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Forums / In game politics / Eternity

08:46:19 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

what does mature mean?

11:36:07 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Men:

im only standing up for myself, thats not immature

13:12:46 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Thorn:

I will only say a few things..

I have been playing with Tooty for enough eras to be sure when i say He isn't a farmer, He has allways been one of our main fighters.

He and I are in the North Predator's Core we need to move our armies about 3 days to reach the frontline.

Maybe you haven't see me yet.. cos i'm not moving far south.. i just halted my advance during 2 days to give everybody some time to build , but there is no resistance on north area.. i hope you could regroup and make a good defense so we (all of us) could get a good fight.

So please stop this silly "verbal war" and focus your efforts on the field, cos at the end those will be the things which remains over time..

23:00:47 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Rashigra The Rouge Elf:

no tactics will. :P btw Dakarius this time we're going to be on opposite sides of the field. I've had enough of your ego and I want revenge.

23:37:40 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Twister:

Clash of! ;)
P.S. about resuming your megalomania treatment Rogue elf???

00:20:05 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Deadly Doughnut:

wow....does everyone think that?  No one really likes you do they dakky?  How are you going to form a kd if everyone that joins you wants to end up killing you?

02:26:19 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Rashigra The Rouge Elf:

omg Twister do you even know me? I don't have a ego, tooty does just because he's being protected by the strongest KD in Mantrax. so shut ur trap and maybe i'll give you DD over there as a treat.

12:06:31 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

Rouge what the hell are you on about again... You are probably in protection now since you had to reset, there is no way you can kill me. OMFG what an stupid little boy... JUST STOP talking to me ffs.

Ok you know what? where are you on the map and I'll send you some army lets see if you can kill them?

12:11:11 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Gilth:


19:07:44 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Twister:

Rogue, please double your dose up, ...better yet - triple it, mkay? ;)

Yes, I don't know the color of your ugly hair, nor the size of your fat ass, that has obviously been kicked too many times when you were a little kid... But I see your ridiculous posts, that represent your loud scream for attention and some undeserved respect... ;)

However, you made me wonder, - should your remark (about me not knowing you well) constitute that you know Tooty that well, since you are talking bull about him? I suspect not, - therefore, Mr.Megalomaniac Elf, your high ego clearly exceeds your miserable low life... ;)
Normally, I don't like to be lecturing anyone, nor posting things that humiliate others, but also I just can't stand posers like yourself... Work on taking your  elevated attitude down to earth, please! ;)

19:30:14 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

lol go twister

19:32:17 Sep 9th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

Pred win the oral wars and real wars !! :)

21:38:48 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

Ouch owned. twister which KD are you in? I knew which KD you were in but now I forgot sorry.

21:58:38 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Twister:

Tooty, if you hadn't left the Preds, you would know which KD I'm in ;)

22:55:26 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Rashigra The Rouge Elf:

rofl egomaniac. I'm a stupid little boy, when i'm 19 eh? and Justin be a good nephew and go play with your toys.

Sir Jack Frost


9/9/2007 2:32:17 PM
Pred win the oral wars and real wars !! :)


You won't the real war but I'll pwn you in a spam war.

00:05:27 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Twister:

Mr. Rashigra The Rouge Elf   has rested his case in a profound manner:

"I'm a stupid little boy, when i'm 19 eh? <...> I'll pwn you in a spam war."

Wow, everybody, beat that! ;)))

10:00:01 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Rocketmaster:

Frost has no room to talk cuz he begged me not to kill him in the beginning of this era

14:10:56 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Eternity will not be here for the rest of the era. Selkirka and I are currently to busy with our education. We will return next era on Mant. where we will be recriting from the start so as to compete on Fantasia in the era following.


17:55:59 Sep 12th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

Rocket ?

When did i beg you not to kill me ?

Please show me that p.m, i would love to see it ;-))

18:04:07 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Men Rebourn:

you guys arent coming on for the whole era??

ive set up on zeta ready for yall to join!!

17:10:17 Sep 14th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I lied. We are now accepting aplications on Starta.

18:03:14 Sep 14th 07 - Mr. Men Rebourn:

im disgusted dak

15:32:13 Sep 16th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

so eternity lost in mantrax , lol

16:19:23 Sep 16th 07 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

yeah of course they did

20:59:09 Sep 16th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

I will be the first one who attacks them next era I guaranty this.

00:47:59 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Betty Swallocks:

omg shut up! were not even at war with you anymore, i dont have time for ppl like you!

01:04:24 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

wow, he is grudging on something we consider inconsequential. Oh well, if it makes him feel better.

01:59:26 Sep 17th 07 - Ms. Lanfear:

Calm down boys no need to flip out like ninjas against each other.

02:04:28 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Allan:

I killed Rashigra like a week ago lol...

03:09:39 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Roll:

i hart skelky.... and for all the ppl who recognize this is argus....

04:29:31 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

argus? PM me plz.

17:13:26 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

lol I just said next time I will be in time because this era I joined the war too late... That's it =O. betty I know we aren't at war thats why I said next era =).

Why did everyone get excited when I talk? lol...

00:40:55 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Lets see, so far on Starta, we have Crushed Mountain Dew (Selki Doesn't like it)
Can't say as to our next target yet.

03:00:24 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Deadly Doughnut:

I hate selky too.

05:01:15 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

we all hate DD. :)

13:25:47 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Fun is finaly occuring on Starta, the Two most powerful kds are about to go head
 to head

They even have a matching color scheme!

LWLuna Wolves18Mr. Mako227
ETYEternity10Ms. Selkirka100

14:54:37 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Twister:

Kingdoms in Starta
LWLuna Wolves18Mr. Mako1
ETYEternity10Ms. Selkirka1

I know you guys just started (restarted), but it is still pretty funny, when most of us see this, and not what you do ;)

15:40:22 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Ject:

I'm gonna laugh if Eternity get's their asses kicked again :D

22:34:37 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Millenium:

hey! shut up! eternity and the east india company are cool..... dont make me go all trading on your ass!

00:12:03 Sep 23rd 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

lol remeber they are the class..........

well i can't tell a deffernce

ETY Eternity 14 Ms. Selkirka 0









Kingdom Banner

Name: Eternity
Members: 14
Tag: ETY
Created: 9/14/2007 2:14:15 PM
Leader: Ms. Selkirka


ROFLMAO. You are all going to die. <3

For all that apply, please put:
-how many eras you have played
-how active you plan to be


so , now you need players .........

01:54:29 Sep 23rd 07 - Mr. Tango:


20:43:29 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Might:

Whos Tango?

21:28:16 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I declare war on whoever the nubtard that gave his city a bad name is. I will hunt you down whoever you are, because I can't get the map at scool because of him/her. DEATH!!

00:48:04 Sep 27th 07 - Mr. Millenium:

dak? youre still in school?  some how i thought youde be older...

00:49:02 Sep 27th 07 - Mr. Siegheart:

Hey Dak!
Go Eternity!

I'm rooting for Eternity!

See's the hundreds of anti-Eternity fans.

*starts to sprinting around and yelling "Go Eternity"*

*Makes it look like there are hundreds of Eternity fans*

00:49:20 Sep 27th 07 - Lord Epyon:

wasnt Tango that guy on I Love New York??


03:30:13 Sep 27th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

i am mr. tango! i couldnt stand not being with dak and selky!

02:05:41 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Nononono, I'm Sparitcus!

04:58:05 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Millenium:

....... im your father..... *!dak! you watching porn son!?*

05:01:02 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I'm older than my Father?! time paradox maybees 0.o

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