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Forums / In game politics / The Ravage Regime Embassy

The Ravage Regime Embassy
22:27:46 Dec 11th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

22:28:15 Dec 11th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Grooves to the music

22:34:30 Dec 11th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

*groves with the Dr.*

22:48:52 Dec 11th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Whats with all the Blues all of a sudden? o.O

22:57:59 Dec 11th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

because! It's sexxxxxxxxxxxxxy time!

23:07:33 Dec 11th 09 - Lord Wraith:

You like to have sexy time to the sound of the blues? *Takes note*

23:15:37 Dec 11th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Dont all ladies Lord Wraith

23:19:11 Dec 11th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

23:24:09 Dec 11th 09 - Lord Wraith:

I've know learnt something new, if so.... ;)

And always, my Lady ;)

23:59:38 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

*sneaks out off the house*


*takes of shoes*

00:25:23 Dec 12th 09 - Sir Sorra:

Is it true that RR and FC stopped waring and have gotten a CF and or NAP?

00:28:08 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

we stopped warring

00:33:34 Dec 12th 09 - Sir Sorra:

All I have to say is...


So its farming for you guys!


Why not war? You dont see us, a KD of the same size and have been warring OOP stright till now running away form war, were LOOKING for a war lol.

Just shows the different mentalities in this game.

00:36:44 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

what are you talking about?? who says we are farming? just said we stopped warring FC as we had a stalemate for quite some time now. now we can just focus on killing Dark and a few other ambitions we have.

01:04:36 Dec 12th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Hurray for ambitions

02:00:54 Dec 12th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

less killing dark and more other ambitions is my vote too.  dont' I get a vote?

04:32:46 Dec 12th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

wow Sorra you are slightly confused :)  we have been at war non stop with several kingdoms at once in most cases, most of which have been larger than us, and we will continue to war till era ends.

07:34:22 Dec 12th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

LOL at focus on killing Dark, you mean watch as the three guys who started the era as Crazy build large enough armies to kills us. I just looked and the only Ravage members worth mentioning just happen to have spent most of the era as members of Crazy. Interesting.

13:00:02 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

that is now yes, why? because maybe it takes time to march our armies that are just done warring FC  north to you guys ^^ and don't forget we toke all your city's south earlier this era.

01:31:32 Dec 13th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

don't worry we won't forget.  except it was mostly phi that took our cities.

02:59:52 Dec 13th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Seem you have already forgot it was Dark that declared on Ravage Regime. And you have not sued for peace. (not saying you would get it with your flaming and whining)

03:13:23 Dec 13th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

03:17:01 Dec 13th 09 - Endless Despair:

that will never replace this one ;)


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04:16:39 Dec 13th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

Dr. Happy Pants

18:59:52 Dec 12th 09
Seem you have already forgot it was Dark that declared on Ravage Regime. And you have not sued for peace. (not saying you would get it with your flaming and whining)

DARK has not forgotten that we declared on you.  nor do we want peace.  but yes  we wouldn't expect it.  our "flaming"  consists of pointing out to you and others that your kingdom doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.  Our whining is pointing out your dishonourable actions like it says this forum is for.

"Discuss in-game politics, wars, NAP's, alliances and dishonourable rulers"

might I add that you are delusional.


05:20:27 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

DARK may have declared on you, but that was after you declared you would just eat up all ex crazy cities anyway when they disbanded and charged in on a free for all.

09:06:44 Dec 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

I can assure you Dr that we will not "sue for peace" frankly we wouldnt want to sully ourselves by associating with you even in peace talks. We may be friends outside VU but I am making you a guarentee that you and the other warbookers will know very well, as long as I am playing I will be treating you and your garbage alliance as an automatic enemy. period. There will be no peace talks and from here on out you may consider us at war every era that we play.

Oh and Will despite you guys being able to farm for almost 2 weeks now,The only people in your alliance who have anything worth worrying about are the ones who only joined you after Crazy was disbanded. so bring your MASSIVE armies over, I am sure there will be a little surprise especially for you.

13:11:31 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

"farm for almost 2 weeks now," yup we have been farming for 2 weeks.... did you forget our war with FC has only been over for a short time. you on the other hand have been farming a bit more then us.. so please look at yourself first next time you point a finger to anyone. for me this is and of discussion, i will just see you on the field next time.

14:58:07 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

I guess what I shouldn't be surpirsied at is Dark making deals and handing over their cities to someone in BOW that was in Dark prior. Are these the skirts you plan on hiding behind now that FC and RR Cf'd ? Nevermind :) it's plain to see anyway.

15:44:46 Dec 13th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

To all Crazy / Dark members who whine in here, prove ur lies on the map maybe people will believe you. The only thing you are good at is whining on the forums but really you are good for nothing in game.

