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Forums / In game politics / FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness

FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness
01:15:30 Nov 24th 12 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous of Starta):

Don't hate the player hate the game.

01:17:38 Nov 24th 12 - Mr. Yukan:

So if someone in your KD decided to give away his/her cities, you would decline and let another KD take it... ok.

01:38:27 Nov 24th 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

Thankfully Ano decided to be fair and give some of his cities to Bethuk as well!

01:41:07 Nov 24th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

Oh, so kind of Anon!

03:16:08 Nov 24th 12 - Mr. Aloysius:

Yes. we take over cities of players that leave or to make you happier, we feed on it. :)

What do you think you will do about it if someone leaves in the middle of the game for some irl reasons. May I ask?

03:40:47 Nov 24th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Mmmmm....... I might have to leave midway of next era too. Don't worry my beloved kingdomates, I will know just how to give you guys the right "boost" before I leave :)

05:02:27 Nov 24th 12 - Ms. Beautiful Brunette:

gosh, I'm not sure why you guys are complaining about a perfectly legitimate strategy!
if it was so bad then ZeTa wouldn't allow you to attack your former kingdom mates cities.

05:27:51 Nov 24th 12 - Sir Stewie:

I call dibs on TBLs future cities.

10:18:01 Nov 24th 12 - cxc (Sir Mean):

Dear Brunette, there are other online games where those who farmed for others got deleted (account), because this farming for others is giving a too much of an advantage.

Ok in this case it is only Mad. But this doesn't change the fact, that some orcs were planned to get 200-300k land for free. Planned and not happened "by accident".... I really wonder what happened to this game. In former times Aloy would have said, that the players suddenly became inactive and lgc (and others) would have flamed them to death, if they were using such tactics :D.
But these days the "farm" is still active fighting trying to make sure that the right persons are getting his goodies and not the wrong persons, who accidently attacked him, before he could give away his presents...
But hey that's a perfectly legetime tactic :b

btw Stewie since I am not really planning to play many eras in a row, you can get my 200k town than as well (next era) ^^

11:21:01 Nov 24th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

If you know your leaving mid era its better to not land at all. How low the semi honourable have fallen :/

11:21:32 Nov 24th 12 - Mr. Yukan:

Then please tell me how anon is going to use his city when he can't even be around to use it?

11:23:19 Nov 24th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

As I said: Do. Not. Land.

lol...maybe read next time?

13:21:19 Nov 24th 12 - Mr. Pokey Nose The Brown Noser:

Hey Anon, can I have your cities? I only just dropped and could do with a bit of a boost... ;)

15:44:44 Nov 24th 12 - Mr. Yukan:

@ Tyr: But the fact is: he DID land. So what does he do with the cities if he cannot be there?

15:49:43 Nov 24th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Well he could simply raze them.

15:58:10 Nov 24th 12 - Mr. Kiseki:

I will admit that is possible since it looks like he only has a 103 town left lol

16:11:13 Nov 24th 12 - Mr. Aloysius:

I miss the flamers.. but not the whiners.

17:04:01 Nov 24th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

No one's whining here Aloysius. We are all discussing this brilliant new strategy that MAD has shown to us and whether it is workable or not. Heck, now that this is a revelation to us, some of us just might find ways to make it more effective!

03:39:54 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Aloysius:

well, its an old strategy. its just that someone here who thinks high of himself cant really accept that this still exists.

03:44:13 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Yeah, if I recall correctly, this feeding mechanism was actually pioneered by Raistlin and the Dark Blood folks to steal era wins from under the actual winner's nose. Or maybe not pioneered... but made "mainstream".... hmmmm.......

But well, good to see that this strategy is being translated to actual warfare use now...

03:45:59 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Nariek:


Flameboiant ;P

05:22:18 Nov 25th 12 - cxc (Sir Mean):

@Aloy this strategy was l4me, is l4me and will always be l4me. So every1 using this strategy is?



05:29:40 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

Same for razing cities with nazguls and bonus turns O_o

Made me leave the first 3 times
Back when I thought elves were so cool (Darn Dragonlance).

Now I love halflings and building my production cities with extra homes for troops ;p

05:48:04 Nov 25th 12 - Ms. Beautiful Brunette:

sir mean dont be angry that your guys didnt think to do this strategy first. and like i said if this strategy was so bad then ZeTa would make it impossible to execute, like other things in this game that were abused. but it's still possible to do, so he must support it.

