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Forums / In game politics / The Monks Celebrates!

The Monks Celebrates!
01:20:11 May 4th 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

What if the kingdom is more of a builder than fighter, and would rather become an economic superpower and cast arma while others are spening mass amounts of money on offensive troops rather than buildings?  Is that a dishonorable victory?

01:23:24 May 4th 07 - Mr. Cobra:


01:34:32 May 4th 07 - Mr. Boogey:

I didnt really go over this thread much but it seems kind of stupid anyways almost as if Monks are asking to get flamed. Plus why are you celebrating legacy
just because one of your members got the win doesnt me you won the era. I dont think anyone would call era of leo a win for legacy.

01:36:15 May 4th 07 - Mr. Hungrier Horse:

Boogey, it's obvious you "didn't really go over this thread much".

Legacy wasn't the KD celebrating, it was BACCUS.

01:56:22 May 4th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Not a dishonorable victory.... and they would have to defend, and pump troops, and attack at least half the era or more anyway.  Its not like it is possible at all to just build cities and win this game, so I dont know why everyone complains so much :}

02:03:57 May 4th 07 - Mr. Thor:

Well said Falazar.

03:34:43 May 4th 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

That's what I was thinking, Falazar.  Going full economy is plain suicide, but what is wrong with preferring a solid defense and staying out of global affairs while building up?  It's dishonorable... to the fighters, but to the fighters it's a whole different honor scale, isn't it?

03:55:31 May 4th 07 - Lord Oya:

the point of this thread was to brag about their victory....the people who fought their asses off, like myself....(i gained nothing this era, crappy score and not alot of cities to show for myself as all i did was pump armies for merges etc).....but i have been around long enough to know that having fun and helping the kingdom your in is all that this is a war game people who have won major wars should be the ones to brag about it....not those who have chosen to go out of their way not to fight, or fight kingdoms much less their size/experience......i never brag about taking out small kingdoms, i was in their position along time ago and realise that people need to learn this game the hard way to become a good and respected player. its how i learn't by fighting some of the best players this game (imho) has seen. so i say to baccus reclaim any honor you have and fight next era....fight a real war and enjoy the win or the loss....the point is you will be respected for the effort and you will gain freindships from them.

04:11:09 May 4th 07 - Sir Arzun:

I have to say, that in all my experience, however little it is, the loss was always more experiencing then the win. I agree with Oya in that the best way to learn, is the hard way. An example, in my opinion, is Vendetta and the new players they took on. I honostly think it would have been better for them to have lost in a new Kingdom then win with Vendetta. They need to experience defeat, and to accept it, so that when they do win, it is that much better.

04:58:37 May 4th 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

I don't really think there's any doubt whether Baccus won the "war."  Of course not.  Only the era.

05:06:10 May 4th 07 - Sir Aixinjeuro Nuerhachi:

If you put up a good defense on your own, with your own troops and putting your own cities on the line, I will salute your winning of the era.

By giving your allies impression that you are at total war with the enemy (while you are not), and leading your allies to "drag" your enemy with such an impression, to me, is as good as throwing whatever trust your allies had in you to the wind.

The messages that the pigeons carry may carry words that are true, but the format that they are worded could lead the reader to a lie.

09:31:14 May 4th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I really wonder if you guys would have been more happy if our kingdom would have decieded to NAP lgc and run over all the small kingdoms arround us.

Then we still would have won and not earned the victorry in your eyes, but could explain, we wared (overrun would suite better)a lot of kingdoms and most of our scores comes from their buildings.

But we didn't, insteat we ended conflicts with FF naped DE and let PKs in peace settle close to us and were heading north to fight the strongest kingdom lgc insteat (at this time we didn't even knew who was fighting lgc, but IE and Abydos).
If we would have attacked the easy targets insteat with our power 5:1 compared to them together we would have grown a lot larger (many towns, weak defended, few troop losses) and more of our players would have ended in top 20.

09:31:26 May 4th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

But we choosed to fight a worthy fight, not knowing at this point we have many allies against lgc.

Don't make it our fault, that era was too short and we were unable to attack earlier, moving troops, coordinating strategies and making warplans. We are still a new kingdom with lots of fresh players this era, so reorganization after Mirror was taken out needed some time.

I was also suprised when I found out that era will end in 300 turns, just at the point when we moved out toward lgc (at this time I was ranked no.3 in HoH), knowing we would never reach their core in time, beeing situated too far away, many armies still not on the run...

I am sure our kingdom wouldn't have casted Arma if era wouldn't have ended so soon anyway and if we would have had enough time to fight lgc about at least 1000 turns (I doubt that would have been enough to break even into their core, I guese 2000 turn would have been needed for this).
Ofc this is my opinion, every1 else is free to think something else.
I personally only fear that a really good chance beating lgc down to dust was missed just because the era was too short, arma casted or not I doubt we (Baccus) will soon get such a chance and soo strong allies soon again

09:44:43 May 4th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I also wanna honour all those who fought lgc so brave till the end, when you fought alone and surviving was all you could hope for.
Especially (I saw) Abydos making a real good job there :b, sorry guys that I couldn't jump in the war earlier, only killing scouts for about 100 turns before moving out...

I am sure others did their best as well, but it was out of my sight.

I know, my victorry was not only the work from my kingdom, but those of many others who fought well against lgc, my thnks to you!!

I am not happy with my ranking, because my bloodthirst was not stilled when Arma was casted, people who allready played on my side know I am more the warlike player and not a builder.

I did what I think was neccessarry to make a strong army to face and beat lgc on the field, not getting HoH.
As said I wish era would have taken another 2000 turns and I would have been able to prove my warskills a little bit more.

