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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk

Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk
20:04:19 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

Hold on a second.

TBL comes in here like a marauding moron, crying about Fords KD being a new DB and insulting him and his new members, then asks for a LGC explaination.

Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber


01:52:57 Feb 20th 13
A couple of little birds are telling me that Legacy will have 40 players next era, 20 of them in a new kingdom (to be called Dark Blood).

Its their way of supposedly dealing with the whole imaginary "2 active kingdoms ganging up against the 3rd active kingdom" issue.

Care to comment, Legacy? :D

I reply, suggesting Ford probably created the new KD because of the stagnation on Fantasia regarding KD politics [pointing out BEO always NAP Immortals, while we vary our relations each era], and then TBL jumps down our throats and accuses us of "making excuses" when answering his question?


20:39:18 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Er, no, Swifty old chap.

I was replying to your various snide remarks... like Beothuk getting 50 members, the NAPping with Immortals insinuations, and other stuff like that, which you liberally sprinkled in your various replies to me or my kingdomates. That's where you make up the excuses for getting your ass kicked era after era. And its the same old excuses I hear all the time.

Where Fordius' kingdom is concerned, to me, honestly, I don't really care if it is (going to be) allied or un-allied with Legacy. If it was un-allied, then sure, great, I wish them the best of luck in building a new, strong, stable and long-lasting kingdom in Fantasia that will have a major impact on the gameplay, because honestly, Fantasia could do with a couple more strong kingdoms. If it is (will be) allied.... if it actually is, in essence, a Dark Blood type spin-off from Legacy, then yeah, Legacy is actually displaying its true hypocritical colours. The part about you guys occupying the moral high ground will then be nothing more then a mirage (actually, it has always been a mirage regardless).

P.S. About the part where Legacy had no need to NAP the map at all in the past, well, when I got into the game, I never saw any instances of this occurring. I actually saw that Legacy was one of the "smarter" NAP makers around - always making 2 vs 1 type NAPs in order to deal with their nearest and strongest enemies. The one era they couldn't pull of a 2 vs 1 NAP, they died to their nearest enemy. And then later that era, they disbanded.

I was a vice of that enemy. Augh will remember the Godlike Nubs fondly.

Perhaps, Swifty, you are reliving too much of your past glories. Your days in the sun are long past.

20:47:06 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Warlock:

TBL is scared, he didnt took up my smelly glove :(

20:50:30 Feb 20th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

I am scared, Warlock. Without farming, mass-NAPs and mass-members, I would have permanent and incurable performance issues :(

On a serious note though, I am not an "actual vice" of my kingdom. If my kingdom leaders say they will go along with the no NAP understanding, then sure, by all means.

01:01:54 Feb 21st 13 - Mr. Fmbest:

Whether Ford's KD decideds to NAP LGC, or whether they want to go in it alone from the off, that's their decision and their prerogative. It has nothing to do with the DB-LGC situation. Pull up a seat TBL, I'll give you a quick lesson on VU history.

One of the main reasons for the DB split, was that some of the members just downright couldn't get on with each other, no names (but I can confirm they are a fat Oxford man who stares at womens noses, with a passionate dislike for you TBL and a beautiful Texan lady with a sweet voice, with a passionate dislike for you TBL).

The reason for Ford quitting? Is because he feels like Fant needs some excitement and another active KD to add to the trio of KDs (not gonna mention 2 active KDs NAPing each other just to fight the 3rd) who are active. The monotonous certainty of Beo/LGC/Immo politics is tedious, at best. We will do this dance forever with the current variables heavily stacked in your favour (2v1 and larger playerbase). In addition to adding this curveball, Ford has decided he wants to lead his own KD after a rather (admittedly) uninspiring era by Legacy, so he wants to do things his own way. Whether that be dancing the nights away with Augh, or as a LGC ally, I certainly don't know.

Now before you make out we're downtalking MAD/Relent. Relent are a good KD when active and have had many great names in their list and MAD are the longest continually running KD around, previous era winners, fantastic names in their roster and not only am I friends with Aloysius, I have played with them in the past.
If you want to make it look like we're dicks to our friends and occasional NAP partners, I'm sure I can go and find the some quotes sent to some members of LGC from Beo members saying that they 'want to break the NAP with MAD' or that they were going to 'pretend to be inactive, so Fordius takes more MAD cities, so then Beo can take them off him.'

