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Fantasia Wars IV
14:53:01 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Fordius:

That's the problems with MAPs why would you sign a MAP if your not going to stick to the MAP

MAP cancels NAP as it's a military alliances ( so that would almost mean that you guys have the same enemies and same friends if you arrange it good )

eventually it ment that when LGC attacked TRIO and TRIO would have asked for help MUSIC had to respond by cancelling their nap with LGC and helping TRIO. that's the point of the map ( that's why people hardly sign MAPS )

I mean Music did bad here not responding propper towards TRIO on their alliance. And no I'm not anti LGC or whateva. I'm just trying to tell you guys what it would have ment if you signed that MAP.

so if MUSIC had needed military alliance from TRIO they would have to cancel naps if it was a friendly kd and vice versa. If you can't do this don't sign the MAP.

not that I wanna sound like a ass but I think it was a shortcoming from MUSIC on this factor.

15:07:42 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Oya:

Fizban back the *beep* off...

15:14:38 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:


Ask Swifty or Jet to explain it to you.

15:15:10 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Oya to the rescue, must protect thy ladies honour!

15:16:20 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Oya, I've still got respect for you. Unfortunately, that doesn't carry over to your leader. If she wants to open her mouth (so to speak) and start jawing off in my direction, then she'll get a 'not-so-nice' reply. *shrugs*

15:19:58 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Oya:

stop being a little *beep* all the time, if you pricks would just shut up maybe you wouldn't feel the need to post pictures like that. I couldn't give a toss about your respect for me, and have a look at the hoh.. im leader now, so anyone treats my members with no respect i deal with it, back the *beep* off prick :)

15:32:30 Jun 6th 08 - Lady Quietone:

It's typical Fizban style.. he wants to dish  it   out and just cant take it.. the only one jawing in anyone's direction is you Fizban, i simply replied in kind that is what you were expecting when you made the post after all.   Now, if *beep* slapping a girl that doesnt take your mouth is how you operate i guess that must help you feel more manly when your critique of grammar errors fail.  You certainly dont expect your insults to just be ingnored do you?  Why else would you post them?  Sorry if most of us dont kneel down at your greatness.. then again if we could find it ....

15:35:00 Jun 6th 08 - Grumpy old Raistlin:

Fizban you can hardly afford posting pictures of a guy slapping a gal considering you are being the a$$b|tches of VU at the moment bending over for every KD willing to nap you so you stand even a remote fighting chance against us (yes, you did oh so great so far... we are all trembling in our knickers...).

I have yet to see a backhand from you or LGC in the mid-recent past (namely a few eras). You are failing both ingame and on the forums so how about you follow Oya's kind suggestion and just shut up for a change?

And btw are you sure your allowance can handle all the expenses VU presents for LGC?

15:40:30 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Fizban is doing great in game - not sure what you mean by that Raistlin?

15:51:06 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Drivel? jawing off?

Oh, we knew how bad things were for you. Just be glad that we'd rather kill DBydos than you all and we have a sense of honor when it comes to keeping NAPs. ;-)

Em, theres a perfect example there, i dont ive read as much bull in my life. You needed to NAP Music to handle the 7 members of DB.

And before you whine about Binh being in your area. You asked Binh for 24hrs as you thought NAPing Ford meant a NAP with him aswell...which we all know is absolute crap.

Mr. Fordius


5/13/2008 2:56:36 PM
Aight we just created a new kingdom named Solo Guys.
We had to do this so we could merge our own armies together else it wasn't possible as zeta didn't fix that problem.

but for all the people around that has to do something with the solo guys.
we all are individuals we just made this kd so we can merge our own troops.
so if you have a problem with 1 of the solo guys its your own problem.

this kingdom has no king , viceroy and whatsoever we all fight for ourselfs.

Dunno how he could have made it clearer for you guys.

But alas, Binh bought your bull*beep* story, you NAPed Music, moved everything down from that area and killed Binh, so its not like he got much chance to deal damage. So you cant claim him as a foe warred, since you screwed him over with such twisting as you guys usually do.

You talk like you did Music a favour by not attacking them. Without that NAP you were dead.

How does it feel to have to NAP everyone around to stand a chance against less than half a kingdom?



