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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 19

Fantasia 19
19:27:18 Jun 5th 13 - Ms. Tuffy:

If either Kingdom Casted Arma at this point, i doubt the other kingdom would be able to stop them...

Immortals should do it so that they win the era, they are over due for a win.

19:54:08 Jun 5th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Alpha And Omega):

01:21:30 Jun 6th 13 - Mr. Dragon Tamer:

So there are three strong kingdoms there, Immortals, Legacy, Fecking Feckers

There are also Mad and Pink Legacy. None seem to be dead.

Highscore rulers suggest that 
  • First three position are Immortals members
  • Fourth is Fecking Feckers member
  • Fifth and sixth are Legacy members...

And you are saying that era is over? How?
Was there an alliance between Immortals, Legacy and Fecking Feckers against Mad and Pink Legacy? And the alliance of three wins the era?

You have to look at what races composed the these top 6 players.

#3 is an elf. #1 is an orc.

For an elf to be in the top 3 when there are so many halflings around, its practically "gg" already if Legacy does not have an elf strong enough to counter him. Add that an orc is #1 means he has a lot of land, which allows him to train up a lot more nazzies then average. Elves and orcs beat halflings at this stage of the game. Legacy was very halfling heavy and OOP based. They have no strong late players. So its practically death by constriction.

Its definitely era over for Legacy unless Anonymous and Tyrgalon make some very critical mistakes (very very unlikely to happen though).

20:26:45 Jun 5th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Im not gonna comment for the whole Immortals leadership but at least I personaly prefer to finish the era so that there is absolutely no question of who won, in kd power its still kinda close. :)

20:48:30 Jun 5th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Immortals are a very good KD. They would put up a good fight vs TBL and BEO I think.

Atm the KD rankings [in terms of skill, activity, ability, communication, etc] is something like:

1. BEO
2. Immortals
3. Feckers
4. Black Flag
5. Poodles
6. LGC
7. MAD

Can't really comment on how good Mirror is yet as I haven't seen them fight. But they have the potential to be up there in the top 3 I think.

21:25:50 Jun 5th 13 - Mr. Bounce:

Spawning should be fixed oop battles banned its not fun to die oop and wait an entire era for the era to end..

22:51:05 Jun 5th 13 - Mr. John Edgar Hoover:

Pls badbellswiffer, LGC [7] and MaD[6]

05:51:48 Jun 6th 13 - Venomz (Mr. Sapro):

 [in terms of skill, activity, ability, communication, etc]

Legacy would win an OOP battle vs any kd with equal numbers. Just because of Binh

07:27:47 Jun 6th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Let me translate that:
LGC would win (according to you) any OOP battle due to Binh :)

08:55:27 Jun 6th 13 - Princess Aisha:

It is bigger than that.

You have to take into consideration the race that are on the map, the level of activity too. Binh was just on Nirvana and he was defeated several times, his OOP was weak, he is Troll so not best race, but not bad either. He was defeated by a Troll too, and when he rebuilt a Halfer beat him again.
When Binh is active and wants to fight, he will be very good, but if he is not active enough, he is easy kill.
(just like anyone else in the game)

11:23:03 Jun 6th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Alpha And Omega):

Binh is not the only one who can spam 30K gaia OOP.

11:42:40 Jun 6th 13 - Sir Shadow Hunter:

 You guys put him (Binh) on a pedestal, but he is beatable as aisha mentioned. Now im not putting him down as he is every bit as good as people say, having played with and against him. just if you overestimate someone or think they are unbeatable you will usually lose to them.

11:50:03 Jun 6th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Everyone is beatable, some are just harder to beat and deserve credit for that :)

11:57:24 Jun 6th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Carrier Has Arrived):

Binh is pretty much the best player of current times in the game when he has full activity. That aspect is undeniable.

Unfortunately, his ability and accomplishment gives Legacy an unnecessary cocky arrogance. They (most Legaciists) immediately proceed to think that just because they have Binh, and because all the vets / elitists of the VU world want to sign up to play for Legacy, therefore, all other kingdoms are not up to their level, and any kingdom that defeats them must have i) Mass-NAPped, ii) Mass-Recruited, iii) cheated, iv) Farmed or done something else unethical.

