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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk

Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk
00:04:17 Feb 17th 13 - Mr. Bounce IV:

I will never surrender :). No matter what u do :)

02:47:59 Feb 17th 13 - Mr. Iceworks The Tiny:

even when we rape ur queen and torture her in front of u???  :P:P

11:24:57 Feb 17th 13 - Mr. Dread III:

Never we will fight on untill our last breath

11:32:42 Feb 17th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Then I will just have to come and decapitate you :P

12:01:28 Feb 17th 13 - Mr. Bounce IV:

then i wil fight you in the afterlife 

12:49:55 Feb 17th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Unlike me, Dreadlord is not a loser :|

13:32:44 Feb 17th 13 - Mr. Bounce IV:

Well it looks like i wil lose this era :(. Thanks to your supreme leadership..
It cant be easy manageing Sooo many players :PPP. And u did it so well :) u might actually stand a chance 1 on 1 kd wise :). 

13:47:18 Feb 17th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

We dont need to manage our players, Beothuk is like a hive - our Queen Bee Jill only has to think out objectives then we're eagerly running in that direction to accomplish the task.

13:53:54 Feb 17th 13 - Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence:

Success is never based on leadership alone. I has a superb core team on my side, and good allies. Having these factors on your side makes the job of a leader much easier.

And anyway, Dreadlord, stop praising meh! I've been trying to get un-viced for 2 weeks already, and you are not helping things :( You are right on one issue though... managing [so many] people is very tiring :P :P

P.S. Without Binh, and if Dalak and Criss had dropped earlier, we would have had a 60 - 40 chance for a 1 on 1 with Legacy. With Binh back, the odds are back in Legacy's favour ^_^

/me starts the mass-NAPping process for next era

14:08:17 Feb 17th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

there's 3 active kds on fant 

you don't need to mass nap you just need to nap one of the other 2 top kds giving your inflated numbers just one direction to fight

its a playstyle that obviously works, long gone are the days of 5-6 kds fighting it out 

you can make fun of the mass napping and deny you do it all you want but its one of the many things thats killing the game, players choices are either join the beo alliance or die, fant is too predictable which is why new kds dont make the jump anymore

03:15:55 Feb 18th 13 - Ms. Hemmer:

Im just curious why.. wasent there like any main attack from LGC this era?

12:02:12 Feb 18th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

fail troll

22:09:22 Feb 18th 13 - Ms. Hemmer:

really not trolling.. honest question i always remember LGC sending mass armies to attack.. i havent noticed anything like that this era.

02:52:57 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

A couple of little birds are telling me that Legacy will have 40 players next era, 20 of them in a new kingdom (to be called Dark Blood).

Its their way of supposedly dealing with the whole imaginary "2 active kingdoms ganging up against the 3rd active kingdom" issue.

Care to comment, Legacy? :D

02:56:08 Feb 20th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Mirai):


Are you denying that Immortals is a kingdom?

Because -obviously- there are Beo and Immortal armies invading us

03:32:14 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Its imaginary because there are 5 active kingdoms on Fantasia. 6, if you count Feckers. There is no such thing as "only" 3 active kingdoms on Fantasia. Invincibility spell casted on MAD and Relentless?

03:35:40 Feb 20th 13 - Zond (General of Beautiful Women):

Relentless and MAD arent counted as kds when they either spawn super late or do nothing at all, just be inactive.

Leaving 3 kds. Which 2 of NAP each other every era. 

If lgc naped immortals, and we both fought beo.. i bet forum be filled with enough wine to get us all drunk for a life time.

03:54:24 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

The activity of kingdoms is based on fortunes of war.

I didn't see anyone calling MAD and Relentless inactive kingdoms 2 eras ago. Or 3 eras ago. And wasn't MAD the 2nd biggest power on the map about 3 eras ago and before? Haven't both kingdoms been Fantasia mainstays for a very long time?

Heck, wasn't Immortals considered an "inactive" kingdom last era? What if their inactivity had "extended" to this era as well?

Also, it is not all sunshine and fair weather when one NAPS a kingdom. In NAPping a kingdom, there is the implicit acceptance that we may lose positions, spoils and crowns to our NAP partner. Folks contesting to win Fantasia want as little "competition" as possible to their fight for the top spots - that's what encourages kingdoms to have as little relations as possible and to war as much as possible in order to eliminate various contestants.