Alas, I sidetracked. To say Relent and MAD were anything more than inactive, or playing with very few members this era, would be a lie. You can see how small MAD were OOP this era, and you can see how Relent have been slow to react, or if you haven't, I'm sure Swifty can relay the fact it sometimes took well over 24 hours to receive a simple reply from the leadership of Relent.

How would we be hypocrits if we were to ally Ford? Not sure what you're getting at? Grasping at straws again are we TBL? Does allying one of the other 3 KDs make us hypocrits? For us to become hypocrits, we'd have to hit that big 30 member count, Immortals to suddenly disappear and THEN NAP Ford's KD. I find it highly unlikely all 3 of those things happen.

09:20:58 Feb 21st 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

We'll, I can remember clearly Roxbury telling me the reason for creating DB was becouse LGC needed an ally since rest of the kds a) where untrustworthy b) didn't like LGC. And also it was meant to be a sort of academy for LGC potentials. At the beginning the DB was naught but a LGC vassal (I know this becouse I had a spy in DB).

Now, I hope you can see why one could speculate about this split. I'm not saying its the same, I sure hope its not, but there are similarities in the situation now and how it was before DB was created.

We'll just have to wait and see though, and either way I'm sure it will be all good fun.

13:13:38 Feb 21st 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Btw, Immortals and beo had no agreement last era. Beo just kindly left us alone after lgc defeated us after our poor performance and then we got killed oop by mad. Likewise FF offered us space to restart in, sadly we could not repay that kindness this era since they decided to war us :/

13:42:36 Feb 21st 13 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):

Haha so funny, Beo trying so hard to make my
kd look like a vassal cause they scared that I really might be one. Seriously so pathetic if anyone even knew me they would no that nobldy could control me.

You guys just trying to force us just not to ally lgc at all cost now cause as that will only prove that we're not a vassal. The way I see it the more BEO forces us the more tempting it aounds like to actually get a nap with lgc.

It's just pathetic how the excuses are here in the forums. Seriously augh thought better of you. Dissapointing to say the least.

And funny how you first claim not to listen to tbl rant ans than even join the accusation now aswell.

13:56:06 Feb 21st 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

I haven't replied to Wilber yet, because I have had a tough day and can't be arsed to for the moment.

But Fordius, seriously, if you want to NAP Legacy next era, by all fucking means go ahead. I don't know about my kingdomates, but it doesn't bother me what shit you do in the game. It has no impact on my personal life.

As a matter of fact, there are times when I would welcome getting my ass kicked early. At least it gives me a break when I need it. If I am playing next era, and you and Legacy NAP, and you guys kick my ass, then I will be happy. I don't need to look at Fantasia for a long long while. I can just slunk around on the lower maps, logging in at my leisure with no commitment or performance pressures. Seriously, do you even think I enjoy playing Fantasia?

Your kingdomates have trolled my kingdom heavily. You did not publicly defend my kingdom at all. Now when I troll you guys, you jump up and down like I had just slapped your parents.

Several of my friends and I have destroyed huge kingdoms in the past against massive odds. Swifty will never forget what Fate and I did to him, Revelation, Phi and No Pulse in Mantrax in one of the enjoined map eras. And that is just one example. So as far as I am concerned, my kingdomates and I have got nothing to prove - to you or to Legacy. You and Legacy should adopt the same attitude.... you guys have your achievements... what else do you guys need to prove? All those stupid snide comments about Beothuk mass-NApping or mass-membering despite all the facts on the ground to the contrary were truly bitchy comments that I only expect from sore losers.

14:57:51 Feb 21st 13 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):

Haha TBL ur so gonna get it.

LGC hated me for how I reacted internally
on this discussion.

Besides for someone that doesn't care you 
your doing ur utter best on this bs thread by 
flaming or acussing people on stuff. 
Weird isn't it while you do not care yet you post 
most of them all.
You say you don't enjoy fantasia ever stood still
by the idea why not? I could give you a few idea's
to why that's the case.

