.

[] The Forgotten Ones
With Mr. Daemon III as leader.

[] Talents Defence Force
With Mr. Ashwin as leader.

[Hell] G O D L I K E
With Mr. of Violations as leader.

[] Watchers
With Ms. Temperance as leader.

[H] Heaven
With Archangel Argyle as leader.

[] I Come From a Land Down Under
With Mr. Darwae as leader.

[] Randoms Sexual Deviants
With Duchess Sexxy Minx as leader.


Not directed at our kingdom you say? Then uhh, why do you mention us in the post, I mean that sounds direct to me because if it had been indirect then well i would suspect that uhh we wouldn't be in the post at all... so umm why don't "you go away"

18:38:39 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

it is an EXAMPLE of why the cross worlds fails. and as im on talents and your not and this is a talents thread and im on topic and your not why dont you go away?

19:01:17 Aug 4th 09 - Duke Angelus:

But im on talents :)

19:26:05 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

i know.

and i apologize if i looked as if i was attempting to insult dynamite in anyway. I was simply pointing out that for kingdoms formed on lower worlds they all either die or are forced to join higher world ones in most cases.

20:16:35 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

You don't have to be in talents to talk on this thread... I didn't see that in the forum rules anywhere *looks everywhere*

20:20:05 Aug 4th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

i know you dont. I was just saying you was off topic. I apologize if you thought i was saying you cant talk(type) here

12:59:45 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

@Edd i have an army in talents so i think that means im on talents

13:00:34 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

ohh wait i read it rong lol yeah i no im not new i meant MAD has another member on talents lol

16:36:30 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Nero:

the reason I joined wasn't to survive and I was offered a choice. I think it's great that Dynamite was recruiting on Talents, thats what the lower worlds should be for! I'm sure there are a lot of potentially good players playing on the lower worlds that will do great in better kid's, and Dynamite just capitalized on that. it's a growth strategy and it's working well. I wouldn't probably ever join a longterm kd formed on a lower world made up of primarily new players if I had a better option, it would be so much better to join a better kingdom with better players.

so, crossworlds hasn't failed at all, I'd say it's succeeded well so far.
except fant. scoring...

22:27:58 Aug 5th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

Hmm well this is my reason for thinking it has failed.

So far 19 players who are on talents have quit the game due to them ON THERE FIRST ERA getting raped by higher worlds.

compared to that 6 players or so have found Kingdoms to join.

3 players (long term ones) on top of those 19 new players have quit.

So the pluses so far are

-More fun for vets
-some exp players who shouldnt even be on talents(so far ive seen none of the big KD's recruit first era players however i could be wrong)

Thats two pluses

now negatives

-it messes with era scores as i could just kill shitloads of nubs. take there cities. use this income to farm troops on a world were im uncontested. head to big games. ruin the experienced but not yet vet players game. and then become era winner.
-VU ends up losing more players then it gains. thereforth eventually the amount of people playing VU will fall.
-caused MASS NAP's meaning smaller new kingdoms who people are less likely to NAP are obliterated by large Alliances so new people cant try new things like leading KD's and such.
-worlds fill up to fast. talents has been opened yet there are only two or so corps on the WHOLE of talents. and those are from kingdoms who farmed. those who have been in OOP wars only have brigades and divisions. to give an example of why this is fail so far ive seen two MAD corps. in all honesty not a single talents KD stands a chance now.
-Lower worlds are FORCED to NAP each other leading to More mass nap's.
which in turn ruins the game.

People are saying Mass nap'ng is the problem but its not. in all fairness KD's like fate and those who MASS Nap'd are the smart ones. i garauntee you most who didnt MASS nap will NEVER win a era whilst cross worlds are around because of the sheer amount of enemies they will have.

And for those thinking im only saying this because i got 'pwned'  ive been saying this from day one of cross worlds. even before they were applied to the game.

most wont read this. most who do read it will most likely ignore it. those who dont ignore it will most likely think its wrong. but heck this is how i feel. I actively go out and recruit players from other games and real life. ive just counted and from TW and other games ive brought in 32 people altogether. from RL 16. yet only 10 of them played over an era after cross worlds. only 1 of them plays now. and he is inactive.

people can deny it but its the truth. VU will die with cross worlds. im not gonna pretend i know the answer to VU's problems. as i dont
. but any fool can see what the problems are.

22:35:18 Aug 5th 09 - Archangel Argyle:

good summary Elldorian ^^

22:35:27 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

LOL and what are you doing in talant:P 

22:36:02 Aug 5th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

im on talents because i was banned for the first half of the era....and i tend to go to lower worlds when possible because i run a TRAINING KD. you see ignis instead of running around making people want to leave the game i tend to try and help them with the game.

Well 4 of the IoK current members planned on leaving the game before i accepted them into the KD when purgatory died so i feel i have played my role on talents.

22:40:25 Aug 5th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

I've been preaching that since they connected worlds Kath to no avail :P

23:04:17 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Haya:

I do agree that it's worrying when good players on the lower worlds decide to attack noobs, i refuse to do such a thing but others do. It's their choice. The big KDs can recruit from the lower worlds, as you can usually pick out within the first era of a player playing, how good they'll be in the future. Some people are naturally better than others.

Mass alliances certainly are a problem, luckily we don't have that currently on Talents.

23:12:24 Aug 5th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

well i find Hayas comment funny seeing as he just attacked Aljeant grimaldi who is on his first era and played less then 2 weeks.

01:38:37 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

You don't seem to be laughing...

02:19:14 Aug 6th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

i am ...

04:58:27 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

I can tell (that's sarcasm!)

11:15:58 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

well is not me fault that the noobs attack me and i would rather start in in other worlds than those lower ones also dont be a bad looser

23:55:21 Aug 6th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

ignis IoK attacked you. but lets be serious you would of attacked us. we messaged you asking what your intentions were. and messaged your leaders. we got no reply from your leaders and your reply was

You (8/1/2009 5:05:51 PM)
Was wondering wether you plan to attack Lone elven raiders
Mr. Ignis The War (8/1/2009 5:06:36 PM) GOOD BAD
it depends on you cities size:P so get ready just in case
so we got ready...

02:59:03 Aug 7th 09 - Duke Angelus:

lol doesnt matter IoK is dying... FAST! :P

17:09:59 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

hello talents!!!

18:01:29 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

attack dynimates

21:49:34 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Ignis you have serious grammar issues, atleast spell Dynamite correctly.

22:56:04 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

i dont care about small kds is not worth learning there name :P

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