NAPping is a double-edged sword.

04:00:36 Feb 20th 13 - Zond (General of Beautiful Women):

Waste of time to even go into detail about mad and relentless... everyone thinks the same of them. so wont waste any more time than i have with even replying to you ^^

04:05:23 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:


And you wonder why everyone loves to stick Legacy one in the eye :D

Yes, MAD and Relentless have their issues. But to switch from calling Beothuk a mass-napper last era to NAPping the "only other active kingdom in Fantasia" this era is nothing short of hilarious.

Legacy and their excuses.

04:06:37 Feb 20th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Yukan):

"I didn't see anyone calling MAD and Relentless inactive kingdoms 2 eras ago. Or 3 eras ago. And wasn't MAD the 2nd biggest power on the map about 3 eras ago and before? Haven't both kingdoms been Fantasia mainstays for a very long time?

Heck, wasn't Immortals considered an "inactive" kingdom last era? What if their inactivity had "extended" to this era as well?"

I'm sorry... I didn't realize you were supposed to keep alliances after an era was finished.

04:11:15 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

We're not. That's why we made the NAP only after we found out that Immortals were west of us, Legacy and Relentless were north of us, and MAD were south of us ^_^

04:13:10 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

I don't think more than 5-6 MAD players landed OOP when they were beaten by Immortals + the odd Beo members. I remember watching the KD %s at the time [which are recorded on this thread, too] and before protection finished and the attacks begun, an "18 man" MAD were much smaller in size than a 7 man Blings. Likewise, I don't think I've seen more than 8-10 Relent members land this era.

So I wouldn't classify either of them as particularly active, no. Not against Beos 30~ member, Immortals 20~ member or our 24~ member "activity" standards.  In that regard it's an uneven match.

Will be interesting to see how far you drum this "new KD" issue to rally people against us, though. :p You've gone mass members twice now, and mass NAPs  once. What's next up your sleeve?  50 members?

04:15:18 Feb 20th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Yukan):

"We're not"

Then exactly why would you argue about -past activity- when we're (At least I am) talking about this era?

06:22:38 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

- Begin TL / DR essay. Those not interested, please feel free to fuk off from here :) -

No one's disagreeing with you, Swifty, when you say that MAD wasn't the most active of kingdoms this era. Indeed, that kingdom has seen much better and glorious days in the recent past (as has Legacy :P).

However, you forgot a couple of factors. Firstly, all kingdoms started pretty much next to each other this era. Thus, OOP fighting was a given. Secondly, in OOP fighting, you always assume the worst case scenario - i.e. the opposing kingdom will be able to bring its full complement of members to the fight. No one has time to "wait and see" whether a kingdom will be "active" when it comes to OOP fighting. Thirdly, as stated above, MAD had an "illustrious" history. They were previously the 2nd strongest kingdom on Fantasia, and prior to Beothuk's debut, they were the era winners. We have to grant them that respect (even if Legacy won't) and assume (at era start) that they could have pulled together this era.

Same goes for Relentless. I recall that this was the kingdom that saved Legacy's skin when you guys were fighting Immortals and Vitamins 3 eras ago. They are the same bunch of people who have been playing Fantasia era in era out. Naturally, we will always then assume that the same bunch of people will drop in this era's of Fantasia - which is about 15 players. They have always seemed a pretty tight unit.

No one can ever foretell the activity of a particular kingdom at the start of the era. Who knows... MAD could have been just "late bloomers" if the circumstances had been better. If they had spawned on the far side of the map, farmed up, and suddenly displayed tremendous activity after that, we wouldn't be debating this strawman argument.

Ultimately, Legacy just couldn't cut it this era. Immortals took quite a while to switch their attention to you while they were busy cleaning up the south and western areas of the map. Feckers weren't even a factor (and later on, they proceeded to war both Beothuk and Immortals too). Essentially, your kingdom and Relentless had the opportunity to deliver a knock-out blow to Beothuk before Immortals entered the picture. Which you all could not do.

