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Forums / In game politics / The Smiths are back.....

The Smiths are back.....
23:16:07 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Ms. Monaday earlier asked if she could join Agent and she couldn't now agent accepts her....why?
Because Ben convinced leadership; end of story. It isn't like we need more people to be able to handle RP; we aren't even actively DEALING with RP at all. All we've done is defend with one arm tied back because it's all we've HAD to do. It's time you face the fact that our decision had nothing to do with your kd at all. We spend no time even thinking about RP, that's why there is only one guy fighting you.
 You had members who tried out your kd and it didn't work. They left and now they are with us. All these people did is leave a kd they didn't like and all we did is click the "accept application" button. All the grand scheming you see past those two facts are completely in your own minds. The only reason I'm so adamant that you understand this is because I hate to see people accused of things that are blatant fabrications.

also do you realize that if we fought the dacii, the smiths would have been in our core now?(i mean AGENTS, not traitors)...
This is silly. Why in the world would we bother? You came to us remember? It doesn't bother us cuz, hey it's a war game, but why in the world would we move across the map just to hit a kd we don't care about?

23:48:09 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

Ms. Monaday earlier asked if she could join Agent and she couldn't now agent accepts her....why?

You had members who tried out your kd and it didn't work

That message above was a quistion from me..but now you are talking do RP leader? I lost the track....

00:06:13 Dec 20th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

@clamps, maybe because the whole point of this game is war?
i've sent a few letters asking for peace but got none back, so i guess all you need is lo-- war...

00:08:40 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

LOL unfortunately I'm not given the power to talk lo--- war or peace so I should stay out of that part I suppose.

00:12:09 Dec 20th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

then you shouldn't even be speaking for your kingdom, but only for yourself.

also tell me if i'm wrong,
but is your strategy this?:
farm for half the era, holding just some blockers n filling up with troops
release armies of billions when you cast arma...
if its this, why not just nap everyone around, then end nap later on?
or better yet, why am I playing on mantrax in this case? O_o

00:51:30 Dec 20th 07 - Sir Truaxcookies:

so clamps you are saying that you are not trying to get our memebers into your kd when i have recieved over 50 messages *beep*ming to join u?

01:53:07 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

My kd speaks to me and are smarter than I am in their decision to stay away from this thread lol. And our strategy is confidential but what you just described isn't it. That was Agent 1.0 and things are different this time. We've actually been fighting non-stop oop in case you weren't keeping track. And Truax, that's the first I've heard of these msgs. 50 eh? You must be awfully important to our plans....

03:24:29 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

Good thing we are in a different position, your part of the map sounds boring as *beep*.

03:34:07 Dec 20th 07 - Duke Agent Jackson:

Thats probably because we know you Truax...  Ultimate rules!

03:47:30 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Actually we're fighting three different kd's right now. Who new strapping bulls -eyes to our backs would bring us so much action? I certainly wouldn't call it boring =p

08:05:49 Dec 20th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

yeh, fighting 3 kingdoms that make a total of 80% of your power is totally badass!

14:48:57 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Heimdall:


18:57:49 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Then bring friends ffs. We're going to be dealing with everyone  at some point or another because every kd I know of has said they'd like to see us dead. So, we may only have three fronts now, but later we may have even more to deal with. Besides, total kd power is deceptive. In our case, it isn't exactly spread out evenly between all members.

21:01:39 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

i dont want to see you dead.  But i like a nice war with you guys.

01:04:37 Dec 21st 07 - Lord of The Morning:

clamps, quit the false modesty...
you know very well that some 15 fantasia players(even if logging in once a day) than 30 active mantrax players...
you just wanted an easy win in a lesser world since you knew you'd get slaughtered in fantasia....

01:16:29 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

I rank well every era in fant and was slaughtered once. I took mant because a: I had wanted to try working with Lenard (having met in rl) b: as of this afternoon I'm at my parents' place and won't be on the pc even half as much and c: I got in something like 130 ish ticks last era but before that had been away from vu for almost a year.

clamps, quit the false modesty...

What? I may have done anything from average to quite well in fant when I played it, but who in the world wants to hear about that? Besides I credit the amazing kd's I was with, not my individual effort. This leads into reason d: to get to know who the personalities are in vu these days so I can get into a decent fant kd next era. Try as you might man but you really can't pin anything on me. You're eventually going to have to admit that you've looked like a jerk trying to pick me apart when all along I've been totally legit. Seriously just give up the crap, you should be embarassed.