I didn't publicly defens BEO? Why would I
Never publicly accepted what LGC posted either.
Besides jenna knew aswell how I looked at this.
I don't give a damn about what tactic anyone uses
if they win with it they must have had the right tactic
I guess. But personally I don't bother with victories
I rather look for challanges and try 2 overcome that as that's
more enjoyable. Never wanted to be back in the game but after I started playing
I staid for a few friends and now I decided to start with a new kd.
Hoping that doing it my/our way maybe bring back a bit of the joy
back in the game or else I'm quitting again.

Wow ur so thick in ur head. I can name shitloads of people that overcame odds
and did something awesome in vu. Nothing to brag about.
Personally I don't even know you. Besides josh reed and this bs in the forums.
Augh, ghouma and stuff I do know as we share a history.

But ur saying that you don't care if we do or don't nap LGC but ur responds/accusations tell otherwise. If you don't care about our politics than
don't go crying about it and just hush. Cause else ur showing otherwise.

15:36:24 Feb 21st 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Ford I would encurage you to read again what I wrote becouse you obviously misunderstood me!

I'll just save you some time and reiterate the part that pertains to your new kdt:
"I'm not saying its the same"
"We'll just have to wait and see"
"either way I'm sure it will be all good fun."

Ohh, and if you guys end up NAPing LGC, so what? I dont care. My issue is with Swifty always being such a sore looser and general douchebag.

15:47:56 Feb 21st 13 - Fordius (Mr. Fordius):


We'll, I can remember clearly Roxbury telling me the reason for creating DB was becouse LGC needed an ally since rest of the kds a) where untrustworthy b) didn't like LGC. And also it was meant to be a sort of academy for LGC potentials. At the beginning the DB was naught but a LGC vassal (I know this becouse I had a spy in DB).

Now, I hope you can see why one could speculate about this split. I'm not saying its the same, I sure hope its not, but there are similarities in the situation now and how it was before DB was created. "

Enlighten me the similarities please.
What do you even know about this kd of mine,
do you even know who's joining me? I really can't wait to hear about it.
Your saying I misunderstood you but ur obviously relating my kd
to DB as you see similiarities while clearly nothing is known.
Even LGC was suprises that I was leaving and making my own kd.
But for some reason you seemto know more.
So I hope you share some of ur insight with me.


16:03:35 Feb 21st 13 - Zond (General of Beautiful Women):

this is how the arguing in this thread makes me feel

16:38:00 Feb 21st 13 - Archangel Argyle:

I just wanted to contribute to this topic, here are my arguments:
1. Argalgalg agagl
2. blerghbllbla

16:44:32 Feb 21st 13 - cxc (Mr. Deathman Wal):

I like this thread, reminds me on the good old flame wars years ago....

This community got so soft that it is boring to read the forum these days.

So pls keep on fighting, try to entertain us a little bit more, no matter how meaningless it is :D.

Oh and btw I like the idea of having more kingdoms and players in fantasia, I think it is a shame that people are allowed to hide in lower worlds anyway, but I guese this is another topic.

So good luck ford & mates, c ya next era.

17:26:11 Feb 21st 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

What I find most entertaining in this thread is how terribly butthurt BEO become when we troll them back. If you look through the thread, all the baits have been initiated by TBL/Augh. The false accusation that we cast plague, the false accusation that Ford is being LGC's lapdog. They try bait, sit around waiting and bawl their eyes out when we respond in kind.

If you can't handle the bants mates, stay out of the kitchen.



Why are you so desperate for my approval?


IIRC, I posted in last eras thread congratulating Beo/Jenna on their respective wins. There's a few good qualities about Beo. For instance, you're good at recruiting and have excellent diplomacy. Don't be so clingy.

18:27:30 Feb 21st 13 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

The flame wars now are not even close to the quality they once used to be. Flame wars now are just boring :S

21:28:06 Feb 21st 13 - Ms. Hemmer:

Stewie could you please not talk, your opinion is not wanted. Thanks!

21:36:23 Feb 21st 13 - Binh (Mr. Mewtwo):

someone cast arma quick! I can't wait for the next era lol.