You will never heard most Legaciists saying: You beat us fair and square. Job well done. To them, there is no conceivable way they would have lost to any kingdom in a "fair fight".

Please maintain this attitude, Legacy, thanks.

12:09:48 Jun 6th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Still spouting anti lgc propaganda tbl? its shocking how many people buy into this!

12:15:45 Jun 6th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Carrier Has Arrived):

Its the truth, isn't it, Stirlin? I've played on Fantasia 5 times in the past 8 eras. All 5, the kingdom I was in won. Bar the first victory in which we were complete unknowns, every other victory has received a Legacy criticism of some sort. Only Binh congratulates us sincerely. But for many other Legacians, it is always something like: Oh, you mass NAPped. Oh, you mass recruited. Oh, you farmed. Oh, you this, oh, you that.

People buy into these allegations I make against Legacy because the grains of truth to them are so huge, and many of them have been on the receiving end of it as well.

12:43:34 Jun 6th 13 - Zond (General of Chade And Tbl):

01:55:27 Jun 6th 13 - Princess Aisha:

It is bigger than that.

You have to take into consideration the race that are on the map, the level of activity too. Binh was just on Nirvana and he was defeated several times, his OOP was weak, he is Troll so not best race, but not bad either. He was defeated by a Troll too, and when he rebuilt a Halfer beat him again.
When Binh is active and wants to fight, he will be very good, but if he is not active enough, he is easy kill.
(just like anyone else in the game)

That was Binhs first time ever as troll. And an Orc took over his city this era on Nirvana. He was lucky to log twice a day. I been complaining at him for it :P

12:48:30 Jun 6th 13 - Sir Shadow Hunter:

 Zond not his first time as troll. he has played it before. went magic 6 first last time if i remember correctly..

12:51:27 Jun 6th 13 - Zond (General of Chade And Tbl):

One of his first then. Someone mentioned it to me.

[6/4/2013 11:48:16 PM] Binh Dinh: oops i die it look like before all of my troops got trained 
[6/4/2013 11:48:32 PM] D.R. Bohning: yep
[6/4/2013 11:48:32 PM] D.R. Bohning: :P
[6/4/2013 11:49:58 PM] Binh Dinh: this is soooooo embarassing. First time dying oop :D
[6/4/2013 11:50:08 PM] Binh Dinh: in a normal start :D

Then i proceed to make fun of him :D

13:45:14 Jun 6th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Carrier Has Arrived):

I'm still slightly irritated that Binh brought so many people with him (kingdomates and none kingdomates alike) into Nirvana for this new era. He was supposed to be fighting all these new kingdoms, but then he had to lose activity and leave my kingdom and my allies to deal with them now.

Why can't you guys that are looking for an active, high-level fight just do your bloody fighting on Fantasia or Mantrax? Why come and disturb a lower world map that has no meaning? Seriously an annoyance.

16:00:07 Jun 6th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

It's quite simple really:

They've come to Nirvana with high active players for a high level fight because they've lost Fant for the 5th  [soon to be 6th] era in a row. They're no longer capable of performing on the big stage and so need to beat down new players to feel accomplished again.

I suspect soon LGC will stop playing Fant altogether and just "relocate" to the lower worlds to save the embarrassment.

16:02:42 Jun 6th 13 - Electric (Electric Galactic Avenger):

Btw Binh, that city Binh Farming was super nice, thank you for building it for me. 

16:03:50 Jun 6th 13 - Electric (Electric Galactic Avenger):

And no they all came to Nirvana because Poodles was supposed to be here to fight them. 

17:34:15 Jun 6th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Rance):

Instead you all pissed me off by moving east >_>

I wanted to leave you guys to your oop war but nuuuuuu! I get another era of having to be "active" after protection again

18:09:47 Jun 6th 13 - Electric (Electric Galactic Avenger):

Oh the horros of having to be active in a game.. the horror!

18:27:13 Jun 6th 13 - Mr. Perturbed:

Poodles is here as Storm Cloaks

18:38:58 Jun 6th 13 - Ms. Tuffy:

yeah but werent you all hyped up to fight the Fant players Zerg and Why so serious... 

