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Carnage Embassy 2.0.1
15:49:49 Oct 1st 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

Yeah...but does it have bouncers? I DIDN'T THINK SO!


But seriously though, nice work!

09:18:17 Oct 2nd 07 - Mr. Architect:

Very nice!!!  I think I may have to take Draven back from Gaius, now Tiber?

02:09:19 Oct 3rd 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

I am Tiber now, short for Tiberius...and you can take this guy back

*Septim throws Draven at Architect

20:24:02 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Where is the Carnage honour ?

Why are they letting a traitor like Mr. Rumpnissen pass through there blockers.



20:35:32 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:


Lets go over the current situation. We have no relations at all with music/bow/zeon. If it wasnt obvious now then there is no hope for you:P

So where then are we obligated to let someone or not let someone through our blockers, especially to kingdoms who we are at war with? Now if said kingdoms had relations with us, then it would have been a different story....

Silly mate, really silly argument there....

And we have long established our own sense of honour, so we have no need to come in here and defend ourselves, especially to a silly attempt at flaming such as this.....

20:41:11 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

carnage has honor?!!?!? i would have never guessed!   :P

20:43:49 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:


Can I  join?

21:00:55 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

dont make me send an application in again!!!!!

21:09:06 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Can I  join?

From their count looks like everybody can join.

21:12:15 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

@Heroix: Hahahahahaha.....i laughed my ass off seeing this, the irony of someone from what? zeon? bow? (cant quite remember what kingdom you are with) saying this was killing me^^

It was an inside joke between my pal soccer and me:P

21:22:11 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

yay, im finally on the inside of an inside joke!!!!! lol

22:04:40 Oct 6th 07 - Lord Yerean:

i have honor!!
well.... had...

My public apology to MAD

I've let in a DB army (50k?) into MAD's territory through Front blocker (which is not even a full blocker).
A few reasons:
1) I was really tiered and not thinking (it was 1am?)
2) Our NAP with DB/LGC forces me to open gates on their request (them too).
But the MAD NAP denies passage of 3rd party unless agreed by both...
3) I dislike MAD for their member's actions (Slade II, Hilario..)
4) Sun is waaaay friendlier than anyone I've talked to in MAD...

So, if you take this apology, great, thank you.
If you don't, I don't give a damn as I've more important thing to worry than people thinking me dishonorable (flaming people for one...)


22:16:58 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

<shakes head>


22:12:23 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

My public apology to Carn

We've let in a ZEON army (1.5m?) into Carn's territory through Swallow (which is not even a full blocker).
A few reasons:
1) I was really tiered and not thinking (it was 1am?)
2) Our NAP with ZEON doesn't have any terms about not opening gates on their request (them too).
3) I dislike Carn for their member's actions (believing we'd intentionally suicide troops, calling us farmers)
4) Love and Rob are waaaay friendlier than anyone I've talked to in Carnage...

So, if you take this apology, great, thank you.
If you don't, I don't give a damn as I've more important thing to worry than people thinking me dishonorable (flaming people for one...)


22:23:06 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

My public apology to Legacy and DB


You were right. (All I'll bother to say).

22:53:50 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Well, I wouldn't expect MAD to accept your apology either then. Sorry but I really do mean a lot of these copied arguments :P. Was never my intent to do much diplomacy for Nem.

23:15:43 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Architect:

@ Asystole

Though it may never have been your intent to do much diplomacy for Nemesis, that is exactly what you have done.  Crap like this is what puts an enormous strain on inter-KD relations and this has pushed this to an edge, maybe not the edge, but we certainly are at a dropping off point where things are bound to change...soon.  I'd advise you, as a member of an "Allied" KD, to bite your tongue when dealing with issues such as this.  We need no public Apology.  Your apology to our Kingdom would be better suited to be delivered to our king, or at least our Vices, since this really would not affect anyone except for us.  Watch yourself here, you are in Carnage territory, and if I am correct I feel the winds of change blowing in your direction.

23:18:01 Oct 7th 07 - Lord Yerean:

Let's go for the NaeRey point flaming system!!!!
1. The army was just 2mil troops, with a total of 9mil attack I believe.
2. You copied my style, and I expect either cash or a "Copyright by NaeRey"
3. This is like the only flame message from you, so I guess you're a beginner and I'll have to forgive you...
4. You, unlike me, are a kingdom leader. I'm not even a vice.
5. I guess you spoke for your kingdom, making it stand out from the crowd as an honorable and loving ally!