And I am most amused that you accuse Beothuk of getting "mass members". Are you implying that Beothuk is Legacy's superior because we have more members then your kingdom? Are you implying that if we had exactly the same number of members as Legacy, you would have viewed us as a direct equal? That doesn't sound like the Legacy I know.... what happened to the egos and the superiority complex and the manifest destiny type view that your kingdom's sheer quality is definitely able to kick the butt of every kingdom on the map in a straight one on one fight? After all.... don't you guys have the best players of the game all clustered in one kingdom? The names Binh, Fordius, Warlock, Elsin, Roxbury, Stirlin, Swifty etc. are the stuffs of legends, and should inspire fear and terror in all the kingdoms that face you guys, right? But kingdoms shouldn't take even a single NAP in order to face you guys because the numbers then just wouldn't be fair, right?

You guys go to all the trouble of building an elitism type kingdom, and then bitch when other kingdoms go to 30 members and actually hold you off (actually, have you on a backpedal) in a virtual one on one for 2 / 3rds of an era?

The real reason why most kingdoms do not bother coming to Fantasia anymore is because no one can be bothered getting steamrolled era after era after era by the same bunch of elitist folks congregating in the same kingdom. No one has the time to play to your activity levels, the energy to manage a kingdom for several months continuously, or the time to dissect the game mechanics to such an in-depth level. More importantly, the player-base here is so abysmal, its hard to even build a second kingdom that can match Legacy's quality, let alone a third or a fourth. And finally, most of Legacy's core players (safe for Binh and a couple of others) are so arrogant, pompous and sure of themselves, that they disgust a majority of the VU players, many of them into quitting Fantasia and Mantrax. Many old-timers and newcomers are now just contented to play and log in once in a while on the lower words and not deal with the shit and stress that is Fantasia or Mantrax.

We get it - you guys are good. High activity levels, strong Skype chat communication, good OOP economic builds courtesy of Binh's and Barny's work, in depth knowledge of game mechanics, good teamwork, veteran reputation and leadership, plenty of VU luminaries, etc. We get it - you guys want to and have the capacity to dominate Fantasia era after era your way. But you don't get it - we don't march to your drumbeat or to your conditions. We will play this game the way we want to. For me, it will be for minimum stress and because of my friends. And finally, where you guys do not get it – there is always some excuse for why Legacy lost, and it is not because the other kingdom was better coordinated, had better strategy, better teamwork, or just played better. And this is why many players may acknowledge you, but ultimately, do not respect most of you.

And why so many would love the chance to give Legacy a "good one to the chin".

P.S. 50 members? You kidding me? Who do you think we are, DOA? This is not a kingdom under Wilberforce's leadership, mmmkay?

Our kingdom membership cap limit for next era is 40 members. And a NAP limit of 8.

07:20:21 Feb 20th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Yukan):

"... Secondly, in OOP fighting, you always assume the worst case scenario - i.e. the opposing kingdom will be able to bring its full complement of members to the fight. No one has time to "wait and see" whether a kingdom will be "active" when it comes to OOP fighting... "

From Page 1

13:48:19 Jan 26th 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Beothuk Evil Ops27Ms. Jennaside130
The Immortals17Prince Chade100
Relentless28Mr. Xpumpx94
Legacy24Mr. Mate Dont Mad86
Fecking Fecker7Mr. Bling42
Mad and Dangerous18Sir Aloysius23

03:47:07 Feb 2nd 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Beothuk Evil Ops30Ms. Jennaside137
The Immortals20Prince Chade100
Legacy24Mr. Mate Dont Mad96
Relentless29Mr. Xpumpx37
Fecking Fecker9Mr. Bling20
Trolling Hairy Holes3Mr. Danny Boy The Totally Naked12

Totally looks like they're gonna bounce back to help win the era huh...?

"Immortals took quite a while to switch their attention to you while they were busy cleaning up the south and western areas of the map"

Some of us in the outer core were fighting Feckers (Me included) :( In case you were wondering why we didn't try to rush you guys from more than one direction.

"Are you implying that Beothuk is Legacy's superior because we have more members then your kingdom?"

Last time I checked: Beothuk and Immortals were in our inner/outer cores

"You guys go to all the trouble of building an elitism type kingdom"

If it was, I wouldn't have been able to join :P I'm just some lowly recruit Zond found on Midgard.

