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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 19

Fantasia 19
01:30:45 Jun 8th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

LGC has a reputation and sometimes behaviour that makes them a target for smacktalk, simple as that :) some take the smacktalking further than others.

16:06:20 Jun 9th 13 - Sir Aloysius:

i) Beothuk fought MAD OOP in its first era. Beothuk fought Legacy, Relentless and MAD OOP in its 3rd era. Beothuk fought a FULLY ACTIVE Binh OOP in its fourth era.

someone posted this. And I think, the second sentence is an overkill! You dont fight three kingdoms OOP! I was there. You fight those three kingdoms one at a time, by the time you fight them all at the same time, its not OOP anymore and too many happened already!

Anyway, I know that there's too much bragging going on here. So, say whatever you want, Im out!

17:59:45 Jun 9th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

After some time your lies start to seem true, even to yourself. Ask any of the players from any of the kingdoms that actually played those eras and you'll get pretty much the same story, ask a beo member and you get a much nicer story, filled with glory and triumph.

18:08:40 Jun 9th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Carrier Has Arrived):

@ Aloysius:

Beothuk fought MAD OOP. It then started fighting both BF and Relentless 1 week into the era as well (after Relentless took out Zondy's kingdom).

Its close enough. And all 3 kingdoms were only concentrating on one enemy... us. As a matter of fact, you had to strain so hard to fight us, you pulled off the typical MAD strategy of kicking several semi active and active players in order to feed on them. So much for being the previous era winners of Fantasia then.

@ Elite:

The story is Beothuk won 4 times in a row in Fantasia. Both player and kingdom crown. Often with the top 6 players each era all belonging to Beothuk.

The story is that only one other kingdom in the entire history of Fantasia pulled off what Beothuk did. A 4-peat.

Don't like it? Tough. You can't change the facts.

18:29:20 Jun 9th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

If you look over the last 8 eras [not including this one, which will once again be another LGC loss]:

  • TBL kingdoms have won 6 of them.
  • MAD have won 1.
  • LGC have won 1.

If you ever need to find a reason as to why LGC should disband immediately, switch to a lower world and stop embarrassing itself on Fant, it is this.

TBL is the GOAT.

19:42:45 Jun 9th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):

TBL what facts am I trying to change exactly, did I say beo didn't win those eras? No, what I said is that your "achievements" have been exaggerated and you know it.

Sure Beo won 4 eras in a row, and congratulations on that, but dont oversell it. Ive seen kingdoms do something allot more valuable and epic on 1 era then Beo did the whole 4 eras combined.

22:02:12 Jun 9th 13 - Legend (I am Micro):

Stir and TBL you guys want cookies for those long posts?

22:26:27 Jun 9th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Carrier Has Arrived):


Actually, I've been pretty much factual about everything I said. Any exaggeration from me is inadvertent and a result of an aging memory.

The facts are the facts. Nothing you can change about them. You may choose to interpret Beothuk's achievements in a lesser way, but that's up to you. No one can change your mind if you have made it up.

With regards other parts of your post, to a certain extent, I can kinda agree with you.

I have been in and led kingdoms that have performed epic accomplishments in the past due to then differing circumstances on Fantasia. I have very endearing memories of my time in Godlike Nubs and Fate.

I would add to that and also point out that today's competition has been significantly watered down. I mean in the past where I used to compete with actual top notched players like Sloth and Ali, the current competition nowadays don't resemble that much of a dire threat level (except for an active Binh!).

But you still forget a universal law of history - accomplishments are to be judged on the their own circumstances, their own merit.

Based on modern Fantasia circumstances, what Beothuk has accomplished was remarkable enough in its own right. We don't see any kingdoms or players pulling off a similar achievement now.

We don't even see you, Elite, performing to that high of a level yourself nowadays. I can't even remember which notable kingdoms had you among them when they performed their epic one-era performance. Perhaps, you can be so kind as to enlighten me so that I will endeavor to treat you more seriously as an opponent should I ever fight against you in the future?

And most importantly, the final result can never be ignored.