21:43:52 Feb 21st 13 - Electric (Electric Dragon Apprentice):


23:45:43 Feb 21st 13 - Endless (Ms. Dimple Boggyhillocks):

feckin respawn Binh ;)

Kobu is bitching about nothing left to kill... and he's spanking me again!  I have to stop liking it or keep respawing }:>

00:09:30 Feb 22nd 13 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Rockclimber):

Did somebody killed Binh ?

02:08:15 Feb 22nd 13 - Binh (Mr. Mewtwo):

"Did somebody killed Binh ?"

Obviously not for I am still here being able to talk to you. Thank you for worrying about my personal health though :P

02:16:42 Feb 22nd 13 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

Yeah kob's all heart. :D

05:33:25 Feb 22nd 13 - Mr. Vencrow:

So much blablablabla

Could you please just have sex already.. jeez

10:24:07 Feb 22nd 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

lol :P

14:03:02 Feb 22nd 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:


OK, so how should I respond to the folks up there... there are some seriously deluded people in this game... :(

1. @ Fordius:

Fordius, seriously, do whatever you want, son. Whatever you want. Please read my lips: "I don't give a shit what you do or what you think." I hope you understand this simple English sentence. OK, I'm moving on from you.... you do not interest me at all :D

Now Quiet One, Swifty and Wilberforce... they do interest me to a certain extent ;)

2. @ Wilberpoo, my hero and role model, the reason why I am so successful in VU:

I am pleased to note that one of the things Quiet One and Swifty have in common is their mutual dislike of me (I hope, with an intense passion). May I also add that another thing they share in common is that they have been made my bitch several times already. Very unhappily and unwillingly too, I must add. I wonder why... :(

May I also add that I do not return their feelings of dislike towards me. My feelings and views towards Quiet One and Swifty have always been clearly described as follows: contempt, disdain, disgust, amusement, comedy, silliness and stupidity. Plenty of labels, I know, but they are that surprisingly rare breed of people who have so many things going for them :)

Where the hypocrisy is concerned, I alluded to it for one simple reason - as Augh said, Dark Blood was originally created to be a "sister / satellite kingdom" to Legacy. Much like how Fordius created Velocity to be a sister / satellite kingdom to the original Revelation. And yes, Velocity was a debacle of a kingdom :P

I saw the similarities and coincidences lining up with Fordius' formation of a new kingdom. As they say... history repeats itself. This was what led to my allusions of a Dark Blood version 5.0, and to my pleasant surprise, the bait snared multiple fish! If my allusions are wrong, then of course, I would look the fool, not Fordius or Legacy. And if I look the fool, then good for you guys.

Where hypocrisy is concerned, everyone in VU knows that for all of Legacy's big talk about being a "no-NAP" kingdom, they are among the last people to practice what they preach. 3 eras ago, Legacy NAPped Relentless and MAD in order to counter Immortals and Vitamins. The era before that, Legacy NAPped Hex in order to get the era win. 2 eras ago, Legacy entered into a... "mass understanding" with MAD, Relentless and BF in order to  combat Beothuk and Immortals. This era, Legacy NAPped Relentless, who served as excellent meat-shields, wearing down Beothuk's frontline armouries until Legacy could overcome them. On the otherhand, Beothuk never used Immortals as a meatshield. We have a personal policy - we knock down the door ourselves and earn our spoils fairly.

I've also seen kingdoms under Fordius and Legacy balloon to above 30 members in the past. Legacy had 33 members in the first era of Elsin. Revelation had 38 members when it first started (a merger of old Legacy and Prosapia). DOA, under your (very capable) leadership, had 45 members! I find it ironic that previous practitioners of the "mass membering" technique are now up in arms over a kingdom that has 30 members. Even more ironic is that Legacy had only 6 members less but has implicitly acknowledged that it is not Beothuk's equal until Beothuk has exactly the same member count as it. So much for Legacy being an elite, superior kingdom without peer :D

Look Wilberforce.... you yourself have said that this era was an uninspiring one for Legacy. I kinda agree.... Swifty is not fit to be a leader, and without Binh to direct and guide Legacy, it can be pretty directionless at times (which is why I always said that Binh's return would put Legacy back into top dog status). This is the real reason for your defeat, not Beothuk "NAPping the only active kingdom on the map" or "mass membering". If your kingdom had been giving out the proper acknowledgements.... we wouldn't be having such a hostile conversation today.

