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Forums / In game politics / Talents Era of Magneto

Talents Era of Magneto
10:54:13 Aug 10th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

@Dropkick, the problem you have now is you don't know whether you are fighting Exodus or Selos.  One of them at least is reasonably good and I would be cautious about suggesting any of us could wipe him out easily.

As a side note, it's been many eras since I last played but it's nice to see that there are still lots of players whose sisters/brothers/flatmates/work colleagues all just happen to play on the same PC.   

11:18:21 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

Prince Highwayman


19:54:13 Aug 10th 09
@Dropkick, the problem you have now is you don't know whether you are fighting Exodus or Selos.  One of them at least is reasonably good and I would be cautious about suggesting any of us could wipe him out easily.

As a side note, it's been many eras since I last played but it's nice to see that there are still lots of players whose sisters/brothers/flatmates/work colleagues all just happen to play on the same PC. 


you forget pet turtles, parrots, rather bright dogs, cousins,uncles,aunts,sons and daughters too lol.

no matter the game it is always the ...."they are much better than me and they will get you" etc= i will log into my other account that because of my brilliant forum posting , you will not think is me.


multi 110%

well spotted.

11:23:58 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

lol sumtimes its flatmates and peeps lyk that but usually a multi

12:05:08 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

selos is the one you should be worried about:p

13:09:16 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Exodus:

lol well i've only been sending small armies 2 exodus cause its talents and i didnt think they wud b this good but obviously i was rong. i have a bigger army that cud take exodus easily but i am goin 4 dynamite instead :D

hey now its funny you should mention you more powerful army cause "forgotten gaurd" is more powerful then your army "away" theres only 3 armies on talents im worried about and yours isnt one of them

and now i may be very close friends with selos but i am not his multi and he is not fighting these wars for me i am perfectly capable of fighting my own wars 

yes we do actually share the same computer cause HE doesnt have a laptop anymore but he will be getting one soon (or so he tells me)


ignis why do you think that selos is the one to worry about? hes on valhalla until he can restart

13:20:53 Aug 10th 09 - Duke Angelus:

Going for us... why.... we are harmless

GO for IoK, they are the dangerous ones.. :P

13:30:32 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

lol i no but they r all in protection jks... btw exodus it doesnt matter how far up the HoH armies u r cause it doesnt calculate attack or defence it just goes by size

13:52:13 Aug 10th 09 - Duke Angelus:

It MOSTLY goes by size

14:02:41 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

are you sure about that mr Exodus go and look again  also if it were me you would be against you would have been dead along time ago also i am just playing you guys are lucky that i am in camp now

14:11:50 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ashwin:


you are in a camp =O

14:16:56 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

soccer camp for traing for this season :P i got a life

14:55:07 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ashwin:

I was thinking the more evil WW2 kind xD

15:24:16 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Mr. Ignis The War


14:02:41 Aug 10th 09
are you sure about that mr Exodus go and look again  also if it were me you would be against you would have been dead along time ago also i am just playing you guys are lucky that i am in camp now


I'm so scared...





Ignis, my little cupcake. It doesn't matter where you are, we would still destroy you, and your little dog too, mwahahaha :D

17:13:14 Aug 10th 09 - Prince Highwayman:


Speaking of a man and his little dog, what do you guys do with Exodus when you don't need him anymore?  Does he get the choice to join your Kd or have everything taken from him?  Or does he just not get the choice?

17:53:16 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

Haya dont talk i would have killed you if it was 1VS1 also you are not doing a piss the one that is attack is Nero and Duke Angelus but soon there armie will be dead

18:03:43 Aug 10th 09 - Duke Angelus:

lol Prince Highwayman, we will not attack him :)

And ignis, you shall not keel mah, im unkillable :P

18:06:31 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Prince Highwayman


17:13:14 Aug 10th 09

Speaking of a man and his little dog, what do you guys do with Exodus when you don't need him anymore?  Does he get the choice to join your Kd or have everything taken from him?  Or does he just not get the choice?


He does whatever he wants to do.


And Ignis, if you had the ability to beat me, i would treat you with respect, you can guess by me calling you cupcake that you aren't a threat, you have the force but not the brains, as shown by the lack of coherent sentences in your posts.

18:19:20 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

i dont lack anything also i would not have lasted this long if i were stupid :p

18:22:59 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Purgatory and IoK lacked tactics, that's why you beat them, IoK improved their tactics towards the end but it wasn't enough. But one thing i can guarentee is that IoK will be on this world next week, you probably won't be.

18:25:24 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

all i can see is that you just making treat and you havent done anything else than raze those 2k-3k cities

18:26:26 Aug 10th 09 - Duke Angelus:


18:28:26 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Haya:



Indeed, i'm making loads of fairy cakes :D

18:34:09 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ashwin:

gimmeeee one! or two...or three :D

18:44:49 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

you guys just wait and see

19:24:30 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Okay, i'll make fairy cakes until the mean and evil Ignis the Cupcake comes to get me. Ashwin you are incredibly greedy, i baked loads for Dynamite and you took them all, grr.... :D

19:47:04 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

All I see on this thread are Dynamite bragging.

It's just I want to farm than to war now. LOL!

