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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 12

Fantasia Era 12
21:56:28 Jun 13th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

your minor, good bye

22:17:25 Jun 13th 12 - Mr. Palpy Sucky Mage:

You mean "You're minor"? VU cutting into your English language studies?

22:21:10 Jun 13th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

great reply

22:22:37 Jun 13th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

Palpy, I don't think Stirlin is highly educated. So cut him some slack :)

22:24:27 Jun 13th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

i see diablo is in the hands of your brother now, welcome back

22:34:07 Jun 13th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

We've finished the game. He's actually halfway through Inferno with DH :) I've finished normal and gone through the storyline so I'm satisfied :)

22:46:56 Jun 13th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

im glad you found time to play it and didnt fall out

22:50:09 Jun 13th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

Time management and discipline good sir :) That's how I was able to get my degree and professional qualification while working a 45 hour / week part time job :) You should learn those skills too... may finally get a full education at last ;)

22:54:45 Jun 13th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

your great life again eh? do you ride a unicorn to work aswell?

23:41:40 Jun 13th 12 - Mr. Deergod:

18:39:28 Jun 12th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

@ Swifty: I built up a 90K home city specifically for the purpose of housing all those AMs and MUs :) I hope to reach 1 million housed AMs before the era ends in 9 days :P

hahaha he admits , hell he wil even keep them in the city to meet his quota of 1 mil in 9 days.. 1I think tbl is just playing a whole diffrent game then us.. where your troops live hapily ever after with their families in their homes.

04:19:31 Jun 14th 12 - Mr. Kentucky Fried Cat:

Deergod, TBL has over 5 million kills. So he has clearly not just been sitting in his cities all era.

05:07:59 Jun 14th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

Shhhhhh.... Palpy, don't let these idiots know..... I want them all to continue to think I have only been farming all era, building 90Ks,, and sitting in my cities.... :P :P :P

*though in actuality, I think these fools already know that all of Buffet have been attacking, that's why Swifty was so desperate to cast Arma so early..... he knows Legacy's a goner eventually :)*

08:39:34 Jun 14th 12 - Sir Jango Fett:

i will kill all you nubs next era so stfu me vs all of fant... hmmm not fair on you guys lol
on a lesser note keep up the entertainment in this thread.. too funny..

20:28:29 Jun 14th 12 - Osiris the new guy (Mr. Henry Hoover):

it is funny :P most people who spend a lot of time bragging about how awesome their lives are are either poor broke stupid and doing nothing worthwhile or such a complete cunt that no one likes them in rl except those who also only care about how much they can brag :P either way they are a dick

22:49:23 Jun 14th 12 - Mr. Deergod:

dude my life is awsome ;)

22:49:42 Jun 14th 12 - Mr. Deergod:

dude my life is awsome ;)

22:49:57 Jun 14th 12 - Mr. Deergod:

dude my life is awsome ;)

22:59:32 Jun 14th 12 - Stirlin (Mr. Stirling):

so awesome he triple posts

23:02:13 Jun 14th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

Osiris, its obvious by now that I am dead broke in real life, a complete cunt to people, have no friends, and no one likes me :P Oh well, that's why I am a born loser :(

Oh BTW, it seems Legacy is no longer the biggest kingdom.... hmmm.... how did a 25 man kingdom lose to a 13 man kingdom in networth, I wonder... :D

23:08:01 Jun 14th 12 - Duke Pesterd:


Politics is Politics when its about Politics.... You guys are arguing about stupidity.


23:46:29 Jun 14th 12 - Stirlin (Mr. Stirling):

kingdom in networth, I wonder... :D

this isnt utopia bro that game died years ago

23:49:55 Jun 14th 12 - Judge (Mr. Munch):

"Oh BTW, it seems Legacy is no longer the biggest kingdom.... hmmm.... how did a 25 man kingdom lose to a 13 man kingdom in networth, I wonder... :D"

13+27+6+9+26= 81

Legacy :

It seems you got your math wrong, it's 81 vs 25 actually. Even if you wanna add Hex on our side (which would be wrong since we dont even have a NAP with them, much less a coordinated alliance like you guys do), it's still 81 vs 43.

81 vs 25... I wonder too how it took so long for at least one of those kds to top us...

00:34:45 Jun 15th 12 - Endless (Lady Fingers Terroramisu):

didn't you guys say you won against Mad and Relentless?

