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Forums / In game politics / I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye
02:48:09 May 21st 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

Augh dont let ppl pressurise you into kicking players lolz so lame

03:54:22 May 21st 09 - Mr. Xpumpx:

When I was invited to play this game I had no idea there would be so many crybabies playing it.  damn

04:03:53 May 21st 09 - General Zondervan:

Mr. Blackberry Bling: im practicing my techniques. I declared war on DE. *beep* them. I fight who i want when i want
who the *beep* are they to tell me who i can fight or cant
if they come over ill smack them around too the fanny *beep* hoes

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(posted for the pimp)

05:22:16 May 21st 09 - Duchess Illidan:

Seriously, i have read alot of posts saying

"We dont want Juicy to win" even on mIRC i see "Lets feed Primate.. i dont want juicy to win"
I mean WTF, DVS has played a great era,he has been a very good opponent and he deserves and era win.

I mean dont get me wrong i have issuses with Juicy, Maily with milo and Wilber being meany-bo-beanys but im still hoping DVS wins he deserves it.

And guys for those who want to Feed Lord Primate Death
*glares at TBL*
Think about this, Death already has a massive ego... he thinks he is the best player around... and if he wins you will just feed that already giant ego of his

So do the right thing and let DVS :)


07:09:14 May 21st 09 - Mr. Jet:

Agreed. Dvs should definitely get the win now (or Bogdan :):):)). Not discounting Primate who had a good era, up until the feeding, which is pretty ghey. Scout leading merges just to inflate your score is also ghey, but you both did that so it cancels out.
Gogo Dvs.

08:16:01 May 21st 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Its just disgraceful
I've been demoted from Vice so I can't see any further town swapping plans prolly

08:18:24 May 21st 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Mr. Garlic


02:24:20 May 21st 09
Found a typo in my post. TBL would be kicked if he DOESNT obey, not the other way around :P

So wheres this kick?
Seems to me he is continuing

Lol, or is it that the Orders are actually to carry on?

08:44:11 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Just woke up.

Saw this thread.

Big yawn. It takes a scumbag (me) to deal with a collection of scumbags (JUICY).

Anyway, let this be a wake up call to Zeta. I spotted the loophole with 40 days left into the era. I wouldn't have helped to pull this stunt if JUICY weren't resorting to such low blow tactics themselves (yes Zeta, you factored in a huge calculation for cities taken into the scores, but you failed to take into account city losses as well.... good going there).

And Augh, why are you bothering so much about what other people are saying? It isn't like:

i) I am swapping 50K to 90K cities for Death; and

ii) Dark Blood hasn't pulled off this kind of stunt before... (*hint hint* era of Grumpy old bastard...).

08:50:22 May 21st 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

you spotted the loophole 40 days left in the era? my god... are you really that stupid? anyone could figure out swapping cities over and over would increase score. Did it really take you 20 days to figure it out?

i) no, because that kind of feeding is risky with the new updates and the kind you're doing is much more effective.

ii) you weren't even playing back than, so wtf do you know? townswapping than wasn't near as bad as you're doing now.

08:53:58 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Lewatha, you obviously don't know much. Stay away from here young lady :)

08:55:00 May 21st 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

I know more than you think I do boy. I may not have been on fantasia for half the era but the screenshots explain themselves.

08:55:27 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

And you penis don't know anything so run back to your townswapping.

Augh's keeping it straight as always I see, never let a small thing like reality get in a way of a good post.

08:55:52 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Pirate Lewatha


14:50:22 May 21st 09

i) no, because that kind of feeding is risky with the new updates and the kind you're doing is much more effective.


Exactly kiddo. I spotted the effective way to do it. I even discussed it briefly with DLO. I just didn't expect to ever do it for real. But then JUICY started pulling their stunts.......

08:57:11 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

Is that right? Seems bling disagrees, as can be seen in his messages. Veggies is nothing if not consistent in their *beep* eating, did you have a helping from Augh?

08:57:18 May 21st 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

pulling their stunts as in leading merges? Cobra has went through that like 10 times in this thread. Leading merges has been done forever and has been learned to be accepted.

however your townswapping takes the cake.

09:01:31 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

If I push you off a small hill and you do not get hurt, you will accept it right?

If I push you off a mountain and you get hurt big time, maybe even killed, you will accept it too right? They are the same thing aren't they?

