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Forums / In game politics / Vote For the Most unpopular KD

Vote For the Most unpopular KD
17:54:33 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

@Fizban: Legacy has always reminded me of a saying i heard in can never stop them, you can only hope to contain them:P

19:02:10 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Dreadii:


hmmm.....  no comment.

owkey we are popular amogst LGC are you happy :p.

23:38:57 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Rashigra The Rouge Elf:

LGC has age and experience. and fizzy aren't you in DB?

03:24:08 Sep 9th 07 - Sir Helios:

Kinda feel sorry for those KD's that got stuck in the middle of this clash with Music, BoW and Zeon. No where to run, no where to hide.

Think it was around 6 KD's that got slaughtered in a matter of 2-3 days. (Maybe more that i didn't have LoS on) That's a bit painful...

Hats off to the unlucky few that got stuck in the middle.

Cannabis = Almost RiP (BoW is slacken and letting Blunts live)

Luna Wolves = RiP (They took it bent over, Welcome to Fantasia!)

Guardians of Destiny = Almost RiP (They find a backdoor or something? lol)

Kingdom Hearts = RiP (Disbanded before it got good)

Black Legion = RiP (Only a few put up a nice fight but Magic got the best of them in the end.)

Can't remember the last KD that was fighting with Luna Wolves but they got the short end of the stick.

05:58:32 Sep 9th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Mr. Rashigra The Rouge Elf


9/8/2007 5:38:57 PM
LGC has age and experience. and fizzy aren't you in DB?

Old news. I'm flying the good ol' Lgc blue.

06:21:01 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Nametaken:

Luna Wolves = RiP (They took it bent over, Welcome to Fantasia!)

Thanks for the welcome, and yes we got our asses kicked.   We lasted a decent amount of time for our first era on Fantasia with no real allies, we learned a bit and will be back next era to hopefully do better.  Good luck to all the kingdoms not in the huge alliances, to those in them... all I can say is grow some balls you pussies.

06:23:58 Sep 9th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Pussies? Hmm, geniuses maybe........

06:34:34 Sep 9th 07 - Prince Kenobi:

Luna Wolves = RiP (They took it bent over, Welcome to Fantasia!)

To their credit all of their top ten HoH players from last era left.

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