16:10:25 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Feels great mate. How does it feel getting your *beep* kicked?
Pull your head in.

16:16:58 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Wouldnt know, last time i checked you were still battling in the Trio core to get any closer to us.

Maybe you should NAP someone else...oh wait, theres just DB left. Nevermind.

The carnagacy alliance still hasnt reached our core yet. =p

16:20:07 Jun 6th 08 - Lady Quietone:

jet.... why do you talk trash after getting your ass kicked last era?  you shouldnt need to ask how it feels you've felt it if i remember last era correctly.

every era someone wins and someone loses....why are you guys so arrogant about that? 

16:22:09 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Reported Fizban's pic too :)

Regardless of any argument you might be involved in, that's just not right :)

Other than that, this thread is starting to get interesting.

And so will life starting tomorrow :)

16:26:39 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Last era it was trio + DB that beat LGC - and from what I hear it was a tough fight (I was away for the last 3 weeks of the era so I didn't really get my ass kicked :/).
I shouldn't have lowered myself to Aligreat's level, however he asked for it. Someone attacks my KD and I'll respond.

16:28:52 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Oya:

same old bul*beep* tbh... and its normally lgc tards that start it. are you bored in life or something?

16:31:08 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Again theres differences.

DB warred Zeon, PKS and Carnage while beating Legacy.

You have yet to beat DB with Carnage's assistance while warring nobody else. As i pointed out, you removed the threat of Binh before he could damage you and Trio was already defeated by Ford and Sheolic when you came to take the spoils this era.


16:39:25 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

excuse yourself bellic...........if you are tlking about who trio and db BEAT. then its a list of which lgc is jst an example.............dont make it sound like we ganged up on you we fought many foes on the other hand lgc only has db 2 fight right now!

16:41:50 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

but you are right about 1 thing the fight was hard

16:52:58 Jun 6th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Jet i understand your urge to defend Lgc.. i really do usually why i bother to post at all is in defense of DB however, that being said, the only reason anyone from DB is even posting in here now is because of the typical lgc flaming of DB that usually starts these flame fests-- please refer back to your kdmate "fizban" and his digs at DB who was not even involved in the conversation.  You cannot flame people and not expect it in return.  If you guys would actually acknowledge anyone other than LGC and stop spouting the insults things might not go this way everytime we're in the same thread together.   

16:59:41 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

penis lalw

17:02:27 Jun 6th 08 - Grumpy old Raistlin:

Jet you sure you speaking the same language? Re-read, if needed. Or shut up and go away and let Fiz take the cr@p he begged for in the first place, mmmkay?

17:02:36 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Q I would have loved to continue our conversation on irc but I can't connect (did utonet die again?).
Read your post again and swap DB and LGC around. It goes both ways. Look at Oya's most recent post or any aligreat post in this era. I've only seen one DB/lgc flame thread this era (apart from this one) and it was started by a DB member. LGC have built up plenty of credits over the years, however DB winning one era doesn't make you guys the VU gods a couple of you think your members think you are.

17:06:31 Jun 6th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Jet, no one in DB considers themselves a VU god.. well Raist might :)  but regardless as i said before Oya nor Ali nor even Raistlin were even posting in this thread until your members started in on DB period.  The legacy that built up credit over the years does not exist anymore-  you are filled with arrogant nubs and some old timers who can give no respect to any other kd because of what exactly?  Because your Legacy??  That theory is way out dated my friend.  DB winning an era doesnt make us gods neither are you guys...

The insults that come from Legacy are not going to be ignored and if that makes us arrogant because we dont back down to the mighty legacy then so be it.   But dont try to confuse the issue, no one in DB was even in this thread prior to Fizbans mouth.


17:23:55 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Oh, I can take it Quiet. If by taking it, you mean I sit back and shake my head in mild amusement at your 'flames'. Oh, but by all means keep going. Bring you and your 'boys' along and flame away, I love to see Ali making an ID10T of himself just because he's thinking he's the next best thing in VU. I like watching Raist living as a shadow of his former glory.

Also, I'm looking for any one of the Legacy members who think they're 'gods'. Unless someone has found nectar and ambrosia somewhere, I think we're still pretty mortal.

