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Forums / In game politics / The Monks Celebrates!

The Monks Celebrates!
01:13:51 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Brashen:

"They won according to the rules of the game, so I dont really understand what you call "whoreing" at all.."

I said it before and I guess I will have to say it plenty of more times.

This game is about warring strategy and tactics.

What if LGC would use Arma just to win?

We would get really short eras with LGC as winners time and time again.
Why dont LGC play like that and why do our players always respond so hard when some one abuse the game OR whore a victory.
Its because LGC players are not people who play just to win in any way possible, Its a group of people who love/like this game alot and like what it stand for,  and they give respect to all who earn it so dont whine because LGC wont respect  lame as Economy wins.
And ill gladly congrat a player who win the era after fighting all era not just a couple of days here and there after whoring money/troops for three weeks before daring to show up on the battle field.

01:21:28 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Brashen, I honestly dont care about your congratulations:).

For once, I have to fully agree with Falazar.

On a side note, the Legacy block is what actually prevent the game from beeing massively played. People cannot be as active as you guys are for real life possibily they wanna be able to war "just a couple of days here and there" should probably think why Zeta:

1- enlarged the map

2- made dwarves pretty strong

...instead of thinking with your Legacy logic that this is not Simcity.


And by teh way...I was always told that:

1- if you wanna stop arma, you can do it, just take the city (thats when Legacy casted it)

2- If you just get screwed anyway. Thats the hard VU rule....well, as we did not get means we did not just explore this era...what do you think?


Anyway, I am tired of arguing with irrational whining. Good luck for next era.



01:23:51 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Excelsior Gliendel Calahan:

Fra I hate to say it but you lost the argument before you really started. Insulting Abydos was pretty harsh

We will try "your" way of winning next era. So Fra and everyone will stop insulting each other. I played this game for fun so we d on't have to go for each others throats. Somewhere in this thread I saw sportsmanship but now I don't see any. Everyone technically is at fault in some way but that's up to you decide. We can either go cutthroat next era or we can be more civilized. I'ld prefer the civilized way.


01:36:19 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

I never insulted the contrary...

01:42:36 May 3rd 07 - Sir Falazar:

A civilized wargame... awesome :}

"And ill gladly congrat a player who win the era after fighting all era not just a couple of days here and there after whoring money/troops for three weeks before daring to show up on the battle field."

Hmm lets take another look at this... saving money and troops for a couple days until you are ready to overpower anyone needed..... This is really what they are critisized for?
  C'mon guys... you can do better than that.
If you think they are weak and pathetic, then invade them, and you can have their money... if you cant, and they can defend themselves and attack Mirror and not let you in, then they arent doign so bad eh?
If they are smart and make good allies, you put them down as weak?  C'mon, thats weak.  Sounds like the using of a 'brain'

You cant win by building, period, you just dont get enough power that way, you cant make troops fast enough, and you cant defend.  Last era I grew, didnt do bad, but this era I fought (as a dwarf) and did very very well.

Monks have played strongly (if not popularly) every time for the last three eras, and I have been placed alongside them every time.. They consolidate, defend the area, grow, and then attack.  This roudn they were delayed by fighting to long against Mirror, but otherwise it would have been an interesting fight.

I move to have a longer era though in general so we can see a fight on a much grander scale, and it was good to not see everyone Naped with Legacy this turn :}

01:47:35 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

lol this is dumb. every game is played the same..

take basketball for instance, is it really fair to foul ben wallace, just cause you know he will miss the freethrows, and you will get extra posessions and a chance to win the game?

the point of the game is to win, baccus did it within the rules of the game, honorable or not? sometimes flukes happen, but whos to say this is one, maybe baccus got lucky. its true there were alot of KDS against legacy.. and that was unfair, so blame everyone :)

01:47:38 May 3rd 07 - Ms. Quietone:

wow.....stupid running rampant in here....

02:03:11 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

i agree ms quietone, there is a lot of stupid runing rampant in here, i cant believe the things people will say to the team that wins each era, about how there tactics are cheap. i hate threads like this.

02:16:16 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Srk:

u guys need to lighten up and stop ur *beep*ing. the way i see it is "for every loss comes 1000 lessons" u guys should really just consider learning from your mistakes. i mean for god's sake just use armaggaden your self if ur tired of other ppl using it!

02:27:00 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

i agree. lets end this thread, enough said.. move on to next era, congratz everyone, great era, lots of wars.. hope to see you next era

02:30:00 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

Well, here I need to go in support of Legacy.  Most players would rather not play quick 20-day eras when you've just started and getting into skirmishes and then begin to train a huge army to war against other kingdoms, just to know you only have a week left to try and do so.

