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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Wars (Era 35)

Mantrax Wars (Era 35)
03:21:07 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Miller:

I can build a powerful army :) ask my enemys =P

04:01:12 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Sokine:

Yeah he got a nice army wipe out my 33k knight not bad this era getting fun :)

still..freezing suck huh? your army done tonight

04:13:38 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Miller:

yes ill admit you guys will destroy/bounce my hoh army but i wont stop there ;)yes freezing does suck. everyone gets frozen. im still providing proof of what one player can do :)

04:19:14 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Sokine:

hey miller isnt this like last time? you never when farther then Melbourne. and oh one man is great i play it before in lesser world and control lot of area it fun yet slow..

05:06:01 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

Insubordination Heaven

Battles won: 118
Battles lost: 96

Players: 15
Mr. Hanky Panky
Sir Stirlin
Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwawa
Mr. Orcinus Orca
Mr. Wildspy
Mr. Leoric VII The Lazy One
Ms. Viper
Sir Gallyon
Mr. Elon II
Mr. Lurk
Mr. Coaltrain
Mr. Chimey Chonga
Sir Woody
Mr. Rubyian
Mr. Free

Battles won: 111
Battles lost: 79

Players: 17
Prince Heavensfrontdoor
Duke Argyle
Necromancer Lust
Mr. Waver
Mr. Piece Maker
Mr. Opportunity
Duke Loren Soth
Mr. Balle
Mr. Ender
Mr. Fnaze
Mr. Bury Chris
Mr. Novborn
Mr. Heripy
Mr. Fingerling
Mr. Steen
Mr. Tsunami
Mr. Management

We fought hard... and I believe we made the battle stats of these two kd soar up! Nice one, fight guys! We sure had fun there. :)

05:08:36 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

Royal Order of Claidhmore Mad Against Drugs

Battles won: 143
Battles lost: 117

Players: 21
Ms. Noa
Mr. Pyrofire
Mr. Cyprian
Mr. Barbaros
Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen
Mr. Megas Nikos
Duke Omnis Raywind
Mr. Mayhem
Mr. Dyrness
Mr. Roheran
Lord Kevdwayne
Mr. Mcmax
Mr. Benji V
Mr. Orrises
Mr. John Dope
Mr. Knigh
Mr. Ant
Mr. Peace War Suffering And Temp
Mr. Sloop
Mr. Dandy
Mr. Utkarsh Bhardwaj

Battles won: 124
Battles lost: 110

Players: 10
Mr. Mephisto
Mr. Bloodcyth
Mr. Penguin
Mr. Sin
Sir Lapulapu The Warrior
Mr. Patas
Ms. Macarodge
Mr. Hilario
Mr. Kizaru
Mr. Darklord Zoltan

I forgot we have a pair of ROC armies in the south. Making chance to get some war spoils.

05:53:16 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Korg Hobwitchewer:

AoAArmy of Anubis21Mr. Anonymous319

BCThe Black Chain12Sir Syuveil100

is no one going to talk about this at all?

07:14:30 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Miller:

Its more AoA vs D

08:54:54 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

BC isn't really imporant ;p

BCThe Black Chain12Sir Syuveil25

11:20:34 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Thomas The Anomas:

we have allready more or less destroyed them :D

11:25:10 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

go go thomas!! :)

11:27:38 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Lurk:

Kingdoms in Mantrax
FuzzyInsubordination15Sir Gallyon100
HHeaven17Duke Argyle100
ROCRoyal Order of Claidhmore21Lord Kevdwayne78
AoAArmy of Anubis21Mr. Anonymous75

11:32:20 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Thomas The Anomas:

thx Gallyon


11:35:37 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

wow! ;)
I didn't notice that coming... WE are passing Heaven!! yayy!! i'm happy :p

no problem thomas :) ur doing me a great favour by killing 'em

12:26:02 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Thomas The Anomas:

and we are getting more power :D

14:21:30 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Sloop:

Yay we passed AoA lol :P

16:44:48 Sep 21st 08 - Sir Miller:

merge home & co (merged)

army info
commander: sir brannigans law kingdom banner
kingdom: army of anubis
size: army (100,000-200,000)
status: camping

merged armies

merge home
owned by brannigans law

headless horsemen
owned by mr. dargoth

owned by mr. zerocool

owned by mr. dargoth

test vi
owned by mr. gladiatorul



didntseethiscomingdidu & co (merged)

merged armies

owned by miller

owned by mr. benson

guardians inefected
owned by mr. hiroshima infected form

owned by mr. gravity bong

owned by mr. gothir


we won! the enemy has 77132 soldiers armed with magic weapons and mithril armor. they have 7282 peasants traveling with them. we have 96% chance winning this battle.

