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Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 84

Valhalla 84
17:37:13 Nov 6th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

There is no Kingdom Win mechanic in this game. There is only most powerful and an era named as such.

I cast Arma knowing full well that if it went instant Arma, we would not have a top spot as Hammer and Shield. Ducks earned their win in that regard.

If we were top, one of our players would be number one, and that's only happened briefly for a few ticks here or there.

Those active and wanting a fresh start outnumber those wanting to drag this out to an inevitable conclusion by a factor of 2 to 1.

In light of dissent, which is their right to do, the conclusion will now be in about 9 days instead of today. 

Hammer and Shield will fight on. We disavow the phallic breakfast that Phat offered and instead welcome his armies to prep upon our cities. 

17:45:12 Nov 6th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Also we never really needed a resource Faucet.

Neeedless to say he has degraded since this snap shot but Perilous rolled with over 5 million income and I crested at over 4 after my second 200k.

We didn't have any use for abuse plundering a 26k city. 

34:05 Oct 30th 22 King Perilous:

North Bastion191,305354,90973,318259,51778,400
Back Bastion105,98067,77640,000
Army Upkeep:-2,155,896
Building Upkeep:-203,172
Total Income:+2,872,711

08:42:04 Nov 7th 22 - Lord Caedus:

This era was far from over, it's a real shame to be missing out on a good battle. Feel like it was done early so that people who are currently in the top % can remain so at the end of the era. 

Good strategy, politics and the like would have won the era for Ducks (maybe Alba as we've been swapping on the HoH a fair bit this era). 

Disappointed, but it's not the first time something like this has happened. I guess we'll need to be quicker on the OOP next era. 

12:44:37 Nov 7th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Lord Caedus:

This era was far from over, it's a real shame to be missing out on a good battle. 

Feel like it was done early so that people who are currently in the top % can remain so at the end of the era. 

Good strategy, politics and the like would have won the era for Ducks (maybe Alba as we've been swapping on the HoH a fair bit this era). 

Disappointed, but it's not the first time something like this has happened. I guess we'll need to be quicker on the OOP next era. 

There's been well over a thousand battles of carrying styles and sizes.

It is also last day 70. Arma cast after day 70 is never too early.

Ducks probably will still win the era as they are still in the top right now on the leaderboard and I expect that it is where they will stay.

I'm sorry you feel that you've missed out on what has been an action packed few weeks after nearly two months of no action. 

12:48:27 Nov 7th 22 - King Perilous:

Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 17 people want the age to end, 8 do not, and 5 people have not voted.

We only number 10.

Obviously the majority want it. That's how the game works. 

12:57:20 Nov 7th 22 - Lord Caedus:

As I said, disappointed but looking forward to a new era. 

While the forum has your attention Bigfield - do you fancy helping to create a pact for this realm regarding 'bug abuses' again? I know some of your guys were particularly vocal and/or enjoying the use of them. While we wait for a new era, seems like a good time to discuss. :) 

13:18:40 Nov 7th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Lord Caedus:

As I said, disappointed but looking forward to a new era. 

While the forum has your attention Bigfield - do you fancy helping to create a pact for this realm regarding 'bug abuses' again? I know some of your guys were particularly vocal and/or enjoying the use of them. While we wait for a new era, seems like a good time to discuss. :) 

No one on our side enjoyed that they were being used. It is against the spirit of the game.

We won't hesitate to play by the same rules that everyone else plays by, however. That has always been the case.

If you can keep your crew in line and communicate abuses as you see them, we will do the same. 

14:44:27 Nov 7th 22 - Lord Caedus:

I think moving forward with those that wish to agree to something could work well. Certainly some sort of agreement would, through an honour code, mean that punishments are served as and when they are spotted - rather than other KDs just pressing the proverbial 'fuck it' button and not punishing their own for terrain walking (for example). 

Even if only Alba and HnS agree at first, at least we can have a moral authority on the issue and play the game through mutual honour/respect rather than squabble over who we felt broke the rules first. 

