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Forums / In game politics / BOW and ZEON

16:19:59 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Well Nem started really isolated too you must remember. We could have warred MAD I suppose but that would have spelled our doom. Same with Carnage. The threat was the huge north alliance...looking back, we should have fought the northern KDs sooner. But we really had to wipe you guys as much as possible before Arma - we saw how fast MAD collapsed :P

16:20:40 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

That's with my cavers in towns btw. Armies on the move :)

16:23:54 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Sun:

Author Message
Mr. Asystole


10/11/2007 10:19:59 AM
Well Nem started really isolated too you must remember. We could have warred MAD I suppose but that would have spelled our doom. Same with Carnage. The threat was the huge north alliance...looking back, we should have fought the northern KDs sooner. But we really had to wipe you guys as much as possible before Arma - we saw how fast MAD collapsed :P


what? are u talking about early era, then suddenly jump to end of era time frame? -_-

16:27:20 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Lol yep. Well, probably should have put something into BoW and Music. We had an agreement with ZEON that couldn't be broke. But if we didn't put our all into LGC, we probably wouldn't have broken their core. We only had one way in thanks to your advantageous NAP with Carnage.

16:42:37 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Let me get this straight? Are you trying to suggest our "advantageous NAP with Carnage" was the reason you NAP'ed every other single kingdom? Is this another lie coming from your mouth?

The NAP with Carnage only came about on our side AFTER NMS' flanking movement on DB. We probably would of continued warring Carnage had NMS not intervened making it 4v2 against us, we were all for warring them (and it was a good fight) until NMS jumped on the bandwagon. When you did intervene (and you have already admitted, you only intervened after NAPing MAD and all the other KDs to cover your rear), we NAP'ed Carnage. NOT the other way around, like you're suggesting.

It isnt' an issue of the chicken or the egg here. NMS keeps lying at every opportunity. YOU NAP'ed the northern kds before we NAP'ed Carnage. End of. How many more lies do we need to hear?

  • First stating you heard LGC had organised an alliance against yourselves.
  • Then saying you had the intentions of warring LGC/DB solely all along.
  • Then saying LGC triggered the war.
  • And now saying you NAP'ed all of them because we NAP'ed Carnage first? Complete and utter  BS.

For *beep*s sake, either take pride in your cowardly actions, or denounce them. But don't lie and change the story at every opportunity to make your era look better to the neutrals.

16:50:23 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

No I didn't suggest that. I'm talking about how the war played out. You read way too much into things.

16:52:47 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Backtrack all you like. I read as I saw.

17:03:49 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Heh I laughed at the "1-2 days comment"^^ OUr war with legacy and db lasted close to 2 weeks, if not a little more. It was brutal fight that weakened both kingdoms, which is what i am assuming that the northern kigndoms wanted, to have each kingdom involved cancel each other out and they sweep in and pick off the pieces. 

Legacy did not nap us simply to take advantage of blockers. Thats ridiculous:P The nap was mutual, both sides wanting the nap for their own specific reasons, the major overlying factor being the existence of some "anti-carnage, anti-legacy, anti-db" alliance among many in the north. It was when we realized that we had more pressing concerns than real estate that the kingdoms involved mutually agreed on peace.....

Fact is Carnage, Legacy, and DB have been fighting right out of protection from day one of the era.....

17:03:56 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Mastro Geppus:

Mr. Sun


10/11/2007 8:16:07 AM
@asystole, MAD did not immediately war us OOP, you have been mistaken. it was in the middle of warring carnage did we have 2 ppl check out mad with their armies. mind you they had bigger mines already built when we checked them out, took them a while to get rid of 2 armies lol.


Mr. Asystole


10/11/2007 8:19:59 AM
Well Nem started really isolated too you must remember. We could have warred MAD I suppose but that would have spelled our doom. Same with Carnage. The threat was the huge north alliance...looking back, we should have fought the northern KDs sooner. But we really had to wipe you guys as much as possible before Arma - we saw how fast MAD collapsed :P



That's quite funny indeed.

@ Sun I would say that he forgets too easy that even before any Nemesis army was attacking DB core, MAD already had a couple of big armies inside it....and it took a little bit moret than 2 people and a little bit more thatn 2 weeks in that case to push us back (though I agree the last week Nemesis jouned the battle).

Mad did not attack DB. We were attacked. Quietone asked us for a Nap after they attacked, with great showing of honor indeed:)...and we did not accept it.

The "collapse" Asystole is mentioning happened just in the last 2 weeks, when after the flaming most of Mad folks lost interest for the game and just went inactive:) happens.


After all of this I want to say:

- Nemesis deserved victory on the field. Exploring and training troops at the right time is a strategy that everybody can follow. Same for diplomatic relations. People can easily or not easily replicate what they did in the next eras. This time they did and they are the true winners.