Can't say anything about the rest since this is only my second time on Fant (First one learning how bad I am at humans for relentless... 2 eras ago?)

08:34:37 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

I think Legacy needs to take responsibility for what has happened this era.Think about it guys.

If they hadn't landed armouries in our territory, this war might never have started. 
Millions of innocent women and children might still be alive today. We could have all lived in peace and harmony, started our own little United Nations, talked through our problems without any of this bloodshed occurring. 

Legacy started this war and we intend to finish it.

13:49:47 Feb 20th 13 - Zond (Mr. Want The Freak):

Saying it might have never started is bs. and you know it. 

16:14:03 Feb 20th 13 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):

Well here I come to comment.

First off what kind of lameness is this.
Yes I'm starting a kingdom that's true but nobody even spoke about possible relations, but somehow BEO seems to think they know it, thanks can I lend ur glass boll and see if it's even worth making a kd or that we're going to be killed off OOP by MAD.

Now BEO is going to the same responds as Swiffers gives, crying about bullshit things about omg your going to have 50 members. Look BEO I never had any problems with you I even went into argueing towards my fellow kd mates that gave out on the forums / skype vs you but than to behave like this isn't going to work for you guys as your the exact same thing.

I've friends in BEO that I consider my friends aswell and had awesome experiences in the past. I decided that I wanted to follow my own road and that's why I decided to break off with LGC and go my own way and see how it is. I'm mixing the excitement that I used to have in vu and hope that my owh So fun yet Noobish kd might bring a change to this.

Our kd has a mix of lgc members / other kd members so our kd isn't favoured towards any of this 2 kingdoms. Even if we've got friends on both sides.
We just wanna have fun so please don't bring our kd into this bullshit btween your 2 kd's. 

I never seriously responded to the mudswining from both sides and stood neutral.
But when it comes to our kd being pulled into this bullshit than I have no other choice than to reply. 

Again I ask you nicely not to get us involved into this.

1. We're going to be called Dark Blood??? Seriously guys.
Besides if you known the past History you would had known that Legacy + Dark Blood aren't friends nomore compared to the era's way before that.
2. Our kingdom still discussing on names so even we don't know no names all I can say Dark Blood is never even mentioned :)

Peace Out 

16:24:53 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Fordii, dont let TBL troll u. And also, TBL != BEO. TBL = TBL.

GL with your new kd Ford, look forward to meeting it on the battlefield and/or Singstar-night @ my place.

And about this era, I say again: GG

Lets cast arma so we can all start anew!

16:28:18 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

I'm not prepared to read that wall of text. But what I will sat TBL is you shouldn't really come here, refer to a new KD being created, ask specifically for LGC comments on it, then cry foul when we do.


Fantasian politics are stagnant due to Beo's fear of LGC right now. TBL will whip his members into a frenzy, claim we're super active, super informative, super elitist. Basically we're  super, in order to justify taking us on each era on uneven ground. Thats the crux of it.


At least with LGC, you can't predict our politics. One era we might NAP MAD and fight Relent, or vice versa. We'll invariably fight Immortals and Beo too. Other eras we might fight both MAD and Relent in addition to Beo/Immo. Ultimately, we vary our play. We don't create NAPs before the era begins like BEO and we will vary our allies era to era.


Conversley, BEO doesn't alternate its politics. Sometimes it will NAP MAD/Relent, like last era. Other times it will just recruit to 30. But it will always NAP Immortals in either of these scenarios, safe in the knowledge that after LGC/BEO they're the third strongest. You won't ever see Immortals and LGC vs a 30 man BEO and MAD or Relent, because that's how stagnant politics are on Fant. BEO must NAP Immortals every era, safe in the knowledge that there is no equivalent for LGC to fight along side. Case in point: 5-6 MAD or 8-10 Relent playera landing this era.


So there's your answer as to why a new KD, made up of members from LGC, Immortals, etc has been created. To alter the dynamics of Fant politics. But judging by your replies so far, you dont seem to approve if a new a KD.


Now, I suspect its time for you to go into overdrive and start justifying to your members the need for 40 players and NAPs with Blings, Relent and MAD again next era. Oh, and not to forget the set-in-stone, pre era determined Immortals NAP. Anything to ensure you don't have to engage us with on equal ground. :P


16:34:32 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

Damage limitation time. :D


"TBL insulting a new mixed member KD and calling it LGCs lapdog doesn't represent our opinions! Please, please NAP us'.


