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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 29

Zetamania 29
17:10:32 Jan 29th 14 - Lady Eephg:

3 way!!

17:14:12 Jan 29th 14 - SFD (Duke Hybrid):

yayayay we having 3 way :D
Shotgun the middle ;)

04:10:11 Jan 30th 14 - Mr. Merreth:

sheesh i take a break from zeta to go have fun in the ffa and look how much fun y'all are having...

maybe i won't last long in the ffa.

11:58:50 Jan 31st 14 - SFD (Duke Hybrid):

The Death Dealers27Mr. Necro Emporos134
Forsaken22Dragonlord Crown Royal100
Shaolin Monks18Mr. Shaolin Bran100

16:17:32 Jan 31st 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

What was that about mass recruiting a while back? Anything not in the Monk/Forsaken corner suddenly turned blue. -.-

16:22:25 Jan 31st 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Isogod):

Gangbang time lol

16:39:26 Jan 31st 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Well they had to join someone and they picked us. I don't blame them. :P If I had of known they were all gonna join us I would have turned off "accept new players" a while ago, but it is off now. Besides, we've got inactives and people not doing anything, so really we've only got about the same as Forsaken.

16:53:22 Jan 31st 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

lol necro they joined you after spawn most of them dont use that excuse ;)

17:03:38 Jan 31st 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Yeah... what do you mean? :P

18:53:49 Jan 31st 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Cazic Thule):

Great! It sounds like no one has any excuses this era. Best of luck to everyone :)

19:04:54 Jan 31st 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

you making excuses about our excuses CHEO >:(

00:01:14 Feb 1st 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

"Accept new players"? LOL they where untagged for a while before they joined up, they didnt spawn in DD. 0.o

00:16:39 Feb 1st 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

I don't think you understood my post. :P I said that if I had of known that they (the KDless players and AG) were going to join us, I would have turned off the accept new players option sooner so we didn't have so many people randomly join us (before the others did). Now that they have joined us I have turned it off so we don't get too big. :P Like I said, if I knew they were going to join us I wouldn't have left it open for just anyone to.

Besides, when I said about Forsaken getting too big all I really got was a "too bad". So why should I have to defend us having more members? :P

02:40:02 Feb 1st 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Jose Cuervo):

Well considering you have a good portion of the map to start farming up and you have three or so great walls up that clearly show you have the middle of the map broken off, I can definitely say those "extra" players came in handy for you.

02:51:53 Feb 1st 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Seraph):

Its a war game. So they have an advantage this era. We overcame or shortcomings last era we will just have to prove we can again.

06:07:02 Feb 2nd 14 - Lady Eephg:

4 great walls!  Era is far from over.  We were complaining about the way our NAP partners in Thundar decided to quit their kingdom last era and join Forsaken en mass.  and the only response I got about it was "all is fair in love and war" so if anyone doesn't like our numbers just chill out an remember they are mostly newbs, inactives and late starters who haven't a clue.  we are trying to repopulate the world.  We were lucky to get some blockers up separating  us from Forsaken and Monks but what the hey?  It is still anyone's win. 

07:47:01 Feb 2nd 14 - Mr. Forever Sin:

I'll be completely honest in saying that my 5th most powerful ruler spot isn't deserved because I was farming up a lot of the era, but I've also been on Valhalla where competition (until this era) wasn't really anything so I was used to farming. I'm going to start getting in the fight and all though, but I'll admit, I was farming and stuff but it's because I had the chance to and it's what I'm used to.

08:55:46 Feb 2nd 14 - Mr. Iceworks:

07:16:39 Feb 1st 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

I don't think you understood my post. :P I said that if I had of known that they (the KDless players and AG) were going to join us, I would have turned off the accept new players option sooner so we didn't have so many people randomly join us (before the others did). Now that they have joined us I have turned it off so we don't get too big. :P Like I said, if I knew they were going to join us I wouldn't have left it open for just anyone to.

Besides, when I said about Forsaken getting too big all I really got was a "too bad". So why should I have to defend us having more members? :P

yeah... but then since u know ur kd is big enough... u can dont accept them.. or... if ur trying to blame it on the inactives.. kick them so ur kd gets more even instead... people look at the numbers... they dont care whether some1 is active or inactive in ur kd... if ur kd has 30 ppl... we just assume its 30 players playing in it... so dont use that "accepting new player" excuse... u have an option to not accept... the point is that once u accept them. the kds became uneven...

you know i dont really care if dd wants to have 40 members they can isnt gonna stop me from fighting them going to motivate me more to beat them really dont see what every one is crying about

12:36:14 Feb 2nd 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Seraph):

Agreed. Its a war game. All is fair in love and war. Double edged sword, cuts both ways. Don't like it do something about it.

