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Zetamania 4
05:05:38 Jan 10th 11 - Puppy Reggie:

I never get why people got flak for "farming" since everyone needs to do it at one point in time or another..... lol

05:14:15 Jan 10th 11 - Mr. Lackadaisical Grim Darkhammer:

Horus, we actually had the same number as SIN but I think they dropped all their inactive..all my guys play. We have one member that is inactive the rest are usually on daily or multiple times a day. 

Nope we'll have to drop to ten members and then pick up the rest after they drop on the map. Unless Zeta changes it.

Thanks CA but the war isn't over yet SIN is still putting up fight.

14:48:40 Jan 10th 11 - Mr. Panic IX:

grim, you know i love you... i'm just thinking about MW vs PKS :)

18:03:55 Jan 10th 11 - Mr. Don Flamenco:

Any kingdom in Zetamania looking for new players?

21:42:34 Jan 10th 11 - Sir Horus XII:

MW would be happy to accept you, as long as soda popinski doesn't mind

02:53:02 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Xanatos:

actually we didnt drop our inactive lol we had no inactive for a while then when ourfirst blocker fell (while korwynn was flippin about kong and ben pretty much letting nehsharb feed off there cities) ben and a couple others quit then one of our main mages went inactive with our leader and well at that point we kinda fell apart from there (to tell the truth that blocker should have never fell if some of us werent dumb enough to leave so many troops right out front my first city ehb so horus could pop in and out killing them off) if we had taken ehb and not wasted so muchbeing stupid around it we would probably still be in dominance but of course you take a little off each front and you put it on one you lose em all

09:05:12 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Yeah we made some stupid things and ended up having a lot of people quit, I kicked some but we still had about 4 inactive for a long time until euph and wei yan returned, was way to late by then tho :(

19:10:13 Jan 11th 11 - Ms. Barbie Pants:

guess what... noone can cast arma... hooray!!!

19:30:16 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Hope:

We always can ask Zeta :P

We also can make a nice feeding party for our half's on both sides ofc to be fair.
Barbie maybe next time talk with your main Horus?

19:53:05 Jan 11th 11 - Mr. Don Flamenco:

oh lol!  Don Flamenco is Soda Popinski.  :P

20:43:36 Jan 11th 11 - Sir Horus XII:

Mr. Hope,

please do not blow up my spot


00:16:16 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Soda Popinski:

Can I join Medieval Warriors for next era?

03:22:49 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Andress Bonifacio:

Yes Soda. I'm willing to accept you my kababayan...ahaha!

16:14:55 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Don Flamenco:

ok.  maraming salamat.

23:31:30 Jan 12th 11 - Mr. Hope:

Sir Horus,

How do you mean blow up your spot?


17:10:32 Jan 14th 11 - Ms. Barbie Pants:

18:30:42 Jan 14th 11 - Mr. Don Flamenco:

contrary to his name, mr hope is hopeless. 

18:47:48 Jan 14th 11 - Mr. Hope:

Well thank you Don Flamenco. Next speak on the battlefield and not on the forum if you have nothing nice to say.

I am sorry Horus. Wasn't my intention to do that.

19:58:58 Jan 14th 11 - Ms. Barbie Pants:

will just have to leave less hints...

01:35:12 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Xanatos:

GJ PKS and MW you fought fiercly and won :D hope you enjoy the city's now lets see if pks will go full on and just take the World over (You can doo itt)

11:11:07 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Hope:

Armageddon will end the world of Zetamania in 91 days unless the city of Blcoked is destroyed!!

16:17:03 Jan 18th 11 - Sir Horus XII:

MW and PKS did not put a permanent NAP in place, only a temporary one

since the Armageddon was casted by an admin and was not the full 10 days it normally is, I didn't see the point in canceling the NAP, though I did approach Grim with the idea of a set battlefield (Ryan gets credit for the idea)

I'd like to congratulate Tinzt (aka Gilth) for a great OOP solo effort that caused members of MW to quit zetamania entirely, and some to restart and/or jump ship to PKS

Props to SIN also for putting up a good fight with no allies

Props to Anon for being the most destructive with over 2 million kills, regardless of how you got them

Thumbs down to Butt Buddies for attempting to whore a map win by farming and casting arma, where's the fun in that?

MW will be back next era and I expect a full house since PKS is expected to have to trim to 10 members at the start of the era again... MW will not go over ten members regardless of the 'soft cap'. If there is any interest, please PM me.

20:18:23 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Lackadaisical Grim Darkhammer:

Yeah, what he said. 

Great job everyone... I had fun. Maybe we will have more players on Zeta next era. :)

20:57:57 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Xanatos:

ima be back it was fun restarting 3 times :D thanks horus you caused all three of them :P hopefully im on your side next time :P

21:41:13 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Panic IX:

i've been there xanatos....


22:15:45 Jan 18th 11 - Ms. Dirt Devil:

not me, once vs PKS/MW was enough thanks :p

what is that, like 3 eras now of you guys ruling Zetamania?
Congrats to you both

22:28:16 Jan 18th 11 - Sir Binh The Conqueror:

great job to everyone in zetamania. Now you all should join starta so we can party ;)

22:39:35 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Xanatos:

ohmy how many people spawned near you binh cause im just kinda sitting here and the closest guy is off my screen lol

23:29:38 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Binh The Travelling Merchant:

I'm near only one guy in starta. The stalking creature called Fordius. Seriously though. We need more players on starta. It will be fun being such a small map :D

00:11:31 Jan 19th 11 - Sir Horus XII:

it'll be a late start, but i'll consider pulling my fant char

06:22:06 Jan 19th 11 - Mr. Crater:

I'm suprised I got in 17, I didn't think I'd get in the top 20

good era everyone.

08:14:28 Jan 19th 11 - Mr. Don Flamenco:

I would demolish Binh and Fordius in Starta.  Just tell me how to delete a character for god's sake!

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