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Forums / In game politics / The Ravage Regime Embassy

The Ravage Regime Embassy
22:52:31 Dec 13th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Lol, stfu girls. The whining is sad and, to be honest, the 4 year olds at the nursery down the road behave better than you -.-'

22:52:51 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

Aww Mike go get yourself a hug :(  you seem to have some issues with others trying to have a good time, it might make you feel better.

22:53:50 Dec 13th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

22:55:41 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

oh my.........he's interesting

22:58:31 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

you have been caught out as a bunch of dishonourable twats, dont have the guts to admit it, and use lame attempts to deflect.

i was enjoying the game, i am trying to again(now away from your stench) ... i certainly prefer not to be on arma.

22:59:10 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

ROFL ok then bye bye now *waves*

23:00:24 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

23:05:02 Dec 13th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

LOL Photobucket??

23:07:06 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

you have to love the junk people upload <3

23:09:28 Dec 13th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

ah found a creeepy video for you

23:13:01 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

he looks like a stalker :S

23:15:28 Dec 13th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Lol, never seen Alice Cooper? :P

23:16:45 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

it's that weird clown make up ......... it's just creepy.......

01:25:13 Dec 14th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

Mr. Culhwich and Mr. Mike Smith from Calif I hold in highest regard. 

Pink Rhino


20:18:27 Dec 13th 09

you ate up a bunch of small alliances

we only ate two.. and both off them gave more of a fight then you did...
btw, of these two 1 (simplicity) attacked us first. and to be honest we had a vote over who to attack. the options where Crazy or Phi (or both) i had rather fought both and died because of our shit location. it just happend to be that Phi gave us decent terms

you were PHI's lap dog whole era.

Dr. Happy Pants


21:24:51 Dec 13th 09
Mr. Culhwch it is obvious we never knew you as your word has no value. Nor do you know us. Tossing about names does you no good other than with your click. We knew you refused to assist Black Heart and took your army off to another world to die causing his magic city to fail last era. We needed team players not solo glory hunters. Which you still are from all indications. Given your word has no value you may continue to spout but I for one will not acknowledge you further.

Dr Happy Pants
aka Dr Raving Lunatic

Black heart's magic city fell because of NAP whoring.  I was the one who said I would defend it.  i would have if no pulse wasn't CFed.  after they were CFed I left as their was no one to fight in that world.  the doc and dip NAPed everyone we could fight.  No pulse attacking was right up there with Ravage attacking CRAZY.  in terms of underhanded and dishonourable.

Mr. William And His Pink Rhino


20:34:22 Dec 13th 09

on thing just keeps getting back and i can't find out why this is:
in every single war either you or Ryan has fought you opponents are dishonourable. this whilst at all the other wars your enemies fight with other kingdoms they just have fun and play the game. not complaining all the time. i don't think there is any other kd that think we are so hugely dishonourable  (if there is please tell me) and you guys are just alone... just like last era...

more kingdoms will discover how you are as the game progresses.  jellybeans aren't your greatest fans.  but yeah I'm not bothered.  your leader is an assand will keep being an ass.

Mr. William And His Pink Rhino


21:06:02 Dec 13th 09
we never pretended to be your friends.... you just mistake kindness for weakness or unwillingness to fight i guess

it was very kind of you to watch phi march over your core.  name one act of kindness anyone in RR did for CRAZY.

Lady Liquid Sex Drive


20:36:33 Dec 13th 09
He has no idea why we left or what happened ( other than what he has been told by his ex kd more or less )so no point in arguing with a secondary impartial party William

no one has any idea why you left.  this topic has come up before.  instead of being so vague just say why you left.  this is the same as your leader saying "lie, lies lies"  no one knows what you are talking about.  we are just left guessing.

I thought you left so PHI could fight CRAZY and you didn't agree with the WAR. 

01:28:31 Dec 14th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Yawn. Still bitching and moaning I see. Get over yourself. We all have.

01:37:20 Dec 14th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

I left because of you mostly, is that direct enough?

so let's stop wasting my time with questions that you really should know the answer to, unless of course you are just so self absorbed you insist on continuing an argument that no one else but your mates care to continue.

01:59:31 Dec 14th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

Dr. Happy Pants


23:51:50 Dec 13th 09
We get along with you yes. We really don't care about the new Dark. They have declared perpetual war on us which is fine. Some people have issues. LOL

Yeah Crazy was fun while it lasted. It probably wont come back

I'll stop "bitching and moaning" when you stop bringing us up.  I don't start threads about the "truth" or bring up your kingdom so if you don't want to talk about it stop making reference to DARK or friends that are still friends.

Dr. Happy Pants


19:07:55 Dec 13th 09
Yes Zondervan and Boombastic are both good guys. Something some seem to not get is friends fight friends in war games and still stay friends.

02:18:34 Dec 14th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

The first was a reply and while your a royal pain in the ass with all the whining and bellyaching you don't get to determine what I talk about

You really are also one vain man that you think your the only one with the problem mentioned

22:41:47 Dec 14th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

23:03:44 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Lol, interesting ill have to remember that for future reference.

