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Nirvana Wars II
16:16:32 Jun 12th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

i think they r being inactive

19:18:17 Jun 12th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

Well, it's gone now but they should really have left it - we had two players stuck in protection in there who couldn't get out, couldn't build and couldn't resign.  I even mentioned one of them on here.  The smart thing would have been to keep the town sieged to end of era and just trap them ;)

19:43:19 Jun 12th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:


01:33:58 Jun 13th 08 - Mr. Dogga:

Mr. Knigh


6/12/2008 11:16:56 AMyawn the wars in ur realm bore me

ummmm joiner???

02:02:24 Jun 13th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

he is on zeta i think from safaran knights but it hink he joined roc after Sk got defeated but im not sure.

02:06:33 Jun 13th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

Ok, thought Izzy might show mercy on Down Notout - shoulda known better :P

Still, got scouts out in time so still alive :-D

02:27:25 Jun 13th 08 - Mr. Dogga:

this is funny, die and just keep restarting. doesnt it get a bit boring?

02:45:34 Jun 13th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

Not at all - it means they have to wait while we go through protection again and  can't have the map to themselves.  They made it clear they want us off the map and we can stop that happening, so we will ;)

03:38:35 Jun 13th 08 - Mr. Dogga:

yep gotta hate prtection

05:15:34 Jun 13th 08 - Mr. Izzy Sparks:

hey keep restarting keeps me busy, feeds my Adventerers. i win if you stay dead or not.

05:29:49 Jun 13th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro Bukis:

Adventerers? what word is that you backstabber...

08:51:58 Jun 13th 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

hahaha.. It looks like Izzy had done a nice 'job' pissing of Boy.. Izzy,is that 'job' a tactic or a strategy?

12:09:26 Jun 13th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

Mr. Izzy Sparks
6/13/2008 4:15:34 AM hey keep restarting keeps me busy, feeds my Adventerers. i win if you stay dead or not.

Why would I restart when I'm not dead yet?  Two of the scouts got away & got enough  resources for them to settle down wherever they want.  Best keep a close eye on them if you want me dead ;)

02:11:35 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Izzy Sparks:

to Mad Hey it is what it is, i *beep*ed up, thought orders were given when they werent. Probably shuold have taken it a little slower, but it happened so now we war i guess. you are prepping my city. unless you are just here for cake and tea?

05:46:38 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

Im proud of our enemies, they did something good just to get close to us unharmed. You can deliberately declare that the truce will be over given the huge difference in our power and resources, im surprised you still need to backstab a small kingdom.

*just like protesters who disguise as civilian to get through the picket line.

10:25:14 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Bigsmellyfeet:

yeah BWK  week kingdomn ...first thei tell us  that there is peace with MAD , so that we can weeken OP to get BWK players to HOH positions ... and when the upper half of HOH is made of BWK players .. then Izzy comes to our core and  takes one of the mage citys  "accidently " he says  ... 
well then back to to fronts .. at least we had a good  fight with OP :)  and give a good fight until end:)

13:28:46 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

Wouldn't have expected anything less from them tbh - they're only at the top of the board by only attacking people much weaker than themselves.  Any resistance and they take days to get their act in gear. 

Sad really that such average players will be allowed to own the map by era end
 but I suspect this will be their only successful era for a very long time ;)

17:06:03 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Ironic:

And so the Flaming begins ;p

But in all honesty I'm dissapointed with Izzy he shouldn't have gotten trigger happy and attacked MAD. Instead he should have respected the truce and given them a warning. I hope this isn't how the rest of my KD acts when it comes to NAPs.

17:54:45 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

No flames from here, Mr I - Hidendra stole my last box of matches in a fair fight :( 

Seem to remember a few questionmarks over Izzy's tactics earlier in the era though so this really doesn't come as a surprise!  Any KD that accepts a player with a doubtful record is always in danger of having it turn round on them

18:09:38 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Izzy Sparks:

i admitted it, i jumped the gun, i appoligized, what can i do? i seriously thought orders were given. an old thread was rehighlighted as if i hadnt read the latest messaged and the last message was to start attacking mad. but the thread had merely been cleaned and brought to the top. i should have looked closer as per the date on the post was from earlier in the era. was in no way a sneak attack on my part, miscommunication is all. flame on!