00:47:07 Jun 15th 12 - Mr. Ballroom Dancer:

MAD/Relentless were beaten OOP and were forced to rebuild in the east. We still have players fighting at their new core and Relentless have continued sending armies our way. They're still very much in the fight after all the NAPing and rebuilding. And despite TBL saying they're bad players, they've given LGC a much tougher test than AYCE could hope to this era.

But nevertheless, congratulations to AYCE on building mines to take the KD HoH. An impressive feat for a kingdom of farmers. In the past week we've seen 3 armies from you. 1 impressively took out an inactive and hospital-bound roxbury, the other is sitting and struggling to take Stirlings cut off and unreinforcable town and the final army? I imagine that's still running as far away from the fight as it possibily can after those savage beating its taken.

Impressive AYCE.

00:55:52 Jun 15th 12 - Judge (Mr. Munch):

We did. Your point? The thing about beating someone oop is that they can rebuild and come back, specially when they dont have to worry about fighting any other kd...

And yes MAD might be about to pass us in the most powerful kd list but only a narrow minded moron would think that because of that they somehow "won" over us. I'm sure they'll be the first to admit we beat them fair and square (well 1vs2 actually) oop. The fact that they were able to relocate to the far est and rebuild to the point they place someone top 3 and be #2 on most powerful shows they know what they are doing, only making our initial victory over them more meaningful.

If it were still like around 5 years ago, they would have just about all ended up on Mantrax and no, I wouldn't of counted them in your alliance anymore. Now however, you have to.

Thank you 

01:05:48 Jun 15th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

5 years ago tbl would have been shot down for attempting mass naps
vu has changed, for the worse

02:34:45 Jun 15th 12 - Lord Chade The Mosquito Killer:

i dont get it - why does loser always complain?....TBL could u explain?

02:36:13 Jun 15th 12 - Endless (Lady Fingers Terroramisu):

my point was if you had won against them then it sort of removed 53 from your equation, but you've explained it wasn't really a decisive win so your 81 vs 25 still holds :p

well I guess at the end of the era you can all compare individual stats and decide who was farming and who was warring, it won't change my disappointment at not getting to spank Devi because of Arma or my few moments of joy at being able to spank Bling or  my lack of spoils due to the pain of Freddy the PITA cleanup (I hate differing timezones) ... btw Freddy ... ARRGH!! <3  ;) 

03:20:18 Jun 15th 12 - Mr. Devi:

Julie my dear, you know you're always welcome to spank me ;)...

To the fool bragging about his lvl 7 ams, all 600k...Wouldnt be the first time I ass raped a retarded elf who thought he was a bad ass., last guy had close to 900k if I remember right and he was slaughtered.

To, I think the same fool......This isnt Legacy, in name only. Not even close in any other way, nothing could compare to how we used to play and the people that made it happen. Binh gave me control of DS for some dumb reason that I really cant remember. In doing that I myself brought back the old flag for shits and giggles (mostly my own to watch dumbsh*ts like yourself and others), of the 25 members we have, you can count on 1 hand org lgc members. 

1 vs 1 We cant be beat...its simple. Thats why we dont NAP, we welcome the challenge. I can pull up every NAP request to me this era, see if they're still open accept them and then go after 1 KD and look all tough and cool too. We accept the fact that no NAPS means we may die. We accept the fact that people go inactive. Why play if the game is to easy?

My leadership has been little more than a joke. It really has been by committee ever since I took over. Its surprising we havent been slaughtered era after era actually.  I been half active since the third week of May, havent made an attack since then and Im still on Fearsome list...Prime example of how much whoring is going on, while maybe 5 people are active attacking.

03:32:56 Jun 15th 12 - Judge (Mr. Munch):

"Only a narrow minded moron would think that because of that they somehow "won""

I fail to see how cleaning up their entire starting area, forcing them to completely relocate isnt considered a decisive win. Do you? Or are you just so hellbent on not giving any credit to Legacy you are willing to try to twist any and every possible detail to make false points seem true?

I understood the point you were trying to make but just pointed out it was flawed and irrelevant due to the timing of our victory (oop) and the game mechanics (which allows losers to relocate and rebuild in the same world, thus allowing them to come back during the same era).

05:24:13 Jun 15th 12 - Endless (Lady Fingers Terroramisu):

I don't know you Munch and I am the VU village idiot  so if you want to call me a moron go for it bluntly instead of "hinting" at it so I at least remember you for something ;) 

type in Endless :D

Everyone tells me about my flawed logic and irrelevance and the beat goes on. 

