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Forums / In game politics / Starta wars era of messiah

Starta wars era of messiah
22:34:09 Feb 17th 09 - Wolflord Karac:


00:42:47 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Shpedro:

:D nice.

16:56:04 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

um, there is no more starta wars, they have moved to neighboring worlds to destroy said neighboring worlds.

*Zyrike puts down his paper and cries because his big army might get destroyed in fant by another big army* O.O

06:02:08 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Prewett The Unreliable:

We should flame each other now.

06:11:37 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

We should... Any particular subjects for the flaming? Xuagy lost, Bio lost... We need someone new to play with :D

22:20:58 Feb 19th 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

Dumb Names? like mine?

01:22:59 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Prewett The Unreliable:

Necromancer smells funny.

02:11:42 Feb 21st 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

What exactly is a Prewett anyways.... Pre-wett the unreliable... hmmm you pee your pants randomly?

problem is unless im wrong Prewett comes from the word prou which means Brave or valiant so good name.

07:30:21 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Prewett The Unreliable:

Lol thanks. Yeah, I'm a big Harry Potter fan. Prewett was the last name of Gideon and Fabian Prewett who both where killed and where consider to be among the "best witches and wizards of the age."

The Unreliable was from a famous goblin con-artist in the serious.

07:34:12 Feb 21st 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

well good name.... basterd

00:17:39 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

What exactly does it mean to be Knighed? Like a horse? Nieghed?

Your mother was a hampster and your father smells of elderberries!

03:51:56 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

I'm guessing i should bump this since ret has invaded starta again with mega armies?

06:04:00 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:


Its gonna take some serious effor to push em back. some 45,000 Nazis.

06:09:47 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

  I won't tell you by how much, put your estimate is off , or am I bluffing to scare you  0_o

      *evil laughter*

06:16:31 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

Its gonna take some serious effor to push em back. some 45,000 Nazis.

                 Well at least it's not as bad as the holocaust, waay more Nazis back then.

09:20:44 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoom:

lol. this is going to be fun :(

09:27:19 Mar 10th 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

holocaust and nazzies... strange

17:56:18 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

Mr. Theophilus VII


3/10/2009 12:04:00 AM

Its gonna take some serious effor to push em back. some 45,000 Nazis.


hmmm well knowing i alone have over a third of that id say youre under estimating :)

18:07:07 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

 shhhhhhhhhh       don't ruin teh surprise   ;)

   holocaust and nazzies... strange

He spelled it Nazis,   how did you not catch that? xD

18:12:45 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

hehe but at the rate we are going well finish them before they knew what hit them. so if we give them hints and clues before hand they will get a grasp of what it is :)

23:33:08 Mar 10th 09 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI:

Their nazguls number over 100,000.

00:29:15 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

there ya go youre getting closer now :)

00:39:54 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

By Jove! Where is a back up plan when you need one?

09:12:20 Mar 11th 09 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI:


And when i say 100,000 that is only going by those nazguls i have spotted, their is probably way more, but they should know, we are not short in the nazguls department either. ;)

17:29:13 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

    Has anyone managed an EITS on Gladiatorul's mega-nazz army yet?  Of course it's a little battle-weary at this point :(   Not as many as when it first started.

21:20:07 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

Well, they took out 180,000 of my Adventurers. Im sure they enjoyed those EXP that they got from so many. probly enjoyed munching my 60,000 MUs in that army as well.

Oh well, contingency plans are good =]

15:41:02 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Snow & CO (merged)

Army Info
Commander:Ms. Coxy RebornKingdom Banner
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)

Sud II

Army Info
Commander:Mr. GladiatorulKingdom Banner
Size:Army (100,000-200,000)
Status:Moving South East


Army Info
Commander:Commander AligreatKingdom Banner
Size:Army (100,000-200,000)
Status:Moving South

Ilovewoopie IV & CO (merged)

Army Info
Commander:Sir StormcrowKingdom Banner
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status:Moving North

Starta sure is a fun place to be this era :P

Kingdoms in Fantasia
RETRetribution28Pirate Lewatha431
FateFoundation30Sir Feanor199
DMCDendarii Mercenary Corps18Duke Insane VI167


BoWBrotherhood of the Wolf32Wolflord Karac238
HHeaven22Archangel Argyle100
LWLuna Wolves10Mr. Mako85
PredsPredators14Sir Darkmarsbar52
AAngels25Mr. Hel The Sunshine49

15:45:50 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Well, looking at it doesn't seem so impressive so be better to post this....

