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Fantasia countdown.
16:58:31 Aug 13th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Quiet, dont worry about it, im sure his parents will take away his computer privilages soon, 4 year olds shouldnt be given that much time online.


Tunder, you are pathetic, bringing up things from 8 eras ago, wow, and i never begged for mercy, never offered to betray aby, and never wined. as i remember you were the one complaining in the forums about our 'betrayal' of falcons, saying you were protecting them. yet, you were too afraid to come near me, you can deny it, but you never once prepped ony my cities, and only once sent an army my way, which, magically, disappeared, never to be seen again.

And yes, in kindergarten i was called carrot, great observation. Like i said, keep calling me it. Never bothered me then, will never bother me now, amazing how insignificant people feel if someone is different than them. Pathetic.

Mr. Tunder Strike


8/13/2008 7:27:03 PM
Oh the joy...Even I hardly no where to begin...But we have a party...

Let's start with Lullaby... Hey I get you man that is provide the lullaby and the sandman helps me get my ZZZzzz's  truly you are the best...I have never been so well rested...

That brings me to Carrot: "OH I HAD 42K CATAPULTS" you are hilarious say that again... it makes you sound so "tough" you crack me up just crack me up... I broke into your "Falcon core" and raised city after city...I was a thorn in your side for days until Carnage showed up and we cleaned you out...Hell who knows maybe that beating you took is what turned you into a vegetable... If that is the case then you are truly welcome... You are taken so much more seriously as a carrot...<Snicker>

Deadpool is right...You don't make any list "Say No to Produce!!!" That's my motto...


^^ No wonder your wife wont have sex with you, you are obvioulsy a fat b@stard.

17:20:07 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

And now we have a cayenne pepper??? Sheesh what's up with all the fruits & veggies??? I'll just call you Pepper... So go sneeze or burn someones mouth...You don't even have any clever are boring and unfunny...Kind of like the elderly...I guess that  is why you are a pepper eh? What's the matter, all the  other good fruits and Vegetables  taken???

Q: Hush... There never were any bridges to burn...

Carrot you are still funny...a liar...but a funny one...

17:37:13 Aug 13th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Thunder -clue- public forum... you can hush me all you want wont stop me from posting and if you think that PKS wont ever need allies and that any pontential allies are reading what a tit PKS houses in their kingdom well you're blindly mistaken but please for all concerned keep it up =)

17:41:02 Aug 13th 08 - Duke Drakos:

Tunder(a.k.a. The Great Windbag)  Karac speaks the truth, you don't. nuff said.
Karac: how many times have I told you, when you argue with *beep*ic*
 individuals, you invariably get dragged down to their level. Just ignore the polluted puffs of wind.

* *beep*-i-c
damn censors   Can't even call a idjit and idjit anymore.

17:41:23 Aug 13th 08 - Lord Oya:

PKS - worst kingdom history ever, good luck :P

17:47:04 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Lord Oya


8/13/2008 12:41:23 PM

PKS - worst kingdom history ever, good luck :P

Worst kingdom history ever? LOL

17:50:19 Aug 13th 08 - Lord Oya:

yes.... never won an era and it is as old as lgc, always beaten in wars against good kingdoms.... when i was in abydos we never lost a war to pks, and so far i havent lost to it since....

i remember the days it was but 3 or 4 members strong and looked to me to protect it.... lolz, still needs that protection :)

18:16:37 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Q stands for do that...sheesh women...Blab, blab, blab...

Drakos...Drake=Duck, that makes you the Duke of ducks, so here you go...

I just Quack myself up...(Did you get that? It was both a duck and a Q joke...yes I know very clever)

OYA...You didn't attack me, so I'll let you slide...but I do laugh when I see you name, all I can think of is that Kool-Aid guy bursting through the wall..."OYA"

But you are right, Lullaby does need protection...I'd recommend PJs...the ones with the feetsies still attached... We'll just call it "Bedtime Armor" so he doesn't get picked on...