18:57:17 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

wow izzy did that? he is the one complaining about atatcking without warning. and respecting Nap wow he is not wat i thought

18:58:14 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

we had forums up before atatcking mad i supported not to attack mad as its not fair we r too powerful

19:29:36 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Izzy Sparks:

*beep* you elf, not what you thought, are you *beep*ing thick or something, ACCIDENT, I MISREAD THE FORUMS, there was no plot, no deception, i simply *beep*ed up. and i paid for it with the loss of 40K advents. you wanna talk lack of honor elf, isnt it you who said lets attack OP?? the guys that we have an era long nap with???? huh? yeah that was you. i thought the CF with MAD was stupid from the start. one of the two kingdoms we could have attacked and we CF them????made no sense to me, anyways, you can all say im a shady unhonorable player, but the truth says otherwise. i screwed up, and backed off.

19:33:05 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Ironic:

I just squirted sprite out my nose Izzy from reading your post, thank you.

20:20:36 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Physcic Phone:

we never Napped MAD we made an agreement to let them fight OP alone, however Dharan are no longer a problem so me and Izzy agreed to fight them, it was a miscommunication on my part and i apologize for that MAD but let facts stand, it was never an offical Nap there were no terms, it was for self gain of your kingdom and we sat by for much longer then we should have, take whatever dignity you can muster and fight us, you will probably die but desperate measures can sometimes pay out magically in the end.

as for all Black wolf Knights that are reading this, we at war and bickering on this forum will not be tolerated, if it is against one of your own kingdom mates gotta remember respect of team-mates.

20:29:22 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

So, basically, one Viceroy of BWK is saying that he doesn't read their forums and the other one is saying that if they agree a CF they can tear it up whenever they feel like it without notice.  So it means nothing. 

Way to go on credibility , guys ;)

20:40:41 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

thats about me right? i was just explaining everything s that we don't get confused plus its true i said lets war Op cause they seem like the only kd worth fighting but i also said Lets give them the warning ok so that we don't look like abckstabbers.

20:52:09 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Physcic Phone:


20:56:44 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

My post's not about you, GE - may have had a few digs, but you're a fun guy to play against.  The post was about Izzy (a Vice according to the KD list) who doesn't read properly and Dyslexic Phone (another Vice) who says it's fine to break a CF without warning.

21:00:47 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

lol thats not wat i meant but thanks. I meant for that

"as for all Black wolf Knights that are reading this, we at war and bickering on this forum will not be tolerated, if it is against one of your own kingdom mates gotta remember respect of team-mates. " Physcic phone

22:30:09 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Physcic Phone:

its meant for yes you, and ironic and izzy who have been fighting on the forums read the rules "_"

Ducky, thanks for sharing your views they were most interesting

22:35:48 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

I do my best, Mr PP.  But I do have a habit of stating the obvious, especially when I see the leadership of a KD supporting dodgy play ;)

23:07:15 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Ironic:

When was I fighting?

23:20:15 Jun 14th 08 - Mr. Physcic Phone:

sorry.. i dunno if you were fighting but, i just meant that issues that involve kingdom mates should stay within the kingdom forum... thats what i meant to say... and yes i support Dodgy play and i support nap breaking only if theres 3 kingdoms in a map and theres absolutely nothing to do but farm, this era has few options

00:19:26 Jun 15th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

Mr. Physcic Phone
6/14/2008 10:20:15 PM.... and yes i support Dodgy play and i support nap breaking only if theres.... absolutely nothing to do but farm, this era has few options

So OP can expect you to turn on them after you both take MAD down.  Sure they'll be glad to hear that ;)

02:39:11 Jun 15th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

Haha. Is this the OP kingdom lead by a General? no wonder.

All I can say... Wow!!!

21:13:35 Jun 15th 08 - Mr. Xuiian:

To Management (yes, I'm pointing at all you powerful, high-ranking airnoses with legions of willful underlings at your command): Be very clear when you give orders and make sure that it is communicated clearly to subordinates.

