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Forums / In game politics / FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness

FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness
17:56:09 Nov 29th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

You're just only getting a boner? I ejaculated all over Wilberforce's face ages ago.... twice actually...

Abit premature, but don't worry, there is time for a third one... maybe even a fourth ;)

18:23:29 Nov 29th 12 - Legend (I am Legendary):

pff... Ages ago nub. I am getting it now!

23:47:13 Nov 29th 12 - Endless (Lady Nyotaimori):

I hate Black Flag scum.  How can I enjoy this awesome thread if you keep trying to kill me off. Fvckers :p

19:10:02 Nov 30th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

So legend you into bears or twinks?

19:13:23 Nov 30th 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

... twinks?

12:11:51 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Oh crap, we're gonna die.

Ford Knoxx

City Info
Owner: Mr. FordiusKingdom Banner
Size: 199891 building(s).
Kingdom: Legacy
Race: Human
Gates: no gates

Fordius' 200K is done. He is gonna kill us all :S

12:16:58 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:


Casting Earthquake from The Baddest upon Aids with 53% chance of success... and Successful!
An earthquake strikes Aids, owned by Princess George Michael of Legacy destroying 36000 buildings. We lost some Illusionists and some of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.


Casting Earthquake from The Baddest upon Aids with 57% chance of success... and Successful!
An earthquake strikes Aids, owned by Princess George Michael of Legacy destroying 21600 buildings. We lost some Illusionists and some of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.


12:31:01 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Fordius:

Lol wtf?

Dude I'm inactive as hell and really suck ass.
Don't have the old drive :( how do you think I made the 200k :P by being inactive lol.

:( have mercy on me for when I relogin and see my news page :( 

16:33:14 Dec 2nd 12 - Lady Argylia:

17:52:00 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Jimmy Savile:

19:40:29 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Bounce II:

Earthquake the guy with the lowest building cost.. Genius.


City Info
Owner:Princess George MichaelKingdom Banner
Size:35865 building(s).

We own more than three times more land than this ruler.

05:39:02 Dec 3rd 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

I earthquaked the guy I WANTED to earthquake, full stop. I know that:

1) He is halfling
2) He has quite low land
3) He will recover quite fast.
4) If there are more important targets to EQ, I would have picked every other player in Legacy other than him since he is their weakest player.

On my part:

1) I am halfling.
2) I can recover quite fast too.
3) I do not need to EQ other players' cities.... they are going to be taken, so they need to be maintained :)
4) If they are going to be razed in some form or manner, it will be by the owner of the cities themselves, not my kingdom..... unless we can't hold them of course ;)
5) Ultimately, do I look like I care? LOL!

10:12:14 Dec 3rd 12 - Mr. Baiterman:

Who is the idiot that cast armageddon? This cannot be!! Let the era continue!!

11:05:56 Dec 3rd 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

Or atleast wait until i'm number 1 again. :P

11:32:02 Dec 3rd 12 - Mr. Dread:

Okey guys how do u farm ? 

11:34:52 Dec 3rd 12 - Mr. Bounce II:

Still your grudge makes you a less effective player badder ;)

11:52:34 Dec 3rd 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Dreadlord, when it comes to effectiveness, there is definitely no question whatsoever that I am one step above Wilberforce the Bad in being effectiveless ;)

After all, why do you think folks call me Badder Than Wilbad? :(

13:11:25 Dec 3rd 12 - cxc (Sir Mean):

Armageddon will end the world of Fantasia in 236 days unless the city of Oogie Boogie is destroyed!!

Isn't it a little bit early?
We still have ongoing OOP wars... I haven't killed a scout yet :(.
I am pretty sure there are better ways to show of that you have magic 9 Edd, don't be so l4me.

18:35:14 Dec 3rd 12 - Mr. Edd:

I just wanted attention

10:05:02 Dec 4th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Invitation accepted. We're coming to play!

16:01:27 Dec 4th 12 - Mr. Bounce II:

Bring you own ponies

16:10:03 Dec 4th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Pfft. Level 3s are so out.

Only level 4s for me baby.

The 400K pony 50K advent army is not bad though... :P

06:01:40 Dec 5th 12 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

This era is ending way to early...

06:26:32 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Well, the Arma caster knew he and his kingdom were losing, so they used their get out of jail card.

It also appears that  the Legacy lads are supporting this decision judging by the large number of "Yes" votes.

Ah well, I am not interested in whining about it, so I will only say that this gives me or my kingdomates the excuse to cast Arma early in the coming eras if ever the kingdom I am playing in is "losing".

06:36:06 Dec 5th 12 - Endless (Lady Nyotaimori):

I voted Yes lol, kinda boring just watching and not spanking... but when I voted it was already set in stone that the era would continue and not instantly end so I figured wth... more fun to watch one of you take a run for that city and destroy it }:>

07:04:16 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Edd:

It's defenseless don't do it!

