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Fantasia countdown.
11:18:11 Aug 10th 08 - Sir Chucky:

not that big

Kingdoms in Fantasia
DBDark Blood21Lord Oya142
PKSPeacekeepers28Sir Grim Darkhammer111
ZoneThe Twilight23Mr. Von Darkmoor109
WoLWolves of Lithuania19Duke Drakos91
MusicMusic20Mr. Gilth55
SHEOLSheolic Empire21Duke Diomedes42
NEBCNEBC6Mr. Arkantos28
BBoo8Mr. Spook18
LGCLegacy18Mr. Roxbury15
HavocCarnage9Death Lord Draven11
shyersShyers Empire2Sir Half The Shyers I Use2

11:20:34 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

PJ we are 6 players who are trying to catch up with all the farming. You guys are 25 members who build one city and get some % on that. we have to work at it for a couple days so you guys have the adv. on us :P

14:27:42 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

whats up with the victory posts.

there nothing good about posting how inactive your enemy is :P

15:27:53 Aug 10th 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

Yeah! Even 12 players just can't easily catch up with all the farming of 25 players.. ^_^

21:11:04 Aug 10th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

DBDark Blood21Lord Oya7255
PKSPeacekeepers28Sir Grim Darkhammer5605
ZoneThe Twilight23Mr. Von Darkmoor5451
WoLWolves of Lithuania19Duke Drakos4541
MusicMusic20Mr. Gilth2762
SHEOLSheolic Empire21Duke Diomedes2009
NEBCNEBC6Mr. Arkantos1383
BBoo8Mr. Spook942
LGCLegacy18Mr. Roxbury721
HavocCarnage9Death Lord Draven558
shyersShyers Empire2Sir Half The Shyers I Use100

he he my view makes everyone look good :)

21:43:09 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

haha very nice shyers

16:45:37 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

So hey. PKS, more people eh?

PKS Peacekeepers 31 Sir Grim Darkhammer 79

19:04:31 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Yes Captain Obvious :-p

02:27:08 Aug 12th 08 - Trigger Happy With Turettes:

Grim is just a good recruiter Harry.. Looking forward to the upcoming battles Grim.... BTW this is Sean Elderson in case you did not know :p


p.s. Not a flame..... Grim is a good guy....

11:16:28 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Dalak The Forlorn:

Grim is the man... :)

14:09:58 Aug 12th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

PKS Peacekeepers 37 Sir Grim Darkhammer 87


Hmm, interesting.

14:12:30 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Suddenly DB looks less scary...Hmmmm....

14:20:42 Aug 12th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

We got lonely and invited more peeps :)

14:30:00 Aug 12th 08 - Prince Butthurt:

Mr. Tunder Strike


8/12/2008 2:12:30 PMSuddenly DB looks less scary...Hmmmm....

will not comment that :)

15:20:12 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

Mr. Tunder Strike


8/12/2008 1:12:30 PM
Suddenly DB looks less scary...Hmmmm....


Its merely an illusion to trick the fools into thinking we are less scary. All part of our master plan.

Thunder how about your evul masterplan....or was a merge into PKS the plan?

If it was I am extremely unimpressed, I expected alot more.

15:27:22 Aug 12th 08 - General Ezatious:

like what exactly? lol

15:35:27 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Yes this was our master evil be second place :-(

15:37:10 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

anything more than a merge with PKS?

Like um......something that we even remotely care about.

Only thing they changed is that they made it easier on us because they all under one banner we only need to look for yellow now =P

Sorry i expected too much of your guys :(

15:37:45 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Lulz:

It's quite clear PKS remaines to be the most unskilled old kingdom on Fantasia. How they managed to last so long while being so crap is truely a mystery. Only reason they are even as high up on the kingdom charts is because they have yet to actually fight DB yet.

"Thunder how about your evul masterplan....or was a merge into PKS the plan?"


Masterplan? I don't think Thunder goes past the "Stay alive" phase of any plan.


16:19:02 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Actually we never had a master plan. We knew Carnage was folding so we made a bogus post about secret  allies,  just to get the birds chirping...  And boy did they

You guys are just too easy...

