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Zetamania Wars II
02:45:34 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Hawk:

Man those are some mean words.

03:17:55 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Awwwwwwwwww  :-(  *sniff*  That was so sad :-P

03:31:31 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

I am not a huge fan of flaming or insulting even my enemies.  But if you got to know my true character, you would know that much of what you said is untrue.  I would sacrifice myself for my members at any moment.  I have given many cities to my allies and friends.  I take into heart anything my members say.  I refuse to turn down new players into our kingdom.  Though this may weaken our overall force, I enjoy watching them grow and prosper.  We have at least 8+ members where this is their first era.  I get more satisfaction watching my soldiers of Gaul have fun rather than being the most elite *beep*y force on the game.  Though this is a drive that a few of my members have, I believe they too enjoy the entertainment and role play that I offer them.  There is little to no hostility within our ranks.  Sometimes when I send messages in RP, they may seem barbaric and crude; but that is due to the theme we are trying to carry.   

Also when I was "insulting" Plague it was a joke that he knew about.  I didn't mean it.

It's just a game, don't get so hostile towards your enemies.

03:50:04 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Snuffy:

Very well put Arch. Your very true on all that Sh!t you said. Theres only one thing that i dont like you about. Your a lier and what i mean about that is that you try to turn poeple on each other. You try to turn members against thier kingdoms and kingdoms on kingdoms. You sit here and try to talk about honor and traing and watching your members grow but what are you teaching them. That trying to turn poeple on poeple is okay and that liein and tryin to get poeple to break naps and maps is okay?

Other then that your chill hommie.

05:21:31 Jan 14th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Arch tries very hard to come off as an honorable player, and I guess he is. If you count out his consistent and obvious attempts at splitting up alliances.

I particularly liked this one:

Mr. Arch Shade The Dark [GAUL] (1/13/2008 4:26:39 AM) GOOD BAD
I know you doubt my motives. But watch north of this city. See if AC or Gauls attack each other.....if they never do. Then you might know what is up.

And then 15 ticks later an AC army was running down Gaul blockers. Don't you just hate it when that happens?

05:26:30 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Well I am obviously trying to split alliances.  But I am not lying about anything.  Read that message I wrote.  I didn't say anything; just implied.  Why wouldn't I try to split the alliances up?  It's all the top kingdoms vs my kingdom.  Assassins, Drug Lords, FU, and Bicentential Man are all allied against Gauls.  Dog Men have fallen and have almost no power left.  I took in a few members, but we too are taking many hits.  Pretty much the world of Zetamania is a bunch of kingdoms allied together against one medium kingdom...

When you are out numbered and out powered with a kingdom of mixed experiences against a bunch of well experienced kingdoms all allied against you; it is not terrible to try to save the members who have fought for you all era.  I care more about preserving my members than making you guys feel I am honorable.

05:35:08 Jan 14th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

That's rich. It's not too long ago that FU was smaller than Gauls and Dogmen, and fighting both. I could understand you if it started out this way, but you were the biggest, and you blew it.

05:37:40 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

We only started losing when everyone else joined into the wars against us.  But it's not a major issue.  We don't mind.  You guys don't need to flame just cause of it. This is a great experience for the members to fight teeth and bone against all the kingdoms who have allied.

13:04:06 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Plague:

lol we were the smallest least powerful kd and now were 4th on the list and still with only 7 members

15:22:11 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

And Ozz is rounding in a good 7th place with two members.

15:24:08 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

FU Flamers United 16 Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon 10800
DOG DogMen 22 Mr. Hero 6057
GAUL The Gauls 20 Mr. Arch Shade The Dark 4421
DL Drug Lords 15 Mr. Blunts 4284
AC Assassins Creed 7 Mr. Plague 3399
BLAH Blahcentennial Men 2 Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal 1520
Hell G O D L I K E 11 Mr. Furion 1508
TDOC The Dirge Of Cerberus 5 Mr. Valentine 960
NEK North East Kingdom 7 Mr. Lolzor 634
down The downloads 5 Mr. Kilobyte 337
ZugZug The Horde 10 Mr. Star Fox 287
OZZ Ozz 1 Mr. Gnisis Mininus 100
Dark The Slaanesh 4 Sir Lexas Vineraven 42
DA Dead Angel 3 Mr. Mcguyver 35
LiO Ownage Kingdom 2 Mr. Intrusion 10
FTL Fruit of the Loom 3 Mr. Melon 8
SKY Shadowed Skies 2 Mr. Darquen 0
SC Skeleton Crew 4 Mr. Returner 0
Dragon Black Dragon Empire 5 Mr. Dark Cloud 0

and it's along way to the top, if you wanna rock n' roll!


