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Forums / In game politics / Talents Era of Magneto

Talents Era of Magneto
23:02:47 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Haya:

I'm not even going to bother correcting the mistakes in that post...

23:44:23 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Azengar:

Mr. Ignis The War


14:56:04 Aug 7th 09
i dont care about small kds is not worth learning there name :P

"I don't care about small Kingdoms it is not worth learning their names :P"

There you go Mr. Haya... I bothered for you.

23:47:43 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Haya:

You forgot to correct the small kingdoms part :P

02:21:26 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Azengar:

Well Dynamite is relatively small, member and territory wise. And in that sense, we (Outlaws) are puny..

12:31:22 Aug 8th 09 - Duke Angelus:

:O Ignis, don't attack us we are peaceful ^_^

@Azengar" we arnt a small kingdom we are rather big, as for you ignis, you should really learn our name... we are awesome :P

13:44:59 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Exodus:

i seem to be kicking ass and taking names quite nicely and im in a really small kingdom so you shouldnt judge a kingdom based on its size ignis

13:58:47 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

i no ayyy Exodus is putting up a fight lol :):) i love it when i have competition

14:46:12 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Exodus:

and i love to compete

15:18:29 Aug 8th 09 - Duke Angelus:

So do i... YAY ME!

16:08:33 Aug 8th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

YAY go exodus. thats my boy lol

16:09:04 Aug 8th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

well atleast we know either Dynamite are unhonorable or slade just Bullshits.

17:51:46 Aug 8th 09 - Duke Angelus:

What the fuck,

Oooo god, im going to love this, What have i done now.... PLEASE! tell me

18:36:12 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Alfred Nobel:

slade always bullshits, so it must be that!
then again, the defenition of bullshit is elldorian(i read this on wikipedia)
so to put it correctly: slade always elldorians!

(oh and also, I am not high)

18:37:48 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Exodus:

hey now lets not make new enemies here we are all trying to kill mad now lets all suceed by not being a bucnh of tw!ts and bickering so lay off dynomite eldorian and try not to start any more figths between us we need to focus on mad

18:57:51 Aug 8th 09 - Duke Angelus:

Thanks Augh... always appreciate your help

19:01:46 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

Is Exodus is Augh?

19:14:44 Aug 8th 09 - Duke Angelus:

lol no Ryan, Alfred Noble is, and i was being sarcastic.

19:28:40 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

are you planning to war us?

19:39:10 Aug 8th 09 - Duke Angelus:

Erm........ ummmmmm.......mmmmmmmm no?


19:46:14 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

no? haha

20:00:03 Aug 8th 09 - Duke Angelus:

hahahahahahahahha :P

20:08:24 Aug 8th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

Mr. Haya (8/8/2009 3:10:48 PM) GOOD BAD
"well atleast we know either Dynamite are unhonorable or slade just Bull*beep*s"

What's going on?
You (8/8/2009 3:11:46 PM)
Slade promised us Dynamite wouldnt attack us til MAD were dead. then YOU attacked one of our cities. then we tried to split forces and got killed.
Mr. Haya (8/8/2009 3:12:49 PM) GOOD BAD
I would by lying if i said that you were wrong there.

20:10:58 Aug 8th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Mr. Exodus


10:37:48 Aug 8th 09
hey now lets not make new enemies here we are all trying to kill mad now lets all suceed by not being a bucnh of tw!ts and bickering so lay off dynomite eldorian and try not to start any more figths between us we need to focus on mad

Haha trust me, these guyz are not new enemies....

22:34:21 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Exodus:

i know :) i think its funny how much they bicker

00:24:09 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Divine Elldorian


20:08:24 Aug 8th 09

Mr. Haya (8/8/2009 3:10:48 PM) GOOD BAD
"well atleast we know either Dynamite are unhonorable or slade just Bull*beep*s"

What's going on?
You (8/8/2009 3:11:46 PM)
Slade promised us Dynamite wouldnt attack us til MAD were dead. then YOU attacked one of our cities. then we tried to split forces and got killed.
Mr. Haya (8/8/2009 3:12:49 PM) GOOD BAD
I would by lying if i said that you were wrong there.


Took longer than i expected to post that :P

00:47:20 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Exodus:

hahaha hahahahahaha hahaha ha    ha             ha             oh my thats funny

02:14:20 Aug 9th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

i only posted it as slade is denying that you guys done anything wrong and claiming you never attacked...

02:24:43 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

yeah do what exodus is saying focus on MAD so i can have even more fun :)

02:42:33 Aug 9th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

dropkick you havent even done anything came and attacked some guys rebuilding and now you think your jesus or something.

