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Zetamania 3
20:29:22 Nov 29th 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

meh, I don't know why they'd want to bother to cancel it, they could still take the majority of our cities in 3 days and not have to farm for another 10 days after recasting it

21:04:32 Nov 29th 10 - Ms. Lucid:

Maybe they want to play with themselves =D

23:22:15 Nov 29th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent I:

I was wondering the same thing.  Lucid I believe you've put up the most likely scenario.

00:43:38 Nov 30th 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

lol :D

19:15:50 Nov 30th 10 - Sir Horus XI:

50 ticks left... can Susu hang on?

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Susuwatari17The Architect208
Peacekeepers11Mr. Grim Darkhammer The Ancient199
Japan6Sir Horus XI100

19:33:06 Nov 30th 10 - Ms. Lucid:

Susu is hanging on, why Japan or PK would prolong this has yet to be answered.....

20:12:16 Nov 30th 10 - Mr. Panic VIII:

as a kingdom, i just dont want susu to win

20:15:23 Nov 30th 10 - Ms. Lucid:

How are we going to win in 50 hrs seriously? No one said stop fighting just leave the city that Arma was cast on. If you want to drag it out that's fine :) I am having just as much fun taking cities off you and razing them as you are.

20:54:53 Nov 30th 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

think of it as a game of beat the clock horus, you have that many hours to take our cities... are you up for the challenge (still plenty of cities to be had with little or no resistance) or are you going to take the easy out and go for the arma city

21:54:22 Nov 30th 10 - Sir Horus XI:

i made up my mind days ago... i'm going to try to drop your score in under 50 ticks

22:14:08 Nov 30th 10 - Mr. Samhuinn:

I'm nearly dead but it was fun :)

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Susuwatari17The Architect757
Peacekeepers11Mr. Grim Darkhammer The Ancient742
Japan6Sir Horus XI386
Susuwatari II3Mr. Samhuinn100
Capi5Mr. Sextionio III7

22:44:52 Nov 30th 10 - Ms. Lucid:

oh no he's gonna drop our score :O

23:02:58 Nov 30th 10 - Mr. Conan The Barbarian:

Well done guys, was fun

Good fight Peacekeepers 

12:23:12 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. Aussiee:

Congrats Susuwatari!!!!!!!

As a kd that started this era with 2 members and a group that is spread over half the map i believe you have done an unbelievable job considering the calibre of the competition.

Speaking of competion......thanks guys for a great era :)

14:06:06 Dec 1st 10 - Sir Horus XI:


Kingdoms in Zetamania
Peacekeepers11Mr. Grim Darkhammer The Ancient197
Susuwatari17The Architect187
Japan6Sir Horus XI100
Susuwatari II3Mr. Samhuinn26
Capi5Mr. Sextionio III1

i had a really fun era, we had it all on zetamania
- good fighting
- good magic
- nobody got butt-hurt
i'll be back next era in medieval warriors (shameless plug)... who else is down for a replay of this map?

14:54:48 Dec 1st 10 - Ms. Lucid:

was an excellent era, had a great time even with my dirty panties getting spanked all over ;) Congrats to Japan and PK you proved to be a great foe!

23:52:59 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

congrats PKS and Japan, it was fun

to the surviving dust bunnies... keep spanking them, era isn't over yet! ;)

03:05:50 Dec 2nd 10 - Ms. Lucid:

I didn't think PK would feed Japan cities, interesting development lol

04:07:23 Dec 2nd 10 - Sir Horus XI:

please point out to me where PKS fed Japan...

04:13:26 Dec 2nd 10 - Ms. Lucid:


City Info
Owner: Mr. Great Uncle BulgariaKingdom Banner
Size: 55609 building(s).
Kingdom: Peacekeepers
Gates: no gates

being prepped on for some time by Mr.Magic Warrior of Japan :) I would think that he would have noticed that the city was under PK control awhile ago..maybe he's just slow?

04:56:00 Dec 2nd 10 - Konig Wiggy:

Lucid!  Wanna join SIN for the next Zeta age?  We need some female support.  Hehe.

07:35:12 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Magic Warrior:

--> Lucid. Give someone time to get up of bed please.

No I didn't last evening though I did see his army approach. But let the best (fastest in that case) win. And "our" Uncle did. So no dirty tricks here.

It's something different with Praetorira a little northwest from above. I know that city had been under PKS control not long time ago, therefore I leave it alone even though I can take it.

14:18:24 Dec 2nd 10 - Ms. Lucid:

<3 Konig I have plans already but thank you for the offer

Mr.Magic Warrior you must sleep a lot lol btw nice fight you gave me, I tip my hat to you.

19:12:50 Dec 2nd 10 - Sir Horus XI:

Congrats on a job well done Stumpy

 Mr. Stumpy, member of Peacekeepers has won 71 battles (90%) and captured 68 cities. He has 54 cities with a total of around 1,138,000 buildings.

Mr. Stumpy has won 71 battles, captured 68 cities and killed a total of 2814975 men and women.

19:21:42 Dec 2nd 10 - Ms. Lucid:

Congrats Stumpy :) 

20:19:22 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

that's where our 50% went ;) Congrats Von!

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Peacekeepers11Mr. Grim Darkhammer The Ancient148
Susuwatari17The Architect100
Japan6Sir Horus XI77
Susuwatari II2Mr. Samhuinn11

20:27:42 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Stumpy:

Thanks, but its not quite over yet :P

But hopefully it is :D

Well played everyone, its been a good era and also appears to have been a clean fight all round which is nice lol

20:46:40 Dec 2nd 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

SFD and MITH will be there ;)

20:51:22 Dec 2nd 10 - Sir Mcmax The Berserk:

14:18:24 Dec 2nd 10 - Ms. Lucid:

<3 Konig I have plans already but thank you for the offer

Mr.Magic Warrior you must sleep a lot lol btw nice fight you gave me, I tip my hat to you.



I'm an older man, so I need my sleep. But thank you for you ackknowledgement Ms. Lucid.


Just...... I do not know for sure who you are. Where I'm easy to find in the VU-history.



21:15:18 Dec 2nd 10 - Sir Horus XI:

someone write my name is for leader again plz... changing kingdom banners and names to medieval warriors

21:17:20 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Shamus Mctiernan:

Ha!  I killed you all!!!!!

Good game guys, you really brought the know, before I blew you up and all... =D

22:05:26 Dec 2nd 10 - Konig Wiggy:

Haha, alright Lucid :)  Good luck then!

00:37:17 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent I:

;)  nice job PKS and Stumpy.

04:20:12 Dec 3rd 10 - Ms. Lucid:

McMmax :) for an old man you know how to bite. I am a VU nobody so you probably don't know who I am anyway. I accidentally drunk deleted my original character so that's why the lack of history :)

Yours truly,
Duchess Wicked Wraith Rider

04:40:31 Dec 3rd 10 - Sir Horus XI:

ohhhh its you!

04:49:11 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Aussiee:

Congrats VD,PKS,Grim :)

05:33:17 Dec 3rd 10 - Ms. Lucid:

Horus ;) I know... who'd have thought it right

22:42:54 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Half Blood The Pyro:

thanks Susu for a great war oop to the end..Could of gone either way most of the era =D

22:45:00 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Crowley:

16:42:54 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Half Blood The Pyro:

thanks Susu for a great war oop to the end..Could of gone either way most of the era =D

lets try that again...^_^..wrong

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