However.... we ARE planning... Bwahahahahahaahhaaaaaaaa

16:34:26 Aug 12th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

what, which world to retreat to next era?

16:37:23 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Lulz:

I'm sure they'll have a gr8 time on Starta, somebody has to take over nub teaching from Justin right? Hahahahahha.

18:22:54 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Wow you 2 are hilarious You should try stand up...oh wait you are standing up...I guess you're just small...

18:24:02 Aug 12th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Lulz


8/12/2008 11:37:23 AM
I'm sure they'll have a gr8 time on Starta, somebody has to take over nub teaching from Justin right? Hahahahahha.
Ignoring the fact he made a boat suggestion.....Lulz just jumped up on my top 20 best friend list XD

18:42:34 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Lulz:

"Ignoring the fact he made a boat suggestion.....Lulz just jumped up on my top 20 best friend list XD"

Why thank you.

20:16:06 Aug 12th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Lulz, your in my top vu friends list now aswell. Congratulations, sir!

21:37:38 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

So if i tell him that he is dumb as a stump, and he attepts a witty reply maybe he will make more friends? Hmmm... Maybe I should to go into the PR business?

Let's give it a try...

Hey Lulz...what kind of name is that anyway? I think I'll just call you Lullaby since you put me to sleep... Quick give me a come back so you can make a new friend...

Unless you count wait...Carrot sounds much better

Hey Carrot who exactly will I need to run from? I did when you were Red Hand? Ahhhhhhhhaaahhaaaaaaaaa

You crack me up Carrot...You always did...

21:43:22 Aug 12th 08 - Lady Quietone:


21:50:32 Aug 12th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

carnage was planing to fold since the end of last era, it was inevitable

22:04:37 Aug 12th 08 - Duke Pumpkin Head:

Carrot? What the hell kind of lame excuse for an insult is that? Cause your name is sooo cool right? Tunder Strike? I'm sure you say you misspelt it on purpose but you were probably just to stupid to notice. Whatever region you live in is going to have some severly messed up kids, then again you probably don't even attempt to teach them anything, being busy ogling all those little kids must take up most of your day.

I cant wait to see what you'll say about my name... probably something entirely mature and witty, like always.

22:06:26 Aug 12th 08 - The Architect:

We never had any plans to fold.  You're making us sound like we knew we sucked Caradoc, give us more credit than that.  We fell upon hard times and were never able to re-gain our footing, however I suspect next era will be lots of fun. =)

22:21:45 Aug 12th 08 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper:

A Chalenge! ;)

22:41:15 Aug 12th 08 - Prince Butthurt:

mr. Thunderstrike, your in my top vu friends list now aswell. Congratulations, sir!

00:24:16 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Well...well...well... the "DUKE" of the pumpkin patch is heard I am impressed that such a Washington Irving "wanna-be" even remembers I teach...Oh look kids I have a groupie...or is it a can never be sure when I am attacked by carrots and Pumpkins...I wonder who is next...Sir Squash??? lol Hey Great Pumpkin (Your nickname as you wanted one) until Linus shows up, stay quiet or I'll make a pie out of you!!!

Thanks Butthurt... though admittedly, when I read your name, a million things came to mind, but since you are on my side, I'll give you some Preperation H and call you a friend!!! :-)

00:34:06 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

*tries not to post*

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FAILED :'(

03:45:09 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

....when did this turn into such a weenier thread?

03:56:03 Aug 13th 08 - Trigger Happy With Turettes:

Watch out Shyers.... Tunder Strike might whine at you some more.....

04:09:48 Aug 13th 08 - Duke Pumpkin Head:

And if I hear that little brat say Shy Guy once more I won't be a very happy Pumpkin Patch Duke...

04:16:11 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Tunder Strike


8/12/2008 4:37:38 PM
So if i tell him that he is dumb as a stump, and he attepts a witty reply maybe he will make more friends? Hmmm... Maybe I should to go into the PR business?

Let's give it a try...

Hey Lulz...what kind of name is that anyway? I think I'll just call you Lullaby since you put me to sleep... Quick give me a come back so you can make a new friend...