18:39:48 Sep 21st 08 - Sir Kathandarion:

Damn it.Heaven are fighting back.didnt expect that.:P:P:P lol jking.

19:48:18 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Fnaze:

I dont think u joking kath :P ^^

04:18:56 Sep 22nd 08 - Sir Kathandarion:

zoidberg & co (merged)

army info
commander:mr. ballekingdom banner
size:army (100,000-200,000)

merged armies

owned by balle

knights of heaven
owned by duke loren soth

owned by duke argyle

lille skutt
owned by mr. steen

04:26:11 Sep 22nd 08 - Sir Miller:

didntseethiscomingdidu & co (merged)

army info
commander: sir miller kingdom banner
kingdom: drugs
size: army (100,000-200,000)
status: moving south east

merged armies

owned by miller

owned by mr. benson

guardians inefected
owned by mr. hiroshima infected form

owned by mr. gravity bong

owned by mr. gothir

12:07:33 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Samual:

TDS The Devastators 10 Lord Sabbath The Dark 240



BC The Black Chain 12 Sir Syuveil 100

23:23:49 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. John Dope:

AoA ran...
ROC merge moved in and AoA deserted their blocker
find it rather...Hillarious

23:44:34 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

Mr. Benson is a traitor. he was a member of Drugs and left without warning where he sent troops out and took undefended cities inside our core. i am saying this so that no one will accept a traitor in thier kingdom.

23:49:53 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Brain:

I'd like to point out this terrible war here too ^^

TDSThe Devastators10Lord Sabbath The Dark293
KoEKingdom of Evil2Mr. Brain100


00:04:47 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Mr. John Dope,
Sir, you make me laugh. You think you have got a strong merge there, dont you? 8k nazz - 10 players

00:05:38 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

you brought this war on yourself my friend.  Your the one coming after our cities with no intentions so dont come in here expecting sympathy.

ohh and just for a lil reinsurance:

Mr. Brain [KoE] (9/22/2008 3:04:04 PM) GOOD BAD
here's a deal for your whole kingdom,
since I believe neither of us wants more bloodsheds...

If you guys manage to get a good % on my army (around 80% and up), just message me with the attack info, and I'll retreat my armies and hand you back your cities w/o fighting.
And propose a NAP as well :)

This way nobody looses troops ;)

Trying to save your own ass arent you.  So in this case if you had a good percentage you would attack and take over our city, but if we can kill your army you expect us to tell you so you can run away.  Yea you dont phase me.  Its also proof that you started this.

00:06:40 Sep 23rd 08 - Ms. Kish:

This is a war you waged on yourself my friend I can post the letters you sent to me.. to clarify your statement if you wish.. i kept my word.. It is sad that you are posting this, you know sometimes when you try to chase two rabbits at once, you are bound to lose one... maybe both....


02:52:36 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



fighting himself? thats always fun...

i did that once, and i posted it on the hangaround...

wait, you guys are being serious...


06:59:14 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Brain:

@Sabbath n Kish,
why are you angry? I've started a war and I'm not complaining about it.
I've proposed a deal that sounds unfair to you, you didn't take it. Period.

(actually it is a nice deal, but a no is a no...)

07:06:42 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol we arent angry we just find it stupid you come to us and attack us.. Figure out that you cant beat us hence the fact we killed your pesky lil 100k-200k hafling army.  And now you offer peace??? lol you offer peace b/c you know now we will come and kill you :)

Also i have never met anyone in my entire VU life who messages me before hand and to tell me this.

Mr. Brain [KoE] (9/22/2008 3:04:04 PM) GOOD BAD
here's a deal for your whole kingdom,
since I believe neither of us wants more bloodsheds...

If you guys manage to get a good % on my army (around 80% and up), just message me with the attack info, and I'll retreat my armies and hand you back your cities w/o fighting.
And propose a NAP as well :)

This way nobody looses troops ;)

Who does this stuff lol?

07:09:05 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Random:

Mr. Brain does obviously...

07:19:55 Sep 23rd 08 - Sir Gallyon:

u guys warring KoE?? oh..I liked them...they were doing sooo proffesional with surviving with the two of them :p
they must be a nice couple.. pinky and the brains..

10:31:30 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Darklord Zoltan:

well nice going on fuzzzy heaven did more fighting then you did  against us  and still you got  more  citys and are now before you in top kingdoms:P  how is Heaven dilling whit that ?: )

10:47:03 Sep 23rd 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Hahahaha what I message, I love it lol :D
Some people just amaze me lol
If you have a good percentage then its NAP lol

14:16:30 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Brain:

Wow, you guys are complaining like crazy.
Did somebody steal your candy?