02:32:22 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    I like Monks, but I am sort of annoyed that they casted arma so soon. The fight was getting interesting. I mean, it was going to be the mo*beep*n era I'd have ever played. But really, everyone should calm down. Oh well, they casted arma, big deal. They did play well, maybe not the best, but they played well. It's just a game, so really, everyone should just calm down, anytime now......

02:36:46 May 3rd 07 - Lord Borazon:

Armageddon only shortened the era like 1-2 RL days.  That is not that many.  It is a good strategy to freeze the scores when your man is on top.

02:39:18 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Binh The Assassinator:

I don't want to step into this but I must. Comparison: In real life, it is like a game. People want to get rich so they can have a "happy life". In Vu, people want to be more score than others so they can "win".

What people are complaining about is: Baccus is using cheap tactics to "win". Just like in real life, Thief is trying to rob banks so they can get "rich" if they succeed without getting caught. So the thief (Baccus) manage to rob the bank (manage to cast arma to steal the top spot) and get rich (and win).

Yes, they win, but what people is saying or complaining about is: "Is it fair?". Hmmm.... I guess the thieves have a lot of brains if they can pull out a robbery, but it AINT FAIR to the rest of the hard earning workers. Just like Baccus have a lot of brains to do the tactics they pull this age. But is it fair for other kds who fight harder than Baccus themself? No it ain't fair.

Mr. Srk: "i mean for god's sake just use armaggaden your self if ur tired of other ppl using it!"

No, if we consider it a cheap tactic, an unhonorable action, then there is no way by chance we will do it. Abydos won't do it, Legacy won't do it, Nor any other kingdom that fight hard this era. Just because a thief rob the bank and get really rich, that doesn't mean a hard working worker should screw the law and go rob the bank as well. The world will be in chaos. If Legacy and other kingdoms start doing what Baccus did also, the world of VU will fall into the state of chaos.

No one that has a sense of honor would do these things. I will not kill someone's mother because they kill my mother. Otherwise, I will become the guy that I hate. The person that does that is what people called "hipocrite". I am not a "hipocrite" and neither is the rest of the people here that does not like Baccus' action.

02:48:34 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Honestly...Bihn...I thought you were the brain of Legacy, but i am not sure anymore after your comparison.

A thief goes against the law, cheat!!........somebody who casts Arma respect the rules:)!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yo uguys catsed Arma when Darkfaith was winning 3 eras ago, and then you recasted to put Eatious in the top spot. Was that being thief as well?:)..

OMG...this is like being in a state dominated by a dictatorship taht control the medias:). Legacy is telling a story that does not correspond to reality....and a lot of the VU is buy it in!!!

Anyway...irrationality rule here:)...



02:54:24 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

Extremely well put Binh,an impressive explanation that was really worth spending a minute or two to get through (unlike the 99% of the rest of the posts here).

Binh wins the thread!

03:26:37 May 3rd 07 - Lord Oya:

well said Binh :)
andrei go back to zeta damn Phi Scum!!! <3

there isn't much left to be said without meaninglessly repeating what has already been said, so when the time comes and next era is in full swing i would like to see baccus as a real warring kingdom....if you don't you will just cement the fact your only out for the win and not for the wars

03:38:24 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

I wouldn't exactly equate Armageddon to a bank robbing.  (It's much, much, much, muuuuch worse--in real life, anyway). 

Armageddon is the means of keeping the game from being a formulaic superpower kingdom war once all the small kingdoms are gone, when teams ultimately only can win by sheer outproduction.  Thus, it is essential to the game.

As has been said before, perhaps the true arguement here should lie in the guidelines regarding who can cast Armageddon and how long it takes and all.

04:54:02 May 3rd 07 - Sir Arzun:

Well I just used up an hour of my time reading all that I missed... not much there... Fra lost my respect, as did most of Baccus. I had always pictured him more mature, less... well... immature. I was sadly mistaken. It seems everything is shifting around and I think that everyones views have changed this era, and next era sure will be full of surprises.

05:44:08 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Soccerplaya:

oh, boy! i love surprises! maybe a surprise will be to see legacy in starta? one can only ponder...................


05:52:57 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Honestly, Arzun...I had the same impression about yourself:(. Anyway, that's life...people realize with time.

Next era it won't be full of fact...dear Arzun. 