FU Flamers United 17 Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon 1934
GAUL The Gauls 22 Mr. Arch Shade The Dark 1085
DL Drug Lords 15 Mr. Blunts 813
AC Assassins Creed 7 Mr. Plague 580
DOG DogMen 12 Mr. Hero 450
Hell G O D L I K E 11 Mr. Furion 336
BLAH Blahcentennial Men 2 Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal 249
OZZ Ozz 2 Mr. Gnisis Mininus 100
NEK North East Kingdom 4 Mr. Lolzor 98
Dark The Slaanesh 5 Sir Lexas Vineraven 40
ZugZug The Horde 10 Mr. Star Fox 31
TDOC The Dirge Of Cerberus 5 Mr. Valentine 11
DA Dead Angel 3 Mr. Mcguyver 4
FTL Fruit of the Loom 3 Mr. Melon 1
LiO Ownage Kingdom 2 Mr. Intrusion 1
SKY Shadowed Skies 2 Mr. Darquen 0
down The downloads 1 Mr. Kilobyte 0
SC Skeleton Crew 4 Mr. Returner 0
Dragon Black Dragon Empire 5 Mr. Dark Cloud 0

16:02:51 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Snuffy:

Yeah when Dl started we were 50% or less of guals and dog so we were in the same postion has Fu and Ac. Us 3 kingdoms are showing our power and thats why guals and dog(not really) *beep*ing about losing.

Fu has earned everyone bit of thier power!! Nice job guys!!

22:38:57 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"Assassins, Drug Lords, FU, and Bicentential Man are all allied against Gauls.  Dog Men have fallen and have almost no power left.

Ex-squeeze me? The Mighty Blahcentennial duo are allied with no one! The closest thing we have to a NAP is amicable relations with a few random players.

If anyone has reason to complain about alliances it's us. Keep us out of your multi-kingdom gang bangs.

07:19:16 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Random:

haha yeah Blah Blah sent an army at us b4, i think rules out an alliance

17:47:24 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

Oh, come on Arch, my Lord. Admitt it.... We're a bit lost. They were better. Not more, not luckier... just better. Let's just hope they will remember us as worthy foes. See you all next era in Fantasia! ... if you dare:D:P

19:57:13 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

and remember the Ozzytes!

20:45:33 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Plague:

and remember Assassin's Creed and all the other kd in this mass murder on zeta

21:18:13 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

Assassins Creed and mass murder will soon be very closely related.

21:20:44 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Plague:

lol why cause were killing all the gauls and dogmen ppl so easy??  cause if so were not murderers were helping the environment get rid of the evil barbarians and there dogs.  we were hired by zeta to assassinate all of them as fast and swift as we can. 

22:01:45 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Ash:

I guess The Gauls and the Dogmen are now beaten, as they felt the need to start crosswalling.

We won, hooray!

22:03:45 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

yea sure...that'll do for now.

22:08:43 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Plague:

lol nope cause we are going to swamp in from both sides and then surround them and kill them.  we are the Spartans of  Zetamania and dogs and gauls are the Persians except we got our full army to back us up instead of only 300 men

22:23:54 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

yea......sure...both sides....

22:25:17 Jan 15th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

I guess this just proves how pathetic Gauls are, and how this talk of being 'honorable' is just that, talk.

22:28:57 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Plague:

lol ask arch he will tell you where we are and how messed up they are.  they aren't going to escape and you have made yourself and enemy of Assassin's Creed to Mr.Gnisis Mininus.  hope you will die like a man and not complain or want to join our kd.

22:45:46 Jan 15th 08 - Dark Piledriver:

Gauls were barbarians, they have no honour. no respect no nothing. they loot and move on. however. im a god and with my thunderous smash of a fist i will finish them off.