07:10:31 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

No one cares about the Arma city, Kat. After all.... we're winning ;)

All those delicious Relentless 90Ks on the other hand..... please wreck them or my comrades will come and get them *thumbs up*

07:12:33 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Edd:

I'm Edd and I'm sure they will be wrecked its what i do

07:16:54 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

That's good, Kat. Let's see how many big cities we can take from your kingdom versus how many you guys can wreck ;)

07:27:44 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Edd:

Why you keep calling me Kat. Also I wished I wasn't elf otherwise I would be out on the feel slaughtering armies. i'm going back to human next era.

07:43:23 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

I am calling you Kat because that's what I remember you by.... a guy who left his kingdom and backstabbed his own kingdomates in the middle of an era. That experience was one of the deepest first impressions left on Path and me in our first era in VU.... as we were your then ex-kingdomates, lost core cities to you, and had to reroute armies to kill you off which almost got our then kingdom killed by our enemies (you remember Angels in Mantrax, don't you, Kat? LOL!).

Even if you changed your name to Edd, I will never ever forget a backstabber ;)

We Malaysians have a saying that I think, is apt to be amended for you Kat....: "If you are confronted by a king cobra and Kat / Edd, who do you kill first? Answer: You kill Kat / Edd first."

08:03:24 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Edd:

omg I never attacked you guys. I left Angels and I attacked cannabis due to poor leadership or a city. I remember it well. I didn't backstab you guys but I did attack cannabis who were our NAP but only cause our leader chose them over me a member of the kingdom.

08:06:46 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Dude... both Path and I lost a city each to you. Our kingdomate, Destroyer, lost 2 cities to you because he was closest to your armoury. I may have a terrible memory, but some things, I remember more clearly then others.

Anyway, enough of talking with you. I'm off.

08:08:23 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Edd:

Hey dont change the story. I Did not attack your cities. I killed armies but i did message you guys to move off but you didnt listen so i had no choice since you guys were in my way. My goal was to finish off cannabis for being big babies about a city. Their player left and the city was kingdomless and it was no1 so i took the city. I was in the right but thye made a big deal about it and even our leader agreed with them which made me very very mad as I had done nothing wrong yet i was the culprit. I am a Honorable player and I have played many eras. I rarely join kingdoms as I Stick With my kingdom KH. But to the kingdoms I join I have stayed many eras and have worked as a teamplayer. This angels thing follows me everywhere and you guys always distort how it all happened.

08:11:22 Dec 5th 12 - Duke Stewie Griffin:

"omg I never attacked you guys."

10 seconds later..

"I Did not attack your cities. I killed armies"

Lol i stoppped reading after that...

08:15:45 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Edd:

I never attacked you guys like you say i went all out. I had to take my troops out of my armory to attack cannabis. You guys refused to move so i had to kill your armies prepping on me so I could move down to Cannabis. You guys distort the story like i say and vaguely say the details to make me look like the bad guy.

08:16:53 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

If he really was a backstabber, I would have died to him instead of Equilibrium in Midgard's last era considering my defenseless mining town was right next to his large army when he dissolved our little KD. Instead he tried to buy me time before they tried for my city by spamming hammers.

So... Pffffffffffft. 

08:19:04 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Edd:

Also before I attacked the armies I send messages to you guys as I did not want to kill your armies but nothing.

08:22:33 Dec 5th 12 - Zephyr (Marquess Roland III):

I was in Angel back in the days in Mantrax I do remember a Kat damn backstabber.

08:23:30 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Had to pluck this off from an old thread. As my good friend Path used to say... when you see Kat, exterminate that little pecker with extreme prejudice.

10:19:43 Dec 25th 09 - Mr. Path:

Mr. Kat


omg von mzzery if i remember right there was a problem with the leadership. I took a city that was kdless and then the other kd can't remember the name started to whine about it that they call it and it was theirs. I said it had no kd and i got it first so it was mine  Then i told our leader and he backed the other kd on it! that made me so mad that our own leader wouldnt defend me when it was clrealy mine. I gave up the city but was really mad at the kd. my friend told me to join another kd in another world so i needed to die. I DID NOT attack our KD at anytime all i did was attack that kd that were babies and wrecked their cities then after i quitid and got killed and restarted in another world.


No, you left the kingdom and started attacking us, your old kingdommates, without any provocation.  You can't even remember who the other kingdom was.  It was Cannabis.  Since you seem to have forgotten what happened,  I'll fill you in.  You disbanded with your army in the middle of our core and started attacking our mines while we were still busy fighting enemies at our borders.  The only excuse for your actions that you gave was "I needed to get my army killed fast, LOL."  You never helped the kingdom with anything all age.  You just whored and built up an army.  Then you walked it to our mines, left the kingdom...then started taking undefended cities.

All I can say is that I am relieved to see you are still playing.  I look forward to meeting you.