Legacy has mixed the cards, made sure that the Monks get all the attention and got some good ally...even:). It is going to be an exciting era though...Legacy will get the win, a couple of their allies will feel they have accomplished their main goal safely fighting the Monks and a couple of small KDs (remember, Legacy is such a powerful force that their allies cannot be considered anything else than their has always been and always will be)...and the Monks will get some good intense experience that will be good for the future eras (at first in Fanatsia and then in Mantrax).

As you see...Arzun...a very interesting era:)....the era of CrissCross.


06:45:20 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Excelsior Gliendel Calahan:

By civilized I mean no insulting. You Don't have to take things literally.

06:48:50 May 3rd 07 - Duke Sobek:

lol ... I love Binh's comment, and Fra ... insulting Arzun is like insulting my mother ... But I won't insult you back otherwise I'll become what I hate :o

You gotta love this theory ^^

06:55:42 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Stormcrow:

Finally a thread in the general forums that is exciting:P

Just wanted to throw in my own 2 cents before the era is over and I go back to hiding in my own kingdom forum.


 Btw, I nearly fell out of my chair with laughter when i saw Fra putting himself in the same league as Serenity and NT...As a Fantasia vet for over a year and a half now and having been on the receiving end so many times from a beat down from both legacy and serenity, I can say with experience that bacchus is FAR from being like those guys. Bacchus beat up legacy? Trust me when I say that if legacy were to concentrate all of their power on bacchus this era and didnt have to worry about so many other kingdoms, including 2 of the top 4 (Abydos and Carnage) bacchus would have lasted what? 4-5 rl days at most?


But I digress....


What legacy is pissed about (and has irked many in other kingdoms, carnage included) is that it appeared that a kingdom somehow used other kingdoms to do their dirty work while they defend their blockers and pump for Arma. This is my opinion. Is it a wrong one? Who cares, its still the way i see it. I couldnt help but feel that some of the larger kingdoms were used as pawns. Its easy to defend your blockers against one kingdom, not having to worry about your neighbors because you are at peace with them. Its a different story to come out and openly attack other kingdoms.

Now I know that the response to this would be "well you couldnt see the whole map could you? how are you sure that we werent fighting?"

And this is true. But I have been watching the kingdoms rankings list, and it is from my uderstanding that a large part of it is calculated by land (someone correct me if i am wrong). Now the question I had while observing the list for over a week is why Bacchus wasnt decreasing any in their percentage over carnage? You can tell that a kingdom is warring when you see their percentage slip. In this case you can tell Abydos had been warring legacy because they had slipped. Legacy and us in Carnage has seen dips as well because of our fighting, but not bacchus. Am I wrong in concluding that the assumption to be drawn from this is that Bacchus didnt do too much fighting? If Bacchus had indeed been beating up legacy, wouldnt they have skyrocketed in % instead of just staying at an even rate? Now if bacchus comes out swinging next era and fights hard, then i will change my tune, but not right this moment;) Like Vendetta last era, we have a kingdom who tried to reach arma as soon as possible while their chief threat was being distracted. Smart strategy? Maybe. A honorable and fair fight? Hardly.


As I have said before, nothing personal against the members of bacchus, I have some old mates of mine in there (and hoping that they see the error of their ways soon:P) I'm just pointing out the obvious once again.


Now lets see if we can get this bad boy up to 200 posts:D

07:51:23 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Yes Storm...we can.

Now, let me quickly answer to your post before you go back to go back "to hiding in my own kingdom forum"....and I have a bit of time today.

1- Never put myself in the same league as legacy, NT or Serenity or Vendetta (you forgot to mention that one) just happens that these are the only KDs that since era of Jeker put somebody in the top spot....but I agree it does not mean too much. (please read the context of the post before falling "out of my chair with laughter" time:)

2- I have already more than one time said that Legacy would beat us on a one to one war (so I am not sure your claim make sense of this). But Legacy would beat also Carnage on a one to not a big value added on claiming that.

3- Actually we openly attacked Mirror...that...just for the is a bit more "experienced" and have a bit more history than most of the KDs that Carnage fought for 98% of the whole era (Mad fought well, but was already weakened by Legacy when you attacked).....then we even attacked Legacy as you could have seen if you had scouts in our side of the map.

4- About the scores, I am surprised myself.....on how Carnage did not higher than us given the fact you guys fought small KDs for the whole era....while the fierce fight we had with Mirror at first (many HoH armies there)...kept us away from the top of the list at the beginning. As for Abydos being above us at the beginning and then going lower...well it is clearly due to teh hard war they started with Legacy (honor for that)...but the beginning their scores were based on fighting small Kd, while we were bogged down in a hard fight with Mirror).