19:31:58 Jun 6th 13 - Mr. Halfwit:

@Tuffy -- No, we were all hyped up to have a competitive era in a smaller-kd environment, and it seems to be shaping up that way.  No offense intended to all the high-quality, long-term players around here, but I personally haven't been playing long enough to really know who all of you are yet.  Fantasia was fun for me this first time, but we don't have the 12-15+ active players that appear necessary to be really competitive here.  We *do* have the 8+ active players needed to be competitive in a small-kd world.

Valhalla was really fun for me for 2 or 3 eras when there were half a dozen kd's that were all active and fully-staffed, and it was a genuine mystery who would come out on top.  But then some of those kd's disappeared or lost members or became less active, and things got a bit stale.

Whether it is against someone I've never heard of before or against THOSE WHOSE NAMES MAKE THE MOUNTAINS TREMBLE, it's the competition rather than the identity of the competitor that's important*.  For me.  IMHO

*Except for those who manage a really good backstab against me -- them I'll search for forever.  <vbeg>

19:46:39 Jun 6th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Carrier Has Arrived):

My name does not make mountains tremble. It only makes Dark Blood and Legacy tremble, and it makes certain players... like Pure, Warlock, Quiet One, Cobra, Raistlin, Arzun, etc. shiver with pleasure, excitement and anticipation . The one who's gotten it worse of all is Wilberforce - at the mere mention of my name, he immediately enters into an uncontrollable and continuous state of orgasmic bliss that lasts at least 5 minutes. And wait till you see me give him just a touch. He goes off, baby, he really goes off. That poor lad :(

00:21:47 Jun 7th 13 - Venomz (Mr. Sapro):

Beo looked like a kingdom I once led together with Stormcrow, called Carnage.

Carnage was a big kingdom, and we almost always had an NAP with a kingdom, or even 2. The world was bigger, but still if Carnage was to play right now as a kingdom they would be just like Beo, Too big and NAP just to be safe instead of taking on all they can handle. Legacy back in the day was the kingdom to beat, I still feel LGC is the kingdom to beat as there are alliances formed just to beat Legacy. The spawning locations cause one kingdom to OOP war with another kingdom. Even with a īno NAPī policy on the entire map it weakens the kingdom that comes out as a winner in the OOP war as the game is currently lacking something to make spoils of war be more rewarding than farming up.

If you take a lot of cities, they give you low productivity, you take cities that have their max size changed and wonīt get a bonus or get an armory town. All this makes it worth less than farming up just 1 90k city. Only when you find an inactive player you gain resources worth the time of īnot farmingī. 

Now I havenīt played for a while on Fantasia, but I know Beo for atleast 2 eraīs now. and Beo isnīt around now but most of the players are still playing together and following the same playstyle. on Zetamania 1 or 2 eraīs ago Beothuk didnīt do anything at all.. the entire era, just farming and farming up behind the blocker of their NAP partner. But then they trained really big armies and joined their NAP partner who was struggeling to deal with the enemy themselves. So they got their farmed up armies to do the job and just wipe out the enemy.

The same thing happened last era on Fantasia where Misfits fought LGC in the start. LGC only just defeated Misfits as the farmed up armies from Beo came marching to their lands. Sure it was a īno NAPī era.. but Iīm pretty sure the īexcusesī, as you call them. Are valid. If LGC would fight Beo in an OOP war and win, or lose.. that would be a fair fight. Even though Beo had a lot of members. Itīs just one guy doing the kingdoms PR and trying to make LGC look bad. Legacy is a great kingdom, and it has always been a great kingdom. It had itīs eraīs of being supreme. But there are also eraīs where you canīt win. I have to admit that spawn locations play a bigger role in the current eraīs then it did in the old days. There wouldnīt be a shared core with people being so close to eachother. And if there was there would always be a blocker inbetween that would allow you to protect īyour kingdoms groundī

My post got long, people probably wonīt read it now. Apart from TBL who will check if he can find a point in my posts that makes LGC look bad. īDonīt feed the trollī they say.. but itīs not meant to feed TBL, itīs just to give people my honest opinion about this entire bad image of LGC being spread.