That's all you did this era, Crazy switching blockers, disbanding and joining other kingdoms, mass merging to get more members maybe u would scare ppl with your numbers and not quality of playing and finally disbanding and wasting all the good members u had and pretending to be weak again. Self pity all era long!

I dare you to see one man in your kingdom. Show me yourself on the map and I promise you our Amazon chicks will be the ones to take you out completely.

I had some respect for you Ryan and Landro when I left crazy but after what I have seen from you this era, I have no respect for you at all. You have not finished up a single fight till the end and all you do is talk.

Let your talk save you this time.

16:02:24 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

black heart its people like you and your disgusting antics that make people get up and quit the game. you dont have the slightest bit of honour, treat your previous kingdom mates with contempt. do deals with the kingdom enemy of last era to avoid fighting them this era(and avoid them warring you instead) and shaft someone who would never dream of warring you( not knowing what a snake you are)....then you have the audacity to say dark is are so twisted up with hatred and conspiracies theories it is quite pathetic.

i mean our stupid can you really be? crazy had no chance against you , you had blockers in the crazy core FFS...crazy trusted you, befriended you, refused to war you and you spat in their faces "i had some respect for Ryan and Landros" yeah right...thats why you planned to war them all era when ryan, myself, landros all stated we wouldnt war mistake disbanding a kingdom you had blockers access to anyway as some sort of skill in conquest....nothing you did was in the least bit just sucked on the phi teat and farmed whilst eating up small alliances, and waited for crazy to be under the most pressure from phi to wade in and attack as well.

yeah you are a hero

16:09:18 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

LOL what drivel

Mike YOU have no idea seriously...........

16:19:29 Dec 13th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

Mr. Mike Smith From Calif

People like me? :D
Really give me a break! My team and I with less that 13 members fought all era long non stop, We swore to win or die no matter what. We fought bigger kingdoms and more than one kingdom a time. We had no blockers and an open core from more than 2 sides a time. We had 2 NAPs all era. Ask our allies and enemies about our honor! We gained respect of whom we made friends with and who we fought.

Talk to me about honor! why did u go to LD instead of sticking with Dark? Dont lecture others about honor when you can't keep yours.

And finally, it's people like me who keep their team together as one to live or die as a team. People like me make this game worth the time.

18:03:44 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

I really wish i knew what actually went down but i wont lie when i say this is interesting to read. Still it comes down to personal opinion. Any third party mind clarifying for me?

21:11:02 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

er i died in was that simple....i rejoined that alliance and fought to the end that i could. was i interested in restarting mid era fighting such people...i had serious reservations at restarting at all so i decided before i totally lose interest to see out the era in my former kingdom with the blessing of all in dark(who i am still in the same skype with because this former sworn enemy of ryan for OVER 2 years displayed more honour than some of his so called friends in ravage).

you didnt need blockers on our side anyhow as we promised not to war you and offered you nap which you refused but all the leadership of crazy(which i wasnt) assured you that we would never dream of warring you.

you ate up a bunch of small alliances and then then having key blockers to our cities chose to war your friends(only you admit in the forums you didnt consider us friendly and planned to war us all along despite nver telling anyone as such).

you didnt even have the fortitude, the character, or the decency to tell landros and ryan what you clearly thought of them or less to say " ok we are open to a friendly war FROM OOP"...we trusted you and this is where it got us.

21:12:21 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

If you type it enough it might come true

21:18:27 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

you ate up a bunch of small alliances

we only ate two.. and both off them gave more of a fight then you did...
btw, of these two 1 (simplicity) attacked us first. and to be honest we had a vote over who to attack. the options where Crazy or Phi (or both) i had rather fought both and died because of our shit location. it just happend to be that Phi gave us decent terms. so we just had to war you guys... and then you gave up.

21:25:52 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

er what fight do you expect from us? the alliance disbanded in protest when the former alliance leader of crazy(now in ravage)and former kingdom mates declared war on us...of course we werent going to keep the crazy name after you had carte blance on our cities anyway....aside from that you already had key blocker cities to refused to nap us from the start on the basis of "we wont nap anyone" so we assured you we wouldnt ever war you.

we could see what you were doing with phi all along but we still wouldnt war you, we could of and in hindsigh should of come in and helped jelly beans and a team war you from oop but again we promised we you thanked us for that by warring on us.

21:34:22 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

if you really want to keep seeing it that way please do but then you must have been quite blind or are now delusional.

on thing just keeps getting back and i can't find out why this is:
in every single war either you or Ryan has fought you opponents are dishonourable. this whilst at all the other wars your enemies fight with other kingdoms they just have fun and play the game. not complaining all the time. i don't think there is any other kd that think we are so hugely dishonourable  (if there is please tell me) and you guys are just alone... just like last era...

i wonder who's turn it is next era, maybe BoW? or music even?? it seems that if you play one era in crazy or besides crazy (or dark if you want) and you fight them next era you are a monster?? that is just bullshit.  For example, we have NAP with PHI this era but next era we could fight them just as easy without any hard feelings from either side.

conlusion: you should just stop acting like a big whinny baby and grow up at last.