5- honorable and fair: yes, those concepts are a bit "subjective". For sure, Carnage is not in the best position to use them against us. For sure Legacy is not...........given history...but also given some episodes that happened this era (for instance, the fact they bought BTs - see....this is allowed by the game as arma, but I myself dont find it fair or honorable).

Overall, the thing taht make me think/laugh the most is that KD othenr than Legacys (supposedly on our same side...even though we did not have any formal alliance)....are more pissed off because we won the top spot than if Legacy would have. And the reason is pretty simple: Although they think they cannot compare themselves with Legacy, they think they could have been in the Monks spot in the ranking.

Thats a fair assumption...I have to say.....but the bashing is not fair. The Monks never used anybody. You guys attacked LEgacy independently. We did not have any Map, we were not even alerted on Abydos atatcking Legacy, and when I asked Carnage if their intention was to fight LEgacy, I was told "Not now, we have work to finish first".

Lets continue the fun till end of is starting to get broing.


P.s.: Duke Sobek,...disappointment:(...I did not insult Arzun..unless you believe he insulted me first. You already are what you claim to hate:(..I am afraid:). 

08:00:31 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Flint Fireforge:

just a quick observation to Fra. There would probably be alot less bashing if you hadnt started this self-serving fluff thread patting yourselves on the back for winning. Also it wouldn't have gone on so long if you'd have just let it drop, you do yourself no justice in your posts.

And to everybody who is bashing monks- who cares? if you dont like how they won just make an effort to smash them next era and all continuing eras, they cant get a "cheap win" nor brag about their accomplishments if they are humbled in the game. Raving about it here doesnt do anybody any good except the perverse entertainement i got from reading it all.

08:06:04 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

You see would be right on this....if I did not receive the nasty Pms I received when we casted arma:).

...but, beyond the fun, I just wanted make sure that the people that think to have the right to say a KD is good or not....think that they might be wrong in their valuation...or at least they need to be a little bit more respectful for any other player.

I dont like to be called names, especially by people that dont have the "honor" stature to be in a position to do that,......just becasue I used a legitime in game strategy.


08:06:59 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

..ok no matter what I really wanna stop here now:). Good luck everybody. Have fun next era.

08:40:12 May 3rd 07 - Mr. EW Its Crusty:

How baccus recruits:

(she's a whore, geddit?)

09:17:37 May 3rd 07 - Duke Sobek:

P.s.: Duke Sobek,...disappointment:(...I did not insult Arzun..unless you believe he insulted me first. You already are what you claim to hate:(..I am afraid:). 

I'm not saying I hate you, I'm just saying I hate people that insult a guy like Arzun ... And now that I've seen and read your post ... nvm what I've said. but still ... not respecting Arzun is a big crime! ... it's like not respecting the big powers of weener the poop!

09:19:04 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Twamao:

shut up sobek.

09:22:34 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

so you wanna join ???

09:55:30 May 3rd 07 - Duke Sobek:

no you shut up twamao!

10:40:59 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Twamao:

shooooo sobek!

12:58:16 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Danutz:

IMHO, the BEST part from all the thread is the last 4 posts!

a win is a win. after a couple of eras if someone looks over the lists, he won`t remember that Abydos attacked first Lgc, or Mirror was defeated (not sure here about this word, more like ... relocated, Mirror didn`t go on Mantrax or anywhere else from Fantasia ... respect!) after a long fight. Not even that FF were quickly relocated also!
The thing is next era is the era of Crissxcross. Lgc is on top as KD. Now is under the monks just for the fact that for the last couple of days all the monks just gathered resources and trained for defense.

Respect for Lgc, Abydos, Carnage, IE, etc. All is fair in love and war. We love this game .. so is fair. Is a war game in the end no matter what .. so is fair. EVERYTHING is fair as long as no treason is put in the game.
Casting Arma .. fair. Defending for a strategy ... fair. Not fighting when u consider that  is useless and unworthy regarding your  KD policy ... fair!

So .. farming, warring, gone fishing ... as long as the game allows it IMHO is fair. Multi-bless .. please raise ur hand who used it this era .. c`mon c`mon ... is no shame.
It wouldn`t be fair regarding other players when u will use the flawes of the game when the other doesn`t. That is a bit unfair.

Monks have won this round through Criss. They`ve dominated? No doubt here ... the answer is NO.