If townswapping back then wasn't as bad as it is now, yet it got Raistlin the win, so what is the harm with it being done now?

After all, it is just 1 - 20 building towns that are being 'swapped'. I am sure that Dvsmasta, scout leading all those armies of his kingdomates, is in an unassailable position anyway. 

09:05:22 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

Q_Q "X did Y Z eras ago, so I can do Y now", you moral relativists disgust me, even more disgusting is the fact that everyone knows you'd do it anyway, there is no *beep*ty tactic that Veggi/Fags/whateverothernameyouhave don't do to win.

10:55:48 May 21st 09 - Sir Watermelon:

Mr. Blackberry Bling [sexy] (5/9/2009 10:25:26 AM) GOOD BAD
playing it out solo. tired of kd's for now and their politics. clickyplease

11:00:16 May 21st 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Primate Death, you sir... are THE BIGGEST *beep*ING RETARD EVER!

Please, save the world from yourself and any possible offspring you may have when you rape someone and for the love of God, commit suicide. You'll be doing the world a great duty.

11:07:33 May 21st 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Oh my *beep*ing God. No, we aren't feeding with any other KDs hun. If so, get them in here and provide evidence because there would be a few members who disapprove of it, just as members do in Veggies. Please, go look in a mirror and finally admit to yourself you have a problem, a mental illness and you DO need help.

Or maybe just tell yourself "wow, im 10 years old and I think I'm a big shot in an online game"
No babe, every 10 year old thinks they're PEW PEW, but when they lose its QQ. You then go crying on forums and blame everyone else. Its starting to sound familiar isn't it?
Well lets continue... You then get flamed by every genuine vet/exp player but yet you blame everyone else still! You keep to your story of how its all everyone elses fault but everyone else starts swearing at you, providing evidence and leaving the thread.
Leaving you sat in their, crying softly to yourself about how life is so unfair.

Leave VU and when your 15 come back please. None of us can stand your idiocy, childish-ness and general cry baby attitude any longer.

Then the element of feeding came into play. I didnt start it, but was not going to sit around doing nothing because the DB elements in Juicy start talking to other KD's about helping out in a feed. I was offered the same assistance 2 weeks ago and refused it.

*beep*ing *beep*

12:02:54 May 21st 09 - Sir Lychee:

As a Veggie member I'd like to join Rev in being disgusted of the recent actions of our kingdom and distance myself from them. These actions do not have the support of the whole membership. I will leave the kingdom at era end.

12:19:18 May 21st 09 - Sir Lychee:

Oh and one more thing. When I made my post about this happening 'again' I was indeed referring to the blocker issue of this era, as Garlic stated in a post yesterday. Previous victories of our kingdom DID NOT involve anything of the kind, this has been a development of just this era, one I am very unhappy with and several other people with me.

12:25:13 May 21st 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

when kobu won he won by *beep*ming *beep*loads slingers/ponies.
no cheating..
messiah won the same. he out pumped sloth.


12:29:06 May 21st 09 - Prince Mielo:

If armies ,let by a scout, taking over cities is considered as feeding, then you could call farming yourself to the top a form of feeding ... Pretty lame accusations that some swing around here :)

12:30:51 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Prince Mielo


18:29:06 May 21st 09
If armies ,let by a scout, taking over cities is considered as feeding, then you could call farming yourself to the top a form of feeding ... Pretty lame accusations that some swing around here :)


At least the player who farms his way to the top is doing it all by his own effort. Unlike your boy who is being given armies from his kingdomates.

Pretty lame explaination you give out.

12:33:33 May 21st 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Our boy? Primate has been doing it more than dvs, way way wayyyy more.

Don't try to make it out we're doing anything just as bad, or even anything as close as what your doing TBL.

12:50:11 May 21st 09 - Lord Primate Death:

You been at it for a week.
I've been doing it for a day.

12:55:08 May 21st 09 - Prince Mielo:

Dvs made armies too, basically it gets to this: as kingdom mates we sacrifice possibly gains from our enemies and give it to him ... as far as I know there is nothing wrong with that.

It would be bad however if we took those cities from our enemy, let them retake the cities again and then take it back for the entire era ... Ow wait, that's your strategy ...

13:07:37 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Lady Loud Tone


18:33:33 May 21st 09
Our boy? Primate has been doing it more than dvs, way way wayyyy more.