10:41:28 Dec 15th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

You win guys, and now you can go f yourselves. I quit, I just had my last cities taken by two players who started the era under my banners and who I never attacked once other than to remove a dickhead who was plundering me daily despite giving his word not to. Its definately a victory to be proud of. whats funny is that it wasnt Phi who killed me but my so called friends lmao.

Will you are one of the biggest morons I have ever seen in any game, yeah people we warred were dishonourable, its called breaking your word thats generally what causes wars, and your alliance of douchebags fits right in.

Basio, nice work farming loser. you sat up north farming all era under crazy banners with your friends and then sat there and had the nerve to plunder me after I let my army die due to income rather than attack you. LMAO nice work you definately are an honourable player and will fit right in with Ravage, out of everyone who attacked me you surprised me the most simply because I did my best for you and your buddies, thanks for showing me that this game is a waste of time.

Doc et all, you called yourselves my friends and lied to my face over an online game, good on you, I put up with a lot from my friends and Ill try to forget that this happened but I dont think I will be playing anymore games with any of you.

oh btw the reason Blackheart lost his friggin magic city last era was that he was a moron, I had a friggin army sitting 20 ticks away and he panicked and didnt even ask me to come and sit an army in it when I had an army in lady liquids city just on the other side for half the goddamn era. He lost it due to his own idiocy and damn near cost us the era with that screw up. so dont blame Landros when it was Balckhearts own screw up.

rewrite it however you wnat to im done with this game and I wont be logging in again, I sent out a kd wide already.

absolutely no regards

17:55:15 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. Swiss:

How nice of Ravage to allow Dom to build and go through their core. But when I ask for an EITs or opening of gates, I'm ignored. Understandable, but I thought I had helped you guys. Really wish you had some other leader, instead of an arshole.

17:57:51 Dec 15th 09 - Sir Darth Denonia:

Good luck ryan.

18:48:56 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

Mr. Swiss


17:55:15 Dec 15th 09 How nice of Ravage to allow Dom to build and go through their core. But when I ask for an EITs or opening of gates, I'm ignored. Understandable, but I thought I had helped you guys. Really wish you had some other leader, instead of an arshole.

Do we have relations with BoW?? no we don't... do we have relations with Dom?? yes we do. furthermore, a while back we allowed you to build in our region off control. i think we have been quite kind to you swiss ;-)

19:02:29 Dec 15th 09 - Endless Despair:

So that city you just built in our region , can I have it ;) or will you and Swiss be dueling at high noon? :D

19:08:18 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

Shhhhttt that city is a secret! now it has been unveiled :( and you can't really clasify that region as being yours ^^ there are many KD's there. just happends that you guys have a lot sout of it ^^ and i think i want to keep that town.. i need it for now o.0

19:13:24 Dec 15th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

He has a city called High Noon? Did i guess right? Or am i just stating the obvious that everyone else already got? (i do that sometimes) Or am i completely wrong? :D

19:13:39 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. Swiss:

Yes, you guys did, but so did FC since they basically sent the same msg as you guys and controlled the area after kicking you guys out.

I have much respect for Ravages' members, but my respect for Black Heart is going down because he acts like an arse.

19:21:18 Dec 15th 09 - Sir Leviathan Maximus:

Guys, seriously... stop bitching on here like little babies.  If you have a point, make it and feel good.  Please dont come here to ramble about this and that.  This is a war game... ppl play how they want to play.  Get over it.

If you want to cry, pls start a thread named "I like to cry about a game bc I cant distinguish between it and real life"

There really should be an minimum age limit to play this game. 


19:25:21 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. Swiss:

I see Levi has issues....or likes to misread posts lol

19:34:24 Dec 15th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:


19:34:52 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

he isn't necessarily talking about you swiss ;)

Edit; Shmeh, i don't know if Swiss has one ^^ all i can say that if he hasn't it isn't near me.

19:37:00 Dec 15th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

You mean if he has? :|

And i thought you were the one with the city :|

I'm so confused :S

19:38:15 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

haha no ^^ my city has a random name... i don't know what it is, something like quiqouqua??? thought it sounded funny :p

19:59:19 Dec 15th 09 - Endless Despair:

Shmeh, no his city isn't called High Noon.. but it's a good name for a city ;)

20:11:41 Dec 15th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

I know thats why i thought it might be :).

21:04:56 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

Quiqouqua is the 1 i can see :) i see crazy whoops ravage are still up to their naughty little ignore tricks it was a strategy they have mastered and use and then after make excuse they were not online when i know their on mostly everyday. and when you have acted on their ignore they make it look like its all your fault for being impatient and saying they got rl lives (lies more like ) their addicts and cant stay off more than 12 hours :)

21:09:29 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

then how do i get the 12 tick BT o.0

21:19:21 Dec 15th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Alright, I feel that it is time for a timeout.

1) Please learn the difference between RL and a game.  If you are going to all have drama drama drama because of an online game and ruin friendships, please go...