20055 Nazguls
15387 Nazguls
27882 Catapults
5471 Berserkers
5795 Nazguls

^One of the merges... Lots of Orcs this era :( This is my first era as an Orc and with how bad I played, I still managed to do a lot of damage. Orc really is overpowered :P

15:48:09 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

awww is that a ret merge? thats not enough :(

and ret only has about hlaf their people on starta. and we are fighting tons of kingdoms (some of which you didnt list)

15:55:18 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

On the plus side...we now know Stormy likes whoopie =)

15:57:22 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Well, your only fighting Heaven and BoW right now on Starta as you really haven't done anything to anyone but Heaven. BoW is holding one important blocker but other than that, all Ret armies are coming at our core. Preds and BoW are also fighting Fate although I don't know much about southern Starta.

Considering how much fighting we've done all era and how little actual income we gained from it, I'd say we are doing pretty good. We've been warring nonstop all era without a chance to build the income you guys have from controlling Fant. If it wasn't for ganging on us from oop on we'd be able to put up more of a fight.

Edit: I think we would have won on Fant as well if it wasn't for Dendarii attacking us :S Our 3 best Orcs were off fighting them while the rest of us finished Xuagy and fought Ret. We lost an Orc to real life as well so it was 2 lone Orcs that held off Dendarii the entire time we warred Ret on Fant. If they had been on Fant we would have destroyed Gladiators Army and won the merge war that Gilth RoFed.

*Dreams of what could have been and then goes and lies in the fetal position in a corner*

16:56:04 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Jondrus Baz Jesek:

Edit: I think we would have won on Fant as well if it wasn't for Dendarii attacking us :S Our 3 best Orcs were off fighting them while the rest of us finished Xuagy and fought Ret.

Whatever!!!    Coolcat killed a scout and you guys actually thought 3 players could take our KD.. Pshhh    Those armies would have been better served for RET instead of making their way on to Mantrax. 

20:38:02 Mar 13th 09 - Duke Loren Soth:

This era Retribution was a juggernaut. Congratulations on a well deserved win. Hope next era is as battle hardened as this one.


21:35:54 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

If this:

Juiced & CO (merged)

Army Info
Commander:Sir Death ProofKingdom Banner
Size:Horde (Millions)
Status:Moving North West

Merged armies

Owned by Death Proof

Owned by Mr. Kilroy Kissinger

Dark Riders Empire
Owned by Sir Justanius Fontainius

Owned by Mr. Hemelduiker

Rhinestone Cowboy
Owned by Mr. Kilroy Kissinger

Owned by Sir Gilth

Nighten Gale
Owned by Mr. Nemesis

Poison Apple
Owned by Princess Luvana

Owned by Mr. Nemesis

Owned by Mr. Hemelduiker

reaches this:

Snow & CO (merged)

Army Info
Commander:Ms. Coxy RebornKingdom Banner
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)

Merged armies

Owned by Coxy Reborn

Bang Bang
Owned by Mr. Magnesium

Owned by Mr. Orcinus Orca

Whoop Playz Pkmn
Owned by Sir Haribs

Owned by Mr. Killstone

Rawr II
Owned by Mr. Killstone

Were doomed

21:36:49 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

plus the only reason we lost against ret was because of Gladitor and dmc ambushing us from behind

21:41:33 Mar 13th 09 - Sir Shmeh:

"that" wont reach "that" so its ok ;)

21:53:09 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@ Rubby Knight - you didnt do bad at troops training this era-  since I entered StartaI killed alone about 45k Orcs - immagine if they were in a single merge; here the strategy, coordination & activity come

21:59:32 Mar 13th 09 - Ms. Heavenly:

Zyrike please keep quiet ....