05:51:21 Nov 25th 12 - Stormy (Mr. Stormycrow):

yeah...because everything in this game is intentionally put there by zeta to provide a perfect gaming experience.....


07:16:12 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

11:48:04 Nov 25th 12 - Ms. Beautiful Brunette:
sir mean dont be angry that your guys didnt think to do this strategy first. and like i said if this strategy was so bad then ZeTa would make it impossible to execute, like other things in this game that were abused. but it's still possible to do, so he must support it.

That's a good angle to use, Davey..... blame Zeta for the abuses... :D

09:19:37 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Aloysius:

Dont worry, if we really and intentionally plan to do it, I should have ordered Anon to settle his cities far west, tsk. tsk. next era I will make sure it will not be seen. :)

11:22:13 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Well, not only that, but it is boring to flame MAD to be honest. You guys aren't (well... mostly) arrogant, pompous or have over-sized preconceptions about your abilities. There is no balloon to prick, so to speak.

Now, that George Michael @ Wilberforce guy on the other hand............

13:25:19 Nov 25th 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

Brunette: please go ahead and suggest a way to stop it. I really can't see a way that it could be solved(that wouldn't cause even worse problems) other than by people playing honorably.

This whole issue keeps getting even worse now, Simossuk has also left MAD.... Wai?

13:56:19 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Dos Cervezas:

Crime against humanity

17:42:49 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Baiterman:

but im troll and dont care about humanity

23:06:36 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Warlock:

Can someone teach immortal how to attack? Looks like an "elite" player of immortals lost a farmed up army 100% ... gosh

23:14:18 Nov 25th 12 - cxc (Sir Mean):

Well, he took the gamble and lost, be happy about it that you are a lucky guy warlorck.

23:20:07 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Warlock:

Did u even see his % for the gamble :P?

23:30:42 Nov 25th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the kd. Any vet knows that.

23:32:33 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Warlock:

Any vet also knows the diff between a worthy suicide and a foolish one :P

23:46:58 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Jimmy Savile:

Sir Tyrgalon


22:30:42 Nov 25th 12
Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the kd. Any vet knows that.

Wilb especially. He's an expert at sacrificing his armies.

02:47:21 Nov 26th 12 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

Well I had 20% on you and our attention was needed elsewhere so I took the gamble (we have all won battles with less). Like said before, be happy i did.

06:48:06 Nov 27th 12 - Mr. Elsin:

"Brunette: please go ahead and suggest a way to stop it."

Burn and destroy is the solution. No gain. No loss. Anon knows that, but prefers feeding.

09:32:56 Nov 27th 12 - Mr. Nivek:

big whoop you guys beat wilb... its getting old and ive only been back for a few weeks.

15:32:40 Nov 28th 12 - Mr. Baiterman:

Its great to see that the alliance blocks is just equal in strength. Maby this wont suck THAT badly(unless you are Nivek(who will soon get some(with that i mean die(and when i say die i mean a horrible death))))...

16:36:57 Nov 28th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

It would suck for me if I do not get a tiny little piece of Wilberforce by the end of the era. You know.... just a tiny weeny teensy little piece.

Which will make it TBL 9 - Wilberforce 0 ;)

17:07:13 Nov 28th 12 - Mr. Dread:

tbl-> farms til late era as halfer. loses everything against a late era strong race like elf...

17:10:53 Nov 28th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Dreadlord, I am so totally farming indeed :)

18:30:58 Nov 28th 12 - Mr. Bounce II:

We have made 14 hostile attacks on them and they have made 15 hostile attacks on us.

We own a bit more land than this ruler.

:o i was wrong.. now i must serve you for 40 years .. 
(btw wrong character post :p)

18:32:08 Nov 28th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

How is it you have more land then me? :o

Damn, I am really BAD as a farmer... so much Badder Than Wilbad... :(

19:48:16 Nov 28th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

lol :P

19:53:45 Nov 28th 12 - Mr. Warlock:

Liar, thats not possible

17:13:04 Nov 29th 12 - Mr. Xanatos:

wowow baiterman some hate kicking xD <3 come get some you already ran by with an army that would have crushed me why not do it again xD cause you cant break a nubs(acording to a bunch of vuers apparently :S) block so you would rather fight through mad and relelntless to get to me... hmmmm

17:52:17 Nov 29th 12 - Legend (I am Legendary):

Owh man you guys are so hot. I'm getting a boner...

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