Note: I havenīt played for Legacy before this era.. I have actually mostly been fighting LGC in my vu career. Those were the best era's and trashtalk is inevitable. But new players shouldn't think LGC is the kingdom that makes up excuses when it loses. Maybe it's just cause there is this 1 guy in the forum ruining the possibility for mutual respect. *looks at TBL*

00:31:05 Jun 7th 13 - Stormy (Lady Tassadar):


geez venomz....definitely not the Jurgen i knew and loved:P

bitch please

02:46:52 Jun 7th 13 - Binh (Mr. Binh Bad Orc):

"Btw Binh, that city Binh Farming was super nice, thank you for building it for me. "

Consider it a temporary loan.... I will be wanting it back in the future ;)

06:25:45 Jun 7th 13 - Sir Shadow Hunter:

  To clarify a point made by venom. Beo in zeta a few eras ago was like 3 people not our full team. personally i admit i was farming, BUT heres the thing i just landed there to have a peek around, not to really play and i was a really late starter.. if i wanted to war you guys there i would have started from the beginning of the era and attacked oop. i wasnt very active till the end, and even then i was just to help jenna cast endless plagues to annoy people like you. (and it worked)


09:27:43 Jun 7th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Carrier Has Arrived):



My beloved friend, Stormy, used to speak very highly of you. Perhaps he was mistaken, or perhaps you have changed. Knowing Stormy, its definitely you who have changed.

You exhibit the same biased selection of facts and regurgitate the same nonsensical interpretation of those facts as many of your Legacy mates. Actually, you should be forgiven, since, at the very base, you are only ignorant, and you are speaking out of your ass from that ignorance. Afterall, you only played 2 eras, and you are speaking like you played all 4 eras when Beothuk was around.

I'm going to smack you down one by one on your key points. Its up to you if you want to read what I have to say, but you will probably stick your head in the sand like most of your other Legacy mates anyway.

1) Beo plays like Carnage wherein both were kingdoms that were too big and had at least one NAP to be safe instead of taking on all comers.

i) Beothuk, at its peak, had 28 members. Beothuk always had one or two members every era who end up not dropping or who finally are unable to commit for the full era. We end up kicking these members late, but the damage is done, they are added to the member count to be used as a flaming weapon against us.

ii) Legacy, at its peak, had 26 active members. Beothuk, even accounting for the inactives, had only 7% more members then Legacy at its peak. Naturally, you, Venomz, did not account for this spread. To you, Beothuk was a "large" kingdom.

iii) I do not deny that Beothuk had at least one NAP for its first 3 eras. I do not deny Legacy had no NAPs in Beothuk's second era. I do, however, want to point out that Legacy had 4 de facto NAPs in Beothuk's first era, and one NAP in Beothuk's third era.

iv) So since you were comparing Beothuk / Carnage to Legacy, let's conclude this comparison - Legacy, more often then not, was too big and had at least one NAP. It did not dare to take on all comers.

v) For all the talk of Legacy being a no NAPper and a kingdom that takes on all comers, it had a NAP this era as well. It played safe.

2) Legacy is the kingdom to beat and alliances are formed to beat Legacy.

i) Legacy is the kingdom to beat solely because of one person. Binh. Take an ACTIVE Binh out of the equation, and Legacy becomes another normal big kingdom.

ii) Beothuk played to kill the entire map, not just Legacy. In Beothuk's first era, Beothuk warred MAD, Relentless and BF starting from OOP while Immortals and Legacy faced each other one on one. Eventually, Beothuk stepped in mid-era to aid Immortals as well, when Legacy had them on the backpedal. Beothuk diverted 3 critical attackers and a full mage to fight Legacy, thereby simultaneously engaging, in full warfare, every opposition kingdom on the map.

iii) In Beothuk's third era, Beothuk engaged Legacy and Relentless in a full head on battle while Beothuk's ally, Immortals, and 4 Beothuk players, finished MAD off. Beothuk held off these 2 kingdoms (Relentless and Legacy) for almost 2 full weeks on its own. Legacy was never able to push Beothuk away from its OOP boundaries.