All I did in the first thread is say we'd rather attack you all. 'DBydos' is a rather catchy name that's been in use, and you jump right in. That's not even great flamebait and you all took it. :-P

Anyways, carry on DB. Dance and flame away so I have something funny to read at work.

17:26:48 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Oya:

preying on the apparent weaker members again... i see nothing of me, i want you to say sorry for your picture, i took huge offense to it and i want it now, tbh...

17:29:45 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

/me looks at picture.

/me notices it wasn't aimed at Oya

/me feels no need to apologise to Oya and thinks that he must be rather thin-skinned to be offended.

/me also doesn't care about 'offending' people. Sheesh.


17:30:31 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Oya:

its about context fizban...

17:31:08 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Oya:

and it was actually me asking you to apologise to q... if that wasn't obvious

17:34:38 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Oya:

actually *beep* telling you to

17:42:42 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

And you are.....?

I'm with Jet's post, you're trying to ride in and defend your lady from the mess that she's made for herself. She opened her mouth, let her defend herself from my ire. She knew what she's getting into. Clearly she's able to di*beep* out, but when it comes to taking it she's got 5 fanboys up in arms for her. I didn't ask for Jet's help, though he did add in many good points.

Let's break it down and I'm done for the day: You've got every right to try and defend her and love her. I have every right to be on the opposite end of the spectrum.

17:45:34 Jun 6th 08 - Lady Quietone:

You know what Fizban, what you're seeing in these posts are REAL men that know when someone has gone to far and needs a big reality check.  You're the kind of man who needs to be taken out and beating bloody and reminded how not to treat people.  I dont need to defend myself from least of all you and your shallow attempts to insult me you're less than human imo... some rapid dog that needs to be put down.    You cant help it if a girl gets you all foamy at the mouth... now can you?

17:48:34 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Fizban.. he TOLD you to apologise.

17:49:14 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

18:13:15 Jun 6th 08 - Grumpy old Raistlin:

Jet? You still here? Which part of "bugger off" didn't you understand? Need a webster's link to make it understandable?

19:16:31 Jun 6th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

rofl sorry but that pic was funny. its nice to see a flame war so keep it going

21:30:40 Jun 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

WOOT! all we need is to drag in Carnage and we got a good ole three way flame going!

1st I want to say........Nubsic you guys are still *beep*S! We MAP'd you and therefore you should have canceled your NAP with LGC. You KNEW that we where enemies, because I told you so. You guys are grade A *beep*s who have NO honor. You guys are FARMING *beep*s who suck go back to Mantrax where you really belong.
Sir Surviver
Member of: Carnage.

The Gragnar
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Condinho
Member of: Dark Blood.

Ms. Noa
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Gothrim
Member of: Music.

Duke Rofelmow
Member of: Dark Blood.

Mr. Blood Thirsty
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Farmer
Member of: Music.


Now the second thing.......LGC you guys are *beep* too (*beep* has more then one meaning btw). You have to NAP every single kingdom around you to survive!

LGC NAPs= SHEOL, Music, Carnage (basically the whole north)

Two kingdoms on the PA-THE-TIC list
1. Nubsic
A. For being farmers
B. NAPing everyone to survive
C. Not helping when (MAP'd) allies ask for it
D. Just being the *beep*s they are.
E. For sharing their core with *beep*s (black label society).

2. LGC
A. For NAPing everyone around them in the north
B. For insulting one insults Q!!!
C. For having only one enemy (DB) who is fighting on multiple fronts and not being able to beat them.

So who's going to be #3???

*beep*s= No0b(s)

21:37:13 Jun 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

D. For LGC..........not being able to defeat Nubsic and having to NAP them.

21:38:29 Jun 6th 08 - Ms. Penis From Venus:

Why the arguing? It's clear nobody particularily likes each other, why can't we drop it?

You go on about our NAPs, we'll go on about yours: DB napped Sheol, Trio, WoL, and has portions of the Solo KD doing their bidding (razing towns, not taking, for instance). So you're flaming us for having an equal number.

Frankly, none of it matters.

And Fafnir, don't suck up to DB. Those players you're now lovey-dovey with used to be the players you used to attack with your multiple accounts, when you fought against us.

21:49:42 Jun 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

Swifty shut have no idea what you are talking about.

