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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania Wars II

Zetamania Wars II
19:30:38 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Well at least Assassin's Creed is providing my members who took major hits with some free cities.  

20:55:15 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Plague:

lol just wait till were done with you arch then we'll see.  lol we are only a 6 member kd who is fighting 26 member kd and have been doing good and will continue to do so.  we might lose some places but will regain it and more.

22:59:09 Jan 17th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

Plague please don't sound so heroic being 6 against 26 you guys are far from fighting the gauls alone.

23:23:45 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Random:

ozzz where r u hiding!
i went all that way and there is nothing left =[

00:24:51 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

1st. Ozzz is not hiding. They are a myth fabricated by our savage minds in order to create panic amongst you.
2nd. Stop using the syntax "an xx members kingdom against an xxx members kingdom" If you attacks someone... face the consequences. Stop considering suiciding acts as bravery. It is true that any 2-3-13 members kingdom who fights a larger one deserves credits... but when the smaller kingdom gets what it seeks so desperately... well... that kingdom should really shut up and restart or do whatever BUT complaining.
3rd. You are NOT a 6 member kingdom against a 26 member kingdom. You are a 6 member kingdom allied with another better 20 member kingdom, allied with another better xwy member kingdom and so on. So if we consider you the weak link...ask for help from your allies instead of crying like babies in here.

00:35:42 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Bobzon the Wicked!

00:37:03 Jan 18th 08 - Dark Piledriver:

How about you shut the fuk up were a new kingdom and we learning so u take your diss's and shove them right up your fuking ass. Stupid fuking nubs these days

00:39:55 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Random:

lol get anrgy guys....its only zeta.... it really doesnt matter.

and its only a game for that matter....

01:03:34 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

no comment Piledriver. I'm... amused....
Remember, remember, the 5th of november the gunpowder treason and plot.

01:04:37 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

you attack us and you expect mercy? maybe next time, dear... Pile(whatever)

01:11:46 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Bobzon, that quote is for cool people only.

Or were you a member of V? I might have encountered your name before :)

Anyway, taking in all the DogMen nubs will help your TotalPowerPercentage but rankings will be as far as the help will go.

And I wanted to say I find this thread amusing :)


01:13:32 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Plague:

lol bazon were new and just trying to build a decent rep so we can get more new members.  i'm not crying like a baby. but when people try to clown me i have to retaliate.  i don't give in so easy to threats, fight or anything.

01:14:42 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Snuffy:

hahaha this is the best forum!!

The one thing  want to say is that i love the wals from guals and (dog). Were you guys not around when they talked about cross walls?

ZETA please handle this. Look at the entire zeta map. Youll see a bunch of messed up walls!

01:16:07 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Snuffy:

Hey i was in V so lets not bring that in it. V was a very good and strong kingdom. I learned a sh!t load from those guys. V players were trained to lstion and thats what we did.

01:21:35 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Aaa... By no mean did I meant V was a bad Kingdom. At least not the V led by Auspice.

And as a side note... Meaning no disrespect to you or your Kingdom... I was hoping they [V-members] were also trained in being loyal...

01:24:29 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Snuffy:

Yeah the one by Auspice. Ill always rember the horde+ stand off bettween V and lgc.

No disrespect taken. Some poeple are the way they are and you cant change that. All those cross walls and such are proving that. The main reason you can say that guals arnt playng good in my mind is that they are trying to turn poeple on poeple. Thats aimed at Arch.

01:43:26 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

I think we are playing fine.  Aside from the cross walls; which I was not aware of until they were already placed.  The player who placed them did not know it was illegal and this is their first era.  As for trying to turn my enemies upon each other is part of war.  Why wouldn't I try to do that.  It didn't work, so what?  Should we all play this game; treating our enemies like delicate school girls?  If it means the survival of my kingdom or my allies; I will do what is needed.  Snuffy?  Are you still that upset about it?  If you want I'll send you a box of tissues with flowers.   Your kingdoms are defeating us on the battlefields.  I can admit that too.  But I can promise that we will do everything in our power to last the era and cause damage to someone.

02:02:08 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Snuffy:

Arch wheter you belive its a part of war or not you made up lies to get that. You didnt say this is what we will do for you if you join our allie or anything like that. You said that poeple are turning on you so you better join us.