18:35:38 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Yeah we never won an era and that is not a big deal...we play to have fun. If we get beat in the process what we lost big deal. Some of you people take yourselves way too seriously on this Tunder on the other that is a person that doesn't take himself that seriously. And I love reading these post from you. It keeps me entertained while at work.

18:43:50 Aug 13th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Deadpool we all play to have fun i dont think anyone takes themselves too seriously but if what you call having fun and entertainment is watching thunder - a grown man act like a 5 year old when they dont get their way then i feel really sorry for you in this life because it must be a real borefest..  as for thunder enjoy yourself  i'll stop reading the forums as your wit is just too much for me lol

18:45:15 Aug 13th 08 - Duke Drakos:

Thanks for proving my point on where arguments with less astute individuals always seem to end up. That was pretty lame Tunder.

as an aside:

Drakos Name Meaning and History

Greek: from the personal name Drakos, from drakos ‘dragon’, ‘ogre’ (classical Greek drakon, ultimately from derkesthai ‘to flash’), an omen name expressing the wish that the boy so named will grow up to be as strong as an ogre.

18:47:45 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

Q stands for do that...sheesh women...Blab, blab, blab...


Lol way to go thunder....sorry tunder. When someone makes a point, cover your ears and say LALALALALALALA!!!

I can only imagine what your kids are gonna grow up to be with a father with the mental age of a 5yr old.


18:49:23 Aug 13th 08 - Trigger Happy With Turettes:

That's it he must get his material from his kids.... Now I understand...

19:00:48 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

I go to sleep and all the good posts come :(

19:05:26 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Thanks Deadpool, I aim to please!!! :-D

Q: You say I act 5 others say be honest i was shooting for 7, but since you are leaving...BYE Figures you'd Quit...

Duke of Ducks: Yes... yes... We all saw Dragon Heart... Sean Connery rocks, but you don't, so you get to be the Duke of Ducks... :-P By the way, "Astute" Nice word how scholarly of you!!!

A father with a mental age of 5...look who's talking, this coming from a guy whose father named him Don't tell me, you have a sister named I'll just call you Thirsty,,,especially since you thirst for attention, well now you have it... Maybe OYA will burst through the wall and help you "Quench" that thirst...

So was too good to let

19:07:19 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Ooops I almost missed Turtle...Why don't you just go wax a car?

No worries DoA the best part of forums is that you can read them when you wake up. :-)

19:10:55 Aug 13th 08 - Lord Oya:

wow... ok this turned out to be borring, lame humor

19:33:32 Aug 13th 08 - Duke Drakos:

lol Tunder  a.k.a. Windbag. This will be my last response to you as I do not normally engage in wordplay wars with someone so inadequately armed with mental ammunition and facts.
 I will say this, Thunder(windbag) is a very fitting name for you.
Thunder(tunder?): 1) [noun] a deep prolonged loud noise(windbag)
2)[noun] a booming or crashing noise caused by air expanding 3)[verb] to make or produce a loud noise 4) [verb] utter words loudly and forcefully 5) [noun] street names for heroin(could explain your lack of logic and clarity)

19:37:30 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Hmmm...Let me use my dictionary...


1. YOU

2. What we do when you start to post...

Quack Quack... Say Hi to Daisy for me...

19:47:24 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

well, this is nice to show what is going on in Fant to the other worlds. And I thought we were suppose to be mostly vets. So boring, and i really liked all the real talk that was going on 3 pages ago. :(

20:14:36 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Im glad that Tunder shows no respect to veterans or any player equally......What KD is he in anyways? Shame on them.....

20:57:26 Aug 13th 08 - Prince Butthurt:

Wolflord Karac


8/13/2008 2:36:23 PM

We have entertainement too, a retard who cant spell thunder correctly. Now he will tell us it was purposely done.