21:36:33 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

He has no idea why we left or what happened ( other than what he has been told by his ex kd more or less )so no point in arguing with a secondary impartial party William

21:48:04 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

Hmmm first era:

alliance hellbunnies ...enemies (at the time) boom and Templar crusaders (neither acting dishonourably)...

joined LD: warred Boom, bunnies and phi(no problem and have since given props to all three for that era gameplay)

next era started alliance KoA: enemy boom(got on great with them and when alliance ended was asked to join them but declined).

joined Kingdom of hearts(made up of ex LD): warred mujaheddin and HIV (gave credit to both and was invited to join HIV at era end by Binh)

next era ...again KoH warred Nebulous/oblivion( full of people from another game i had actually once led) got on great with them all. final days warred Phi over them breaching a Nap.

started this era kingdomless...PHI said they would hunt down all crazy and KoH members so i joined crazy to make it even -joining up with my enemy of over 2 years in multiple games to do so....who is certainly happy to have me back in dark next era if i want it(just as LH asked for me to come back which was LD and KoH combined)...

i had no great issue with Phi...they had issue enough to want to hunt me i gave them the chance..

i was also napped last era with no pulse(who i personally like but ryan does not)....

i had numerous conversations with ravage members, everything were friendly, we assured we would never is certainly not that you attacked us...i UNDERSTAND its a war game but the conniving way you did it, which is pretend to be ours friends all era (so of course we have no troops near you) wait till we are weakest and then required no courage(infact was incredibly cowardly) and even phi in a previous era had given notification of 24 hours on war with LD when they had no relations....we considered you guys friends who we would never war this era.

21:50:55 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

Mike you just like to read your own posts don't you lol

21:52:23 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

it is nothing to do with why you left, the fact you pretended to be friendly when you clearly were not was what its about. it aint so hard to say " hey we dont like you or we choose not to have any relations with you but we will others" making it clear you certainly werent friendly (in which case we would of ad blockers between us at the very least even if we didnt attack..

21:55:43 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

Actually it does, but I really don't feel like arguing with you. Believe what you choose. I know why I left and what things have taken place while in Crazy and once out of Crazy. You on the other hand do not. So let's leave the moaning and bitching behind, it is really unbecoming, or continue to do so and I can carry on having fun, either way no loss to me.

22:05:28 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

is this shit still going on ?? wow !!! i dont care but i wont trust any ravage members any more you had your reasons to leave which i dont understand as you could have booted the guys still left in crazy at the time nola i am sure had the power being the leader to do so, i also queried why i was left with landros and ryan ( no offence guys but i did not know you that well). i was told that your leader had argued with me and was not invited which was a lie as i never talked to kareem the only ones other than the ones i know were lara and nola and not once did i argue with them.

22:06:02 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

we never pretended to be your friends.... you just mistake kindness for weakness or unwillingness to fight i guess

22:24:51 Dec 13th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Mr. Culhwch it is obvious we never knew you as your word has no value. Nor do you know us. Tossing about names does you no good other than with your click. We knew you refused to assist Black Heart and took your army off to another world to die causing his magic city to fail last era. We needed team players not solo glory hunters. Which you still are from all indications. Given your word has no value you may continue to spout but I for one will not acknowledge you further.

Dr Happy Pants
aka Dr Raving Lunatic

22:34:12 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

mr. william they had been in the same kingdom for many eras played other games as a team and openly admit to being friends ?? a certain trust is then passed and not expected to be shit on, a warning of war would have been acceptable or even at beginning of era a war declaration would have been nice :) we could have helped you with that core then. but silly !! ummm crazy members thought different of their old colleagues but they were wrong doing so. damn why explain your KD is not trustworthy in my eyes and its that simple other might think you are and good for that. now i am going back to my corner of the game and finishing this era off at least i am fighting amongst honest and trustworthy enemies who i am having fun with :) and you know what trust is as if i am right in thinking what multi you are belongin too you know i am a trusted player and know i speak right.

22:38:16 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

mr happy pants get it right i was not part of the core made to defend that city i was alone further south and the army i think that might have been in question went to attack the enemy the only way it could get through not 1 of my blockers was responsable for your magic city falling i was alone without aid in the south tried to heads north but blocked by friendly blockers closed due to naps with the enemy.

22:46:02 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

22:50:35 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

posting youtubes doesnt increase your emotional IQ...tip for the day

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