If it lives it's not a decisive win regardless of game mechanics it's just a really fun ass kicking moment of the era, that's how I roll. If you want to define it differently go ahead. If MAD or Relentless had said Cool! Congrats! You Win Legacy now let us live in peace I'd probably say yeah that qualifies.  I'm 99% certain most of VU has their own definitions.   BTW, that isn't taking anything away from Legacy's OOP war (you clearly did kick MAD and Relentless ass) and it's not my job to give you credit or take credit away from your kingdom's accomplishments. I don't give a rats ass about Legacy drop situation... (I do care about a lost Devi spanking opportunity though :p), I was actually trying to decipher the various posts and the logic behind them but now I can't be arsed... I tend to tune out when I get the moron comments coming at me.

07:07:07 Jun 15th 12 - Judge (Mr. Munch):

Its more of a "if the hat fits..." case since I was merely quoting what I had said in my prior post. And even in your reply you didnt say MAD won ;)

But I still dont agree with your decisive win definition. =P

I dont know you either and certainly cant be bothered to check your posting history to get to know you (Im wayyy to lazy :P). But I'd be happy to get to know you from what you post here since you at least sound reasonnable enough to recognise there's different shades of grey in every situation.  :)

... unlike your lunatic kd mate who right now is just arguing to spite people (people meaning legacy players of course since it seems his entire world revolves around Legacy judging from his posts). Too bad its done without flair, style... or even intelligence anymore. :/

I actually dont like these kinds of threads (all too common in gaming forums I'm afraid) and merely wanted to point out a small mathematical error in his last post (I'm like that, always here to help!). Seems we got caught in a "collaterally damaged" induced cross argument! =O 

Lets end this right now! Not like this poor dead horse needs any more beating anyways... :$

Plus debating with the self acknowledged village idiot would be even more idiotic on my part now wouldnt it? ;)

(And yes, I did make it a point to end every paragraph with a smiley! Go smiley faces!) 


Bottom line: Legacy didnt nap a single soul and still managed to survive the entire round!! Those are both facts no one can dispute! And we still have the coolest flag in VU (although I admit the one we had in WAR was pretty awesome too! Wheres Fordy when you need him??!!) You say you would have beaten us if the era lasted longer? Well it wont!! You say we wont finish top kd? No we wont!! Do we care? No we dont!! Just the fact you guys resorted to a map wide alliance against us is proof we rock, wether you admit it or not!! Let's see someone else try to do it next era!! Put your troops where your farms are!! Wait thats not right!! Who cares!! Any kd with Elsin, Binh and Rox (hope your doing good man) is automatically awe-fearsome!! And Swifty is the master wp setter!! I pissed my pants a few times because of him this era!! Munch on this suckers!!!!

:() :D :P :) ,'8] <----was going for a people's eyebrow smiley!! 

08:39:03 Jun 15th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

Chade, there are three types of losers (in both game and real life) and they complain / react differently.

The first type of loser, losers by choice, complain very loudly when they are about to lose, in any situation :) They think they are predestined to win everything they turn their hand to. They run for the nearest escape hatch at the sight of danger or loss, and they blame their incompetence on everyone else. The prime examples of "losers by choice" in VU, Fantasia are our opponents with the blue banner.

The second type of loser, losers by birth, complain very loudly when they lose their opportunity to win. Since their life is all about losing, they treasure every opportunity they are given at victory. A description given by a "esteemed elite member of VU's most elite kingdom" on a loser by birth that plays this game is that that loser is "poor broke stupid and doing nothing worthwhile or such a complete cunt that no one likes them in rl except those who also only care about how much they can brag :P either way they are a dick". In VU, there is only one loser by birth, that guy named TheBornLoser, or TBL.

The last type of loser, is a loser who, if he / she loses, either acknowledges the loss honourably and gracefully, or works hard to turn it around quietly. He / she does not run for the nearest escape hatch nor does he / she give poor excuses to justify the loss. I think the term for this type of loser is just the word "loser", though ultimately, over the long run, I would tend to classify these kind of folk as "winners" :)

09:15:38 Jun 15th 12 - Endless (Lady Fingers Terroramisu):

Bottom line: Legacy didnt nap a single soul and still managed to survive the entire round!! Those are both facts no one can dispute!
cancel arma and let's see :p

09:22:45 Jun 15th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

a typical tbl post, ignores all previous comments

09:39:29 Jun 15th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

To the fool that is the leader of Legacy (Binh, why did you ever give leadership to him... look at how bad your kingdom has become now... the kingdom you built :(... )