3) Beothuk's strategy / playstyle, on all worlds it plays, is to farm.

i) Beothuk fought MAD OOP in its first era. Beothuk fought Legacy, Relentless and MAD OOP in its 3rd era. Beothuk fought a FULLY ACTIVE Binh OOP in its fourth era.

ii) I personally fought as OOP mage in both the first and third eras. I personally dropped and armoury / MC in the Legacy / Relentless core in Beothuk's third era during OOP.

iii) Beothuk has always had the organizational strategy wherein a certain number of players will play pure OOP races, a certain number of players will play all era races, and a certain number of players will play late era races.

iv) Your insinuation that all Beothuk does is farm on all worlds it plays is totally devoid of factual basis and is a gross misrepresentation of history.

v) More importantly, you are playing Nirvana now. 7 out of 10 of Valar are former Beothuk. 4 out of 10 played in Beothuk's first era, 7 out of 10 played in Beothuk's third era. Does Valar look like a farming kingdom to you? Does Valar look like a kingdom that cannot fight OOP to you? Valar is currently beating the shit out of Zerg. It also goes to show that Beothuk would beat the shit out of a Binh-less Legacy in any OOP fight one on one.

4) Beothuk's farmed up armies came to fight only after Legacy had exhausted itself fighting OOP last era.

i) Another gross misrepresentation of the situation. You insinuate that Beothuk were purposely farming at the beginning of the era and were avoiding OOP battles.

ii) You selectively avoided putting out the fact that Beothuk had NO OTHER OOP kingdom nearby it to fight an OOP war. Even when Beothuk was in full OOP war mode and had defeated your strongest player when he core-dropped us with an armoury.

iii) You selectively avoided putting out the fact that it was a 20 tick march BY SCOUT to the nearest major enemy kingdom from the Beothuk core. You selectively avoided putting out the fact that Beothuk destroyed every minor enemy kingdom and individual player next to its borders before moving for the further-located kingdoms. You selectively avoided putting out the fact that Beothuk halflings have been fighting Misfits rebuilders since the 4th to 5th day of OOP.

5) Legacy isn't a kingdom that makes up excuses when it loses.

i) You obviously did not play or forgot the critical facts of Beothuk's first era and Beothuk's third era.

ii) I can accept that Beothuk had more NAPs then necessary in its second era. However, I did not play in Beothuk's second era.

iii) Whenever I play in Beothuk, I always ensure that the kingdom fights OOP, the kingdom fights the next strongest kingdom of the map soonest it can, the kingdom fights enemies totaling more power then itself and its ally combined, and that Beothuk is limited to a maximum of 1 major NAP, and any other NAPs will be for solo players or kingdoms of less then three people.

iv) However, all these ground facts were ignored by Legacy. If you were really aware of the chain of events, which you aren't or which you chose to forget or ignore, Legacy accused Beothuk of mass-recruiting and mass-NAPping for Beothuk's first win, and then came up with the new accusation that Beothuk NAPped the only other active kingdom on the map to get its third win.

v) Two clearcut Beothuk victories where it fulfilled all my conditions, but Legacy chose to portray those victories as brought about by unfair Beothuk practices.

6) TBL is ruining the possibility for mutual respect.

i) I do what I do because Legacy itself ruined the possibility for mutual respect long long ago with me. Legacy actually ruined the possibility for mutual respect with MANY Beothuk members when it questioned (and the way it questioned) Beothuk's victories in Beothuk's first, third and fourth eras.

ii) I do what I do because Legacy and many of the current Legacy players have had a long long history of questioning the wins of my kingdoms and other kingdoms, and especially when events did not go their way.

iii) As mentioned, I have played 5 eras out of the previous 8 eras on Fantasia and my kingdom has won all 5. If you go back to the threads where All You Can Eat Buffet and Beothuk won those eras, you will always find Legacy questioning my kingdom's wins and giving excuses as to why we won and why they lost.

iv) As mentioned, the only Legacian who sincerely and legitimately congratulated us and accepted our victories as fair was Binh. He is one of the very very few Legacians that has my (and Beothuk's) respect.