- Mad did its own mistakes, but we showed some good playing as well, at least in the first 4 weeks.

- DB/Legacy: I am sure next era will do better and will "adjust" their diplomatics to contain their deafetors of this era....but this era they clearly lost...although they showed some good playing. Sorry guys....but you gotta admit defeats.

- Northen alliance...really dont know. The impression is that they explored a lot and the yhad easy wars all along era....too easy to be evaluated this era.

- Carnage: well, I dont like their leaders. Apparently they had good fights against Legacy and they did some good playing against northen alliance. A good era for them. I suggest for the future to respect your Naps agreement a bit more effectively...because against Mad...lord yearean broke the Nap 2 times at least.

Good luck for the next one;). 

17:04:24 Oct 11th 07 - Lord Yerean:

Advantageous NAP with Carnage = you mean the no blocker opening policy? yeah, thanks to us LGC lived lotsa longer...
Asystole, farming means building up income for long times.. and if you have possibilty to support a 42 mil army, and you haven't taken a single city before getting ingo LGC core (and you had that army before you did)... thats pretty much farming..

17:09:18 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

<- Carnage: well, I dont like their leaders. Apparently they had good fights against Legacy and they did some good playing against northen alliance. A good era for them. I suggest for the future to respect your Naps agreement a bit more effectively...because against Mad...lord yearean broke the Nap 2 times at least.>


Heh, do we really need to get into the issue of nap breaking? Because some mad players seem to be good at it as well

but its end of era, really no sense in dragging this out...

Loved the leader comment, DESPITE you never talking to me, and i am a leader, so its great to see some still erroneously generalize kingdoms.....

17:12:13 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

MAD played pretty good for the first few weeks I'll admit. Not having enough people go mage hurt you guys more as the era went on. And yea it seemed most didn't care by the time Arma came around...that was quite the suicide :P.

As for Carnage, I hope they learned a lesson that it's better to talk with people in game than flame on forums. Coming on here isn't going to get the results you want.

17:14:47 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Loved the leader comment, DESPITE you never talking to me, and i am a leader, so its great to see some still erroneously generalize kingdoms.....

Funny coming from Blue, the one who just deletes messages from other KD's Vices :)

17:15:53 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

<As for Carnage, I hope they learned a lesson that it's better to talk with people in game than flame on forums. Coming on here isn't going to get the results you want.>


Right Asystole, sure man. ALL of carnage immediately came to teh forums to flame certain kingdoms instead of talking in game. I will ignore the apparent condenscending tone in your post, which clearly shows that you do not really have much experience with carnage or you would know that most generally we do not post in these forums.

There have been a couple of carnage players to send some flammatory posts nemesis way, thats their opinion, we dont restrict free speech in our kingdom.

But to generalize us by saying that Carnage does this is ridiculous. And ask any of the older kingdoms around and they will back me up when i say most of our business is done in game.



And how do you know I delete messages? Do you have access to my account? Do you see me delete my messages? I keep all messages, because they can always serve as good evidence when needed. I had enough with certain nemesis leaders and just stuck with communicating with my mate seth and bypass the middlemen was all. Stop being so presumptious.

17:19:09 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Well judging the number of messages Nem received from Carnage in game, vs the number of flames on should be little surprise we didn't go out of our way to help you.

There have been a couple of carnage players to send some flammatory posts nemesis way, thats their opinion, we dont restrict free speech in our kingdom.

Then you should realize that will impact how other KDs view and treat you in game. It only takes one or two to give your whole KD a certain image.

17:23:27 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Sun:

@Mr. Mastro Geppus/Fra or whoever you are

a big LOL?! You have yet to provide evidence how you trained more nazgul for the first two weeks than you have trained for the rest of the era? another LOL?

A few armies? It was only your army that went to our core. But thanks to your real life money purchase of BTs to apparently save up gold, you DID NOT EVEN DARE TO ATTACK my army which was 1/3 your strength. You wanted 0 casualties for your army LOL! Eventually you waited too long, and got annihilated by a lgc merge. (you say you despite buying bt, cheap tactics like feeding orc, but without one of the two you would have 0 chance to get 3k nazgul 10k mage into our core by the 7th day of the era and subsequently train another 1k nazgul and 10k mages the following day with only an armory you took)

The only reason it took a while to get rid of your army is because we had to defend top right blocker and right side blocker - your merge at north east river blocker got hit back. And nemesis was knocking on our door at the east blocker, keeping our main force there. Otherwise your 3k nazgul has no chance in our core.

The only reason MAD has not completely died is due to helps from nemesis. At every stage of this era, MAD charged at DB and eventually got their army slaughtered by DB.

And your argument of timeline is retarded. Nemesis almost simultaneously started sieging DB's blockers. It was Nemesis eventually breaking through east blocker that caused our fall back. We pretty much fought 1v2 for that good while, until we retreated and nemesis started the fight with lgc.