As for era ago in RH, it was not you who did the damage, it was an orc,  i took care of all of your armies. And with only 42k catapults, wasnt even my big army, so, go lay down.

And why so butthurt 'tunder'? pissed off cause drakos didnt shelter you like he haas in the past, oh wine wine wine, you are a lying piece of sh!t. you kingdom is a lying piece of sh!t, and now, they are reduced to nothing. so shut the hell up.

Why dont you go give another 'tunder strike' so that butthurt's butt, hurts even more, you pathetic excuse of a player.

... Karac I'm not sure what's stuck in your ass but I'm sure you don't understand the use of Sarcasm and when not ... jeeeeezzzz ....

21:00:23 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Deadpool we all play to have fun i dont think anyone takes themselves too seriously but if what you call having fun and entertainment is watching thunder - a grown man act like a 5 year old when they dont get their way then i feel really sorry for you in this life because it must be a real borefest..  as for thunder enjoy yourself  i'll stop reading the forums as your wit is just too much for me lol

Quietone...I think you guys do...obviously or you would've not posted this speech about feeling sorry for me that I thought someone is being funny. And the rest of your mates that find it there personal goal to talk down to PKS and to Tunder. Me thinks you have been on that proverbial high horse way too long.

21:19:34 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

*Puff Puff...anyone wanna hit this? Duke? Tunder? Deadpool...anyone can take a hit from my PEACE pipe...even Quietone.

21:20:04 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

* a huge cloud of smoke appears

21:27:10 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:



this is some good sh*t

23:43:02 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Shy are always should love it here then. :-)

And Hillbilly I'll "Diss" anyone that attacks me or my kingdom mates...It's what I do...And well mind you...To be never STOOD a chance, now perhaps if you tried chairs???

Just ignore her Deadpoool, it is what I do, see watch... Hunh? What? Quiet who? I didn't hear nothing.... See it's easy!!!

Thanks anyway Jim...Not a smoker...But I will sit with you, :-)

Butthurt, thanks again for the support... You da' Man!!! :-)

23:47:01 Aug 13th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

well butthurt, appeared you were sticking up for virgin boy, sorry for brining you into it unnecessarily ;)


00:20:18 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

00:32:21 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

A BLANK POST!!!!!!!!!


00:33:31 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

What KD is he in anyways? -_-

00:56:33 Aug 14th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Wait Deadpool...let me get this straight.... i made a post in regards to thunder insulting people in another kd a completely seperate kingdom from the one i'm in but still find it repulsive to have read his child like rantings and insults at every single person that posts anything in these threads and me and my mates are on a high horse?? you really do need a life.  If you think that me posting in defense of everyone else in VU who is sick of Thunder while you and he find entertainment in exactly does that look badly on me?? Please dear heart explain that one cause you two are the only freaks that seem to get off on acting like *beep*s in a forum that is provided for kingdom discussions by making fun of people and insulting people... But hey if you want to call that entertainment we can all play that game---


as for Thunder-- you sure didnt ignore me all era when you sent me crying messages blaming everyone else for your problems but yourself... maybe look around now and lets see if we can go for ruined kingdom number #3 shall we?? Guess you wont take any blame in ruining this one either eh?

01:08:43 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Hunh? Whuh? I didn't hear anything Did anyone else???

See Deadpool it's easy... :-D

01:09:53 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

By The Way, Nice Post Shy Guy...Nice of you to finally speak your

01:51:49 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

throwing logic at retards gets no one anywhere, so i will refrain from the toss.

02:28:16 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

Mr. Tunder Strike


8/14/2008 12:08:43 AM
Hunh? Whuh? I didn't hear anything Did anyone else???


Your ability to post is almost at a par with your playing ability now. Way to go!

Yes, ignore posts when they hit a nerve. So Thunder, you gonna blame DB if possible future allies for PKS arent as willing anymore. As Q said, the whole of Fant has seen your posts, which can only be described as retarded.