Admittedly, you have flair for the English language. And if you try, you can make some pretty convincing arguments. This is a good improvement from the fool that you were in the past. You should put that ability of yours to proper use.

3. @ Swiftypoo:

I'm not butthurt at all here, mate, so don't mad :D This verbal skirmish on the forums is nothing but a sideshow, and probably comedy to the rest of VU that watches from the sidelines (with us actors serving as clowns extraordinaire).

It is the actual results on the field of battle that count. I probably agree that Beothuk had one too many NAPs last era. But the era before last and this era were pretty much fair and equal battles. Look at it... this era, Legacy and Relentless faced Beothuk in practically (I acknowledge Feckers' being a distraction) a virtual one on one for almost 2 weeks (out of a 24 day era). Yet, it was Beothuk that had Legacy on the backpedal. We were landing body blows to you with your back on the rope, while your counter-attacks, outside of the damage you did to us with your OOP orc armouries, were negligible. Every card you guys revealed (Khan, Warlock, Dreadlord, Stewie, Fordius) was eventually countered by an even stronger card from our side. And finally, you guys ran out of steam and ideas, and we won the duel.

In short, Swifty, you're all talk and no substance. You can't back up your whine with concrete results. You have the best players in the game gathered under one banner, and yet, you complain about Beothuk and its 30 members (2 of which dropped only 1 city, then went inactive for the rest of the era). A Legacy under Binh would have looked at Beothuk and said: "Great, an even bigger challenge. We're gonna whoop their asses and prove we're better." Instead, a Legacy under you goes: "Its not fair. You have 30 members compared to our 24. That's why we can't beat you guys. If only you guys had 24 members only, we would have won!"

That's another thing you and Quiet One have in common. You two have major deficiencies as players, personalities and leaders, but as far as you are concerned, it is all the other side's fault that you guys lost. It is never yours.

Swifty - the laughing stock of VU. Alongside the Quiet One. No wonder you guys couldn't get along with each other. And no wonder you guys interest me so :D

14:06:50 Feb 22nd 13 - Zond (Mr. Huk Loh Deu):

I see how it is, everyone gets there own paragraphs and i dont get anything :(

14:07:42 Feb 22nd 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

On a serious note.....

The various kingdom leaders should all have a sit-together in Skype before era start, and hammer out the details of the "No NAP agreement or understanding". There is a lot of room for misunderstanding here... like... if my kingdom bordered another kingdom, but I decided to wait in my blockers for the right time to strike, would my kingdom be accused of having a NAP or CF with that kingdom?

At least if the leaders all sit down and have a talk, then maybe something can be achieved from there.

And no, Legacy should not send Swifty. No one will listen to him. Only person who commands respect from the rest of VU is Binh. Please send him instead, thank you.

P.S. Binh, you ordered for Arma. Arma is now served... but you will have to wait a bit :P

14:08:59 Feb 22nd 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Sorry Zondy :( I normally only reply to people that I like to prod with a stick and get a reaction from :P Swifty and Wilber are good chaps to poke and tickle every now and then... they give out some hilarious reactions :D

16:42:40 Feb 22nd 13 - Mr. Epic Wiener:

Ford, chill man, I was not relating your kd to DB, I was relating the current situation to the situation when DB was created. And so far the only thing I know about your new kd is that you will be in it :P

17:10:51 Feb 22nd 13 - Mr. Via Dolorosa:

The amount of time spent on talking sh*t in this thread, says something else than *I Do not give a f*ck about you and you*. If you truly didnt give a single f*ck about them, you would just ignore it ^^

Still, no mighty beo leader who accepts this stinky white glove? 