WoL, Trio (when it was still alive), and SHEOL are not even in the top 5 (well WoL is but their 20% off #4)!

Now lets look at LGC NAPs
Carnage= 37 members and their #1 in Fant currently (no enemies but DB+WoL)
LGC= 22 members and #3.......close to #2 (no enemies but DB)
Nubsic= 23 members and #4.......close to #3 (no enemies but SHEOL+DB)

soooooooo that's 3/5 top 5 KDs.......only one missing is DB and WoL who is 20% off Nubsic

"Those players you're now lovey-dovey with used to be the players you used to attack with your multiple accounts, when you fought against us."
What's this? Trying to blemish my record AGAIN? It didn't work the last time, and it won't work this time. PA-THE-TIC that even YOU use these low tactics.

21:57:33 Jun 6th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

parody motivator generator

21:57:50 Jun 6th 08 - Ms. Penis From Venus:

Fafnir, so you deny attacking me and Q, and the rest of Legacy with Multiple accounts back then? My my, don't you remember our little convosations? Or even you coming to me every few months, with a sucking up-PM asking how I was doing, explaining your boring-tales of Mantrax and how you had "cleaned" your act up? Yeah, I kept your little dirty multying a secret to VU after you were caught by ZeTa doing it. Besides me and you knowing it, the only others guys were those in LGC who knew about it, and we didn't complain despite you using your multying to try break us down. I even had pity on you after you nearly broke down, saying you've changed. Blablabla. But now you're being a prick, so I can be one too. Shut up, multi, your words carry no weight.

They may not be in the top 10, that's because they've been sledgehammered. Fact remains, when the NAPs were created at the start of the round, we were all on a level playing field. We probably started with less NAPs in fact until Binh started razing us, and DB (190% our size, and with no idea of knowing how many more players they'd send up to attack us after the original 7), we had nothing else we could do but push for one NAP or face a fight on all 3 fronts. Cowardly? No. Sensible. Yes. If DB didn't want to provoke a fight from us, they shouldn't of started attacking our towns, and shouldn't of built armouries on our doorstep. We were hardly going let DB come in and take all our spoils and towns while we had our armies removing Binh and in the Music area.

I really don't care about the numbers of NAPs game. We NAP'ed the same amount, we fought and are winning. The only reason we haven't fully penetrated your core (with one of our merges, that is. I see individual armies have been running around taking armies for days) is because the DB mergers have run from town to town every 10 or so hours to escape us and to stop us getting the full preparation (which I don't blame you for, because most of the merge battles so far have resulted with us having 100% kills on you. You do need to do something to keep your merges alive, and running is one method). But don't harp on about us not being able to kill you, as clearly we can.

Now, drop the charade. If you're going to crticise us, you're essentially criticisng yourselves.

22:19:53 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

dude diplomacy is a skill.
stop trying to justify the fact that everybody hates you and doesnt NAP u guys.

22:31:39 Jun 6th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

diplomacy is a skill yet your kd is the most dislike and least respected in the game? says lots about your diplomats

23:05:53 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

Fafnir, try to post anything without 10000 "*beep*" in the text.It will be much easier to read

i think that your PA-THE-TIC list will have to apear TRIO, and only for 1 reason:
·Don't make shut up at you

I think that with your actitude, you are not getting a nice image in people. People see in you a child that flames all the time, because he lost his game...Don't worry, i'll tell to Admins , to create a world for only you and native people, so then you will can take the WHole map, and you will not need any MAP or naps ....Are you happy now? Is the child gona sleep soon and let this post for people that can do diferent things apart that flaming??



23:54:51 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Frederick:

Fafnir, the NAP's when they were made were laid out far differently than they are currently. The people that weve NAP'ed with have been flourishing since.

If you look at when the NAP was made. Music was quite far down the charts, at around spot 7 or so i think.

We werent NAP'ed with Carnage for a long time this round. Only until DB came knocking on our southern front pretty much.

Trio, when they were NAP'ed with DB, was the #3 kd, while we were 4th and even 5th for some time (with Sheol overtaking us). That was near the start of the round.