02:42:38 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior:

PEOPLE!!!!!! Let go of the hate!!!!!!! Peace is what we need the most!!!!

02:50:25 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

what do u mean sum guys rebuilding???? im pretty sure exodus isnt rebuilding and its so much fun cause he is putting up a fight :):)

02:54:03 Aug 9th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

exodus was inactive for over a week and is is IoK...your fighting people rebuilding who started after you...if there putting up a fight just know that your shit at VU

02:56:38 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior:

I am confused about this whole thing on Talents. I know that it is:



Who else?

04:04:04 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

lol ellodorian, exodus has really good armies and im just not sending all of my units. if u want me 2 send all my troops just wait a couple of days 4 all my zerks 2 finish trainin then we can c who is the noob.

04:05:37 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior:

Mr. Dropkick


22:04:04 Aug 8th 09

Dropkick, weren't you in a kingdom with Duke Uther Pendragon?

05:14:44 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

omg i was lol he was hugues of sion. i cud never remember how 2 spell hugues of sion so i never got bak in contact wif him. he was the leader of The Knights of Black and White :):)

05:58:31 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

dam racist...

06:24:17 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

lol i never thought of it that way but thanks 4 putting that into my mind brainiac

07:45:01 Aug 9th 09 - Duke Angelus:

Divine Elldorian


04:14:20 Aug 9th 09 i only posted it as slade is denying that you guys done anything wrong and claiming you never attacked...

By the time we go up there,(me, Nero, haya and Ashwin) MaD had already rapped you all, if one of the members attack you im guessing it was a scout, as i NEVER not ONCE saw an IoK city fall to Dynomite.

And and just to be sure, anyone can as ignis, when a Dynomite armys showed up MaD already over ran you guys so kath please stop bullshiting

10:26:01 Aug 9th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

WTF slade you was off camping and haya's attack was a city takeover  and when it happened we were still in control of the situation so why are you lieing?

11:16:35 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Elldorian if Slade was off camping and i took a crappy 5k city, the chances of him actually noticing it are slim, afterall it isn't very big. So he's not lying, as i stated on the chat to you yesterday.

11:26:42 Aug 9th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

He is lying because i told him you took the city and now he is trying to act as if this is coming out of the blue. even though we argue alot on forums i considered me and slade friends which is why when this first happened i went to him instead of the forums. when met with complete disregard for the incident i then posted on forums. so Haya saying that he never knew about it isnt true as i had already told him what happened. on top of that if he doesnt know what happened he just shouldnt post til he finds out.

And to point out when we got attacked (that city atleast) we were still in control of the MAD situation.

12:51:49 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Alfred Nobel:

if that city by chance was maybe unadvertadly taken just a little bit.
it was 100% most certainly a way to defenitly absolutely help you guys.

lets call it "storehouse for nitroglycerin" seceded to friends and leave it at that.

13:20:05 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

elldorian it was 1 city and u had 2 restart anyways so get over it

13:36:37 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Houses 25 people.
Built: 945 Build:
In construction: 0
Homes filled: 75%
Each mine produces around 6 gold per day and around 5 stone per day.
Built: 4725 Build:
In construction: 0


This was the city, no change since i took it. It produces 40k gold per tick, if this changed the war in anyway, i'm very surprised. There was certainly no split in forces as IoK never fought Dynamite.

14:44:52 Aug 9th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

we split forces to head for you and then  but before we reached you we had to recall them.

it was lyk this. X is our first force and X2 the split off one

X vs MAD

X2 heading for Dynamite

X dies and X2 is recalled
X2 also dies lol.

and Dropkick i died 2 days after that......

14:45:18 Aug 9th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

we split forces to head for you and then  but before we reached you we had to recall them.

it was lyk this. X is our first force and X2 the split off one

X vs MAD

X2 heading for Dynamite

X dies and X2 is recalled
X2 also dies lol.

and Dropkick i died 2 days after that......

08:21:32 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Junzo:


08:36:38 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Selos:

hey eldorian i know for a fact that ecodus was gone for 3 days cause i was the one he was out camping with and since we share a dorm and use the same computer for this game i know that he is a skillfull player better then me and i introduced it to him

dropkick he says its been fun but hes getting kinda bored fighting these little 10k armies you guys keep sending him but hes waitng for pushnshove and friendly take over before he could deal with you


10:28:23 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

lol well i've only been sending small armies 2 exodus cause its talents and i didnt think they wud b this good but obviously i was rong. i have a bigger army that cud take exodus easily but i am goin 4 dynamite instead :D

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