14:56:42 Nov 7th 22 - Ms. Asrock:

And what would that punishment be ?

15:07:26 Nov 7th 22 - Lord Caedus:

I guess that's part of the discussion, it can't be black and white. Some terrain walking is obviously very clear, others not so. Equally, tiering it up with first, second and third offence would probably be helpful. 

18:15:22 Nov 7th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

A reversal of the path if no cities taken . 

If beyond that, a reversal of the path and a forfeiture of any gain.

If repeated or beyond that, I would think black listing players or kingdoms that host said players.

Undoing a black listing would typically involve building up a comensurate city in it's stead but honestly it is too far gone at that point I would think.

09:18:28 Nov 8th 22 - Lord Caedus:

I think the above sounds reasonable, but I would put an era delay on kingdoms that host - for example, the accused player can leave at the end of the era unless otherwise redeemed (just thinking if a new player does it. Eg. Asrock said they knew about the potential for it, but chose not to, not all players think that way I think). 

15:06:32 Nov 8th 22 - King Perilous:

For all the talk about feeding, it didn't take long for Caedus to selectively burn and destroy Bigfield big mine but park himself overtop a dwarf for a day.

What's the hold up? I know we already cleared the city once and captured it before it revolted.

Prove your honor. Burn and destroy Rios city.

Bird V

Army Info
Commander:Lord CaedusKingdom Banner
Size:Company (100-300)

15:08:38 Nov 8th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Not a bad point. You also didn't hesitate to park overtop Oya, one of our less active concerts for a while.

What is the determining factor for camping, burning, or capturing? 

08:01:18 - Bird III lead by Lord Caedus burned and destroyed Northmine. We lost 991 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle.

15:19:19 Nov 8th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

Why hasn't HNS already burned the inactive player in their own core? We haven't been here for long, for how long has that player been there? For how long has HNS been plundering this inactive player instead of making the honourable decision to B&D it to prevent any plunders?


15:57:51 Nov 8th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

We captured the city and tried to build it up. Twice if I recall.  We've been constrained geographically so that was ideal.

The city kept revolting.

I don't think the city is producing enough gold for it to be significant for Caedus in this case but it does warrant a fair discussion as it is very easy to appear to be playing 'diahonorable'.

We also only had Bidi as an orc but he is, of course, Syndicate now. 

Why hasn't HNS already burned the inactive player in their own core? We haven't been here for long, for how long has that player been there? For how long has HNS been plundering this inactive player instead of making the honourable decision to B&D it to prevent any plunders?


16:12:36 Nov 8th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

You've had both Bidi and Malthael all era long, and only just lost Bidi. 

Do I genuinely care? Not at all, I'm just trying to show that Perilous's attack on Caedus makes no sense.
Clean your own dirty laundry before pointing at someone else's.

18:24:11 Nov 8th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

I don't think it's laundry at all. I was merely highlighting the appearance of a double stabdard.

It's a single 26000 city.

Bidi has been more active in the last few days than in the last few weeks.

I did forget about Malthael, but he's been preoccupied on his end.

If I recall, Elysium did a better job scrubbing the multis on the front end 

18:24:22 Nov 8th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Delete double post

06:27:20 Nov 9th 22 - Lord Caedus:

My activity was on and off yesterday and never had a high enough percentage to get to the point to bnd before you guys defended. I was moving on those cities to burn and destroy. In the interest of total transparency, last night before going to bed (on 29% chance) when seeing Perilous prepping, and seeing my attempt to burn the other untagged city was vehemently defended, I attempted a plunder because I figured it was better to have the resources than the enemy who was about to get them. 

Feel free to continue moaning, constantly trying to have some moral high ground. The rest of us reading honestly can’t be fucked with you guys at the moment, pointing the fingers and wilfully ignoring your own dirty plays. 

There’s still an untagged city left - looking forward to watching you leave it (I’ll head there and burn it straight away) or waiting for another orc to come and burn it. Assuming that the bitching above wasn’t for show and you’re generally looking for those cities to finally be destroyed?