13:51:16 Feb 2nd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Besides, I don't want to have a lot of members. It looks bad. Like Forsaken last era. I would kick the people not doing much, but that's not fair on them. :P Also, if we were to get too big, Forsaken and Monks would have reason to team up against us. :P Anyway, other than people being inactive and/or not doing much, we are also pretty spread out over the map, so it's not so easy for those outside the core to defend. So really even though we "officially" have more members, it is still pretty even. As can be seen by the back and forth us and Monks have has since OOP. If it was uneven we would have pushed them back by now. :P Same goes for Forsaken and Monks. And more recently, us and Forsaken. In face, Forsaken have pushed South and almost taken out one of our "solo" members. :P The game says we have 5 more members than Forsaken, but we have 5/6 inactives and a few more not doing much (yet), so really with all that in mind I don't think anyone can say it's uneven. But again, I shouldn't have to defend our numbers when no-one else does when they have more. :P

14:11:50 Feb 2nd 14 - Mr. Hanky:

Monks take no shit.

14:12:39 Feb 2nd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

paragraphs are over rated

14:37:26 Feb 2nd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:









15:02:45 Feb 2nd 14 - Bran (Mr. Bren):

yeah cos thats much easier to read... 

17:28:22 Feb 2nd 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Isogod):

I do not mind the paragraphs. Continue that please. Bran, you will just have to get used to it. :p

22:30:21 Feb 2nd 14 - SFD (Duke Hybrid):

Shaolin Monks Forsaken

Battles won: 32
Battles lost: 26

Players: 16
Prince Night Return
Mr. Slowly
Mr. Theoneandonlylock
Mr. Shaolin Bran
Duke Hybrid
Sir Rabbit of Caerbannog
Mr. Hanky
Prince Sorin
Mr. Jellybean
Mr. Freezer
Mr. Argoyle
Mr. Maviches
Mr. Uric
Ms. Crystaal
Mr. Eternitys Angel
Mr. Siberius Phenom III

Battles won: 16
Battles lost: 34

Players: 22
General of Best Politics
Mr. Crown Extra Rare
Mr. Irule Here Tooo
Dragonlord Crown Royal
Mr. Neworcplayer
Mr. Jgermeister
Mr. Evul
Mr. Blackheart
Kushlord Gonzo
Mr. Sorra of Godmania
Mr. Togglo
Mr. Demwz
Mr. Jose Cuervo
Mr. Twilight Eyes
Mr. Jon Irenicus
Mr. Ragnarok The Third
Saint Talveron
Mr. Cazic Thule
Mr. Commoner
Mr. Panic
Mr. Fotkurz The Slasher
Ms. Lyrelai

22:31:08 Feb 2nd 14 - SFD (Duke Hybrid):

Shaolin Monks The Death Dealers

Battles won: 32
Battles lost: 26

Players: 16
Prince Night Return
Mr. Slowly
Mr. Theoneandonlylock
Mr. Shaolin Bran
Duke Hybrid
Sir Rabbit of Caerbannog
Mr. Hanky
Prince Sorin
Mr. Jellybean
Mr. Freezer
Mr. Argoyle
Mr. Maviches
Mr. Uric
Ms. Crystaal
Mr. Eternitys Angel
Mr. Siberius Phenom III

Battles won: 39
Battles lost: 23

Players: 23
Sir Ravnore
Lady Eephg
Mr. Demonic Destruction
Lord Stormcrowe
Mr. Tactical Awareness
Lord Kiljoy
Mr. Anonymous Reaper
Mr. Bidir
Mr. Falconer
Mr. Rai
Mr. Gargamel
Mr. Gwap Getter
Mr. Dragoon
Mr. Necro Emporos
Mr. Fornicator Immensis
Mr. Cyberassassin
Mr. Arzoth
Mr. Amaroth
Mr. Saviour
Mr. Wharf The Dwarf
Mr. Garbonzo
Mr. Forever Sin
Mr. Ugtuck

05:59:32 Feb 3rd 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

As can be seen by the back and forth us and Monks have has since OOP. If it was uneven we would have pushed them back by now. :P

as much as i hate to admit, it was only 2 of your members to start with then storm rocked up.... if you decided to play the WAR game as a war game rather then Farmville.. yes you would have won, now it will be harder for you!