7) Miscellaneous point - Legacy has always used double standards in the way it behaves and the way it criticises other kingdoms.

i) Legacy has often NAPped at least one kingdom over the eras. In the eras where it has no NAPs, it was because it either saw the enemy kingdoms as easy prey to feed up upon, or because no kingdoms wanted to NAP with it.

ii) Legacy has often taken advantage of landing opportunities presented to it and farmed hard and long while other major kingdoms were battling each other. It then claims its victories were legitimate.

iii) There have been eras where Legacy touched between 28 and 30 members (the earlier eras). Legacy wasn't complaining about mass-recruiting back then.

iv) Legacy is an elitist kingdom. It is the type of kingdom where many of VU's best players (not all) join in order to make a superkingdom that can dominate most normal kingdoms. It is a kingdom that has a manifest destiny type expectation in its DNA - that it expects to win the map every single era. It has an exceptionalism trait in it that it expects that no other kingdoms are better or could be better then it at any stage of the game.

v) Finally, it has a sense of ability wherein Legacians always believe that.... because they have Binh playing with them, even if they can be beaten at all other stages of the game, such victories are never fair and just because they can never be beaten at OOP. This arrogance has been cemented in them winning twice against Misfits. And Venomz uses this arrogance to smear Beothuk by insinuating that Beothuk could never beat Legacy in an OOP fight, forgetting that Beothuk fought and easily held off the combined might of Legacy and Relentless OOP in its 3rd era.

8) Miscellaneous point - Legacy is superior to Beothuk in OOP fighting.

Venomz insinuates that Beothuk is no match for Legacy in OOP fighting. Venomz forgets that the best 20 players of Beothuk are easily more then a match for Legacy at any stage of the game.

Here is a list of some of Beothuk's past players:

1) Jennaside
2) Kool / Mike
3) Crissxcross
4) Augh / Messiah
5) Jesus Left Toe
6) Kobuskan
7) TheBornLoser
8) Jasper / Konspyre
9) Dennis / Gallyon
10) Ice
11) Qassim
12) Dalak
13) Stormcrow
14) Aussie / Dan
15) Brannigans Law
16) Braveheart
17) Davey
18) Pope John Paul
19) Ademo
20) Zerocool
21) Ohm
22) Thomaas
23) Heroix
24) Tyler
25) Palpatine

You look at the list and you tell me seriously.... if I pick any 20 players from here.... will Beothuk really be inferior to Legacy in OOP fighting? Really?

10:10:45 Jun 7th 13 - Sir Shadow Hunter:

 Thats definetly a Barny like post here TBL. prolly even longer than the great man does himself.. hahaha

11:04:40 Jun 7th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

That was one long post (and read lol) XD

11:06:54 Jun 7th 13 - Ms. Galactic Gaurdian:

TBL can... you write us a book, you put alot of effort into simple forum posts, i bet writing a book would be easy for you. 

11:09:55 Jun 7th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Carrier Has Arrived):

Sorry, I had to put down a fair amount of details and facts. That's the only way to combat sweeping baseless assumptions and statements made by Venomz, and to ensure that the rest of the people know that Beothuk won its eras (at least 3 of them :P) genuinely and not as per the excuses given by Legacy.

Unfortunately, this is an internet game, so most people (including myself sometimes) tend to get away with just making shallow, believable arguments that most people would bite on easily. In the outside world, more often then not, if one is dealing with a real professional, and doesn't present the true facts and story as it is, that person is going to get a slapdown so painful, he wouldn't dare show his face out of doors for a long long time.

11:11:17 Jun 7th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Gotta agree with that lol :P

11:13:05 Jun 7th 13 - Ms. Tuffy:

You must not live in america.... in america we have politics and People lie back and forth without any proof and half the county believes them.... Sarah palin... eww 

11:21:06 Jun 7th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

We know, why do you think people donīt like and laugh at the USA lol? XD And you still have tons of people that believe you got the best systems and are the best in the world blahblahblah :P

No offence to any USAers since theres good people there too, but theres a reason why the stereotypical view of USAers is that they are stupid.
But gotta say theres some beatiful nature over there, props for that.

11:25:26 Jun 7th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

You exhibit the same biased selection of facts and regurgitate the same nonsensical interpretation of those facts as many of your Legacy mates. Actually, you should be forgiven, since, at the very base, you are only ignorant, and you are speaking out of your ass from that ignorance. Afterall, you only played 2 eras, and you are speaking like you played all 4 eras when Beothuk was around.