I admit this is somewhat off the topic of end of era awards, sorry Lew.


08:30:57 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Bloody hell, this gets even better.

Anyway, after these two old posts, case closed Kat. We continue our "talk" on the battlefield.

Sorry for spamming the forum thread, fellow Fantasians.

Mr. Kat


12:38:14 Dec 25th 09
mr. path your wrong omg your one of those people who confused me with someone else again aren't u? are we talking about the kd with the yellow banner?
Mr. Path


13:51:57 Dec 25th 09
Unlike you, I remember the entire event with pure clarity.  Don't try to act like it was someone else.  Events happened much as you previously explained.  Yes, the "yellow banner" kd was cannabis, whom were living in our core.  Your friends were on another map (as you said even then) so you went on some intra kingdom rampage through our mines until TBL and I killed you.  We never did anything to provoke such an attack.  Stalin (the idiot in charge of Angels) was being more than accommodating to the guys in Cannabis at the expense of Angels since his friends were in that kingdom.  I can understand your frustration towards him since my feelings were much the same (probably even moreso).  However, no one understood why when venting your frustrations towards him, you chose to attack and destroy cities that were not Stalin's.  In fact, I'm not sure you ever even touched Stalin's mines.  You sure did screw over a lot of other people however who expected a certain degree of trust from a kingdommate.

Unless something of import is said, I doubt I'll keep replying here.  As I said previously, I am very pleased to see you are still playing.  The only other thing I have to say is to give a warning to anyone who would ever consider NAP or allying Kat's kingdom.  Make sure you can trust someone else in his kingdom to make sure things work out, or he will likely screw you over.  He attacks his own kingdom, and doubtless, would backstab you if given opportunity.

Mr. Kat


14:01:40 Dec 25th 09 what r u talking about i never attacked any of you guys all i did was attack cannabis then u guys attacked me and i said i give up and suicided my armies to restart then i left.

Mr. Von Moormzzery


16:07:16 Dec 25th 09 Mr. Kat


14:01:40 Dec 25th 09 what r u talking about i never attacked any of you guys all i did was attack cannabis then u guys attacked me and i said i give up and suicided my armies to restart then i left.

You attacked Destroyer, Ocastra and took a city of mine. I can also remember the exact moment.... we were fighting Rock Legends, and the crap you caused took away plenty of badly needed troops from the frontline...

Path and I remember that moment very clearly because that was our very first era and our very first time dealing with a backstab (good lesson to learn).

Also, Path and I aren't the only ones with bad memories of you Kat. I know plenty of people who would love to break your (VU) neck if they could be given the chance....

08:42:36 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Edd:

If you can see I almost said the same thing as i said back then as what happened. I'm not making it up. I gave back the city and was mad. Sorra was my friend and he wanted me to join him up on KH. Back then we only had one character. Since I was still mad at Angels I decided it wasnt worth it to stay in that kingdom so I disbanded and I did not once again attack Angels. You guys came to attack me. I had no choice but to kill your armies cause you guys were distracting me from my real target Cannabis. I did message you guys to back off since I did not want to kill you guys. I attack the nearby cannabis cities wich were south of me and wrecked. After I finished off those cities and wrecked them I went to suicde my army on you guys since you were the only ones left so I could die and you guys had nothing in the area to kill me off. Which is the only time if you can even consider that attacking that i went for one of you guys cities to suicide. I wish We had screenshots.

10:10:26 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Jimmy Savile:

It's not like you to hold an irrelevent grudge from years gone by, TBL! Poor Edd doesn't know what hit him. Or the circumstances by the looks of things.

Good thing you know it ad verbatim, date upon date! Important information, guys.

10:20:39 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Well Swifty, it was my first era in VU. It was my first experience in getting "back-stabbed" (see what I did there?). I think a person will always remember his or her first time in some things ;)

It was definitely an eye-opening experience to say the least :D

10:51:40 Dec 5th 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

Then you met me and you had a brown-eye-opening experience. Those were teh days. <3

11:57:25 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Badder Than Wilbad:

Yeah, they were great Augh :P <3

07:41:35 Dec 7th 12 - Ms. Jennas Fanclub:

Did LGC just invisi their entire core??

07:48:49 Dec 7th 12 - Mr. Edd:

Don't think so. I think fog was casted on you

22:09:07 Dec 7th 12 - Mr. Bounce II:

Lets party.. U where just blindfolded Jenna  Now the real fun begins.. 

05:59:18 Dec 8th 12 - Jafar (Mr. Hollondo):

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Beothuk Evil Ops28Sir Kobu The Evilruler317
Legacy18Mr. Jimmy Savile140
The Immortals24Duke Leviathan139
Relentless16Mr. Xpumpx100
Mad and Dangerous21Mr. Aloysius49
Black Flag3Mr. Hamish The Third14
The All You Can Eat Buffet3Mr. Hungry Hungry Hippo5

curse your superior numbers...

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