I know you think your getting a rise out of everyone who replies, but its really that we were all bored as hell today and what kills time better than to respond to a retard on the forum.

It hasnt hurt us in anyway to reply to you. But your constant bull *beep* is gonna affect PKS. Which isnt really fair on them, but thats what they get for following the Carnage policy of 'Come One Come All'.

You messaged DB with your sob story about Carnage folding, I got my violin ready for when PKS go the same route.



02:32:57 Aug 14th 08 - Dreadlord Jay Renfro:

[Insert random forum troll remark here]


[Question somebodies heritage, personal hygene and relation to animals here]



03:23:11 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Good idea Shy Guy...throwing stuff at mirrors might cost you an eye...

As for you Thirsty. I'll give you one serious answer, and then one at your level...

Serious: I did message Q, as Carnage was folding. 7 of us desperately tried to keep it afloat in hopes vets would return in the next era...all we wanted was to be left alone. DB felt the need to kill Carnage...a shame, as it is not what is best for the game. You could have left us alone, but your vanity and arrogance stood in the way. Now Carnage is no more, and it will not be back...Congrats... Whether you care to admit it or not, that is bad for the game.  The game is weaker without Carnage, just as it is without Abydos, Jester, etc... call them friend or call them enemy each Major Kingdom had a place. Even DB... I hate DB, in fact, it is one kingdom that I would NEVER play for...and yet I prefer that you remain in the game. Had roles been reversed, and DB was on the way out, not only would we have left you alone, we probably would have protected you...just as Carnage did for Mirror so many moons ago... That is the difference between the 2 kingdoms, Carnage is a "Hero", DB is a "villain" both are needed to make the game fun. Now we have 1 less...Never a good thing...

Now for the one that is so beyond you... You are a *beep* utter *beep* Ignoring Q matches the previous post...jokes travel well in themes...

I could have told her bla bla bla...awwwww put a sock in it...

I could have complained she brought PMs into a public forum and made a crack about the 3 best ways to get information out there...
1. Tele-vision
2. Tele-Phone
3. Tele-Woman

But no...I felt the Hunh? Who said that worked better...ya buffoon... :-P

03:38:21 Aug 14th 08 - Duke Pumpkin Head:

Mr. Tunder Strike


8/13/2008 10:23:11 PM
Good idea Shy Guy...throwing stuff at mirrors might cost you an eye...

As for you Thirsty. I'll give you one serious answer, and then one at your level...

Serious: I did message Q, as Carnage was folding. 7 of us desperately tried to keep it afloat in hopes vets would return in the next era...all we wanted was to be left alone. DB felt the need to kill Carnage...a shame, as it is not what is best for the game. You could have left us alone, but your vanity and arrogance stood in the way. Now Carnage is no more, and it will not be back...Congrats... Whether you care to admit it or not, that is bad for the game.  The game is weaker without Carnage, just as it is without Abydos, Jester, etc... call them friend or call them enemy each Major Kingdom had a place. Even DB... I hate DB, in fact, it is one kingdom that I would NEVER play for...and yet I prefer that you remain in the game. Had roles been reversed, and DB was on the way out, not only would we have left you alone, we probably would have protected you...just as Carnage did for Mirror so many moons ago... That is the difference between the 2 kingdoms, Carnage is a "Hero", DB is a "villain" both are needed to make the game fun. Now we have 1 less...Never a good thing...

Now for the one that is so beyond you... You are a *beep* utter *beep* Ignoring Q matches the previous post...jokes travel well in themes...

I could have told her bla bla bla...awwwww put a sock in it...

I could have complained she brought PMs into a public forum and made a crack about the 3 best ways to get information out there...
1. Tele-vision
2. Tele-Phone
3. Tele-Woman

But no...I felt the Hunh? Who said that worked better...ya buffoon... :-P


Ive never been so proud to be in Dark Blood then I do now... But really, it was nothing, you did most of the work.

