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Forums / In game politics / FATE TO BREAK RELATIONS

19:07:58 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Low Rider:

My respect for fate may of just went far away!
 Fate and pokemon were warring now they made a deal where fate wont attack ther armies just follow them around takeing all the towns they take from releantless.
 I find this to be a new all time low in the game!

 I dont need prove as everyone in the area can see this plain as day!  As three others kds brought this to my attention.

19:16:40 Feb 16th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:


19:23:56 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Low Rider:

You should know considering you crushed my walls and froze my army.
 then mins later random takes the town then u take from him and neither of you attack each other.
 Thisis plain as day and is a all time new low to the game.

 Point is pokemon takes the towns then you follow them and retake not touching each others armies.

 Seems like a little plan to insure fate is top and pokemon still survive the age.

19:26:42 Feb 16th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

Mr. Low Rider


20:23:56 Feb 16th 10
You should know considering you crushed my walls and froze my army.
LOLWUT? Sprout i know we had some argues in the past. But im not nap breaker or anything at all. I dont see that i broke anything, i didnt cast any spell. i just have 45k mus i think well reconsider your BS.

19:27:30 Feb 16th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Too much land on Fant I'm afraid, the winner of the HIV/MAD war will be the one on top, not Fate

03:43:05 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Vapor The Bloodthirsty:

Jeesh Naysayer
sounds like he almost wants us to take his cities so he will have a real excuse to whine.

07:20:02 Feb 17th 10 - Duke Random:

pengu sucks ass at magic, he couldn't freeze anything.

07:25:13 Feb 17th 10 - Sir Medusa of The Red Hairs Lover:

I suspect the Federation is behind it.

07:38:11 Feb 17th 10 - Duke Random:

nah it was all me :)

yeah i'm feeding penguin.

yeah I'm taking towns from relentless and giving them to penguin.

but sprout shouldn't be complaining, he wouldn't get them back regardless.

07:54:07 Feb 17th 10 - Sir Medusa of The Red Hairs Lover:

are you feeding him trout?

08:09:22 Feb 17th 10 - Duke Random:

only the best :)

08:19:31 Feb 17th 10 - Death Lord Draven The Pitbull:

Well if you think that's happening why don't you kill Random's armies? Or is it you can't or something. Am I the only one that thinks that would be the easiest fix to the situation? Next question would be why would Random feed Pengy, I mean , what's in it for him?

08:24:36 Feb 17th 10 - Duke Random:

I do have a perfectly good reason.

because pengy wants to win and i'm saving my ass.

I can't kill pengu's army and so we agree'd that he'd let us run free and have our war with relentless if he could have the land for score.

sounds fair. I get my war, he gets his points.

08:42:43 Feb 17th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

Fate does not condone town swapping or feeding. Nor do we support actions that deliberately screw over a NAP partner.

08:50:53 Feb 17th 10 - Duke Random:

this isn't "screwing over a nap partner"

beause your nap partner wouldn't have been able to take the cities back regardless.

08:58:25 Feb 17th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

It really is. Considering that you're feeding him in the first place, I really don't expect you to understand.

09:33:54 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Insomniac:

Relentless aren't going to win the cities back they lose, there armies are trying to run in the opposite direction. So makes no difference who ends up with the cities in the end...

10:08:35 Feb 17th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

May not make any difference to you, or your KD, which is fine.

Feeding is bad enough, using a NAP partner to do it.. That I don't even have words for Penguin.

13:02:51 Feb 17th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

1. Random whinned that when i sent him a msg hes going down.

2. We kinda talked out, and considering i could kill him off we made a deal.
3. Relentless couldnt defend themselves and they would have died.
4. I would have killed Random in the end and still got shitloads of citys.
5. We made an easier way that he will be happy, and ill get what i would have goten.
6. This game is all about strategy and making relations, well im doing mine cause no one from fate would have helped me pretty much in the war.
7. If Fate doesnt like what im doing they can easily kick me out.
8. I wont win cause the winner will be Igniter/Bluelight + i love making numbaz
9. yeah just like that. but 9 isnt sexy numbah
10. The end

13:41:30 Feb 17th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

your stories dont fit. 

You got Amir to open the gates Because you made a deal <-> your armies was so strong that they would have killed Randm anyways. 

How would you have gotten your superior armies through without having made a deal with Dick Cunt first ?

13:50:59 Feb 17th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

My superior army was already there. i sent trough aamir just wut 40k ams only.

16:55:37 Feb 17th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Sir Medusa of The Red Hairs Lover


23:25:13 Feb 16th 10 I suspect the Federation is behind it.


are you seriously that narrow minded

18:34:55 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Low Rider:

My point is Fate and Relentless were both at war with Pokemon, peguin then decides pokemon will better suit him as a feeder of sorts to insure his gain in fant to the greatest.   ther was another fate player that once had those towns that pequin took.  did he return them to him no.

 Penguin is out for himself and will cut corners and do what ever it takes to insure his place in the rankings including abuse of relations. He should of killed random and did what his kd wanted witch is to war pokemn not make deals with them to destroy a nap partners lands.

 Am I truly the only one that see this as dishonor on fate good name?

 Or Randoms for that matter.. I expected far better from him for sure.

18:41:05 Feb 17th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

Yes this era i played not so fair ;) im a dirty player, and i would have killed of random, whit no fun. The fact is i never liked a nap with you guys, it was worthless, like a few more which we got is total BS. no we are sitting and doing nothing wow big fun. Btw people can stop whinning, Officialy i was attacked by sprout so its all good now :)

18:52:10 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Low Rider:

if you wanna help random hell just join him and be man about it .

 go hiding under fate flag why you pull a stunt like this just makes you look worse along with fate.