23:05:53 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Ash:

Loot and move on?Get looted and moved on, I'd say!

23:15:29 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

Yea....right...Join Ass. Creed?! The Ozzytes are fierce and loyal, yes. come and get it, You'll get more than a handful trying to pluck us. Just don't bring FU with you. We haven't done anything to them, and don't wish a war for a silly reason. Being fourth on the kd list should mean you can take care of this yourself, AC. The Emerald City awaits you with a warm welcome, very, very warm. Just be sure you can take the heat.

23:57:16 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Desol:

We have stood in the path of Surt himself, We can handle the heat. The question is can you stand the cold of Fimbulvetr?

00:01:12 Jan 16th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Talked to Zeta about it, and he just fixed it. Thanks!

00:05:36 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Plague:

lol we won't we will kill you since you thought you could send your army right into our core and not get killed. lol you wish and we will eat you for a mini appetizer and being fourth on the kd list with 7 ppl is good and were matching kd like gauls and dogmen and handling them pretty good. just don't go crying when we put out that very, very warm fire of your at Emerald city.

00:27:41 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

i wish ZeTa deleted all of those walls, not just parts of them

01:47:07 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

The fact that my first army made it to your core should speak for itself. Two armies and 20 spells couldn't defeat the First Infantry Division. in it's march. The Big Red One isn't dead either. It's just preparing now. You tout your 7 members. I have two. Two vs. Seven sounds about even to me.

01:58:54 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Plague:

lol i let it go in cause i send messages to you to turn back or die and 6 hours later reduced 50k army to like 10-5k army

02:10:09 Jan 16th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Plague, you'll have to excuse Gnisis Minius. He's obviously got delusions of grandeur. I bet he's feeling very good about himself being in a very small kingdom, pretending the big kingdoms even take notice of him ;)

05:19:10 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Random:

omg guys im the most powerful ruler o_0

also have fun with the armies comming for you Gauls =]

05:28:31 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

We have accepted our fate, but we will continue to fight till the end just to gain some experience.  I apologize for the walls :-(  It was not authorized by The Gauls.  It was members we brought in.  It was a fun era though for all of us.

Most of our blockers have been breached and our core is scattered and divided.  Our enemies will face almost little to no threat.  Many of our members have already begun to burn down their resource cities before any more get taken.  That is the last and final decision.

06:13:02 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Random:

yes it was a good era. wow what are we going to do for the next 16.6 days....
i guess thats what the crosswalls are for hey ;)

Also... about the resource cities.... nawww can't you leave em?
i would really appreciate the extra income =)

Hey Gnisis Minius remember how i said after we finished with the Gauls and dogmen we would see... we'll they look pretty finished (no offence arch you said it yourself). what ya rekon?

06:17:31 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Leave Gnisis Minius alone.  He is a two man kingdom.  Yeah I am not denying that we are defeated.  We have a high % of power cause of the mass amount of members we have. 

06:30:54 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

seriously, who in zetamania can beat Flamers United?  They have many good players who can survive Fantasia.

06:34:08 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Well we know that and they have two strong kingdoms on their side.  That is why we have accepted death, but we are trying to burn down as many resource cities that FU plans to take so they can't win this era over the others.

06:39:45 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Random:

lol admirable Arch.

Also why did i not get a propaganda message? huh? aren't i an important enough enemy to attempt to sabotage?

06:42:35 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

What do you mean?  What kingdom are you in?

11:38:21 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Random:

FU of course.

How could you send Nimic Messages to make him suss about AC but not me.

16:37:23 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

one, you didn't reduce it that badly, I still had 25k men left and I still made it in and past your Adam Sandler's and Mayhem's armies.

05:16:08 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Random:

soz Gnisis Mininus, buut i am going to have to kill those armies...

05:46:20 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

well, come on then...give it a go, will ya.

05:57:55 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Random:

ok gimme a few ticks to get there though =]

06:03:40 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Random:

wait... thats not you. its Darryl.. well i dunno where them armies you sent are =P

17:50:55 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

And I'm not gonna tell you.  Let AC think they're the assassins.

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