The most respectable army that invaded was Khan Emmula's. Not yours. Took us a while with strategic position of troops to trap it and bring its eventual downfall. And do not bring up the wall issue. IF you want to blame the wall, you can pretty much blame every single KD on fantasia for the very same type of wall.

17:31:04 Oct 11th 07 - Lord Yerean:

lord yearean broke the Nap 2 times at least.
1. I broke the NAP *once*, when letting in Sun through Front blocker. You had NO CITIES NOR ARMIES in the area when I let Sun pass through Doh.
2. I made a PUBLIC apology (go look in the dictionary for APOLOGY, as you clearly have no idea what it is..) to MAD for that.
3. Slade II prepped on our armories, Hilario took a city when he was asked to WRECK (and he did it 3days later, when THERE WAS NO MORE NEED), Slade II took a 50k miner THAT I WAS BUILDING IN for no reason. As well as prepping on gates, asking to open them, then IMMEDIATELY going offline for 20 hours, thus leaving the gates open and let enemy armies pass.
4. Anything I forgot? Oh yeah! Our NAP with DB states that we have to open blockers on request. And considering their NAP was made first, it was followed first.
5. Ohhh now that I remember, you let in Zeon and Music armies through your blockers into our territory, thus breaking the NAP.

So Geppus, don't complain about me opening a gate once to let a 20k DB army in (that you killed almost instantly)....

cheers and have fun!!

17:46:55 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Draven:

this is in response to not liking Carnage's leadership, if you don't like the leadership then you don't like Carnage. why do i say this? because every member of Carnage is a Carnage leader. it's the way we do the kingdom thing mate :P and if you don't like me then that's cool, meet me on the battlefield and i'll earn your respect.

LGC/DB nap'd us after a hard fought OOP war that no one was winning and probably favored more towards LGC, but we don't know who would have won it, because it was interuppted by this northern alliance deal. both kingdom's were severely weakened by our fight and if continued would have led to LGC/DB and Carnage being wiped off the map by the other kingdom's in Fantasia. so i see no dishonor in this, it's called survival.

17:57:52 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Dreadii:

yes you are a EVul seperatist !!

18:12:42 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Gilth:

5. Ohhh now that I remember, you let in Zeon and Music armies through your blockers into our territory, thus breaking the NAP.

We took the blocker. They never had the possibility to keep them closed for us or to open them.

23:55:39 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Zackira of Strike:

there cavemaster you know how we dwarf can store over 375k cave master in a city lol

02:21:00 Oct 12th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

Mr. Zackira of Strike whats the use of 375k cavemasters in one City???

Doesnt give you extra gold for more cavemasters than you have mines.

03:02:21 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

so they steal each other's gold! duh!

03:44:25 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Zackira of Strike:

i meant i had 37k cave master in one city and karac think it for core invation lol i been with him for 1 era and he dont even trust me lol

07:54:32 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Mastro Geppus:

@ Sun

Actually I thought you were a bit more experienced than what you think you are. Although I know you would die to know how my little nazuls army came to disturb your quiet night sleeps, I wont tell you... sorry:). Only thing I can tell you is that I am against buying Bts:)...contrary to what the majority of your mates is doing (Draiken did it agaianst me i na couple of occasions for instance...and I know dvmasta does it as well for his own admission in public forums).  

About your valuations, they are very personally dont care. The proof...? Well read again what you wrote to me when I was pawning your arsse:).

..and you are right about Khan...he was the biggest threat to you's a pity that you trapped his army isolated in your area with the wall trick...but oh well:)...I normally dont expect a lot from your likes:). Good luck for next era....

Mr. Sun [DB] (8/29/2007 9:45:08 PM)

just to let you know - no matter how many BTs you bought, your placement of armies, MUs, MTs, and construction of GT's, its all f*king brilliant.

although buying BTs ruins the game, its flawless tactics such as yours that make this game so interesting - not only do you have power (BTs or not), you have wisdom - no matter what move i shall make, as long as you are online, you can counter it with mobility or magic or the sheer strength of the almighty army. you put time as your weapon, space as your shield, magic as your pawn. you are one true chess mastermind.

checkmate for now, my friend. but lets not be overly optimistic here! even the best chess master make mistakes moving the pieces at times. now if (only) you did not buy any BTs, you would be the best commander and tactician in VU.

10:43:45 Oct 12th 07 - Duke Mielo:

so ... how many times are you planning to post that message again? *getting oooold*

13:05:41 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Dalak:

I for one tried to have a good working relationship with Nemesis. Most of the guys I PM'ed seemed to be good blokes and were willing to work with me. I have never had an alliance that was so pointless. No offence to Nemesis as a kingdom but their leadership prevented them from actively aiding us in favour of a CF they made with others. My understanding of diplomacy is that an alliance is a stronger bond than a CF. Even when Nemesis had DB and Legacy beaten they continued to sit on the fence with Zeon and Co. To their credit some of their guys wanted to fight with us and even moved troops into postion but they were told not to act in our favour.