03:58:41 Aug 14th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Thunder you're a joke of a person and a joke of a player... you failed to realize that you had a big huge hand in the down fall of Carnage you talk so much BS to everyone and then when it matters the same people that you bully and insult on the forums you come crying to just to save your precious kingdom and you know what.... VU isnt worse off for Carnage being gone it still exists just in the form of PKS nothing new there.... Abydos could reform at any minute if they wanted to and so could many of the other established kingdoms out there but those people have chosen to expand and move on to different things- 

Your kingdom Carnage got to where it is today by a bunch of underhanded lies and betrayal of other kingdoms---- how many times are we gonna hear "oh but you didnt hear that from an official diplomat" or "he's just a hot head he doesnt speak for carnage" meanwhile they are planning all along to betray everything they say -- you guys ruined yourselves with your attitude and your betrayal...  Boo showed us all an example of just that this era with all the posts with false promises to them while you begged sheolic for help-  Karac told us all about how you betrayed them as well.... you reap what you sow dont blame that on DB

You come in here and rant and act stupd and then want to post something serious and expect people to even take one second to consider anything you have to say as legit??? please.... go cry some where else... DB isnt the evil we have many friends around VU you dont have to look to hard to find them, hell we even have some in PKS and Carnage just because you have such a hard on for DB doesnt mean everyone else does... give it a  break - you're as good at a political debate as you are with your witty comebacks...

*note sarcasm*

04:51:16 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Great Pumpkin...I am proud you are in DB belong there. :-D I do so love Villains...

Is it just me or can anybody else get through anything Q writes??? I mean I tried...I really tried, but all I could hear was that witch theme from the Wizard of Oz...

Man Girls really like to blab....No wonder people think you are on a high horse your step coming off of's a long way down. :-D

Hey don't fret any...Every "Bad Guy" team needs a wicked witch...DB has should feel proud...Hell if you ask nicely, I might even Surrender Dorothy!!!

05:34:18 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

Man Girls really like to blab


I guess your a Man Girl then, the amount of crap you blabbed today you could have written a novel with, a crappy novel, but a novel nonetheless.


No wonder people think you are on a high horse your step coming off of's a long way down. :-D

You and Deadpool dont count as people. Infact what you think obviously doesnt matter. You spew so much crap nobody can take you seriously. And you bring that vibe with you to PKS. There are a few good guys in PKS and there were in Carnage. But when I thought of carnage, i associated it with mass recruiting and well....retards like you.

Now PKS have took you in and started the mass recruiting too. So i wonder what Ill be assosciating PKS with over the next few eras.

06:42:39 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

I for one must say, I respect Deadpool, although his attempt to stand up for KD, thou right thing to do, is moot in the case of Thunder. I would think, better of you my friend, he is the reason i have no real respect for Architect anymore, I hope you do not also become a victim of this and let another player drag you down.
I would also say that you all must understand that Deadpool is doing well to support his KD and we should allow him that, and face the real problem.

Now as for Q, well, we have all wished her to get down off that high horse, but when you deserve to be there, it's really hard to give up the seat. She has done well and better than the rest of us lot, so looking down is really just what happens from one of the top players, taken not by score btw....Really, I'd suggest if you have a problem with her being on a "high horse", why not knock her off of it where it counts?

And you can all say what you want about me, especially for this last one, i don't care.
DB is a great KD, Evil, i see not, let us name a time once where the played underhanded in their diplomacy to get ahead? Their fight has been on the battle field. And for that I am still loyal, For Queen and Country!... sorry Oya, twice over

07:41:23 Aug 14th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

A high horse? How high? Very high? Because if it's too high it'd look awkward...

13:44:57 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Thirsty, you assume that this is the only place people Talk about Q, and that DP & I are the only 2 that Q thinks WAAAAAAYYY too much of herself...