Well done on sticking your foot in it TBL. :P


17:09:18 Feb 20th 13 - Electric (Electric Supernatural Feline):

I do recall LGC always saying there was no chance for relations of any kind from Immortals, immortals had tried a few times in the past and always shot down without discussion... 

Just wierd to bring immortals into it like they always nap beo and no one else.

17:11:14 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

You're full of shit "mate".

We make our politics every era due to the lay of the land. Problems may occur due to the fact that we are not all-knowing, ie we couldn't have known MAD and Relent wouldn't spawn 25 players each. Also we have a bad habit of overestimating our opposition. But we just have to come to terms with the fact that we are the best kingdom out there. Seeing as we've kicked your sorry ass trice now. 

Sure, last era we had alot of NAPs, but thats how the game works. We used the tools at hand and we killed you. Doesn't make you less dead that we had some help.

I know you dont like it, and I know you will keep coming up with excuses, but the bottom line is we kicked your ass this era too. Suck it up and say congrats, "GJ" or something else to acknowledge that you're not a total shitbag.

17:20:26 Feb 20th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

17:24:44 Feb 20th 13 - Zond (General of Beautiful Women):

Its my turn!

I have good friends on both sides of the battle.

I do not prefer one over the other. But, I dont like how BEO even considers to NAP. Thats why i went to LGC. Relations arent even mentioned. Hell when it came to relentless Swifty personally mailed me making sure I wasnt going to be pissed about it. As i made it clear i wont join a kd who makes NAPs on fant.

Thats the only reason i didnt play with beo. 

I also believe both sides have big egos and thats why these flames go on ^^
Any neutral party will same the same thing. Its not one side over the other. Its both sides lol. 

But  no one wants to admit that about there kd. :D 

17:34:07 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

I love the paradox of Beo whipping their members into a frenzy and justifying their politics by saying LGC is the best KD, have the best members, best co-ordination, etc at the start of the era, only to say midway through and towards the end that we're shit, Beo is the best, so on, so on. Every time. Without fail. :p

You can't have it both ways, guys. We're either the best and require you to mass recruit/mass NAP on alternating eras, or we're the worst and you shouldn't need to mass NAP/recruit, after all.

I forgot about Fred btw. Don't tell me you're STILL NAPed to him in the corner? You actually decided to NAP 1 guy OOP because he would draw forces away from other fronts? LOL!

18:42:43 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

There's no paradox, we have utter respect for legacys capabilities. Maybe too much respect. Maybe you are right though, maybe we are actually a better kd than LGC.

And about Fred, we let him live coz we feel bad for him and didn't want to ruin his era. Same as MAD last era. We make some relations out of compassion rather than cold strategy. 

18:53:36 Feb 20th 13 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Rockclimber):

Normally after 3 defeats in a row a KD will implode.

19:00:03 Feb 20th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite III):

There's an easy way to stop all this nonsense flaming. Next era, make an agreement with all KD leaders to not have relations (be it nap, cf, neutral or an map). Lets have a real warring era from start to finish, I believe most of the players in fantasia would like to see it happen.
Think about it, world at war and only one winner.

19:08:07 Feb 20th 13 - Princess Blood Rayne:

I doubt there ever was an era when people did not NAP even when there are 3 large kingdoms around. This can never work due to a simple reason; if two kingdoms fight and let third farm for a while, that third kingdom will be able to run over the other two kingdoms.
And also a common thing in VU is to ask for cease fire as soon as two kingdoms attack you, you ask from one of them to stop war so they can concentrate on the other attacker. You will rarely see three kingdoms in all out war everyone for themselves.
It all depends on the location in the map. So many flaws in this game that its not even funny any more, admin tends to drop many kingdoms in the same place and leave half of the map empty. I still dont know why that is. But I always encourage leaders to have 1 person walk to the completely opposite side of the starting point, because that is where most will start.
As you could see this era, we all started on the east side, most large kingdoms, and as era went on, we could notice that west is almost empty. It would be cool if large kingdom leaders agree before start that one kingdom takes north east, the other north west, third south east, fourt south west, and have people travel there are start of the era. Of admin could change starting points and make them not so much random, when there are large kingdoms on the map, they should be placed in distant areas.