The point is: The people we've NAP'ed with have simply survived. While those that DB NAP'ed with have been dropping on the charts. The current situation was not there when the NAP's were made and was totally different back then. A group of the kingdoms #1, #4 and #7 vs #2 and #3 is what it started off with. The situation has changed since. The current NAP's surely look tilted very heavily to one side, but at the time they were made, that wasnt really the case.

00:25:14 Jun 7th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

Frederick has spoken and so you lose fafnir come back next year

03:12:57 Jun 7th 08 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

next yr thats surely a long time!!!

PENIS from VENUS your post was too long i didnt even attempt 2 read it and i dnt think any1 has!!!

Daryl if you complain bout faf then kno you r infinite times look here..........a guy arguin with a person he takes as a kid and he cant beat him in the arguement nor can he cant jst leav the kid alone till the kid quiets surely daryl your insults jst make you look bad and if in your opinion music arent in the wrong then y do u feel so bad about it that you have 2 defend them so much.........if they havent done anythin wrong they dont need defending!!! 

04:28:40 Jun 7th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

1.) Nice pic Cobra. And don't think appreciating the humour of some pasted pictures is sucking up :)

2.) I hold to my thought that Fizban's pic should have been deleted.

3.) This is a nice four way flame war. As much as I would like it to continue, I cannot abtain myself from expressing my opinion that some of you (and I mean those who really are serious about this issue) are acting really childish (that is if you don't take actual pleasure from the flame wars). You should all stop for a minute :) And think :) This is a game and we're arguing about disrespectful behaviour and unjustified arrogance (that if arrogance can ever be justified).

As I've previously learned, some of you have a respectable age and unlike others have a real-life : jobs, family, social relations and still you're here disputing who made more NAPs.

The whole picture is ridiculously funny.

Hell, I know damn well I've been doing the same not that long ago and I know preaching sucks. I'm not here to offend anyone nor to create myself a good image. (The latter would be truly impossible ;) Not that it'd matter that much anyway :P ). Was just talking about what I can recently see in this threads :D

4.) Fafnir, you're being too repetitive in your flames. We read your opinion on Music the first time you posted it...

5.) Calling Dark Blood "DBydos" is silly. You can't hold the fact that some players desired to continue together after their previous Kingdom disbanded against the Kingdom that took them in.

DB has numerous ex-LGC, ex-Abydos and some ex-Sheol players too. Just like they have players recruited from lower Kingdoms and worlds. If you really want to name then somehow, just call them Chelsea.

04:32:00 Jun 7th 08 - Lady Quietone:

You guys can write up the nap's any way you want them and make them come out exactly as rehe*beep*d  as you've done but the fact still remains swifty and fred that you have not done anything astonshing or worthy of your robust attitudes in these forums, it seems more to me and probably the rest of VU that you are going well out of your way to make everyone believe that you've actually accomplished something when you have not.  The reality is that you guys nap'd anyone near you that proved to be a threat so that you could fight only one war period.  Hell, you even begged Binh for a 24 hrs CF till you could confirm your nap with Music that way you could send those troops after him.

Last era we had the same naps we had this era and we not only fought and beat Legacy but we also fought Zeon, PKS, and Carnage- we did just fine not having to nap every single kingdom on the map.  That is your choice however to do so and i'm not discounting your need to do that either clearly you felt a reason to do it.  But, what bothers me the most is the endless ramblings and insults because people call it into light.   IF you dont see anything wrong with the naps you made then why the need to come in and defend them repeatedly?    I'm really tired of all the insults and all the bashing when you guys do well and you slink off quietly without a word when you're beaten... only to resurface the next era even more arrogant than before.   It's fine if you want to justify your nap situation but comparing it to DB's naps is really a childish retort since we are not nearly in the same situation. 

This game is up and down, you win some you lose some-  Yes, DB fought mulitple fronts this era and multiple kingdoms and if we lose... so what?  We kicked ass, we know what we're capable of and we'll do again-- But what we didnt do was jump in fear and make our naps so we could focus on just one kd- and we never will.    So, if Legacy manages to win an era this era surpassing the overly whored Carnage gang.. then good for them.  That in no way makes Legacy better than any other kingdom out there... and it's time you guys started realizing that you arent the grand and mighty you're just a kingdom like any other... get over yourselves already and please for all that is holy allow people to enjoy the game rather than berating stupid issues to death.

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