You constantly brand LGC as trolls and liars, can you actually name them? swifty? kicked, Cobra? left, Wilber? does he even post? it appears you just enjoy berating the name "legacy" as if you looked closely you'll notice most players don't have an affiliation to this apparently terrible legacy. what you would find if you took you're glasses off is a group of loyal friends trying to play this wargame how we think it should be played, like Beo. 

ii) Legacy, at its peak, had 26 active members. Beothuk, even accounting for the inactives, had only 7% more members then Legacy at its peak. Naturally, you, Venomz, did not account for this spread. To you, Beothuk was a "large" kingdom.

LGC always tries to have an average pool of players compared to the competition, yes this era we are large but thats due to several kds failing to play

iii) I do not deny that Beothuk had at least one NAP for its first 3 eras. I do not deny Legacy had no NAPs in Beothuk's second era. I do, however, want to point out that Legacy had 4 de facto NAPs in Beothuk's first era, and one NAP in Beothuk's third era.

LGC 4 naps? i don't remember, 

iv) So since you were comparing Beothuk / Carnage to Legacy, let's conclude this comparison - Legacy, more often then not, was too big and had at least one NAP. It did not dare to take on all comers.

LGC has never been too big, and yes we do nap, we have several times come onto the forums telling everyone that due to recent game ethics changes we are forced to be low nap kd to actually play an era, now if that's due to the general view of kingdoms that its ok to nap more than war or that lgc as a kd is declining in good quality(as is vu) ill let you pick

iv) So since you were comparing Beothuk / Carnage to Legacy, let's conclude this comparison - Legacy, more often then not, was too big and had at least one NAP. It did not dare to take on all comers.

v) For all the talk of Legacy being a no NAPper and a kingdom that takes on all comers, it had a NAP this era as well. It played safe.

you're the only one who calls lgc a no nap kd, another propaganda tool, the nap this era was with mad, a kd of les than 5 members, we started the era not wanting a nap, but with bling and immo both spawning up north and deciding to nap we didn't have the time to fight mad who had spread further west.

v) More importantly, you are playing Nirvana now. 7 out of 10 of Valar are former Beothuk. 4 out of 10 played in Beothuk's first era, 7 out of 10 played in Beothuk's third era. Does Valar look like a farming kingdom to you? Does Valar look like a kingdom that cannot fight OOP to you? Valar is currently beating the shit out of Zerg. It also goes to show that Beothuk would beat the shit out of a Binh-less Legacy in any OOP fight one on one.

Zerg doesn't have me!

5) Legacy isn't a kingdom that makes up excuses when it loses.

i) You obviously did not play or forgot the critical facts of Beothuk's first era and Beothuk's third era.

was that legacy or certain forum members? we try to keep from talking about lgc on the forums, you'll notice your forum posts bite count grows weaker and weaker, i admit in the past we didn't congratulate skill/warfare when we should have, its not easy to be nice to sore winners, what i would like to add is that we do give praise where its due, you can ask you 2 last misfits war.

i) I do what I do because Legacy itself ruined the possibility for mutual respect long long ago with me. Legacy actually ruined the possibility for mutual respect with MANY Beothuk members when it questioned (and the way it questioned) Beothuk's victories in Beothuk's first, third and fourth eras.

Here we go again, this isn't the same lgc, do i bran beo as cheaters just because many moons ago some of you guys abused the game?, we play honorable, don't flame, and try to be friendly to everyone, if a randomer popped onto the forums what would they think of beo? sore winners? and tbl?

iv) As mentioned, the only Legacian who sincerely and legitimately congratulated us and accepted our victories as fair was Binh. He is one of the very very few Legacians that has my (and Beothuk's) respect.

many legacians don't forum post full stop.

ii) Legacy has often taken advantage of landing opportunities presented to it and farmed hard and long while other major kingdoms were battling each other. It then claims its victories were legitimate.

personally i don't think I've ever farmed OOP, we pride ourselves on our OOP fighting, its our strongest suit, so we dive head first into any war, late game war is another thing...

iii) There have been eras where Legacy touched between 28 and 30 members (the earlier eras). Legacy wasn't complaining about mass-recruiting back then.

plucking random eras numbers doesn't work, if you look into it you'll find many kds of that size

iv) Legacy is an elitist kingdom. It is the type of kingdom where many of VU's best players (not all) join in order to make a superkingdom that can dominate most normal kingdoms. It is a kingdom that has a manifest destiny type expectation in its DNA - that it expects to win the map every single era. It has an exceptionalism trait in it that it expects that no other kingdoms are better or could be better then it at any stage of the game.