18:44:54 Feb 22nd 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

I do give a fuck about Wilber and Swifty. They're my favourite pile of crap to play in and get dirty :D (similar to how kids like to jump into sandboxes and mudpools or play with plasticine) Without them, I would have a very boring life on VU :(

(and I miss Quiet One too - she was always an easy one to rile up :P Raistlin was always good to make fun off since he talks big but never contributes to his kingdom. Cobra and Revenge were also hilarious..... big time talkers that are even more hopeless and substance-less then Swifty :P Man, a lot of veterans living on "glory days" but who couldn't do shit in VU in modern times, *chortle*)

And Warlock, as I said, for Beo to accept the stinky white glove, go and get all Fantasia kingdom leaders into a Skype chat or something and come to an agreement. Is such a simple logistics matter like this very difficult for you to handle? You have 9 and 1/2 days before the next era starts anyway :D

06:34:57 Feb 24th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):

Its far too early to know if this era should end, we will have to wait another 199 h for it:


Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 42 people want the age to end, 7 do not, and 3 people have not voted.

06:45:33 Feb 24th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

Still enough time for kingdom leaders to sit down and discuss having a no-NAP round next era.

Don't understand why no initiative is being taken on that matter.... *shrug*

06:55:37 Feb 24th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite I):

I guess we wont see it happening next era, too many people prefer relations to wild war (on every side, including mine).

07:19:41 Feb 24th 13 - Pure (Ms. Ghandi):

Im confused, Tbl why is it as soon as there are rumors of a new active kingdom that you most likely wouldn't be able to persuade into friendly relations you panic and start to demand no relations next era from any kingdoms? I'm not in any position of leadership but I'm sure the leaders of LGC will play next era like any other i.e No naps. Why dont you just take the initiative and tell your kingdom next era you plan to play Fant the way its meant to be (Dont complain about stress, if you want to play stress free play on lower worlds and only log in 3 or 4 times a day) I would nearly guarantee LGC and fckers will (Its sad that a 6 man kingdom has more balls then a 25+ kingdom).

07:42:43 Feb 24th 13 - Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence:

Holy crap Pure, I think you lost the fucking plot here.

Firstly, the one who wanted a no-Nap situation was Warlock from your kingdom. He challenged Beothuk leaders to fight next era without a NAP. I said sure.... but how do you prove that a kingdom is actually in an actual no NAP situation when the possibilities for misunderstanding are myriad? For example, my kingdom could be hostile with another kingdom, but we choose not to attack the other kingdom yet if we do not have sufficient firepower for it. But this state of "no attack" could be (mis)interpreted as somewhat of a de-facto NAP or CF situation by other kingdoms. How do you prevent such misunderstandings from arising or actually have a framework beforehand to deal with the possibility of misunderstandings?

Secondly, I (or more importantly, my kingdom....) am not interested in persuading the other new upcoming kingdom to have friendly relations. At least not now, when the era hasn't even started yet.

Thirdly, I do not trust the words coming from your kingdom (or at least, most of its current leadership). Legacy (or at least, most of this current leadership) has proven time and again that it can bend its "principles", and then find a way to justify their actions (or just ram through that it is always "right"). The only word that is trustworthy from Legacy is Binh - if he gives his personal word that Legacy will have a no NAP policy next era, then yes, we can talk. Other then him, we take the words from the rest with a significant pinch of salt.

Finally, you are the last fucking person to dictate  "how Fantasia should be rightfully played". We (and other kingdoms) do not march do your conditions, to your drumbeat or to your comfort zone. We play this game how we want to, and how we would enjoy it.

Bloody hell, I hate dealing with buffoons. They give me a splitting headache.

*mutters: This is why kids should be barred from playing internet games....*

11:14:03 Feb 24th 13 - Legend (I am The Forgotten Legend):

Stormys need a cookie?

15:27:54 Feb 24th 13 - Mr. Via Dolorosa:

What about this skype thingy... noone ever played a game with FFA?

16:28:27 Feb 24th 13 - Mr. Pale Horseman of Death:


why did I agree to play on Fantasia. hahaha

19:27:37 Feb 24th 13 - Zond (Mr. Horseman of Elves):

You know, but you acting like you dont know.

19:33:40 Feb 24th 13 - Mr. Mate Dont Mad:

I don't believe for one moment Beo would adhere to a no-NAP policy anyway. NAPing is a part of their DNA.