18:53:06 Feb 17th 10 - The Architect: much for Fate being silent on the Politics forum...  Where did that go?

19:03:20 Feb 17th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

Its my fault :) 

19:19:30 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Low Rider:

I offer fate the era win for the removal of penguin.

 Penguin wants to win era so bad . I offer the era to fate as I spawned in fant and can make fate a fant ranking kingdom pulling the win for the era to fate. 
   At this point penguin has ruined what chance of rank relentless has over his own greed to abuse relations.   Relentless now has him as main target for all in all maps and is willing to Nap Pokemon if they so choose.
 Either way our new goal is to insure penguin don't win the era.

19:25:31 Feb 17th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

Um yes i had idea , but it just dissapeard as soon as we started it and i dont give a shit about era win ;) You can nap pokemons i dont mid, ill still kill you guys off not so hard for me :) Fate can kick me out, i dont mind :)

19:29:07 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Adakis The Fate:

Official Post from Penguin: This should tell everyone what will happen before it does.

Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy (2/17/2010 12:45:04 PM) GOOD BAD
Yes im serious. But i didnt see anywhere were i said im going for #1. Adakis well our views differ alot, atleast i see this game abit diffrently, its total BS sitting and masturbating without killing anyone. I got a great opportunity to have some fun at era end, yes im a *beep* and i did some nasty stuff thats how i am. we could say i disobeyd or something like that but i dont give a rat ass honestly. and other thing, please dont protect me, they attacked me already, they are dead, easier it will be for me.
But im sorry just for one thing, planting a "bad thing" in Fates garden but all in all thats just how i am.

Now -

1). If time permitted, but it won't, there is a very definite ending for things/people like this.
2) As soon as notified we act.
3) @ Architect - QUIET!
4) @ Penguin - mlm (read between the lines)
5) Bored! Game is Bored!

19:56:58 Feb 17th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

well that middle finger isnt so hawt when you show me in the face and not shove it in my ass 

20:21:24 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Low Rider:

get real do you have to post such as that ?  and please don't post a pic.

20:25:16 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

it is impossible for anyone to beat bluelight at this point :)... hope that helps with your mission Sprout :)

20:28:26 Feb 17th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

i said many times i wont get first position and im not doing it for that, im doing it for FUN. well atleast there was some ideas about that but meh :) FUN all the way

20:32:35 Feb 17th 10 - Sir Mcmax The Knight:

If Bluelight wins this era I say, that isn't the worst that could happen.

Bluelight is a fighter and not a farmer.


20:33:09 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

hard to believe that when the map you choose to have fun in is fanta :).

kk lets correct things, you are not going for first place, cause you cant even if you tried, but for sure 2nd or 3rd... :)....


20:33:21 Feb 17th 10 - The Architect:

Why the hell aren't you banned yet?

20:35:11 Feb 17th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Who gives a flyin' fck about 2nd or 3rd? :P  Quick name me who was #2, 3 eras ago!  You're either first or you are not, once you've played a few eras Saiyan, you'll learn most people been here a bit do not care about the final rankings

20:40:50 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Low Rider:

blue will win era very much so but will mad?

20:44:29 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

actaually alot of people do, not too many admit though... and i dont care if you admit it or not... anyone that has troops or is sending troops or doing anything in fanta, specially when they do not have any real wars in fanta is a proven fact that they are sending them for final score.... nothing wrong with that, but dont tell me no buddy cares.....that is complete BS, and you dont need to play 20 eras  to figure that out.

20:44:57 Feb 17th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

the fact i was 4 hoh. wow i get 2-3 amazing... great!!!! ill win

20:47:33 Feb 17th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

I said MOST, and yes there are some that will send at the end, but I think you'll find quite a few of us that do not as the rankings are pretty silly if you look at 'em :)

20:53:20 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Vapor The Bloodthirsty:

Bluelight can have the win :p we should reward those who feed and cheat in the game, who knows maybe next era there will be 5 kingdoms feeding each other! :P

21:08:01 Feb 17th 10 - Death Lord Draven The Pitbull:

I want to say something. This was not a Fate conspiracy for an era win, I have talked to Pengy and he did this on his own not thinking of it as a dishonorable act but as a good tactic. No vice order him to do so, no one else in Fate asked him too. And Pengy will take whatever repercussions the vices give him as he stated earlier. I myself would like to apologize to Relentless the kingdom itself. This was not meant to be some Fate conspiracy of any sort.

21:14:32 Feb 17th 10 - Ms. Black Mamba:

"Quick name me who was #2, 3 eras ago!"

me, and penguin close behind at 4th :P

06:08:12 Feb 18th 10 - Duke Jictelious The Younger:

I'm celebrating my twentieth era playing VU, and I don't give a crap about ratings.

It might be because I never get anywhere close to the top ten, but shhhh...

14:43:06 Feb 18th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

I dont dislike Pengu in any way as a person, i think he is rather cool guy. But in terms of relations i am glad that Fate seemingly have booted him. If they had accepted this behaiveur i would have vetoed any sort of relations in the future as i would consider the entire kd untrustworthy. 

Now i can go back to being nice again. Good job peeps. 

14:54:17 Feb 18th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

Honestly, i havent thought that ill bring anything bad for fate, when all the fuss started, i said to adakis, he can kick me out for the behaviour.

23:55:15 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Dalak The Dodgy Gynaecologist:

Despite Pengy's sometimes abrasive nature he is a good bloke. He is misunderstood by many and hated by some because his personality tends to polarize people. He is a mate too many of us in Fate and will remain our mate even though we had to part company.

Everyone admits (even himself) he may have done a rash thing but since that time he has conducted himself with honour..

Goodluck to you mate..

23:59:13 Feb 18th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

yeah dalak, i give some nice colours for ze peeps :) like this : i make them special

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