P.S. Why do you think, in my innumerable criticisms of Wilberforce, I have never accused him of being a non-era winner? Because that fool HAS won an era before. Even when the likes of Path, Binh, Dalak and Random have never won one. Now, I can waste my time and moan about how controversial his win was, how he never fought any kingdom of substance, how he fed on nubs, etc. but I can never change the facts.

So I choose, instead to highlight the FACT that I have only lost to a kingdom having him as a member ONCE in my entire VU life. And on the other hand, I (or kingdoms I have been in) have mauled him, throttled him, trampled on him, curb-stomped him (I refuse to rape him) ELEVEN times before.

That fact alone is sufficient to show how inferior Wilber is as a player compared to me.

00:51:39 Jun 10th 13 - Mr. Fmbest:

Still posting paragraphs about me, despite me not posting TBL? Tsk tsk, I'm pretty sure on your end, ordinary people take meds for this sort of thing and on my end, people take out restraining orders on stalkers/obsessives.

Nobody cares.

01:02:52 Jun 10th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Carrier Has Arrived):

11 - 1.

17:42:10 Jun 10th 13 - Mr. Bounce:


20:33:48 Jun 13th 13 - Zond (Sir Kiss Alotta Hose):


22:40:25 Jun 13th 13 - Ms. Six Pool Only:

  •  no

10:03:13 Jun 14th 13 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

I haven't found anything since yesterday afternoon, so I'm curious: Am I having some bad luck, or does someone have an advent army with lots of xp?

15:44:22 Jun 15th 13 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Oh my god so many dragons.

19:10:03 Jun 15th 13 - Mr. Fmbest:


City Info
Owner: Mr. Tenn XKingdom Banner
Size: 1178 building(s).
Kingdom: Fecking Fecker
Race: Troll
Gates: closed

I have to admit. I am curious about this. How come you guys cancelled arma?

It had 6 RL days left on it. You and Immo will own 100% of the map in less than 2 RL days leaving you with 4 days worth of whoring.
Now, assuming a Feckers or Immo mage is forced [to waste their MUs] to recast arma, you've delayed it massively. It's lucky we've only died recently, imagine how all the folks who have already been dead for 1-2 weeks (or longer) feel here.

Nothing against any of you guys, you all did really well. I just can't quite see any logic behind it tbf.

19:32:50 Jun 15th 13 - Niveko (Mr. Niveko III):

I am starting to wonder if FF and Immo want to war in the end?

19:48:40 Jun 15th 13 - Ms. Six Pool Only:

they don't want the world to ever end

22:32:23 Jun 15th 13 - Prince Chade:

I think this solves the issue:

Casting Armageddon from Enroth upon Arma Ready with 24% chance of success...successful, If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days. All of our Spellweavers survived the spell!

23:36:16 Jun 15th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Why would LGC want to rush the arma cast?

The sooner arma finishes, the sooner TBL and BEO returns. And the sooner they return, the sooner LGC loses it's 7th? 8th? straight era in a row. You would think LGC would want the era to continue for another 2-3 months if possible!

00:20:29 Jun 16th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

lol :P

10:55:08 Jun 16th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Rance):

Not gonna leave a city or two to watch the dragons? :3

20:26:26 Jun 19th 13 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

Why do people undercut prices by like .5 anyway?

21:20:52 Jun 19th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Rance):

Someone wanna tell me why Kushman left Immortals?

22:47:37 Jun 19th 13 - Mr. Ignis Demorali:

Cant wait intill the era starts :) isnt there way that u can make e the world end faster...

By the way just so you mad is a strong kd has always been one :) beothuk :) I seem to remember kicking u asses a while in nirvana or valhalla 

23:05:53 Jun 19th 13 - Mr. Ignis Demorali:

It was era 3 midgard but I lost that era and I had to fight u huys and british petroleum wish was fun intill Gaia could play anymore .....

10:03:57 Jun 22nd 13 - Yukan (Mr. Rance):

Why can't the era end already? Q_Q

12:10:55 Jun 22nd 13 - Ms. Brown And Blue Oreos:

shush dont make them destroy arma 

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