What makes you say this? because you look at our kd list and see oh, hes been playing since the beta, or he came in the early teens, couldn't it be a bond of friendship? LGC has a big turnover off new guys, we have many members on he lower worlds looking for potential,several beo members are the product of our training

8) Miscellaneous point - Legacy is superior to Beothuk in OOP fighting.

this is all talk, tbh id love to have an OOP fight with you with both kds being active and well stocked, unfortunately the chances of this happening are very slim cut even shorter with beos constant breaks

you seem the brand lgc the kd based on the past and a few members, constantly bringing down our rep to the extent of random noobs on the lower worlds being pmed, were a "newish" legacy, reborn perhaps, trying to better ourselves and play a game we all love.

11:43:56 Jun 7th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

dry ur eyes danwell m8 u bad bell. stop being bitter and gz beo for beating LGC for 4 straight eras, legitimately and easaily. they've had inactives every era, you've had binh and 4 naps in certain eras and you've still lost.

black flag>lgc

12:32:55 Jun 7th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

One word, dumbdumb 2

12:56:46 Jun 7th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Nakuy):

I am very very confused right now...

"It is the type of kingdom where many of VU's best players (not all) join in order to make a superkingdom that can dominate most normal kingdoms"

Did you not just make a list of players you thought could beat Legacy?

Meaning that they are at least just as skilled as Legacy players.

Wouldn't that mean they are also a group of the best (But not all) players of VU?

And if that were true: Wouldn't that mean Beo was a superkingdom that could dominate most normal kingdoms?

"It is a kingdom that has a manifest destiny type expectation in its DNA - that it expects to win the map every single era"

If this were true, I probably would have left Fantasia already.

I've been in Legacy for the past 2 eras and this current era and I have never seen them say they could easily wipe out the map and win the era just because they are "Legacy". (In a serious manner)

So if this "expectation" exists, why haven't I caught wind of it?

Edit: I also recall a certain someone from Beo claiming that they could win Fant whenever they wanted and would swoop in before Legacy won a third era >_> *cough*

"It is a kingdom that has a manifest destiny type expectation in its DNA - that it expects to win the map every single era"

14:30:24 Jun 7th 13 - Mr. Magic Mike:

 With the list TBL posted of former Beo players. i think he means that they could match LGC as a kd fighting oop if both were at full strength. (venoms mentioned that they LGC would beat Beo in an oop war). Both kds look for and train potential recruits every era, and every era in fant both teams usually have new peeps in them.  Lets face it when you play with a good team, your bound to learn the best strategies etc to suceed in the game.



15:20:21 Jun 7th 13 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Nostalgia):

I never really got why people like to talk about past kingdoms and argue about things they did. Why should that matter? 

15:24:27 Jun 7th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Because history affects current events and the future :) If you know a lot of rl history you would know that.

22:09:42 Jun 7th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Dare I say it, but this thread was much better when it was just TBL trolling LGC, than it is now with all the political lightweights throwing in their uneducated 2 cents.

pls get back on topic. this is fant chat chan.

lgc sucks

22:39:31 Jun 7th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Well its kind of a fact :P

00:55:12 Jun 8th 13 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Whatsyourname):

09:24:27 Jun 7th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Because history affects current events and the future :) If you know a lot of rl history you would know that.

True but why take past eras so seriously? I mean I feel like half the people on here just complain about their neighbor(s). You have people hating on Binh or people hating on TBL or people hating on gosh knows who. Just seems a bit pointless to talk about it. I mean I don't give a crap about if LGC naps little kingdoms so they can concentrate everything on the other two strong kingdoms. If so, you just have to tough it out.

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