The experience of Lgc can hardly be overwhelmed by some other KD. But a young KD as Monks managed to get in top 3. and even to catch the next era name! the game allows it. They did not cheat. The win is by half. Monks won as top player. Lgc as kd. This thread is half right. We need to start a new thread similar to this to praise Lgc too. :))))))))

Too much yapping .... at least for me.

Respect for all!

13:04:11 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Cobra:

You think so? You'll find that VUians have elephant memories, people still remember battles and results from 25+ eras ago. Do you think the use of such low tactics as Baccus used this era will be easily to forget? You don't know what you are talking about.

14:35:43 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Danutz:

Cobra ... I agree and I am glad about VUians memories. To be honest I still remember fights since my 1st era .. (Isabel era, in Nirvana - Dolfyn, I know I`m too young to have a word with a strong base here but still...)
I don`t agree with such tactics ... I strongly hold my word to be truthful and honorable.
But the fact remains, Cobra dear, that this era was carried to the end, and Baccus used Arma to get #1 spot. I won`t agree with no one who says that Baccus won. Baccus won through Crissxcross no 1 spot. That is all. As KD`s ... the real fight would have been between this four (IMHO): Lgc-Abydos-Baccus-Carnage. (The order is chaotic. No offense intened!!!)
Everyone is scared of Lgc real power. I think that Lgc only has about 80% real power that is to be considered. The rest 20% is just fame and fear. :)
I have no doubt that if Lgc and I repeat IF is left alone to get ready, Fantasia will be renamed in Blood-shed! But as long as ppl as Abydos, IE, etc, even Baccus raise their voice and WEAPONS against Lgc and doesn`t let it be .... Lgc world domination is a subject to discuss on the battlefield.
In every era, I saw Lgc giving the polish at the top 10. I think the most VU is thinking to defeat Lgc (to reach such a high experience is impressive) or to join it (as I saw in some threads around here ...)

So Cobra, I didn`t intended to upset or cross-over anyone in my last post.

One more thing. Lgc ain`t alone out there in the race for no 1. Everyone is using what he has to get there ahead of you. So if someone is using some .. let`s say ... evasive tactics and shot-cuts ... don`t start yelling. It is not honor in that. And I`m not pointing fingers at somebody in specific!  Next time in the race keep it under close observation and if e tries again that moves .. SHUT HIM UP! when the race ends ... it is to late! remember V? a quick race ... next race wasn`t there. I didn`t agree that move but wasn`t my call. (I was in V, to clear it up)

Can`t wait next era to see what will raise against Lgc big pink elephant! And remember my words, the end of the next era ... the childish stuff like who whored who ... will be put again on the table if Lgc doesn`t win. If Lgc win everyone will be quiet about no. 1.

15:26:24 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Stormcrow:

<shakes head> Ok one more time, in response to Fra.....


#1. What other possible assumption can I draw (as well as others) from what this, said by you.....

<It seems you guys always need somebody to critisize whenever they beat you up.I rememeber you did with Serenity, you did with Nt, you did with theVendettas driven KDs and now you are doing with us.:). >

Let me see if I am reading it right. Legacy criticized Serenity for beating them up, legacy criticized NT for beating them up, and now they are doing the same with you. Thus my conclusion is that you beat up legacy this era.


#2. Yes you have said that, which runs self-contradictory to what you said in the above statement. And I never said anything about us being able to beat legacy 1-1. If both our kingdoms went at each other they will win. Why? Because they have pound for pound the highest ratio of vets and their level of activity is insane.


#3. Hmmmm.....if you want to get technical, something like 95% of the kingdoms in Fant were smaller than us because of our relative size on the rankings. True, alot of those kingdoms were alot less experienced, we too have a very high ratio of vets. But for my mate Azaruc's defense, you hit Mirror early in the era and not everyone in their kingdom were as experienced as you make them out as he did have some newer players. If given the time to grow, your fight would have been a hell alot tougher. And as far as your claim that Carnage only concentrated on smaller kingdoms, well what the hell are we supposed to do? Every kingdom surrounding our core area was a "small" kingdom, even though some of them fought real good. Were we expected to nap every one of them and go after abydos, bacchus, and legacy because they were the only ones who were higher than us?

I love how you are making it look like Carnage (and later on Abydos) only got to where they are because of fighting smaller kingdoms while Bacchus had to beat up first mirror and then legacy. Tis the nature of the game Fra. You take out those weaker than you to build up your base so you can then take on the big boys.