Don't try to make it out we're doing anything just as bad, or even anything as close as what your doing TBL.

Pot calling the kettle black. For Dvsmasta to make a jump of over 70 cities in only 72 hours, shows how ridiculous you guys have been feeding him. In reality, what I am doing is nothing compared to the skulduggery that JUICY is employing.

Prince Mielo


18:55:08 May 21st 09
Dvs made armies too, basically it gets to this: as kingdom mates we sacrifice possibly gains from our enemies and give it to him ... as far as I know there is nothing wrong with that.

It would be bad however if we took those cities from our enemy, let them retake the cities again and then take it back for the entire era ... Ow wait, that's your strategy ...

If you guys are sacrificing yourselves for Dvsmasta....

...then I am just following your modus operandi and sacrificing a small portion of my income for Death. Nothing wrong with that right?

LOL! JUICY, you just strike me as a bunch of fools who are extremely desperate to win the era. Well, by all means, go ahead :) Like I said... I think you guys have fed Dvsmasta up too much, so there is no way Death can ever catch up with him....

13:08:35 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

My bad. I forgot to add the word 'spastic' behind the 'fools' in my post above :(

13:15:15 May 21st 09 - Prince Mielo:

Well there isn't much use discussing things with your ignorant being. All I know is how things happened in juicy and obviously have proof of how you handled things in your camp ...

13:23:58 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Yes Mielo. Frankly I anticipated being called out on what I am doing anyway... just that I did not expect that it would be via a fellow kingdomate selling out the kingdom to Cobra (nice multi you have there BTW Cobra). In short, I already went all in into this situation with all my cards.... I have nothing to lose.

However, the reason I am doing this is simply for 2 things: firstly, to show to Zeta how stupid his improvements are and how he needs to really think his improvements through, and secondly, to show others in return, how dirty JUICY actually are with their own moves to feed up Dvsmasta. I really cannot understand why you guys are so desperate to win the era that you will resort to feeding him up so heavily.....

13:29:05 May 21st 09 - Mr. Turnip:

i agree with twelve inch cucumber lol *beep*ming scouts and getting everyone to merge in so you can win is just as lame. now go suck some lemons all of you

14:09:28 May 21st 09 - Sir Gilth:

I really can't grasp how actually settling cities for someone else to take over (and gain points) can be compared to having the most active and best positioned player in a KD leading attacks.

But hey, I guess thats just me...

14:13:33 May 21st 09 - Lady Quietone:

Well Well look who finally decided to crawl out of the woodwork.  TBL you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about yet again, you are right you have nothing to lose because you show everyone how little disregard you have for not only your kingdom but yourself.  Several people like you have come and gone in this game..several big losers and long after this era when you're so forgotten i'm sure more will tread in your path.  Nothing're pathetic.

DVS was never fed period.  You know it, everyone knows it.  You have come into these forums all era and trashed Juicy...trashed DB and pretended you were some holy roller for honor in this game when you're nothing more than an underhanded slime bag that thinks he's really pulled something off by cheating and feeding.   You take what other people went thru in this game with very little knowledge of it and want to attempt to judge people because you havent earned your own stripes little man.  Grow some would ya?

Desperation to win the era?  Yes you are infact desperate because of your obsession with other people who are better than you, you've chosen to feed a monkey and hope he wins.  If you had any brain cells in your head that actually worked properly you would see that DVS is winning because he's fighting with his own armies in many diff worlds... a few merges he's leading hardly make an era win for anyone as primate would know since he's scout led merges all era.    You're scum...and now you're even laughable scum good job!

14:41:12 May 21st 09 - Lord of The Underworld:

Gilth has it right..dvs has done nothing but wreak havoc on Talents. He has come from every corner of the map and while he has taken cities he hasn't complained about the ones hes lost either. He just comes back with more troops and kills.

Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber


02:44:11 May 21st 09

Anyway, let this be a wake up call to Zeta. I spotted the loophole with 40 days left into the era.

Yeah...I was doing it too. :( The first time was on accident until I realized that the score was increasing, then I kept on...

15:11:05 May 21st 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

funny how TBL talks about juicy being so desperate to win, but he's the one employing the most dirty tricks in the book to make primate win.

If you do not care about winning, stop pulling your *beep*.