To Underlings ( referring to the triggerhappy, overjoyed and sparkling members of a kd): Make sure you understand what your leader or vice is trying to tell you. Ask if you're not sure or have any questions (it might save your life...just like a condom). If the font is too small, if you don't have enough time, if you're feeling drained...let mommy or daddy read it for you. Just ARGH!!!

To Backstabbers (you know who you are...): Learn to count. Take a plan and stick with it. Target a KD you want to destroy and go for it. Stop moaning about farms, you sound like a honey bee slowly reaching climax while squirting delicious amounts of nectar onto her partner.

To All: Don't take candy from strangers.

07:25:32 Jun 16th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro Bukis:

Hey Izzy what are you saying here.... you've mistaken?? remeber our little chat after you've backstab us?? hmmmmm... cleaning yourself in public?? lolzz

remember this

You (6/13/2008 10:31:39 AM)
Hey stupid what are you doing..
Mr. Izzy Sparks [BWK] (6/13/2008 10:32:15 AM) GOOD BAD
what are you talking about?
You (6/13/2008 10:33:42 AM)
we thought we have a ceasefire... you unhonorable bastard... this is our magic city
Mr. Izzy Sparks [BWK] (6/13/2008 10:35:15 AM) GOOD BAD
you are crazy man what are you talking about?
You (6/13/2008 10:41:25 AM)
General Wolfie [BWK] (6/6/2008 8:59:28 AM) GOOD BAD
I have put out the order not to be aggressive towards your people. We will let you fight it out with OP. If you and your people are quick and smart you can beat OP. I will have my people open there blockers to allow troops through. If your guys attack or lay seige to any of my peoples cities you won't have to worry about OP. Also I will be closing the Gates to a Olwren city once you see it go towards it that is OPs weak point. Plus there core is north of that area.

here's that stupid ceasefire... you bastard
Mr. Izzy Sparks [BWK] (6/13/2008 10:45:47 AM) GOOD BAD
huh? you speaking some other crazy foreign language or something, cuz i dont understand what you are trying to say
You (6/13/2008 10:46:53 AM)
we will see... it's a mistake to trust you... it is the most unhonorable kingdom i've ever met
Mr. Izzy Sparks [BWK] (6/13/2008 10:49:07 AM) GOOD BAD
hey pal, we got a Nap with OP, Dhara is just about dead, yu are now between us and Dhara, this CF had no time limit or any terms what so ever, go ask someone hw unhonorable we are. i didnt break anything. all I did was end a CF.
You (6/13/2008 10:51:27 AM)
you stupid... breaking a ceasefire should have a notice... and dhara is not even dead... i see many cities...
Mr. Izzy Sparks [BWK] (6/13/2008 10:55:17 AM) GOOD BAD
should??? was that in the terms of the CF??? huh? was it? im not sure lemme look again..........NOPE no terms, not warning needed. go cry to the VU community see what they say
You (6/13/2008 10:58:56 AM)
yeah we will see... although it has no terms it still need to have a notice... stupid bastard
Mr. Izzy Sparks [BWK] (6/13/2008 10:59:34 AM) GOOD BAD
no it doesnt Nub
You (6/13/2008 11:00:28 AM)
*beep* you are a *beep*... you were lucky we are in the middle... but we will see..

Now that I have slaughtered some of your formerly HOH armies you are saying sorry??? huh... what a bastard you are...

07:29:07 Jun 16th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro Bukis:

and also you said this "i screwed up, and backed off." Nah this is a lie... you still attacked us... it so happened i've slaughtered your army..

07:32:04 Jun 16th 08 - Mr. Justin:

holy crap this world has changed since i left. all these dumb kds

08:35:10 Jun 16th 08 - Mr. Aloysius:

Mr. Justin


6/16/2008 2:32:04 PMholy crap this world has changed since i left. all these dumb kds


09:24:26 Jun 16th 08 - Mr. Xuiian:

Bwahahahahahaha!!! *cough

From a newcomer's perspective you guys seem rather g@y. "since I left...blah blah blah...dumb kds....even more blah blah blah..." This is the era of backstabbing, if you are good at breaking agreements and disregarding orders then this place is perfect for you.