2) It is sad enough that this topic hasn't been deleted for just being a cesspool of spam, random videos, and really a lot of non-embassy related posts.  If I wasn't so busy I would probably tear it apart. 

3) Insulting people seems to be a era theme perhaps?

Anyways, I have used enough of my time online for the day. 

~Merry Christmas

21:29:29 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

ok much more than 12 :P i get mine as well so not a biggy really lol and agree prince but hell what is the forum for if not this it would be dead and no one would come in if there was no drama.

21:32:32 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

quote from ryan's earlier post :-

oh btw the reason Blackheart lost his friggin magic city last era was that he was a moron, I had a friggin army sitting 20 ticks away and he panicked and didnt even ask me to come and sit an army in it when I had an army in lady liquids city just on the other side for half the goddamn era. He lost it due to his own idiocy and damn near cost us the era with that screw up. so dont blame Landros when it was Balckhearts own screw up.

it was not landros but me who was getting the blame for that mess lol even though i was not in that area.

22:53:31 Dec 15th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:


23:08:47 Dec 15th 09 - Mr. Boombastic:

thats the name of my army  :)

23:15:16 Dec 15th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Boombastic are you kidding. Yawn is the name of your army. LOL

23:18:13 Dec 15th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Ceiling Cat did you get up off the wrong side of the Cat bed this morning? Go go have some fun in RL it will help. Happy Holiday Season to you as well

06:03:54 Dec 16th 09 - Sir Leviathan Maximus:

Swiss, nah, I dont have issues and I'm not misreading posts.  I'm barely on here to begin with...  I know my post fell after yours but it wasnt in response to your post nor did I say "hey Swiss, stop crying".  It was in general to the babies who just cant seem to stop complaining. ;)  

Anyways, this topic was originally intended as a spot for allies and enemy alike to come and see what we were up to or get in touch with us.

Im just trying to get it back on track... haha good luck with that right.

08:26:07 Dec 16th 09 - Mr. Boombastic:

@dr hp- check arma HOH  :)

00:24:13 Dec 17th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

Mr. Kamikazi II (12/16/2009 1:11:59 PM) GOOD BAD
are you sure with taking over rhino tamerland because he just made peace with me
You (12/16/2009 1:14:16 PM)
really? his kingdom declared war on us ages ago. I don't trust basio at all.
Mr. Kamikazi II (12/16/2009 2:11:16 PM) GOOD BAD
Learn to trust him but if he declares war again us again let me negotiate and i would resolve the problem ^^

Mr. Malekith (12/2/2009 1:59:51 AM) GOOD BAD
Mr. Ancient Basio offered a kind of nap to me....not sure how to respond.

as i told howells before, i will not attack any dark unless they attack me. also incase anyone outside of dark knows this the deal is of.

You (12/1/2009 6:33:10 PM)
so y r u attacking duke ryan?
Mr. Ancient Basio (12/1/2009 6:35:34 PM)
as he told ravage about the deal... the only way i will spare him is if he stops building in this city ...
tell him that i want peace with you guys but wont accept to be called a wussy or a rogue by my team .
You (12/1/2009 6:36:50 PM)
ok good deal
Mr. Ancient Basio (12/1/2009 6:39:58 PM)
tell him and get me a reply .. but i promice incase anyone moves any army or makes an army and moves it towards my cities i will break the deal aand i will use every dirty trick in the book to kill and destroy ...

i need ryans word and yours. please dont reply with a yes unless aall members of dark agree to it.
and no one needs to know about this out of darkk


16:49:34 Dec 17th 09 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

so lets go back to when you guys where crying to make a deal with me when FC was attacking me from everywhere. i had to make you trust i will not attack YOU guys ( and i did tell my KD btw that i have intentions to make you CF me) so i made my cf . but i made it with dark and asked no one to move any armies in area so we will stay neutral .PSycho went psycho after Ryan told RR ABOUT deal and they thought im betraying and started attacking me after that.  then ryan started making troops and telling me he is leaving city for us and he kept stalling for weeks and my guys where coming in so i told him he has a 48 hours to clear city ( LIKE HE TOLD ME HE WILL) . he never moved a thing so i killed armies in city


Mr. Kamikazi  : i made deal with him when he was KDLESS.

Mr. Kamikazi II (12/14/2009 4:08:35 PM) GOOD BAD
Pls stop i haven't done anything to upset you. Please stop attacking me Rivendel is a peacful city
You (12/14/2009 4:16:06 PM)
i have to attack you since you are a an X-member of Dark . plus you killed my scouts .
Mr. Kamikazi II (12/14/2009 5:14:50 PM) GOOD BAD
can i be pardoned?
You (12/14/2009 5:51:53 PM)
ok , but only cuz i dont like bullying people... goodluck in the rest of the era .. but incase you know where are psycho other cities then i request that you tell me where are they ?
Mr. Kamikazi II (12/15/2009 12:54:02 PM) GOOD BAD
north east of Armageddon


but now he will be killed since he joined crazy again.

00:56:23 Dec 18th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

thanks for the info and response.

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