I have never said we were jealous of bacchus' top spot. And yes I think with hard work and effort, we can compare ourselves to legacy, i think this is what legacy wants as well, a more heterogenous gaming experience. But I never have nor will try to compare myself to bacchus. We are a different kingdom with different objectives, as is every other kingdom.

Is it me or does it seem like this thread is getting redundant? Fra is going to believe whatever he choose to believe (his right). I just wanted to point out that all of this would have never started if it wasnt for this self-congratulatory lovefest that he started:P

Alrigth we are drawing closer to post 200 people.:D

15:31:25 May 3rd 07 - Sir Fizban:

So let's see here.

Fra - Glad you're going to stop posting. The more you type, the worse that you and yours look. Your 'arguments' really aren't helping and you're only losing the debate, much like you'd lose any real war.

So anyways, to all these people that are flocking to defend a Baccus 'victory'. Would you all flock to say, Legacy's side, if we did the same thing towards the beginning of the era, even with a 480 tick arma? I mean yes, we'd all know it's a hollow victory but to all you it'd be a 'victory' and that'd all that you all seem to give a rat's rosy rear end about.

15:45:05 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Danutz:

I totally agree with Fizban. I am not defending no victory. From where I see it, it was no victory for real. Just some achievments, if we can call them so. Criss no1, best ruler (at least in points) Lgc best KD .. no matter which side do we look upon it Lgc is the winner from KD point of view. (my opinion only)
It was a good era, and that is the general view I see it.
Let`s stop going round the table and focus on the plans for next era.

Respect to all!

19:07:39 May 3rd 07 - Sir Arzun:

<3 Sobek : )

And I agree with Cobra as much as I could agree with anything. I've only been around about 10 eras, some better then others. But I remember them all, every era is defined by some big event, be it LGC, NT, Serenity, Male Models, Agent Smith, or Vendetta, all of them seem to have a big impact on the history of VU. There are bigger and better memories from alot further back, but I am in no position to talk of those. This era, it was Baccus, people won't forget,  they never do.

19:21:33 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Leon Frank:


19:39:24 May 3rd 07 - Judge Obelix:

No way I'm reading all of this.

Only thing I'll say:

Fra missed a good chance to keep his mouth shut.

19:47:50 May 3rd 07 - Sir Arzun:

Hey Method, some of it's worth it : )

20:16:33 May 3rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

i keep hearing V put up along side Serent but did V actually ever win a battle with lgc or is my mind blank and they only whored and cast a quick arma to win?

20:23:25 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Cobra:

They only whored and cast arma.

20:27:50 May 3rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

Overall, the thing taht make me think/laugh the most is that KD othenr than Legacys (supposedly on our same side...even though we did not have any formal alliance)....are more pissed off because we won the top spot than if Legacy would have. And the reason is pretty simple: Although they think they cannot compare themselves with Legacy, they think they could have been in the Monks spot in the ranking

actually everyone is pissed off that you made a brag thread about it. and made yourself out to be a total ass.

22:36:32 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Danutz:

every era is defined by some big event, be it LGC, NT, Serenity, Male Models, Agent Smith, or Vendetta, all of them seem to have a big impact on the history of VU

This is a very important fact! I couldn`t agree more. I don`t think anyone can sort the facts out with a clear head. Everyone has his loves and hates regarding every event.
So not a lot ppl loved the quick era of Vendetta. Not a lot loved this one because of his ending.

Can we finnish one era without Arma being casted? I doubt it ... just because at a time someone will freeze a certain situation in ranking. Again he will whore so on and on and on ... I agree but that is the game ... quite open. Anyway IMHO the eras are pretty short.

Why I`m saying this: If u are in a corner of the map, and u wanna attack your most hated enemy that is in the other corner, u better wait for next era to catch it that send a 200k army (which after all ain`t a big army ...) If the era will last longer and arma harder to cast ... the politics, and the wars will be very different. Wars will be more thought from there on. The impact of economy in a situation of war will be different.

But this is off-topic! Sorry about this.

Fra did make a mistake. And this mistake will be remembered! Sadly for him ..

I think that the only way for him to buy back his mistake is to get no 1 spot next era. A bit hard ... but some gambling on that? What will Baccus do next era? Especially Fra?

What do you say?

00:29:30 May 4th 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

Can someone provide me of what a perfectly honorable victory is?

And who the winners were?

00:33:49 May 4th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Take a war by earning it, not by 'stealing' it in an underhanded method. I.E. if the west was pressed any harder by Abydos and Legacy was overrun, let's assume one of them took the #1 spot from all the stuff captured. They would've earned both that win and the respect coming from it.

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