Unless you count wait...Carrot sounds much better

Hey Carrot who exactly will I need to run from? I did when you were Red Hand? Ahhhhhhhhaaahhaaaaaaaaa

You crack me up Carrot...You always did...
Carrot?  Carrot=Carrothian=Insomaniak=SHEZMU!!! No stealing his nick name >_>

04:45:51 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Alright it's Shyguy!!! Now we have a party... all we need is cake...or maybe pie?

What do you say Shy Guy? You like Carrot Cake or Pumpkin Pie?

Hell for you I'll make where did Carrot & The Great Pumpkin go?


08:53:08 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Lulz:

I'm having a really hard time figuring if your posts are meant to be funny or insulting, since they are neither. You don't like my name but you're called "Tunder Strike"? What kind of retarded *beep* is that?

Please run along kid, I heard they opened the sand box.

14:36:23 Aug 13th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

We have entertainement too, a retard who cant spell thunder correctly. Now he will tell us it was purposely done.


As for era ago in RH, it was not you who did the damage, it was an orc,  i took care of all of your armies. And with only 42k catapults, wasnt even my big army, so, go lay down.

And why so butthurt 'tunder'? pissed off cause drakos didnt shelter you like he haas in the past, oh wine wine wine, you are a lying piece of sh!t. you kingdom is a lying piece of sh!t, and now, they are reduced to nothing. so shut the hell up.

Why dont you go give another 'tunder strike' so that butthurt's butt, hurts even more, you pathetic excuse of a player.

14:43:13 Aug 13th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

now, whos list did i make? ;)

14:47:51 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Nobody's FAILED sir :-p

15:27:03 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Oh the joy...Even I hardly no where to begin...But we have a party...

Let's start with Lullaby... Hey I get you man that is provide the lullaby and the sandman helps me get my ZZZzzz's  truly you are the best...I have never been so well rested...

That brings me to Carrot: "OH I HAD 42K CATAPULTS" you are hilarious say that again... it makes you sound so "tough" you crack me up just crack me up... I broke into your "Falcon core" and raised city after city...I was a thorn in your side for days until Carnage showed up and we cleaned you out...Hell who knows maybe that beating you took is what turned you into a vegetable... If that is the case then you are truly welcome... You are taken so much more seriously as a carrot...<Snicker>

Deadpool is right...You don't make any list "Say No to Produce!!!" That's my motto...

15:35:32 Aug 13th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Deadpool, shut up, nobody respects you either.


Tunder, you speak out your ass, i was no where near that are, i was along the map edge and you know it, you were too frightened to come near me, and every time you did, you got slaughtered.

And considering i was in the hospital for the first week of that fight and you still managed to fail the attack against me, i repeat, lay down.

15:37:32 Aug 13th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

and using peoples names to offend tunder? first grade anyone?

cause thats the last time i was ever called carrot, 18 years ago, pathetic, childish, and as everyone already knows about you, takes about as much intelligence as a true carrot has.

16:03:31 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Ahhahahaaaaaa so you freely've been called a carrot for years...I love it....

Ya right... you were tough???...You are so funny... Let's see if I remember right... Your toughness went something like "Whaaaaaaaa don't hurt us anymore...we can betray Abydos and sneak in their back door with you...sob sob... but please no more spankings...Whaaaaaaaaaaaa..." 

That's how I remember it then you were exposed as the Carrot you truly are in the public forums and your own words used against you...I'd say that is when your fascination with Orange began, but obviously you have been a Carrot for years...Thanks for admitting that.. That is just so great!!!!!

16:09:53 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Kayn:

Tunder, wow you just keep making yourself look more like an ass. I'm enjoying watching you reduce your character to nothing. I will even enjoy watching you get banned.

16:47:50 Aug 13th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Thunder just a word of advice.... while you think you're engaging in a poor attempt mind you, of witty humor that all kingdoms out there are reading your posts.  While you clearly have no regard for how others view you at this particular time, you might want to consider how your words reflect back on the current kingdom you're playing in as well as any future attempts to converse with any other kingdoms out there.  So just remember these moments because most everyone else will.  There are no kingdoms out there that arent vunerable to attack no matter how many members they let in... bridges burned cant be crossed over again and you're making a public viewing of the flames....

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