06:59:37 Nov 9th 22 - King Perilous:

Don't get your boxers in a bunch, mate. We watch election day like sports in this country so I didn't get around to reclaiming Rio.

I had almost fully demolished the econ portions last time and was refitting it as an armory when it revolted. I am going to continue to use it as an armory now.

Gives extra defence and increases line of sight.
In construction:0
Increases the morale in your city and the armies stationed in the city.
In construction:0
Lowers training time and makes you able to train more troops in your colony.
In construction:0

Lord Caedus:

My activity was on and off yesterday and never had a high enough percentage to get to the point to bnd before you guys defended. I was moving on those cities to burn and destroy. In the interest of total transparency, last night before going to bed (on 29% chance) when seeing Perilous prepping, and seeing my attempt to burn the other untagged city was vehemently defended, I attempted a plunder because I figured it was better to have the resources than the enemy who was about to get them. 

Feel free to continue moaning, constantly trying to have some moral high ground. The rest of us reading honestly can’t be fucked with you guys at the moment, pointing the fingers and wilfully ignoring your own dirty plays. 

There’s still an untagged city left - looking forward to watching you leave it (I’ll head there and burn it straight away) or waiting for another orc to come and burn it. Assuming that the bitching above wasn’t for show and you’re generally looking for those cities to finally be destroyed?

07:03:46 Nov 9th 22 - King Perilous:

@$$ holes

01:00:04 - The people of Rio have revolted!

07:17:37 Nov 9th 22 - King Perilous:

Foreign invasions and domestic insurrections have plagued this area for more than I'd like to admit.

And I'm not going to prioritize spending millions to demolish when I've got armies active on our area.

As you saw from literally the last tick, it revolted with what was evidently too small a garrison overtop of it.

What looks like is squatting on a tagless is in fact attempting and failing to shape the city into a useful part of the empire (I. E. Armory).

I stupidly recruited swords and then lost them at the tick change.

Even now..

  • People in Mooo are angry at you and refuse to pay taxes!
  • People in Rio are angry at you and refuse to pay taxes!

07:43:53 Nov 9th 22 - Lord Caedus:

That’s all well and good but if your first inclination is to jump to accusations against another player, why then should we suddenly accept that explanation above?

 When there’s a consistent suspicion of foul play, embedded in this era’s culture by your kingdom, there shouldn’t be surprise when everyone questions why those cities remain in your core this late in the day. 

There’s still an untagged city left - feel free to leave it for me as an orc to burn. That’ll truly show HnS care about honour rather than pointing fingers (very quickly) whilst still no word on their own ‘bug abuses’. The entitlement from some players is insane. 

*edit: I was referring to Rio, got confused with the other one I was accused of ‘abusing’. 

12:53:06 Nov 9th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

Just train away all pez so it can't revolt, and it's fixed lol

04:51:15 Dec 3rd 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Danny Trejo):

10:54:32 Dec 3rd 22 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Back when it was only Imperium vs Zerkers arguments, I found it annoying but mostly ignored it, because each side holds their own point of view and nobody changes. Zerkers went semi inactive (or stopped arguing) and it all transferred to other groups. So its not Zerkers as main bad guy group but it might be the whole community being toxic. 

When I noticed one of the guys from our group, Jarl, speak of double standards within our group (I was part of Imp shortly) I noticed something is off there. There seem to be clans forming again, and that just slowly kills the game more and more. 

This is really an unique game we have here, you will not find such freedom of movement on map in a game that requires no download. So snap out of it as a community and stop being toxic. Lets all just enjoy the game we all play for years.

10:56:40 Dec 3rd 22 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Oh this was last era, I noticed new post and thought its new Valhalla thread. Ok so looks like people gave been good in the new one. Thumbs up!

16:55:04 Dec 3rd 22 - Phat (Mr. Baelro):

<3 Sorry for necessitating the dead.

Current era has had a LOT less drama... though the discord is getting a bit chippy this morning

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