Just look at last era as an example of no NAPing. LGC had a genuine no NAP policy and fought MAD/Relent/Immortals/Blings/BEO simultaneously. No breaks, no "ceasefires", no stop in the fight. 100% warfare from day one to the end.

Then look at BEO. BEO claimed they didn't NAP Immortals, yet Immortals set up towns in, around and below Beos armouries, while Beo armies regularly passed Immortals as they made their way from Beos core to the front. Beo never attacked them. [Or anybody else for that matter. LOL!]

I bet you if we were to have a no NAP situation next era, the same would happen again. BEO would refuse to hit certain KDs like Immortals and focus on 1 enemy, while kds like LGC, Fords KD [or DB, as Augh/TBL call it] and Blings would legitimately fight all.

20:29:34 Feb 24th 13 - Mr. Palpy Back:

um whatever. what's the difference beo had a nap with immortals, lgc had one with relentless. Both NAPed.

Beothuk Evil Ops Legacy

Battles won: 450
Battles lost: 200


Battles won: 132
Battles lost: 213

This is more telling.

Anyway I think this era belong to the orcs. 

I had a good comeback era and Augh was amazing and we worked well together.

hats off to the opposing orcs that gave us so much trouble. Mate don't Mad and Fordius, Stirlin , Jondrus and Warlock of LGC and briefcase/maple tree of feckers. 

I think we outshone the elves and trolls this era overall with the halfers doing probably as good. Basically it felt like an era long oop war which suited these two races most of all. Was fun.

05:33:11 Feb 25th 13 - Mr. Psychopath:

Battles won/lost just tells you who is dead and who is still alive.  Most "wins" occur long after the war is over.

I'm not even playing fantasia this round so its not like I even care about the argument one way or another.

12:10:55 Feb 26th 13 - Zond (The Motha Fvckin Boss):



since no one wanted take the first step, i did.

Chatted with Jenna, she said they wouldnt make NAPs
Chatted with Binh, he said no NAPs
Chatted with Ford, no NAP either
I won Chade, so he wont NAP.

So if we all agree we dont have bother wtih MAD or Relentless, as if they NAP each other basically counts as one kd, or close anyway.

17:41:07 Feb 26th 13 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobu The Rockclimber):

Lets all kill Zond first and see from there.

17:52:04 Feb 26th 13 - Zond (General of Beautiful Women):

To many of me to be killed! Never can be sure which one is the real one!

17:52:52 Feb 26th 13 - Zephyr (Marquess Shuren Rider):

Is like a clone jutsu! kill all the Zonds! :P

20:24:13 Feb 26th 13 - Mr. Emulating Mighty Wilber:

As long as it is Binh who commits on behalf of Legacy, then I am personally in favour of it.

After all, under Swifty's excellent leadership, mighty no-NAP Legacy was discovered to have an official NAP with Hex from the very start of Fantasia era 13 in order to secure the era win.

Then in Fantasia era 14, Swifty, distinguished leader of men, was, together with his kingdom, throttling the rest of the map so badly, that he had to NAP the inactive kingdoms, MAD and Relentless, in order to fight Immortals and Vitamins. While Legacy led the way, MAD farmed from behind and won the era. Not.

Next, Swifty, expounder of the  "no-NAPping-is-how-Fantasia-should-be-played" and "mass-NAPpers-are-fail-mate-don't-mad" style of playing, and Dear Leader of Legacy, fought only 2 kingdoms out of 5 in Fantasia era 15, thus showing the rest of VU "how its really done, lads".

Swifty, righteous leader, defender of justice, lord of all that is fair and clean in VU, out to prove a point that Beothuk is scumbag for not playing a no-NAP game in VU, NAPs Relentless in Fantasia era 17 in order to make his case.

Swifty, man with credibility of solid gold. The only person in VU who can take his reputation to the bank and exchange it for hard cash straight up. Because his word is pure money.

We heart you Swifty! Here, let's handshake on your no-NAP declaration, aye *nudge nudge wink wink*

P.S. Binh Binh, please no let Swiftypoo lead kingdom next era, mmmmK, thanks!!!

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