10:55:04 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Not everyone is playing Orc or Halfling, some races need time to farm. And we had a lot of late starters too. :P

14:19:37 Feb 3rd 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sorin):

6 years of playing this game and iv yet to find a race that needs a week+ before it can do anything... Eaither your players suck really hard or your just plain and simply farming!

16:13:24 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

So.. you're complaining about not being dead? :P Or just that you haven't got to farm yourself? :P

16:21:26 Feb 3rd 14 - Prince Night Return:

farming while sending 2 orcs to just disturb other ppl dont deserve to talk... though i wouldnt really mind since the monks are enjoying themselves with the challenge... all DD does is nth except sending 3 players to screw up some OOPs while recruiting some other tagless to deal with forsaken and disturb them as well... guess DD are just boring ppl who just likes to farm and do shits... probably called the troller kd..

16:21:44 Feb 3rd 14 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybeanz):

How about we stop arguing and just enjoy the game :) 

Should be a fun rest of era. 

16:28:28 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

"sending 2 orcs to just disturb other ppl"
>> "2 orcs"

"monks are enjoying themselves with the challenge"
>> "the challenge"

And yet you complain that we're not ALL attacking you? :P

16:51:26 Feb 3rd 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Cazic Thule):

Agreed with Jelly. You're wasting your time arguing with him. Anyone who has their tongue sticking out that much while trolling the forums is hardly worth the energy.

17:33:02 Feb 3rd 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sorin):

I have no need to farm but if you wanna avoid everything a troll cool.. But DD in my books is a shadow of its former self kinda sad really when it first start I had many OOP wars but I guess the leader back then carried a sword not the pick axe and spade the current leader is acustom to!

18:35:44 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

I'm not Troll, I'm Elf. :P Which is actually one of the main reasons you're not losing. :P After last era I though that things would'nt be going so great for us this era, so I went Elf to defend. And hey, if we had of started where Monks or Forsaken are, then it would really be helpful. If I had of known that we wouldn't need to go on the defencive I would have went a different race and you would be in a lot more trouble. :P Either you don't know or you're forgetting that I once almost singel handedly almost killed off all of Forsaken. So you can call me a farmer if you want, but what do you expect me to do, send a bunch of Archers at you? :P Trust me, I would love nothing more than to be fighting you. Fact is I just don't have the troops for it. I went in for defence and that's what I've got. You want to fight me, wait til late-era when I have Arch mages. :P

18:44:28 Feb 3rd 14 - SFD (Duke Hybrid):

why wait till late era necro when i can send my super hammers at you now >:D

18:45:04 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

AND (yeah, I'm REALLY farming it up.)

Army Info
Commander:Prince SorinKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Shaolin Monks
Size:Company (100-300)

We have made 34 hostile attacks on them and they have made 25 hostile attacks on us.

This ruler owns around the same amount of land as we do.

18:46:30 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

You can try SFD, but you'll need to have a LOT of them. :P

19:15:34 Feb 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

this is intriguing stuff. so how many hammers exactly would he need to get 60%+ on your blocker?
also, how many mp necessary to cw your blocker? this is all interesting to know, keep it coming

19:32:04 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

*prepares to raze*

19:57:37 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Why don't you tell me Bran? You've got a mage, what's your % at the moment? :P Anyway I bet SFD wouldn't have enough. Needs to keep farming for another week or 2... or 3. :P

20:29:36 Feb 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

i have more than a mage, i have 50,000 mages!

and please dont mock my dean, he hasnt had the privelage of  the time to farm like you have!

20:48:33 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Oh, 50K, that almost as many as I have. :P Again with the farming. How many times must I explain myself? :P Actually, I don't care.  If you want to think that we're just farming then fine, you think that. At the end of the day it doesn't matter who's doing what, it just matters who beats who. If you end up losing THEN you can complain. :P

20:49:33 Feb 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

thats precisely what a farmer would say.

21:03:30 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Actually I know a few farmers and usually they just complain about it not raining enough. :P

21:17:52 Feb 3rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

can tell they dont live in England then

22:30:18 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Engel Van Dood:

If you can manage 8 magic 7 military in under 1 week as an elf i'd love to see it.

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