Mr. Zyrike


3/13/2009 3:36:49 PM plus the only reason we lost against ret was because of Gladitor and dmc ambushing us from behind

22:11:59 Mar 13th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

Shmeh, I wouldn't be so certain. You'll see soon enough ;)

22:25:35 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Hel The Sunshine:

Kingdoms in Starta
BoW Brotherhood of the Wolf 32 Wolflord Karac 486
H Heaven 22 Archangel Argyle 196
LW Luna Wolves 10 Mr. Mako 179
A Angels 23 Mr. Hel The Sunshine 100


RET Retribution 28 Pirate Lewatha 886

22:28:42 Mar 13th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

more like :

RETRetribution28Pirate Lewatha100
FateFoundation30Sir Feanor46


BoWBrotherhood of the Wolf32Wolflord Karac55
HHeaven22Archangel Argyle22
LWLuna Wolves10Mr. Mako20
PredsPredators14Sir Darkmarsbar12
AAngels23Mr. Hel The Sunshine11
YumSpaghetti15Sir Spoon30

and in 48h to join the battle :

DMCDendarii Mercenary Corps18Duke Insane VI38

22:29:41 Mar 13th 09 - Sir Shmeh:

could i get a full list of who is fighting RET, FATE or DMC?

EDIT: just got my answer also what side are you saying DMC are joining on?

22:31:59 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Hel The Sunshine:


Kingdoms in Starta
BoW Brotherhood of the Wolf 32 Wolflord Karac 486
H Heaven 22 Archangel Argyle 196
LW Luna Wolves 10 Mr. Mako 179
Preds Predators 14 Sir Darkmarsbar 106
A Angels 23 Mr. Hel The Sunshine 100

Yum Spaghetti 15 Sir Spoon 268


RET Retribution 28 Pirate Lewatha 886
Fate Foundation 30 Sir Feanor 404

DMC Dendarii Mercenary Corps 18 Duke Insane VI 336


and in other view:

A Angels 23 Mr. Hel The Sunshine 100

FS Forgotten Shadow 7 Mr. Eatmyegg 9
KoC Kingdom of Cyprus 14 Sir Sepelchure Grail 6
Grave Elemental Graveyard 18 Mr. Kobaltic 178


Abydos Abydos 7 Dark Lord Finwe 26

Wolf Dark Wolf 10 General Wolfenstien 3
DMC Dendarii Mercenary Corps 18 Duke Insane VI 336

22:34:34 Mar 13th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

the evil side (starta alliance side)

22:36:28 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

lol, the good side(starta alliance side)

oh and Lw has joined the fight in vallhalla

22:38:24 Mar 13th 09 - Sir Shmeh:

what about mayhem and dark and rebirth, what are they up to?

22:42:32 Mar 13th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

fighting amongst each other...

(what a waste..)

22:45:34 Mar 13th 09 - Sir Shmeh:

i know imo it will become more interesting the more kingdoms involved ;)

what about war pigs and MAD and Glory? same story?

00:27:06 Mar 14th 09 - Mr. Skinny Vinny:

well Angels fighting War Pigs as far as i know.

19:29:03 Mar 14th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

Mr. Hel The Sunshine


3/13/2009 4:31:59 PM


Kingdoms in Starta
BoW Brotherhood of the Wolf 32 Wolflord Karac 486
H Heaven 22 Archangel Argyle 196
LW Luna Wolves 10 Mr. Mako 179
Preds Predators 14 Sir Darkmarsbar 106
A Angels 23 Mr. Hel The Sunshine 100

Yum Spaghetti 15 Sir Spoon 268


RET Retribution 28 Pirate Lewatha 886
Fate Foundation 30 Sir Feanor 404

DMC Dendarii Mercenary Corps 18 Duke Insane VI 336


wrong. its more like

Kingdoms in Starta
BoW Brotherhood of the Wolf 32 Wolflord Karac 486
H Heaven 22 Archangel Argyle 196
LW Luna Wolves 10 Mr. Mako 179
Preds Predators 14 Sir Darkmarsbar 106
A Angels 23 Mr. Hel The Sunshine 100
Yum Spaghetti 15 Sir Spoon


DMC Dendarii Mercenary Corps


RET Retribution 28 Pirate Lewatha 886
Fate Foundation 30 Sir Feanor 404

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