You still have a chance to ass-rape me. Cancel Arma and come after me :) I'll even tell you how much power you need your mages to train up to SS me. I have 400K MUs and approximately 50K towers. I think if you can get one of your mages to put up to 1 million level 9 MUs, you will get a 50% chance to SS me :) And if you succeed, then yes, you can kill me off :)

But if you still insist on escaping via Arma, then you are nothing but empty talk. Actually, in Mantrax, you have proven to be nothing but empty talk... none of you or your FW mates were able to take even ONE city off me. Even when I started practically next to you and 4 of your strongest players. Now you have another chance on Fantasia to prove that I am an easy kill to you... otherwise you have confirmed the one distinction between the both of us..... I back up my words, you can't :)

Binh gave you control of his kingdom because 3 eras ago, you guys split up into 3 different kingdoms OOP in order to try and catch Hex and MAD in an OOP war. That tactic failed, so you all merged back into one of those kingdoms, named Legacy. Dumb reason on Binh's part, yes, but dumber of him to hand the leadership over to you. Dark Side was once the strongest kingdom, the most feared in Fantasia during these current times. Ever since you took over, however, and Binh slowly faded into the background, it (the former Dark Side) is no longer worthy of those accolades.

And word of advice, if you want to adopt an illustrious name, you had better be prepared to back it up and do that name proud, or else you are going to do nothing but bring down its legacy... (see what I did there?). Your adopting of the name Legacy, and then failing to live up to its reputation and achievements (somewhat overblown though) is nothing short of comedic and laughter-inducing.

And two last points. The first is your claim that 1 vs 1, you can't be beat. Yes, your kingdom would have been very hard to beat OOP, with your large amount of halflings, trolls and orcs, and your best players all playing halfling, not to mention the fact that it would have been 25 vs 13 players of mine (or actually 9 players which were our numbers for the first 1 and 1/2 weeks). However, 1 vs 1 with my kingdom NOW.... after we have been able to defeat Hex and are absorbing and digesting their core.... your kingdom would stand no chance. 25 vs 13 of us, and I will probably add another 3 million halflings and 600K AMs to my kill count. You know it, I know it, heck, EVERYONE knows it. That's why we were all having a great laugh when your boy casted Swifty Arma under the pretense you guys were tired, the era had been long etc. If the shoe had been on the other foot, if you guys were winning and stronger then most of the kingdoms in on the map, no way in hell you would have casted Arma... heck, you would even have had a big laugh at anyone trying to escape via Arma casting (which is why we are all laughing now). Everyone knows the real reason Swifty casted Arma was because you guys knew it was futile for you to try to continue this era... you guys knew there was no way you could beat us or even come out of this era alive......... you couldn't even beat a mere FOUR of our players, LOL! :) You couldn't beat a kingdom that started over 2 weeks late and have mainly players returning to VU for the first time in years (Phantom), you couldn't even beat MAD / Relentless (who were down to probably 10% of your power a month ago) decisively even when Hex blindsided them during the OOP fighting.

The second point is about you still being on the most fearsome list..... not all of us aim for the easy and undefended cities to pad our score:) Some of us actually try to take down an army of substance, or we go for the blockers and armouries. When you proudly point to a list of 470K troops mainly killed during OOP and say that's a sign most of us are whoring, that's when we all know that you are not to be taken seriously... LOL!

Ultimately, everyone knows :) That's the most important thing :P

Actually, I get the true picture now.... the flock of birds not only include Wilberforce, Stirlin, Christian (whoever that guy is) and Swifty.... it also includes Devi! And this Devi dude is probably the ring leader too. No wonder this is an incurable bunch of fools... their combined "dumb" effect is just too great :(

09:40:44 Jun 15th 12 - Mr. Ballroom Dancer:

And Swifty is the master wp setter!! I pissed my pants a few times because of him this era!!

13:04:34 Jun 15th 12 - Judge (Mr. Munch):


"cancel arma and let's see :p"

"Cancel Arma and come after me :)"


"You say you would have beaten us if the era lasted longer? Well it wont!!"

"Bottom line: Legacy didnt nap a single soul and still managed to survive the entire round!! Those are both facts no one can dispute!"


13:11:26 Jun 15th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
The All You Can Eat Buffet13Mr. Hungry Hungry Hippo100
Legacy25Mr. Devi92

13:13:48 Jun 15th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgalon):

Then why not cancel the arma and face us like men/women?
An era is never truly finished when theres still major wars going on, so making it end now is premature. Period.