But I am sure next era I will have a lot enemies to do so...

Anyway I wanna congratulate all players from fantasia for this exciting era and I hope Zeta will increase the turns for next era that the stronger kingdoms have more time to bring their wars to an end.
We will meet on the field,
c ya criss

11:08:20 May 4th 07 - Sir Frederick:

Well, what many of the experienced players know is that you dont need skill to explore to the win. Thats why its seen as less valuable than when you win in war.

Anyone can play a dwarf and whore the whole round in order to win, no skill involved.

15:40:03 May 4th 07 - Mr. Binh The Assassinator:

If you can whore and win and not NAP with any major player, you win honorably. But whoring while defended by other kds and winning and claiming victory for themself alone is not a very honorable victory is it?

What baccus did was celebrating amongst themself in the "public" forums. Instead of celebrating within kingdom forum, they make such a big deal out of it in a public forum. They didn't give any credits to the people that help them out this era. If it is not for Abydos, Only U, and Carnage fighting Legacy all at the same time, do you think Baccus would've been able to not get a single scratch on them?

Seriously, if you're going to celebrate, you must acknowledge the real situation and give some credit to Phi who keep us occupies for the first week, IE for second week, Abydos for the remaining era, join by Only U and Carnage in the fourth week. If not for them all, I doubt you can peacefully explore and get that win. Credits goes to all of you and not just "Baccus".

As an alliance, I truely think that the Anti-Legacy kds could win and will win. But as a single entity, Baccus can't and won't do much damage against Legacy at all.

What I was mentioning earlier about 'stealing' was Baccus is taking all the credits to themself. If they would've share some of those credits to other kds, I think it would be more acceptable.

I would like to take the time now to give credits to all the kingdoms that deserve it.

Phi for stalling us a long amount of time. They die in an honorable battle. IE for fighting us long enough until all other kds are ready. Abydos has the most of my respect in this war. They fight the longest in full scale and broke in to one of our blocker. Only U, you did good too but it's quite sneaky. Although you didn't do much damage, you manage to distract some of our forces from other kds. Baccus, you join in from now on, didn't get to do much damage to us but you manage to knock down dvs's score so he get second, and you distract enough troops from our kds to avoid other kds from getting beat. Carnage, you joined in last, we was overwhelmed at first by the amount of raw power from you guys :) I was glad we was able to gather enough forces to killed some of those armies that are more powerful than most armies on the fantasian battlefield.

And of course, the last credit goes to LGC for giving everyone a good and entertaining fight instead of a boring exploration contest. <3

16:39:21 May 4th 07 - Mr. Stormcrow:

@bihn: Word


20:54:41 May 4th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Yeah stormy, I second that.

This was really a fun era, or at least it was before the Arma was cast.  I'd say it ranks up there with some fo the better ones for me, not because of score... :( ...but just cause it was a fun era.

21:05:47 May 4th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Thanks fort the recap Binh  (and the cities too of course :}   )

So next round everyone want to form a nice big anti-legacy alliance so we can bring them down for real?  *smiles evily*

21:09:50 May 4th 07 - Mr. Elsin:

So next round everyone want to make a nice big anti-monk alliance so we can make them fight a war?

21:14:26 May 4th 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

mr elsin..thats not needed.. monks didnt say they were the best to ever play or anything..  no need for fantasia to team up on the monks or anything.

21:28:29 May 4th 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Finally, the Bihn that i know.

"Baccus, you join in from now on, didn't get to do much damage to us but you manage to knock down dvs's score so he get second, and you distract enough troops from our kds to avoid other kds from getting beat."

Only things that I dont agree is this:

But whoring while defended by other kds and winning and claiming victory for themself alone is not a very honorable victory is it?

We were not defended by anybody else than ourselves. Celebrations were for our 3 eras together.....and I dont see what's the problem with the fact that I mentioned we were happy the wiiner of the era would come from us. never said The Monks won any war or whatever.


@ Elsin: We dont wanna war with people that need to buy Bts to win battles or that think they are so great just because they are backed by 20+ of the most expereinced active players at this game. In such conditions, for us it would be already enough if 10% of legacy would come after dont need a coalition..

...sorry...this was an easy assist...I could not refrain myself:). I will do now:).

21:33:15 May 4th 07 - Mr. Elsin:

Were not the ones creating boast threads in a public forum...

Sir Falazar


5/5/2007 6:05:47 AMThanks fort the recap Binh  (and the cities too of course :}   )

So next round everyone want to form a nice big anti-legacy alliance so we can bring them down for real?  *smiles evily*

If you really want out of the thread, stop posting rubbish like this.

04:37:06 May 5th 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

can you report him for that? he used no bad language..?

06:42:27 May 5th 07 - Mr. Celendrum Cikayson:

Binh has won my respect. : D

Only U's only hope was a surprise attack.  It was hard and frustrating enough having Legacy  march right into our core and trying to chase down all their little armies, and reclaim the major cities we'd lost.  I'll thank Carnage for bailing us out of that one.

07:43:54 May 5th 07 - Mr. Draven:

it was a great era and i think everyone did a fantastic job, i also want to thank lgc who spiced up our ending of the era and of course only u for the great teamwork at the end. i think we learned alot from each other. now let's spill some blood on the battlefield next era ;)

09:27:51 May 5th 07 - Mr. Gtan:

As long as Legacy doesn't win, it's all fine by me!

09:33:53 May 5th 07 - Mr. Danny Boy:

As long as we have a good game and good fight, it's all fine by me.

I do not want to say much here as many people has put forward their views from their perspective..

It is now time to plan for the next era.


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