As far as you saying it didnt work your totaly right on that becuase a good allie has trust for each other and we do trust each other. Also your little stunt got god like about dead. (and your being much help to them!)

Good luck on trying to stay alive. Im sure it possable.


02:41:14 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

What are you talking about?  I didn't tell anyone they must join me or die.  I told them that they better watch their backs cause when we are almost dead they are going to turn on the other kingdoms.  Also what stunt with God Like? 

02:45:58 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Snuffy:

dude never mind if you dont rember it. Its pointless for real.

03:59:07 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Mayhem:

one, you didn't reduce it that badly, I still had 25k men left and I still made it in and past your Adam Sandler's and Mayhem's armies.

lol at that.  no one made any moves on his army because we new he was weak. i let plague take a couple long shots with magic, then finished him off with a pathetic 20k lvl 2 troops...  you never passed any of my armies, you never got to any of my cities. i am sorry, but you were pwned...

05:00:50 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

I never post in forums because i don't want to enter in this type of discusions, but when i had read the posts of AC members, it made me laugth a lot.

I am am figtingh with AC in a zone, remember, AC = 7 members, Ozz = 2 members (and in really one, because the other is far), and they asked for help to FU to figth against me ,  a loonly player.... this is ridiculous, and after they say they are heroes because they are figting gauls.... please.... with this type of actions, the people see how you are in really....

now you can insult, and whatever you want... but the reality is the reality... and maybe i'll finish dieing, but  i hope you won't post again saying you are heroes figting alone against GAULS or others....

05:12:30 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Random:

"and they asked for help to FU to figth against me ,  a loonly player....''

im loonly?

05:15:19 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

a message form a FU member that shows what AC must do to win
"im sorry but it appears that Adam Sandler cannot take your city, i will have to make sure that it doesnt threaten me."

this shows what i said before, AC alone wouldn't have done early anything, but next to FU and drugLords, they think they are strong...

05:15:54 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

I am alone here... YES

05:16:41 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

but i let the whoole city for you and your friends.. enjoy !

07:07:07 Jan 18th 08 - Dark Piledriver:

... just because u conquered a few citys u think u got braggin rights? please boy sit down and learn as i school you.

07:32:48 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Gnisis Mininus:

Lol. One, Mayhem, I'd already fought Adam Sandler (who outnumbered me) and beaten him and a few longshots? 20, that's exactly how many he took. Also, The First Infantry Division is still alive, and is, in fact, back on the prowl. Two. (that was a long one.) Daryl has wounded AC, even if you don't want to admit, and let FU kiss your booboos for you. See two was short. Three. Yes, Arch manipulated, but I don't think he lied. I believe that w/o DOG and GAUL, FU would have been bored and broken NAP (honorably, you know warning and all) with DL and/or AC.

08:58:09 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

Let me tell you guys a little story you might find amusing or... who knows... some could learn a bit from it.

It was 6 or 7 eras ago, maybe a little more. I've just found the game (Actually played in Holy Fire Kingdom for 2 eras). They were good, but there were too many n0obs into the kingdom so we died quite fast in Fant.
I don't remember why, but i had the feeling i would not come along with them very well... and a few friends and I got spawned in Nirvana.

We grew a small core and farmed as long as we could. Everything went great. A 4 members kingdom who seemed never to fall asleep.  So we had to find a target. We found the No1 ranked Kd was right next to us. And we attacked.
24 ticks a day we were there just to see what happened and what to do.
The kingdom we attacked had a "V" in a circle. We crushed a few blockers and got inside in what we thought to be their core. And that was the moment the real fight begun. They've pushed us back and sealed us inside a sort of humiliating wall, but nevertheless, they said they want to win the next few eras and they might find us usefull as we were extremely active.
And so we've got great friends and indeed won the next 2 eras in a row.

So, yes, I was Bobson from Auspice's Vendetta, yes, since then I was and am a loyal player and I really miss sometimes V.:)

09:02:44 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Are you fishing for respect points, or something? ;)

09:22:22 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

Lol, no. Just introducing myself and trying to give AC ideeas of what a small kingdom could do:)

13:11:21 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Bobzon... The loyalty thing was aimed at Snuffy not at yourself.