Let's also correct the points:
1. It was not you who opened the blockers
2. WHAT?!??! You always told us you have a CF, not a NAP!!
3. You dislike us? You're not alone. Suicide troops? But.. but... YOU DID! You killed that what, 10mil merger? So we were right! And we're not the only ones calling you farmers...
4. Even friendlier than me? than blue dog after he ate 3 pizza's? even nicer than Helios after he farmed for half a tick!?

So, no, your apologies are not accepted.
You can try to pass the Plz Forgiv Us carnage exam in the following 48 hours for free!

23:33:01 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Well I've been busy the last bit...I'll try and sort this out.

23:53:06 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

Blue Dog check your msgs.

00:15:02 Oct 8th 07 - Lord Senturu:

Oh snap, Carnage is still around? thought you guys would of farmed yourselves to death already, gosh people. i mean seriously, i NEED TO SEE some freaking FIGHTING. no attack, defend attack defend attack defend. KILL SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

00:20:06 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Architect:

sorry, I guess we'll take on 5 KD's next era at once instead of just 4.

00:23:01 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Heh. Senturu saying we farmed. The irony^^


Oh Snap!


I heard you were a little slow these days sent, so i will point out that I am indeed trying to get a slapping from you:P

01:45:20 Oct 8th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim slaps Blue Dog for Senturu

"He will not give you the honor!"

10:00:28 Oct 9th 07 - Sir Zmonev:

Carnage will not be there next era.

10:07:15 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Yeah, it's been discussed for some time now and we feel it's best.  This however does mean that one of you lucky Kingdoms gets to claim me for next era.  Who wants the Archie?

14:19:54 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Mavich:

All of them will be in Phi next era.

14:42:44 Oct 9th 07 - Lord Echram:

Dont know yet. Might follow Stormy to enjoy the fact that he thinks I can do something.

16:14:21 Oct 9th 07 - Lord Ogelhtil:

* Ogelhtil flips through the newspapers and sees this heading "What Had the Orange Flag Accomplished this Era?", written by a certain Mr X *
blah blah blah.... while shifting of cities between the flags of red, blue and orange was common at the start of the era, a sudden ceasefire and subsequent non-aggression pact was signed between the leaders. Evidently, all 3 kingdoms realised that there are more pressing matters to attend to. ...blah blah blah

blah blah blah... The recruitment and activity of certain players lead to a great boost to the flags of orange in terms of attacking powess. Though Stormcrow won't be around this era to see the fruits of his recruitment (amongst his many hats), it is made sure that his legacy is carried on by the rest of the vice-roys in the kingdom....blah blah blah

blah blah blah... when all of a sudden, the flags of orange had to be lined along 3 battlelines: that of the former great Wolf, the Zeta fanatics, and the best group of Bards in the realm... blah blah blah

blah blah blah... Till this day, it is widely agreed that the flags of orange focuses too much on the offensive and make little do with the defensive. Still, this ultra-aggression has not translated to elimination of a top-10 kingdom altogether, or the traditional big 5s. The wizards (but sadly, no witches...) were very active this era, which gave even more edge to the offensive. However, over-reliance on allies to guard borders also lead to incidents similar to the un-tagged invasion on the flags of orange a few eras ago. Perhaps trust should be made an even rarer commodity next era....blah blah blah

* As Ogelhtil reads on, the following thoughts formed in his mind:
1) We need a new, grouchy diplomat. Stormcrow left because he was too nice.
2) Hey, a vice-roy for defense will be nice, but with ever-expanding boundaries, I can only wish the vice-roy good luck.
3) So the article simply says that we have done nothing much except to have fun.

I think I am taking this too seriously. Wait, fellas, I need to know where Carnage is next era. Maybe Mantrax? I am sure good ol' Stormie will be back with us then. As always, I am not happy with his replacement. Too chirpy for me.

Oh, the forms for joining us are at the counter. Submit your forms to Dread's friendly Nazgul Riders, though I am not sure if they brought their rides with them.....

Students taking examinations have to fill in the registration form I-W@5-0W^3D-84-HAVOC, which is 800 pages long.