The Chicken Hunter.

13:19:06 Jun 15th 12 - Judge (Mr. Munch):

Kingdoms in Fantasia
The All You Can Eat Buffet13Mr. Hungry Hungry Hippo109
Legacy25Mr. Devi100

"You say we wont finish top kd? No we wont!! Do we care? No we dont!!"

13:21:56 Jun 15th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgalon):

Suuuure! XD keep saying that, we get good laughs out of it :D

13:21:59 Jun 15th 12 - Judge (Mr. Munch):

"An era is never truly finished when theres still major wars going on, so making it end now is premature. Period."

We all know Swifty to be a premature ejaculator, whats the big news in this?

And his periods are nothing to mess with either...

13:26:27 Jun 15th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgalon):

You could easily stop him :P coming with some lol comments isnīt gonna make that fact go away :)

13:32:31 Jun 15th 12 - Mr. Ballroom Dancer:

Currently 61 people want the age to end, 41 do not.

It seems even the majority of TBL's little alliance are sick of the era and want it ended, too. Either that or they're sick of hearing the Poster Boy for AYCE stupidity whine all over the forums how his farmed up armies won't reach us in time.

All he ever posts is the same repetitive chest-thumping of "I have farmed X amount of units", "I killed you in X era via telekinesis and forum posts" or "My KD has NAP'ed, farmed and are now 1% bigger than yours without having actually attacked you". Draiken, step aside. Rambo, who the fuck are you? Binh, go take lessons in courtesy and citizenship. TBL is the top VU'er around these parts.

As far as trolls go, TBL's one of the worst I've come across in VU. Dull as they come, as funny as cancer and his material is as old and repetitive as all those second hand generation video games that have been passed down to him by his brother. 

13:52:32 Jun 15th 12 - Judge (Mr. Munch):

Leave it Swiffers, trying to have an argument/flamme war with this guy is like looking at this picture:

It sounds promising at first but then the disapointment begins: you realise you were just looking at an a$$ all along. Yet you have to forgive him, he's so darn cute and has no clue why he's so funny.


13:56:00 Jun 15th 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

wtf, i was about to masturbate and then i see that..... fuck legacy. lol....

13:59:01 Jun 15th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

TBL's little alliance = 13 Buffet, 6 Betelgeuse, 9 Phantom and 2 Bomber Brothers :) Impressive that such a small group is kicking Legacy's ass eh... :) I mean, how can nobodies from these kingdoms beat up the kingdom that holds such veteran legends like Swifty and Devi :(

I can actually picture the buildup to and the moment Swifty decided to cast Arma.

2 months ago:

Swifty checks the Buffet elves' landsizes: "This ruler owns the same amount of land as we do."

Swifty: We will definitely kick these guys' assens.

4 weeks ago:

Swifty checks the Buffet elves' landsizes: "This ruler owns a bit more land than us."

Swifty: We can still kick these guys' assens.

2 weeks ago:

Swifty checks the Buffet elves' landsizes: "This ruler owns twice our land."

Swifty: Er... we may not be kicking these guys' assens anytime soon.... need to prepare an escape plan!

Several days ago:

Swifty checks the Buffet elves' landsizes: "This ruler owns more than three times as much land as we do."

Swifty: Er.... we are definitely not going to be kicking these guys assens anymore.... initiate escape plan!

*Swifty casts Armageddon*

LOL! I can just picture the balloon that was Legacy's confidence slowly deflating as the era went on :D

Goodbye Swifty :) Don't let this round of butt-fucking be as painful and as memorable as the one you received from me and Fate several eras ago :)

P.S. Do you know that I was actually acquainted with Rambo in real life? :P He is a Malaysian too, and we used to play in the same Utopia alliance :) I believe he is in Germany now :P

This is such a small world :)

14:44:50 Jun 15th 12 - Ms. Lawathe:

Funny how you changed from bitching at me for farming a few era's (note.. while still leading my own kingdom) to being nothing but a farmer yourself TBL :)

14:57:07 Jun 15th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

See Lewaghwagh :) This is why people don't respect you and this is why a lot of your former kingdomates look down upon you :P You actually believe I am a farmer, LOL!

Just because Legacy tries to make themselves feel better by saying that I farm, and just because I like to make them look stupid by saying that I farm, does not mean you should jump on the bandwagon :) Try to think a bit more deeply for once :P

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