Arch Shade, your lies are a disgrace to you and your Kingdom. Those kind of things are not what you should do in a war, be sure of it.

14:45:42 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Alright.  I am sorry for trying to make you guys fight.  Better?

15:15:21 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

When in war... there is no truth,,,, no mercy, no innocent people. Come on, weirdgrivi... you should know better...

15:21:58 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

I have never used deceit in order to try and assure my Kingdom's victory (or survival in your case).

I find it unclean.

16:59:32 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Well then thats why you haven't won as much as you could have if you did use deceit.

17:22:48 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

Master Mind... my man:)

17:53:40 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

All Arch has achieved is creating a large group of people who distrust him, and always will. So in essence he's done something to survive on Zetamania that could come back and hit him in the face later on Fantasia.

18:16:07 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

And so help us God, Nimic... so help us God!

20:50:20 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Plague:

i know a small kd can do lots of stuff like the AC. its our first era and i have to say its doing pretty good.  we just need to be in one area then conquer from there. next era will be better.  i said on the kd recruiting page that i'm not going to tell them were the best or we'll kill every kd so come and join us i told them don't expect any of that from the first era but as we grow stronger and gain more knowledge then expect that.

01:51:26 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Snuffy:

Epyon i am loyal and thats why our leader blunts isnt loging on and i toke it upon myself to lead and help out. For you to say im not loyal is bull *beep* because you have no reason at all to say this.

Bobson you reamber Sir Bongs?

01:55:36 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalierii:

hi people i feel like im a part of this cause i was killed twice by ac even tho we had a nap the second time :D and hey arch hows da war? sounds like fun but dont underestimate them

oh and also arch dont corner yourself off like blackbean did it was kinda stupid and dont let him put up eny walls for you ( he left a hudge gap in 1 which allowed the FU army to just walk by without attacking his city :S(do-head))

02:30:47 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Random:

so um where r u now Xanatos?

02:38:31 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Blackbean Zeak:

Ha I didn't corner myself. That gap was just a little flaw oh well. Lol, I didn't have any soldiers in there, no point really. Anyways you didn't really do much except train swordsmen . . not very helpfull.

03:21:26 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

The war is going fine.  We are holding up strong and taking cities as we lose cities.  It's a fun era.  And I do not believe that my members do not trust me or are not loyal to me.  At the very moment we are playing a voting game where the two winners I will buy titles.  The third will be random and also get a title.  I put my kingdom first before myself at any time.  I may not be able to rescue everyone who is being attacked, but I try my hardest to keep spirits high and members happy.  I suppose it is just me, but I do not find what I did that horrible.  I mean if you guys plan to continue on about it for the rest of the era; please do so.  None of us really care. 

03:29:04 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Random:

'The third will be random'

yay! Arch is going to buy me a title!

03:38:44 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

I was going to have our kingdom vote on one enemy to buy a title, but I decided against it recently.

Also I want to note that this is my second era.  Besides Bobzon, Warriors, and Speede, this is everyone's first era or second in our entire kingdom.  Last era we played on Nirvana where we recruited a lot of new players.  And then took some new players when we came on Zetamania.  I think we are doing great for most of us just learning how to play.

11:08:20 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Random:


Arch i think that it is great that you take on new players and teach them the game, but I along with the rest of my KD disagree with the deceit that you play with in war.

It may work by turning players and kingdoms against eachother, but i just don't think its right. It makes people angry, as nimic said, who will dislike you later.

I prefer a clean war. based on the skills and tactics of an opponent not on their manipulation of allied kingdoms.

Thats just my say, but in reality you can do what you want, you just won't make too many friends with it.

14:34:24 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Blackbean Zeak:

War is not about making friends, it's about winning, using everything in your power to win. Just like in a fight if you seem to be loseing kick the guy in his happy place, and then you have the upperhand. It may be cheap, but in the end everyone will only care who won the fight.

15:26:59 Jan 19th 08 - Ms. Zinxu:

One big problem with your logic zeak. In the end noone cares :P
Just one question? Why on earth should Arch Shade not be as mean as possibly to his enemy?
If I could fool his army out of a blocker with just words I would do it, no matter what I said.
If i could get he's friend to stab him in the back I would.
It's so stupid to have rules in wars since wars allready breaks the rules.
And if you follow the rules you just give the enemy the upper hand.

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