02:16:46 Dec 21st 07 - Lord of The Morning:

what's legit? who said otherwise?

and that's exactly false modesty..
you (your kingdom mates) ranked top 20 in fant last era. most are from same kingdom, so it's almost like a bunch of good players coming together to form one...

me jerk? nah, more like ahole.
oh and I just like flaming around, don't get offended.

send my best regards to your parents, and slap lenard for not answering me!

02:43:58 Dec 21st 07 - Agent Fine:

LOL, you can tell it's a good war when it sparks a flame war in the forums.  It's still early era and I don't see a big deal if people want to switch KDs at this point.  Also, I'm glad to see a good hard war for us on Mantrax.  I underestimated how tough it would be for us this era.

03:08:27 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Its funny how people think best players should be in Fantasia.

03:09:26 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Yeah mant aint what it used to be that's for sure. I think it's a positive thing because it is like actual applicable training. I was one of those people who underestimated mantrax until I got there and realised that since overall popularity of the game has gone up so too has challenge here.

I have to say though, Fine, that I'm not too suprised it is hard because I anticipated some kind of server-wide alliance against us due to the rep this kd name has =p Turns out that didn't happen but man is it a good thing lol

Oh and Morn just for the record if you were refering to me I actually didn't work with these guys before. Also when I joined I expected like 8-10 guys, not the wopping 21 it is now. I must admit though that I miss Serenity, which I think it was 54 members by the end =p

04:02:41 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Heimdall:

well hand over 4 of your finest if you think youre overcrowded. that would also make us even =P

04:07:51 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

But then they'd die in the Agent core.... still though you may be on to something heh

12:30:29 Dec 25th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

Still growing eh? Taking players from all the kingdoms you're at war with, and getting them to backstab their ex-kingdoms?
Good job!
THat's the way to teach new players to play the game!!

I mean who cares about loyalty/honor? All a player should care about is his own survival. Screw the rest!

good job guys!

12:33:35 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Willem II:

lord of morning, the our KD swaps where mistakes because of miscommunication. cause it wasn't sure if we would merge or not. some went to early.

13:26:18 Dec 25th 07 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Heimdall.. that rings a bell.

16:30:25 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Heimdall:

fun fun, people still know me =) hi nimic.

17:00:38 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Yeah I'm not even gonna try to defend this nonsense anymore lol. Good grief....

03:21:16 Jan 3rd 08 - Lord of The Morning:

Even more outrageous actions of the smiths:
Asking the Holy Ecclesian Empire to kick me in exchange of a NAP!

You guys are funny.

03:41:19 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

We don't HAVE to kill everyone, but anyone harboring suspected anomalies will pay. If they cooperate, we can be....."nice".....=p

04:02:15 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Agent Fish:

"harboring suspected anomalies"  -beautiful way of putting it clamps

17:50:15 Jan 5th 08 - Lord of The Morning:

Smiths really DO take at least a member from EVERY kingdom they fight!!
And they actually get those members to become traitors to their first kingdom...

Great job smiths!

You started from what, 14 members on mant?
Oh look at you now big boy, 24 members and growing!!

18:05:50 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Boohoo, nobody cares. Ever notice who responds when you whine about this stuff?  The people who actually make the decisions you're  yappin about don't even read this thread, and of the people who do read it, few ever seem to give a crap about your points. Talk to a vice (as if they would care either) or find another topic; I'm embarrassed on your behalf.

18:13:20 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:


18:32:10 Jan 5th 08 - Lord Seloc:

They just recruited ALL 4 members of RDR.

18:43:44 Jan 5th 08 - Lord of The Morning:

See? My lover Seloc actually cares about this.

Clamps - if I don't put up a fight, who will?
Mantrax has just a few veteran kingdoms and honorable players... so very few would actually speak up about it.
Had it been fantasia, another story...

I guess you're nobody?

19:07:16 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

lol.  hero......

