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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 28

Zetamania 28
09:21:18 Dec 11th 13 - Teirdel (Saint Teirdel):

As they say, the calm before the storm.

tbh its boring atm but whats to come has me excited. Like tense moments where it could tip either way. Always get a big grin on my face. Kinda like gambling na  50% chance to bounce an army.

12:33:16 Dec 22nd 13 - Khan (Mr. Khankhan):

Wow, wot a nice turn of events. SOme excitement at last :)

13:07:48 Dec 22nd 13 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Still underhanded as f*** though.

That's what we get for being nice and not attacking people I guess.

13:21:48 Dec 22nd 13 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

theres three large kds on this map. you cant nap one of them and then complain theres not enough action -_-

20:44:32 Dec 22nd 13 - Irule (Mr. Irule Here Tooo):

i seemed to have missed something. who joined us and what kd had they been in before coming over? been no talk about it as far as i can see.

21:11:20 Dec 22nd 13 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Rolling Thunder, a small KD who we decided to NAP because we thought it would be unfair for us to fight them, disbanded and joined Forsaken and are now attacking us. Having previously had a NAP with us AND had given us the idea that they were intending to join us, but insted they join our enemies are are now fighting us. Even after we NAPed them out of the goodness of our hearts. This is one step below breaking a NAP, but I hear they already did that on another world anyway.

21:42:46 Dec 22nd 13 - Alrisaia (Ms. Lyrelai):

i love it when i see a kd at war with one kd having trouble killing them off (monks) who naps another kd since they don't have the resources to deal with them atm complain when things don't go their way...


21:56:18 Dec 22nd 13 - Mr. Sorra The Bold:

16:11:20 Dec 22nd 13 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Rolling Thunder, a small KD who we decided to NAP because we thought it would be unfair for us to fight them, disbanded and joined Forsaken and are now attacking us. Having previously had a NAP with us AND had given us the idea that they were intending to join us, but insted they join our enemies are are now fighting us. Even after we NAPed them out of the goodness of our hearts. This is one step below breaking a NAP, but I hear they already did that on another world anyway.


Says the person who's Kingdom originally NAP'd...MORE THAN HALF THE WORLD.

You should keep quite honestly. 

21:59:37 Dec 22nd 13 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

You may want to articulate that a bit better. I have no idea what you're saying.

And "more than half"? How is it more than half? :P We NAPed AG for their own good and we NAPed RT to be nice to them.

22:04:05 Dec 22nd 13 - Mr. Sorra The Bold:

You NAP'd, AG which at the time was already more than half the world. You wanted to farm your way to an era win by having Forsaken and AG fight. Saying you NAP'd people for there own good is not an excuse if you end up NAPing 2/3rds of the world. Thats just called NAP whoring. 

22:09:02 Dec 22nd 13 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

And that^ is called bitching. This has already been explained to you and you seem to be the only one in your KD who doesn't understand it. We NAPed AG at the start of the era so they wouldnt get crushed from both sides. NOT because we want to farm. We would happily take on everyone and lose than farm all era and win. This isn't even the issue here. The issue is that Rolling Thunder jumped ship and tured on us.

22:41:06 Dec 22nd 13 - Mr. Sorra The Bold:

17:09:02 Dec 22nd 13 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

And that^ is called bitching. This has already been explained to you and you seem to be the only one in your KD who doesn't understand it. We NAPed AG at the start of the era so they wouldnt get crushed from both sides. NOT because we want to farm. We would happily take on everyone and lose than farm all era and win. This isn't even the issue here. The issue is that Rolling Thunder jumped ship and tured on us.


Your the only one here bitching. You the reasons of why you NAP'd half the world is irrelevant. The fact is you DID. Meaning that from the start of the era until now, the only major war you've had is with a 7 player Kingdom called Monks. 

As for your comments about RT, you don't understand VU or what? Its known that after a disband/merge in, all contractual obligations are void for both/all kingdoms/players involved. This has been on in the game since the beginning of the game? Are you now sad that you're no longer NAP'd to 2/3rds of the world, but only half of it? Nothing dishonorable was done, and its even sad that a KD in a 37 man Alliance, an alliance that consists of more than half the players on this world would even bring it up.  Anyhow, the reason WE did not let you know what our plans were and what WE were discussing internally, its called POLITICS. We are out to win the era, just like every other Kingdom on this world, and as such I cant honestly believe you thought that after entering an alliance with 2/3rds of the map, we would just be broadcasting our plans over an open signal to you. You might have won through protection of numbers, but it wont be such a smooth ride to victory now. I am sorry the odds have even'd up a bit. Maybe you liked your old odds against monks when it was 20 vs 7. 