@Jasmina - If you think about it, it makes sense. They're in a war with BC, they need the troops.
I'm leaving them the cities without burning/fighting in exchange of a NAP.

That's like getting all the dough without the fighting.

@Sabbath, why won't you?
Because you think that you'll get some loot of war?

Learn to argument.

14:22:30 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Samual:

Lord Sabbath The Dark


9/23/2008 6:06:42 AM
lol we arent angry we just find it stupid you come to us and attack us.. Figure out that you cant beat us hence the fact we killed your pesky lil 100k-200k hafling army.  And now you offer peace??? lol you offer peace b/c you know now we will come and kill you :)

Also i have never met anyone in my entire VU life who messages me before hand and to tell me this.

Mr. Brain [KoE] (9/22/2008 3:04:04 PM) GOOD BAD
here's a deal for your whole kingdom,
since I believe neither of us wants more bloodsheds...

If you guys manage to get a good % on my army (around 80% and up), just message me with the attack info, and I'll retreat my armies and hand you back your cities w/o fighting.
And propose a NAP as well :)

This way nobody looses troops ;)

Who does this stuff lol?



14:29:51 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Brain:


17:26:34 Sep 23rd 08 - Ms. Kish:

angry? you haven't seen angry yet, i'm actually having fun with your
armies it's good experience for my troops,  when I'm angry you'll be
the first to know.

17:39:23 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Same Name:

wait would that be before or after BC kish?

18:29:10 Sep 23rd 08 - Sir Gallyon:

Mr. Darklord Zoltan


9/23/2008 10:31:30 AMwell nice going on fuzzzy heaven did more fighting then you did  against us  and still you got  more  citys and are now before you in top kingdoms:P  how is Heaven dilling whit that ?: )

they got nothing to complain about :p
they might have lost more battles against u then we did ;) I mean..they were getting all their army's killed before we moved in.

They did fought well ofcourse, and I do not want to discredit Heaven.
oh, and if u wonder how heaven thinks about us getting most of the city's. I don't think they have any harsh feelings because when they asked for help they offered us that we could have the southern city's... We don't make any deals about who gets which city, we just go there, and who takes them first got it.

I don't think it is unfair that we got those city's.. I mean we did fought for them :p.

18:51:58 Sep 23rd 08 - Sir Miller:

Back to Mantrax wars! :)

Whats  goin on?

19:57:55 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol brain we will get more loot then you think.

Also, dont act like we just came out blatanly attacked you for no reason.  YOU ATTACK US FIRST.  So we are returning a favor.  You offer us a NAP because you know you are gunna lose.  Why would we NAP someone that attacks us and know that we can beat them.

Yea you need to learn how to argue.  You pathetic lil messagse prove that your a dumbass.

Lol and where are we complaining i havent seen any complaining.  We are just proving our point cuz your dumbass is too stupid to figure it out.

20:05:26 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Brain:

Take your medicine mate!

1. I've never said you've attacked me.
If it wasn't obvious enough, my first post was sarcastic on the 'terrible' etc. Did you read my kingdom description? Does that look anywhere ne*beep*rious'?
To make it clear: I, Mr. Brain, of the Kingdom of Evil, have attacked the kingdom TDS on purpose, on the hope of creating starvation and confusion amongst it's population.

2. You are complaining right now.

20:19:47 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol im not complaining about you attacking us... i just think its rather ridiculous you wanna try and decieve people into taking a NAP when you cant kill them... and thats after you have started a war with them.

20:22:32 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Roheran:

Less chat, more killing.

20:58:52 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Brain:

I'm killing, he's chatting. ^^
(yeah yeah, not for long...)

22:24:13 Sep 23rd 08 - Sir Gallyon:

according to the X-statistics produced by me ;)

KoE has had an increase with 6 battles in winnings in just one day
TDS had a decrease with 1 battle in wnnings in the last day (note that they have an increase of 4 battles if u look 4 days back)

in power compared to fuzzy
KoE decreased in power with 2% over the past 5 days.
TDS decreased in power with 7% over the past 5 days. this moment u can slightly say that KoE is winning against TDS..though, these are only small statistic improvements, if someone claims to beat the other, then atleast make it visible in the statistics ;)

..Always trust the statistics ;)

22:26:03 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Brain:

I'm burning cities, they're killing my troops.

Cities matter more scorewise. Thus statistically, I'm winning.
Factually, they are.


22:31:00 Sep 23rd 08 - Sir Stirlin:

gally you have too much time on your hands :P

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