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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Wars Era of Messiah

Mantrax Wars Era of Messiah
17:52:54 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Santa of Macedon:

Maybe he had 300 nazgul or something like that? This game isn't all about numbers, it's about strength and tactics 2 ;)

19:07:45 Feb 17th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

he was a troll

20:06:44 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Santa of Macedon:

Nazgul was just an example. Maybe you should read some more guides and ask someone to teach you the way the game works ;)

20:33:55 Feb 17th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

Ignis, don't have to think only fo your %. A lot of times, will be usefull, but sometimes you will get a bad surprise if you do that....I still remember some eras ago against Sheolic Empire, 2 hordes or groups of armies  warring and we got slaugthered having a very high % :'(

20:33:56 Feb 17th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

Ignis, don't have to think only fo your %. A lot of times, will be usefull, but sometimes you will get a bad surprise if you do that....I still remember some eras ago against Sheolic Empire, 2 hordes or groups of armies  warring and we got slaugthered having a very high % :'(

20:38:50 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Penguin:

if you are in city your army gets slaughtered

16:52:34 Feb 18th 09 - Sir Santa of Macedon:

Anybody ever heard of a Kamikaze? Well, prepare for the DEmikazes!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also, bump :)

13:34:49 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

Sir Penguin


2/17/2009 8:38:50 PMif you are in city your army gets slaughtered

No if troops are inside an army

01:52:27 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Xypher:

I loved watching the war between Mr. Heracles and Ms. Bluelight.. ^_^

07:38:18 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Hephaistos From Lemnos:

Mr. Xypher


2/20/2009 1:52:27 AM
I loved watching the war between Mr. Heracles and Ms. Bluelight.. ^_^

Ms. Bluelight IS MAD - so to say......

Looking over the map - I can only find 15 MAD-cities, that NOT are belonging to Ms. Bluelight.


Edit: 18 cities. Seems like they have made some with the Kingdom Glory as shield.

08:05:01 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion:


Light was always MAD.

08:05:23 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Xypher:

What's up with that BIG is? :P

10:04:02 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

what did you say?.. well anyway, you only use your eyes @_@

21:00:23 Feb 24th 09 - Mr. Coolcat Talorc:

whos goin to provide the update on Mantrax affairs now?


21:07:10 Feb 24th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

dunno, but go sell some more stone plz =P

21:08:08 Feb 24th 09 - Mr. Oya:

is mantrax still the land of vu dregs?

22:17:40 Feb 24th 09 - Mr. Coolcat Talorc:

theres some more up for you falcon fan.

800k. thts all yer gettin!


22:20:39 Feb 24th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

awww, I musta been slow 'n missed it :(  Go push ur slaves harder, tell them mining rocks = freedom! :)

22:56:20 Feb 24th 09 - Mr. Coolcat Talorc:

man, i free my slaves, im no slave driver. they become dendarii just like us.

i'll sort you out wit some stone l8r tho. ;)


23:07:02 Feb 24th 09 - Sir Fords Boner:


This message is brought to you by Sir Wilberforce

23:11:02 Feb 24th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

Hehe, thanks ;)

And I drive my slaves as hard as I can =P  Muahaha, born to be cruuuuuuuuuuuuuuel ^_^

23:20:18 Feb 24th 09 - Mr. Coolcat Talorc:

cruel is good, lets see some dark cruelty.

bring it south man, ;)



23:27:41 Feb 24th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

lol, naw, I'm good in my lil corner of the world =P

23:32:04 Feb 24th 09 - Mr. Coolcat Talorc:

'naw' ........thats my patter ffs.

get yer bahooky down south stone fiend.

12:15:12 Feb 25th 09 - Sir Evans:

Mantrax sounds boring now! DE were the life and soul :P

12:57:48 Feb 25th 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

Mantrax does look boring

01:21:01 Feb 26th 09 - Mr. Pesto:


06:05:31 Feb 28th 09 - Mr. Jondrus Baz Jesek:


19:32:50 Feb 28th 09 - Commander Baldwin:

Well. Dark seems to bring some colour to the world.

I'm going to leave Glory and join my old mates in War Pigs. Hope it brings also some improvements to the relations and we get some wars going on.

19:39:33 Feb 28th 09 - Lady Santa The Blue Eyed:

Sir Evans


2/25/2009 12:15:12 PMMantrax sounds boring now! DE were the life and soul :P

Once we entered Valhalla, that topic grew by 50 posts :P

10:28:52 Mar 5th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion:

Guys! Should we proclaim the United Kingdoms of Mantrax!? And create a new banner? LOL!

10:42:57 Mar 5th 09 - Mr. Hilario:

aw... dont bring back this thread alive again... Mantrax is peaceful and full of farms

13:29:16 Mar 5th 09 - Ms. Bluelight:

yeah. BIG, BIG farms!

00:42:43 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

wake up MANTRAX!!!

00:59:21 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Rather:

Yeah, ive seen that mantrax likes farms, seeing as my army, after being beaten back and at a resonably low strength, is still the 3rd most powerful on the map, whereas on zeta it takes a hell of a lot more troops to get on the hoh

01:08:14 Mar 10th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

That's on account I have been killing the HoH armies Rather ;-)

At least the ones coming from Zetamania......

06:16:57 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion:

Well, we got no army in Mant. All are farmers and cavemasters. We trained archers, hammers and rocks. ;p

07:50:09 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Hilario:

Yeah.. that's why your army is in HOH.... feel that privilege.

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