19:56:11 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Ofcourse i'm bragging, my fairy cakes are awesome, you should try them!

20:02:20 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Ashwin:

hell yeah they are freaking awesome!

But you gotta be quick else I will steal them again!

22:18:18 Aug 10th 09 - Duke Angelus:

lol no..... Dynamite isnt bragging... iv learnt not to brag unless a victory is 100% certain.

Two random nubs who some how found their way into Dynamite are bragging :P

Jks :P

23:03:47 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Exodus:

hey well you can stop braging becasue in 2 tricks ill be the one who has to fight off the #1 hoh army in talents and it would apppear that dynomite will take no part in helping with that


once you guys decide to help then you can brag

08:48:56 Aug 11th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

What did you think they would do Exodus?  They let you keep us tied up while they prepared for the battle to come and frankly, don't give a damn about little guys like you.  Angelus only fed you the EITS reports about the stuff he wanted you to go for, the worthwhile cities were all reserved for him and his cronies. 

But all is not lost, Haya is sending an entire Corps to rescue you.  I absolutely love the name:

Too Late Apologize

Army Info
Commander:Mr. HayaKingdom Banner
Size:Corps (Around 50,000)
Status:Moving East

Before you get too excited though, you should know that it won't survive first contact:

Through the eye we can see this information about The Too Late Apologize from Mr. Haya:
Too Late Apologize from Mr. Haya

09:26:39 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

omg lol....boom dont send those armies at us in zeta....the number is right but the make up of it is quite different. cant we just swap and we fight these guys?


09:31:56 Aug 11th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

My sincerest apologies Alterax, I'm afraid the boys don't want to play anymore.  Could you do anything for the widows and orphans?


We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Your Royal Highness. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 51287 troops and 0 peasants.

09:42:01 Aug 11th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

lol let me qoute something haya said to me before...

'well IoK arent important at is OUR alliance with dynamite that will win this war and OUR strategy and armies that will defeat mad'

good job haya =)

10:53:10 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

the one that can fight in dynimat is nero the rest suck

12:31:14 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Haya:

OMG you killed my quick Gaia i was going to suicide into your armies to weaken you slightly, i'm going to go and shoot myself. Would i really be that stupid to send my main army at your 4 HoH armies?

The lack of intelligence shown here is quite something.

12:44:24 Aug 11th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

I don't have any HoH armies. 

Interesting that in an attempt to suicide you didn't attack either of the 2 MAD cities you crossed and you used at least 1 BT to run away from my small army when you saw me coming towards you.  Just as well I had the time to vote today or I would still have been chasing your "suicide squad" as it did everything it could to avoid actually suiciding. 

I must confess to being a bit confused at your stated aim to weaken us slightly. 

With that?  Seriously?  Is this your first era?

Maybe I am as lacking in intelligence as you suggest because I just don't get it.  Please enlighten me.

12:47:21 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Haya:

"Interesting that in an attempt to suicide you didn't attack either of the 2 MAD cities you crossed and you used at least 1 BT to run away from my small army when you saw me coming towards you.  Just as well I had the time to vote today or I would still have been chasing your "suicide squad" as it did everything it could to avoid actually suiciding."


I was offline, so how could i use a BT? That's unfortunetly incorrect, i've only just gained a bonus turn this morning, had none yesterday. I also passed 2 cities because the rulers (atleast one, i don't know about the other) was too small for me, i figured the main gains would be to go for the big city while i was offline.

13:06:16 Aug 11th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Hang on.  Main gains?  Too small for you?  I thought the intent was to suicide and cause as much harm as you did so.  Not make gains.

Nevertheless, that gaia army against any of the bigger cities in that patch would have given you the "troops refuse to fight" message so regardless of which one you claim now it is still a load of old nonsense. 

I also strongly suspect that you had started moving towards the area before Exodus lost his big city - was he going to give you one of the smaller ones as a base?  That would make more sense if the army was intended for a friendly takeover of a stripped out city.

BTW, you should report a bug to ZeTa because your army definitely shot forward mid-round.  So did mine about 1 minute later and the result we now know about.

I need to go for a lie-down now.  Me being of such little intelligence, all this thinking makes my brain hurt.  :P

13:11:49 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Haya:

"Hang on.  Main gains?  Too small for you?  I thought the intent was to suicide and cause as much harm as you did so.  Not make gains."


Small colonies are pointless, i was offline anyway so there was no point in the army standing still.

13:21:39 Aug 11th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Small OP is even more pointless.  Have a nice day.

13:31:31 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Exactly, so best get rid of them quickly so my Ogre/Nazgul armies can move in and party :)

15:58:00 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

Your nazgul army won't last long. That's for sure. It might not me who could kill it but sure from one of ours.

16:02:01 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Okay then, congratulations to whoever does that.

16:12:28 Aug 11th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Is that your "Nazgul Army" running away from Maverick at the moment?  Or is that another suicide squad? :P

16:16:02 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Maverick isn't a threat to me due to the 50% rule, so no need to runaway.

16:18:10 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

are you sure about that :p

16:19:12 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Haya:

Well he's razing buildings, then i raze mine to put him back above 50%, it's such a waste of construction :P

16:24:30 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

well is good to see that you guys work hard to kill me:P

16:29:26 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

what happend haya

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