19:13:50 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Via Dolorosa:

Elite stole my post.

*Slaps beo with a smelly trout... erm... a white glove!*

No relations at all for ONCE? Maybe thats whats needed for this BSing to end

19:15:35 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Via Dolorosa:


Depending on how good the 1v1 fight goes, the one winning that fight can have the upper hand even vs a farming KD.

19:21:03 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

I doubt there ever was an era when people did not NAP even when there are 3 large kingdoms around.

You must of missed last era then. ;)

LGC NAPed 0 KDs and fought Blings/Beo/Immortals/Relent/MAD.
Beo NAPed Blings/Immortals/Relent/MAD and fought LGC.

Besides that though, years ago there were times when KDs would go NAPless and try take on the world in a free-for-all. LGC were famous for it. It did happen, but these days KDs are run by a different breed of leaders [like those in BEO] who prefer to mass-NAP and mass recruit. Try that 5-7 years ago and you would have been laughed off the forums.

19:21:57 Feb 20th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite III):

The only problem I see in this is people, they rather win a boring era, than lose but go down with a huge fight and lots of fun. Am I under the wrong impression that we play this to have fun?

And just so you know, last era there were no relations between Beo and the immortals. We just never met, and we rebuilt inside blings core.

19:25:16 Feb 20th 13 - Legend (I am The Forgotten Legend):

Win is everything that matters! It gives you a e-penis.

19:35:12 Feb 20th 13 - Endless (Ms. Dimple Boggyhillocks):

Almost OOP again, which one of you feckers is going to beat the snot out of me this time :p

19:49:24 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

You a 1 man or 20 man KD?

Actually, it doesn't matter. Beo will NAP you regardless. "Compassionate grounds" or something. :D

19:52:19 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Sigh. I had to at least reply to Swifty before I go to sleep.

Every time I beat Legacy, the same shitty excuses come up again and again.

Standard Legacy Defeat Excuse #1:

You guys mass-NAPped - aka there's no way you could have beaten us if you had less NAPS (whatever that means).

Standard Legacy Defeat Excuse #2:

You guys mass-membered - aka there's no way you could have beaten us if you had exactly the same amount of members as us or less.

Standard Legacy Defeat Excuse #3 (not used this era):

You guys are nothing but farmers - aka if only you guys had an OOP war, there's no way you could have beaten us then.

And now, Swifty has come up with the latest Highly Improvised Legacy Defeat Excuse #4:

You guys NAPped the only "other" active kingdom on Fantasia - aka you only beat us because your sole NAP made you so overpowered against us that we were guaranteed to lose. Our NAP was with a no good kingdom, so it wasn't fair to us.

Every victory scored by a kingdom against Legacy has to have an asterisk next to it. Regardless of the actual facts and situation on the ground. There is never any: "Good-play chaps. You beat us pretty much fair and square. See you next era, it will be our turn to beat you next, but still, you were worthy opponents."

There is never any asterisk when it comes to a Legacy victory. A Legacy victory is simply because they are "leet". The other kingdoms are "less" or "nublars".

In playing this game, ones eyes are opened to the clear difference between playing against men and against boys. The men (generally older / more matured folks like the Carnage / Fate peeps, Elements lads, and Binh Binh) will give kudos and credit where they are due - they have class. The boys.... will come up with some stupid excuse to justify why their defeat wasn't a fair one and put an asterisk to everything.

Previously, I faced this crap from a certain bunch of people from the Dark Blood gang (Quiet One, Raistlin, Cobra, Oya, Arzun, Wilberforce, etc.). Now I face this crap from a certain bunch of people from the Legacy gang (Swifty, Wilberforce, Warlock, etc.). Is it any wonder that Dark Blood was a spin off from Legacy?

Folks like them and me are like oil and water. We will never get along together. I always just go: Whatever the eff you say, old chap. Whatever the eff you say.

And I repeat: thank god this is just a game. God knows how miserable life would be if I had to seek justification for real life progress from Swifty-type people. There will be too much "if-onlys" floating around.

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