NAP 2/3rds of the world, fight only a KD less then 1/3rd your size...then cry when political maneuvering was done that reduced your NAP advantage from 2/3rds of the world to slightly more than Half. What a joke. 

22:59:27 Dec 22nd 13 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

I guess you missed the part where Irule, a member in YOUR KINGDOM asked what was going on as, apparently, you had no talk of this in your forums. After that I posted, explaining what the situation was, then you started bitching at me about irralevant crap that you just can't seem to let go of. This wasn't even about Forsaken, it was about Rolling Thunder pulling a dick move. I never said it was "against the rules of VU" or whatever. I just said it how it is to explain to anyone who didn't know the situation.

AND AND AND AND AND we weren't even fighting Foraken. We did that to be nice to YOU, to keep it from being unfair. So quit bitching about how it was the whole world vs you. It wasn't. It was you and AG, that's it.

23:19:48 Dec 22nd 13 - Stormy (Lady Christina Hendricks):

<Its known that after a disband/merge in, all contractual obligations are void for both/all kingdoms/players involved. This has been on in the game since the beginning of the game?>

Trying not to get invovled, just wanted to point out not exactly a hard rule. I can cite instances where negotiations revolving kingdom merges or untagged players joining kingdoms, etc... often involved previous arrangements being honored or discarded depending on the leaders

I'm bored. You can resume your regularly scheduled flame fest

23:52:06 Dec 22nd 13 - The Kaze (Mr. Kamikaze):


23:56:38 Dec 22nd 13 - Zond (The Cheating Abusing Mod):

So so so,

all the complains when zond casts plague. and now someone else does it because they losing.. and not a word. sup? :P 

00:01:11 Dec 23rd 13 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

Who passed out SARS blankets as a peace offering?

00:07:06 Dec 23rd 13 - Teirdel (Saint Talveron):

This era is actually turning out to be fun at last. Have some rebuilding to do but honestly fun.

01:19:45 Dec 23rd 13 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):

My opinion is that it does not really matter either way, this era is turning out to be a lot more interesting than the last one and that is all that I really care about.


seems pretty even now

01:54:40 Dec 23rd 13 - Alrisaia (Ms. Lyrelai):

i just got my popcorn commence flame fest!

also I'm having a blast here too definitely exciting skirmishes and battles this far!

05:02:39 Dec 23rd 13 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

It would have been more "even" if Rolling Thunder joined Monks. Then we would of had 4 larger KDs, not one very large KD, two large KDs, and one smaller KD. Forsaken does not need 33% more players than anyone else.

05:09:20 Dec 23rd 13 - Lady Blubbery Schoolgirl Mush:

we should just join the monks and since we have a shred of honour we wouldn't attack our current NAP partners even though DD would cease to exist.  That is the way you honour a NAP when disbanding if you don't want to look like scum.

08:08:46 Dec 23rd 13 - Khan (Mr. Khankhan):

Well, never forget that the target for this era was to populate this world, and for there, at least we have this, as well as excitement :) Flaming was never intended though, so that is not really welcome, but I guess there is not much we can do about it, is there?

So get back to the map and fight until last breath. And hope everyone stays  for next era.

18:36:02 Dec 23rd 13 - Mr. Sobek:

22:04:05 Dec 22nd 13 - Mr. Sorra The Bold:

You NAP'd, AG which at the time was already more than half the world. You wanted to farm your way to an era win by having Forsaken and AG fight. Saying you NAP'd people for there own good is not an excuse if you end up NAPing 2/3rds of the world. Thats just called NAP whoring.

> Whut? Crawl back into your hole of nonsence... They napped us (AG) when we were with 6 players, yes we merged with that other small kingdom of 8 players and then some others joined too. But where-ever you heard when a kingdom merges the NAP gets cancelled is uther bullcrap ... they napped the kingdom name. If they would've cancelled the NAP that would make them napbreakers (Napbreaking has been on in the game since the beginning of the game?).

All you can blame them for is being honourable for NAP'ing a small kingdom that wouldn't have stood a chance in a ménage-à-trois with the big swingers on top.

18:41:00 Dec 23rd 13 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

All this talk about NAPs makes me want to take a nap!

Ok next bad joke - who has one?

02:24:25 Dec 24th 13 - Alrisaia (Ms. Lyrelai):

having a blast this era learning a lot! I'm in a mage battle with another elf and it's so incredibly intense i could say i had an adrenaline rush casting spells!

lol good fight paper thick!