As for the flames in the forums. Well if you look at the dates you will find they coincide with Nemesis letting large armies into one of our areas. Anyone can see that sitting on the fence is one thing but actively helping our mutual enemy is another.

I just cant understand their attitude towards us as allies. Together we could have wiped out the northern alliance and they still could have taken out DB and Legacy. Unless, of course, they wanted to secure top spot in the scores.

PKS and FF can attest to our abilities as allies as we can attest to theirs. One things for sure, we are definitely better allies than Anyway, no hard feelings and lets all start looking to next era.. Cheers.


15:04:45 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

If you want to keep being rude Mastro Geppus, here we go...

Mr. Mastro Geppus [MAD] (8/28/2007 5:07:41 PM) GOOD BAD
yo doing pretty well...and you would get my respect, if you were not buying Bts:)...

If i was doing well with an HoH army only 1/3 the strength of your troops (which you were SO SCARED OF LOL), you should call me a "n0ob" instead of "pretty well" UNLESS YOU bought BTs or using feeding tactics for your 1 week nazgul army ^^ You vastly disappointed me shortly after I sent you the igm, you were too chicken to go around in our core, and simply sat on your @ss for a whole good week.

You still have not shown any sign of a good amount of nazgul at the end of the era. Sadly, you only trained 3k nazgul in a months time after your first army got killed.


15:42:29 Oct 12th 07 - Lord Ogelhtil:

I am pretty inactive this era, and my viceroys and fellow colleagues can attest to that. But even as an inactive player, I can see that Nemesis did not turn out to be a good ally as a kingdom, though I have immerse respect for a lot of their players. When we were fighting for our lives (and it was a good fight for all) at the start of the era, or fighting BoW, Music and Zeon later, Nemesis was only hell-bent on getting LGC/DB. We will be fine if you had repsected our diplomatic relations, as much as we had respected yours. But alas, that is not to be. I respect the generals, but not the kingdom.

After reading some of Nemesis players' posts, I suddenly recall long ago in the forums, some players will hide behind their kingdom colours to flame and criticise other players/kingdoms, simply due to the fact that they were more powerful, if not the most. Now, it is very appearant we now, once again, have these types of players in the forums.

Back onto the topic, I felt sad for BoW. It is a kingdom of long tradition, and it saddens me to see its collapse. But I know for sure, the proud howl of the wolf will not die, and if the leaders can pick up the pieces and move on.

As for Zeon, well, good fight at the end, but really, the trumpet music at the start of the battles was really to entertain us, or to boost your already low morale? I had seen kingdoms whose unbashfulness lead to both unpopularity and downfall. I hope that Zeon, whose transformation from a simple "cult" orientated kingdom to something more sophisicated will not follow the path of the drunken monks.

Carnage Brethrens! We had spoken with our swords in the past, and we will do so in the future. The poison of the pen is always un-noticeable, until your very death by it. Deus Vult! HAVOC!

15:47:20 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

En Taro, Adun!

15:53:36 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Well, I just wanna say that Carnage did great. Thanks for making this era not so boring.

16:58:17 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Oh oh... Just not for you Lord Yerean. You were the biggest idijot in communications in this era.

17:04:17 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Mastro Geppus:

If i was doing well with an HoH army only 1/3 the strength of your troops (which you were SO SCARED OF LOL), you should call me a "n0ob" instead of "pretty well" UNLESS YOU bought BTs or using feeding tactics for your 1 week nazgul army ^^ You vastly disappointed me shortly after I sent you the igm, you were too chicken to go around in our core, and simply sat on your @ss for a whole good week

Dear Sun, In fact I went into your core and was getting to your oother mines. and i even went in alone if you rememebr well.  If it was not for Legacy (magic and merge) this point of the era you would be shooting messages from Nirvana:). of course i waiting a wekk to wait for reinforements coming from my otehr mates:)...and to train 3k more nazuls....but i am not sure you realized in your delirium...

P.s.: I am not rude with people that are not rude. You re-read your messages and you will see that you started it all.

19:11:17 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

No, you sat in front of my mine for a week and did not want to attack anything until I finally sent my army east to fight nemesis - won 2 fight and then lost against nemesis armies.


If is your own fault for not attacking when 3x stronger than mine. But againt, those nazgul probably costed some "real" fortunes, so i am not surprised you did not want to lose a single nazgul to injuries. At the end, hesitation killed your army.

22:06:03 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Mastro Geppus:

:) are getting too stressed...


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