Steps to glory:
1.) Join the most powerful kingdom on the map .
2.) Break every NAP possible.
3.) When questioned about it answer that you support NAP breaking and that is what NAPs are for.
4.) Get some more of that honey nectar on your face.

buhhuhuhu "all these dumb" phuck you.

11:50:47 Jun 16th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

General Wolfie [BWK] (6/6/2008 8:59:28 AM) GOOD BAD
I have put out the order not to be aggressive towards your people. We will let you fight it out with OP. If you and your people are quick and smart you can beat OP. I will have my people open there blockers to allow troops through. If your guys attack or lay seige to any of my peoples cities you won't have to worry about OP. Also I will be closing the Gates to a Olwren city once you see it go towards it that is OPs weak point. Plus there core is north of that area.

Mr. Izzy Sparks [BWK] (6/13/2008 10:49:07 AM) GOOD BAD
hey pal, we got a Nap with OP

(my bold bits) - Is "We'll let your enemies through and give them intel about you"  normal in a NAP? Would have thought helping someone's enemies counted as "aggression" myself....

13:42:36 Jun 16th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

how did all of this got out of control? i remember we were taking a vote and then i'm ordered to send troops to mad oh well i never supported the war with mad but i gotta follow orders.

14:30:09 Jun 16th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro Bukis:

Did you guys support the... what you call this? backstabbing strategy... like uhm.... going for dharan cities? then suddenly attack us and using bts to attack our magic cities? then say sorry you've mistaken about the forums?

nice try though...

i'll also add this conversation with izzy.. this conversation happened when my army reached the city that he has taken...

Mr. Izzy Sparks [BWK] (6/14/2008 10:13:18 AM) GOOD BAD
i dont suppose a sorry would help
You (6/14/2008 11:06:02 PM)
Mr. Izzy Sparks [BWK] (6/14/2008 11:12:23 PM) GOOD BAD
yeah im shaking in my booties, i was referring to the cf break, again i appologize

i know your army has 0% chance to mine... that's why you said this... lolz.. you know i'll slaughter you...

16:46:58 Jun 16th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

Thing is, Mr BNB, it's not us or you guys who should be worried about this.  We were fighting them already, MAD has already been backstabbed by them - being "between Wolves and Dharan" doesn't wash seeing as all your gates were open so he could have walked straight through.

But OP - now they really should be taking note.  Their NAPd "ally" BWK has already broken a CF without warning and admitted to (a) letting MAD through blockers to them (b) deliberately making a town visible so MAD could find their core and (c) telling MAD where their "weak point" is - surely all NAP breaks?  How long before they attack openly? 

Of course, they'll assure you guys that they're not going to - probably even tell you  that they "always keep NAPS for a whole era".  But they've already helped your enemies against you - can you really trust anything they say?

21:46:34 Jun 17th 08 - Mr. Xuiian:

Why don't we all team up and fight BWK? Let's put an end to the wolf in sheep's clothing.

Attention all kingdoms in Nirvana: 


22:12:56 Jun 17th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

Damn, that was subtle, Mr X!!!!

Good idea, though ;-)

22:46:59 Jun 17th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

if xuiian is in mad then that is just a desperate call for help from them since they know they r going to die

00:32:03 Jun 18th 08 - Mr. Xuiian:

And what happens after 'they' die??? You will backstab the rest of Nirvana until all of 'them' are dead??? Why not avoid the inevitable and fight BWK now that we (all kingdoms in Nirvana) are a stronger united force.

Ah, reality is finally sinking in, you know that BWK don't stand a chance when attacked by every other kd on the map. At least I'm not planning this behind your back while pretending to have a NAP! Let's see how many troops will answer to this 'desperate call for help'.

Did you hear that everyone? He called us desperate! BWK is planning war on all of us!

REPEAT AFTER ME: Every member of every kingdom should do BWK harm if they are able. Say NO to backstabbers.

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