15:17:53 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

"just that I did not expect that it would be via a fellow kingdomate selling out the kingdom to Cobra (nice multi you have there BTW Cobra)"

Oh poo! Evul kingdom mate is a traitor for not accepting your *beep* tactics! I so agree that this is all Revenge's fault.

Yes, my multi is nice.

15:35:51 May 21st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

wouldnt it make more sense if he just kicked his inactives(DE) and took there cities. that atleast is more fair (and discrete ) then what he is doing lol

15:57:13 May 21st 09 - Mr. Jet:

I don't know why he didn't do that unless DE have no multies. He would have been justified as Juicy have been doing it this age apparently. Also on occasion in the past.

15:57:56 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Lady Quietone


20:13:33 May 21st 09

Well Well look who finally decided to crawl out of the woodwork.  TBL you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about yet again, you are right you have nothing to lose because you show everyone how little disregard you have for not only your kingdom but yourself.  Several people like you have come and gone in this game..several big losers and long after this era when you're so forgotten i'm sure more will tread in your path.  Nothing're pathetic.



Well, you have stuck around in the game, so I see some precedence and hope for me :)

Lady Quietone


20:13:33 May 21st 09

DVS was never fed period.  You know it, everyone knows it.  You have come into these forums all era and trashed Juicy...trashed DB and pretended you were some holy roller for honor in this game when you're nothing more than an underhanded slime bag that thinks he's really pulled something off by cheating and feeding.   You take what other people went thru in this game with very little knowledge of it and want to attempt to judge people because you havent earned your own stripes little man.  Grow some would ya?


If you say Dvsmasta was never fed, then you definition of feeding must be: "Anything that DB does is not feeding, anything that enemy players and kingdoms do that will give them a chance to overtake DB for the win, is feeding". Narrow minded, bias definition coming from someone with a narrow minded, biased mentality and (from the looks of it) character too.

Lady Quietone


20:13:33 May 21st 09

Desperation to win the era?  Yes you are infact desperate because of your obsession with other people who are better than you, you've chosen to feed a monkey and hope he wins. 


If Primate Death is a monkey, then you are his biatch (whatever the word in monkey means)...

Lady Quietone


20:13:33 May 21st 09

If you had any brain cells in your head that actually worked properly you would see that DVS is winning because he's fighting with his own armies in many diff worlds...

Aye. His many army of scouts leading all of JUICY's armies. Try better babe?

Lady Quietone


20:13:33 May 21st 09

a few merges he's leading hardly make an era win for anyone as primate would know since he's scout led merges all era.    You're scum...and now you're even laughable scum good job!

Seriously, I have concluded that among one of your character deficiencies, lieing is a pretty outstanding one. Well done on saying that Primate scout merged for long whiles in the era. You call me an *beep*, I call you a nincompoop.

And didn't I say earlier.... it takes scum (me) to deal with a collective of scums (JUICY). Unfortunately, the better scums won this time ^_^

15:59:50 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Pirate Lewatha


21:11:05 May 21st 09

If you do not care about winning, stop pulling your *beep*.


Coming from the young lady who couldn't stand being in second place and losing to her kingdomate and thus, disbanded her kingdom because of it. Grow up Lewatha...

16:00:26 May 21st 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Its like arguing with a retarded brick wall.

You just don't understand do you TBL?

16:03:48 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

I understand mate. I get the same feeling arguing with you Wilberforce :(

16:08:54 May 21st 09 - Mr. Luls:

How does it feel to know that all that townswaping you got exposed for and it was all for nothing? Taking over cities won't be worth anything for the end of era scores, enjoy your massive fail.

truly epic karma.

16:10:43 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

I don't feel anything Cobra. I expected to be exposed sooner or later. Like I said, I dealt an all in hand.

Only thing people do not know was that this was a personal decision, not a kingdom one. Unlike JUICY, my kingdom is not a collective of scums... it has only one. Me.

16:13:15 May 21st 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Collective of scums?

Oh yeah, is that why we keep getting more and more of your members wanting to join us?


16:14:57 May 21st 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

In that case... then oh wait... than I am wrong.... maybe I wasn't the only scum in my kingdom after all ^_^

16:18:25 May 21st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

hmm i see how all the personal attacks made by Prince mielo's KD never get deleted but mine did. retard

16:19:33 May 21st 09 - Prince Mielo:

Yes I'm the biased mod. Thought you knew it by now? Ain't that right tbl?

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