To be honest most people in the game are sick and tired of her, She is a necessary evil because she pulls your strings as well as the rest of the DB strings... whether she pretends to be a grunt or illustrates that she is clearly in charge. She is the man... so to speak...Always will be...She is also evil, a liar, conceded, an opportunist, and a great villain for the game...but no mistake...she is a villain!!!

She is evil, as is the rest of DB... you guys are the Bad Guys of VU...and hey that is Okay...Every saga need villains... But don't confuse tolerance with respect...they are 2 different worlds...Hell even Superman needs to talk to lex Luthor from time to time, and also team up with him...But he is still a megalomaniac and a villain..Just like Q.

DB is just the rest of the Legion of Doom...Some tough Grunts, some bufoons, but all Q-Grunts one and the same... But at the end of every episode, the captured bad guys escape and live to fight another day...Just like DB!!! that is what makes the cartoon, and this game such fun!!!

Shy Guy...Nobody even knows what you said...If you only knew how many people laugh at are pathetic...and so is that stupid picture lol... You just crack me up every time you are such a fool and you don't even know it!!!

13:45:39 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Hey Septim...oh it's Awkward alright...very Awkward!!! lol

14:00:39 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

Uh huh Thunder, DB is the villian, we use underhanded tactics to actually survive, you had to do it on Boo.

DB is just the rest of the Legion of Doom...Some tough Grunts, some *beep*s, but all Q-Grunts one and the same... But at the end of every episode, the captured bad guys escape and live to fight another day...Just like DB!!! that is what makes the cartoon, and this game such fun!!!

Sounds alot like you, you die over and over in this game but somehow manage to escape with one scout to live and fight another day.

Do you consider DB evil just because we beat you? Holy crap I guess most of Fant is evil then. Show one occasion where DB has been "evil", Im sure theres alot more evidence of Carnage doing so.

As for Q pulling the strings, look at the DB kd information. This kindgom has a sole ruler now, I am merely there to assist. Oya's decisions are final. Sure he can speak to Q, or me or any number of our experienced players for opinions. I guess if that means pulling the strings then DB is having its strings pulled by most, if not all members of DB. Just because you continued to influence your KDs when you 'stepped down' doesnt mean all kingdoms work like yours, if they did. Well then they would fail just as epically as yours.

As for your reply to Shy, you seem to be following the pattern, if you cant make a good reply, ignore it or insult it lol.


14:13:00 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Thirsty...Thirsty...Thirsty... You are the Villains, and that is okay... We need villains...

Also do you think your pathetic kd information means anything to the real world??? Do you know how many times Matt Murdock denies being Daredevil, how he pretends to be blind, takes it to court, has friends "pretend" to be Daredevil in his stead...but at the end of the day...Guess what??? Matt Murdock is still Daredevil!!!

And at the end of the day here...Q is still DB's ring leader... There are some very intelligent people in the game...some right with you in DB... Call them dingbats if you will...but don't insult them with naivety...

As for Shy Guy...I did make a good reply...He truly is a fool...and he really does crack me up...There is no better person in the game to "Diss" than Shy Guy...Once he gets going, he makes it so easy...hell...he practically writes my

14:17:40 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

I think you read one comic book too many Thunder. Gotta learn to differentiate between the book and the real world.

You just called us villians again. No proof...again. If thats how it is im just gonna start stating things and say they are fact and provide no evidence. You are retard, you fail at VU.

Oh crap i suck at this game of yours thunder, the evidence for that is all around us.

Atleast you can beat someone at something eh.

14:20:15 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Lykou:

I wish I started this game a long time ago when I was first shown it, so I might understand a little more of what you're all talking about.  I actually started an account in the era of Isabel but it was late into it, and I started near some armies... Died quickly so I didn't like the game... Started up again this era in fantasia and I'm enjoying it.  Glad we started so far away from the major KD's  I don't know if we would have lasted as long as we did.

Lykou, of NEBC

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