02:29:44 Dec 24th 13 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Sir Crown Royal):

you know i had a good era till all this happened still having a good era though hate to see players fight with each other kinda takes fun out of the game for me but oh well and a commendation goes to AG for keeping me on the edge of my seat the whole era so far still waiting to see what tricks they might have left up there sleeve

and Congrats to khan for being such a good sport about the political maneuvering that was done this era and yeah your right khan our goal was to populate zeta and populate it did hopefully some of the guys that came into forsaken this era will move over to another kd to even the world out a bit more so it's not 26 of us vs kds of 17 or so people

05:55:20 Dec 24th 13 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Sir Crown Royal):

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Forsaken29Sir Crown Royal100
The Death Dealers21Mr. Khankhan67
Atlantis Guardians17Mr. Sobek65
Shaolin Monks7Mr. Bran Bran Monk16

06:02:54 Dec 24th 13 - Mr. Papur Thick:

Thanks Lyrelai, yes it is alot of fun. Unfortunately I am unable to continue competing as i used most of my 700,000 weavers in earthquakes and plagues in your core previous. However I look forward to future meetings with you. Congrats Forsaken on the apparent victory to come.

14:56:20 Dec 24th 13 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

paper it isn't over yet, and DD have been preparing for age's they can still swoop in and save your assens :P

but with a bit of luck this time it will be DD on the back foot rather than the previous era's where it was always forsaken :P

22:41:52 Jan 11th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

so is forsaken going to unmerge itself for next era or will it still be 30+ kd?

19:20:04 Jan 12th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

I can't speak for the leaders, but I really doubt it. We're a huge KD right now, but honestly it's not 100% active players.

20:16:59 Jan 12th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

I think we killed off most of those back-stabbing Rolling Thunder A-holes who joined you anyway. So even though we lost, at least we showed them that crossing us is a bad idea.

21:08:30 Jan 12th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

Bran the plan is:
DD disbands and joins forsaken and we all farm like nice people :)

21:31:26 Jan 12th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

We could even make paddocks using walls! Wait... why would we need to join you if we can just cross-wall ourselves off and farm in peace anyway? :P Actually, lets all do that next era. Just f**king walls everywhere. There really wansn't enough of that this era. Next era I want it to be impossible for anyone to get anywhere! :P

23:17:21 Jan 12th 14 - Khan (Mr. Khankhan):

Longest wall competition olle

23:19:48 Jan 12th 14 - SFD (Lord Steal For Drugs):

someone will have to be feeding on cities to get enough slaves to wall the whole east edge of the map :P

23:41:42 Jan 12th 14 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):

I'm gonna be joining Bran's KD probs.. (if he lets me) ... I think it'd be nice to make the KD's a bit more even :) if Bran does not wan't me, then I'll probs join DD... no fun in having a 30 man kd next era.

10:32:54 Jan 13th 14 - Khan (Mr. Khankhan):

Hope Bran refuses you :) Does anyone have info on AG? Are they coming back?

10:52:51 Jan 13th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

sure you can join, although i havent asked the rest of my kd if they definitely want to keep playing next era yet

11:09:17 Jan 13th 14 - Mr. Amaroth:

Most of us are as far as I know, just hurry up and end it so we can

11:15:36 Jan 13th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

but youre not in my kd

13:57:49 Jan 13th 14 - SFD (Duke Zonds Fan Girl):

 he's AG you fool :P

09:11:45 Jan 14th 14 - Khan (Mr. Khankhan):

OK, so we will have 4 bigger kingdoms, probably FS being very big (20+), AG - Shao - DD all around 10-15 ppl? Or will AG be much bigger? Sounds like a promising era :)

09:15:14 Jan 14th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

 if AG come back they are all great players so they could hustle more than they were.

FS not to sure lol and monks no doubt will get more if they return
DD will not return b/c they will have no ass to sit on next era (until we hand it to them again) mwahaaaa see what I did thererer <3

11:01:31 Jan 14th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

would the other leaders be interested in laying out a few rules for next era to make it different? perhaps maybe a no naps allowed era, but where youre only  allowed to cf for like a few days at a time? any ideas to expand on that?

11:52:28 Jan 14th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

How about, we all CF untill Forsaken are dead, then we all fight each other?

14:19:35 Jan 14th 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Liu Bei of Shu Dynasty):

Sounds like a horrible idea but go for it. I mean everyone literally jumps on Forsaken but that means whoever gets the most city wins. Lets say your kingdom does that Karta. Lets say, you get all the gold and everyone is left with the armories. That means while everyone gets crappy cities, you have the gold and you stock up on whatever troops you have. Once Forsaken is dead, you attack everyone with your million troops and you get the era win. Yeah no, everyone that is a horrible idea. Do not go for it lol

14:22:04 Jan 14th 14 - Khan (Mr. Khankhan):

Let's see how the era starts, how many kingdoms, how many players. The objective remains, to make an exciting era for everyone, if FS loses too many players, it wont be fun to jump on them all :)

15:34:57 Jan 14th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:


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