20:07:22 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Agent Ben:

hey morning just coz ur half died that doesnt mean u have to whine about it ,dude get over it what has happened has happened oh and btw we didnt recruit RDR ,so just find another kd to stalk

20:14:34 Jan 5th 08 - Lord of The Morning:

1. I'm not "half died". I either half died, which makes no sense, or I'm half dead, which I am. But unlike some, I'm still fighting.
2. Whine? HOW is this whining? I'm congratulating you guys on the kingdom size... O_o
3. When did I EVER say that you recruited RDR?
4. Another kingdom to stalk? I'm already set with the smiths, no need for more...

Improve your grammar plz!!11one

20:24:14 Jan 5th 08 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

Sadly, all 4 members of former RDR will soon be dead because the N3wb ass kds trio and holy are sending everything they got at a mere 4 players.

20:50:36 Jan 5th 08 - Lord of The Morning:

Guess that's your punishment...

23:30:28 Jan 5th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Sir Gennady Mikhailov

1/5/2008 1:24:14 PMSadly, all 4 members of former RDR will soon be dead because the N3wb ass kds trio and holy are sending everything they got at a mere 4 players.

So sad...

23:31:42 Jan 5th 08 - Sir Revenge:

So very sad....

00:13:30 Jan 6th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Lord of The Morning


1/5/2008 5:43:44 PM
See? My lover Seloc actually cares about this.

Clamps - if I don't put up a fight, who will?
Mantrax has just a few veteran kingdoms and honorable players... so very few would actually speak up about it.
Had it been fantasia, another story...

I guess you're nobody?

lol, I wondered what had happened yesterday night, I was minding my own bussness drink pure alcohol, and BLAM! I awoke in a strange room, with no memories of what had happened.

Anyway my post was more sarcastic than carefilled, you could call it sarcarestic.

P.S. @
Sir Gennady Mikhailov

1/5/2008 1:24:14 PMSadly, all 4 members of former RDR will soon be dead because the N3wb ass kds trio and holy are sending everything they got at a mere 4 players.

Fofl what makes you think we're sending everything we got at you, not our fault if farming makes it hard for you to train a decent amount of troops.

00:45:14 Jan 6th 08 - Sir Agent Thompson:

Still growing eh?

You started from what, 14 members on mant?
Oh look at you now big boy, 24 members and growing!!


2. Whine? HOW is this whining? I'm congratulating you guys on the kingdom size... O_o

I'd say those two directly oppose each other...

Improve your grammar plz!!11one

That's just ridiculous after some of the messages you have sent me, and it's the internet ppl talk in abbreviations.  Knowing Ben in RL I can say if he wants to sound educated he'll have no problem, ur just not worth his time...

Talk to a vice (as if they would care either) or find another topic; I'm embarrassed on your behalf.

Ur right he messages us constantly, and we don't care. I'm sorry he can't take down one of our least active members... and rather than devoting all this energy he has into getting better, he tries to start arguments that no one cares enough to win, besides him of course ;)


01:48:28 Jan 6th 08 - Lord of The Morning:

and I thought you guys didn't take me seriously O_O

"Ur right he messages us constantly, and we don't care"
Oh please I messaged you a total of 3 times the whole era... don't whine ^^

"We don't care"
And yet you reply and even send me weird messages... !!!

I'm off for vacation, have fun killing me and get some rest from my flames ^^

20:42:46 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

I've left the kd so no one has to hear the inanity of defending Agent anymore. I suggest party hats and maybe fireworks =p Unless some weirdo out there actually enjoyed it....

21:09:54 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Well that sucks man, a real disappointment IMO.

Here's me expecting a grand finale with Trio and Agents, and you quit!?!

Bah, pathetic :(

22:54:32 Jan 7th 08 - Duke Fafnir:

Sir Gennady Mikhailov


1/5/2008 2:24:14 PM
Sadly, all 4 members of former RDR will soon be dead because the N3wb ass kds trio and holy are sending everything they got at a mere 4 players.

Believe me Gennedy you are not nearly important enough for us to send EVERYTHING at you........

23:00:34 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

lol... you left cuz your worried what people will think.. its a game

03:36:10 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

LOL he calls us a "N3wb ass kd", (totally lame for saying N3wb btw), when your KD begged us to let you in because you didn't like it in Agents. Yes, now I see that we are the real "N3wbs".

Everything we got? Mate, if we sent everything we got at you, you wouldn't even be able to see your cities, as they would be covered up by Trio armies.

You really didn't think that comment through, did you Mikhailov.

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