(edit for grammar)

20:33:02 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

Carnage will be no more?!?!?!?! wow, maybe one of them will actually play with me next era!

*shudders at the thought of being on the same side as carnage*

"never! I shall fight Carnage (and its members) till the day i die! (usually at their hands ;))"

21:34:12 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Dreadii:

yes from now on its CARNAGE

21:36:38 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

o well then i may apply to that new, cool kingdom ;)

21:39:28 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Guusje:

I thought it was CARNAGE?!

21:45:00 Oct 9th 07 - Lord Ogelhtil:

Your Excellancy,
It was what as you stated, but what about what is to be? Surely the high council can point us to a land where there will be farmers for us to "farm" upon, rainbows with pots of golds to be "discovered", and yes, Spoon, Senturu and Septim (collectively known as the 3 a55es) to "spam" with!

21:53:21 Oct 9th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:


08:33:58 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Draven:

/me smacks Septim the old Senturu way. what you doing throwing me a people mate? :P

11:35:42 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Oamawt:

My public apology to Carnage


Mr. Mavich


10/9/2007 6:19:54 AMAll of them will be in Phi next era.

Are you serious mavich???

13:50:50 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Lord Ogelhtil


10/9/2007 8:45:00 PM
Your Excellancy,
It was what as you stated, but what about what is to be? Surely the high council can point us to a land where there will be farmers for us to "farm" upon, rainbows with pots of golds to be "discovered", and yes, Spoon, Senturu and Septim (collectively known as the 3 a55es) to "spam" with!

15:41:19 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

I'm the first one stated, I must be the leader of the group!

16:02:45 Oct 11th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

Spoon, Septim, and Senturu all ride into a mining town, they recieve dirty looks from everybody, but they keep riding. Suddenly they are surrounded by a bunch of bandits with revolvers, Septim quickdraws his SPAM cannon and blows some down, Spoon scares them away by talking, they say "OH MY GOD! A TALKING SPOON!!!", and Senturu slaps them all and steals their wallets. The people all come around and cheer, "HURRAY FOR THE THREE A55HOLES!!!"

16:58:07 Oct 11th 07 - Lord Yerean:

In a terrible fire, SPoon died.
He was almost impoosible to recognise, so his two mates were called.
Septim comes and says "That must have been an ugly fire..", but can't recognize him, so he asks the mortician to turn over the body, after looking a bit he says "Nope, thats not him"...
Senturu comes, and after looking on Spoon's corpse for a while, doesn't recognize him, so he asks the mortician to turn over the body. He looks a bit, and says "Nope, thats not spoon...". The mortician doesn't resist and asks "How can you tell?"
Senturu replies "well, everyone knew spoon had two a55es... everytime we'd come into town people said 'Here comes Spoon and them two a55es'"...


17:33:57 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Check out my sexy chesthair!

17:37:58 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Is anyone else as turned on as I am by this?

17:47:09 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

i already blew it............

17:47:28 Oct 11th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Hihi, sorry, I meant to say backhair. I was checking out which picture of myself I would post with my hairy chesthair. But then I saw this one.. I was so amazed by my godly body, I had to post this, but forgot to edit the text.

15:52:49 Oct 12th 07 - Lord Ogelhtil:

@Twamao: Nope, Marcjen will be recruiting all PHI players (yes, all the former presidents of PHI/KKK will be here....)
@ Marcjen: I only wish you will pay more visits to us in the embassy, where you are always welcomed with open arms (unless we are at war, erm, maybe we will welcome you with open legs, but that will be another story...). Remember, the Architect Postal Services, run by Dread's Nazgul riders will always securely deliver letters between you and us.
Alas the messenger of the light has once again retreated into his shell. Now, I am only left with Spoon, whom I still have a strange urge to cast RoF on (no offence Spoon, since the Solace days, if you are the same Spoon....), and Septim, whom I still have a strange urge to share my Spam luncheon meat with.....

00:04:37 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Owt Flow:

spam... hmm spam is good fried. ^^

00:05:55 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Verll:

YA THINK!!!!!!!!!!

00:17:26 Oct 15th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim shoots some still hot fried SPAM at Owt Flow and hits him in the face

"That good?"

02:07:03 Oct 15th 07 - Duke Lucias Septim II:


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