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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 28

Zetamania 28
10:25:05 Jan 18th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Because what's one without the other? :P I just want to have an era where the game is played how it was meant to be.

10:25:14 Jan 18th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

Add to list: SFD and Karta can only use 1 ":P" a day in forum posts.

10:26:45 Jan 18th 14 - SFD (Duke Zonds Fan Girl):

lol cheo i have noticed i do that alot :P
but meh on skype im even worse the choice's are endless >:D

10:27:24 Jan 18th 14 - SFD (Duke Zonds Fan Girl):

and karta if you want to play it how its meant to be played, fck off to another world :P

10:39:55 Jan 18th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Other worlds don't have walls. :P Or Death Dealers. :P :P :P :P :P

10:43:17 Jan 18th 14 - SFD (Duke Zonds Fan Girl):

haha true :P
but you are leader sooo..... :P

11:18:58 Jan 18th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Well I am A leader, not THEE leader. Not currently anyway. (more like the mascot. :P ) So if we were to move it'd have to be ok with everyone, plus, have you ever tried moving a KD to another world? It's a pain in the ass. :P

11:19:00 Jan 18th 14 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):

It'd have to agree with Karta.. but tbh, the most annoying thing was cross walls. You can counter merging over walls, you can't counter cross walls... so I think it is fair to say that I'm happy that you lot have agreed not to use cross walls. 

Even though I agree, if others don't.. there is little I can do :) democracy I suppose ;) 

11:29:09 Jan 18th 14 - SFD (Duke Zonds Fan Girl):

no i have never organised that karta, but i can imagine alot of people would have to leave The moving KD or the KD they were in on the said moving to world :P

11:37:38 Jan 18th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

I'm pretty sure there's still a glitch where you have to disband the KD and move to another world before remaking it, otherwise if you try to move world it'll just put you back on the same world. :P And yes, people also have characters on other world they might want to keep. All in all it's not something I recomend trying to organise. :P

11:39:28 Jan 18th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

realy that happens?
i thought that stuff only did that when there is still a person of your KD on the world that it will auto take you to it?

11:53:29 Jan 18th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

That's why it's a glitch. :P Even if the world ends and you chose another world to go to, it'll still put you back on the same world you were just on. :P

20:46:10 Jan 18th 14 - Teirdel (Saint Teirdel):

Ya that glitch is still in effect.

08:21:19 Jan 19th 14 - Khan (Mr. Khankhan):

So looks like there is only agreement not to cross wall :( I was kinda on the same opinion as Karta, that this goes together, and walls are actually meant not to be crossable.


13:44:18 Jan 21st 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

 22:31:32 - Armageddon was canceled! There were 18 rulers who wanted the age to end, 19 rulers who didn't, and 4 rulers who did not vote.

Ok, so can someone cast it again and this time we all vote to end it? I don't want to have to wait another week and a half. :P

13:47:54 Jan 21st 14 - Lady Blubbery Schoolgirl Mush:

seems like an eternity....

14:01:57 Jan 21st 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

wtf is this?? i dont beleive 19 ppl want the world to carry on. zeta can you look into this

also if i casted the arma, i thought it goes through as long as the town exists? i thought voting was to decide whether it ends immediately or not?

14:12:30 Jan 21st 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

As one of my older post says, the way arma works is messed up. If the Arma city gets taken Arma gets called off, reguardless of votes, but the votes still count. So even if Arma is cast again the same votes are counted. Forsaken killed off enough of us who voted to cast Arma, so their old votes to not cast it won out  (over 50%) and it was stopped. If you cast it again now though we all get to vote again. It's just that the Arma city was taken last time that messed it up.

14:17:43 Jan 21st 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

i cant cast it straight away, i need to train some mages. zeta should start arma himself to save us all the long wait before ppl start leaving

14:29:56 Jan 21st 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Well in that case I'd say yes, someone should message him and ask him to cast it for us. However start training MUs anyway just incase ZeTa doesn't check VU for a few days. :P

16:12:00 Jan 21st 14 - Mr. Sorra The Bold:

Don't worry, Forsaken will soon finish of the last bit of DD, until then work on casting Arama (it should not take to long) and we can cast it and all vote yes. There are some last strong holds of DD left. But use this time to organize your Kingdoms and get to know who's comming/returning to the world and who's not and who's going to what Kingdom so we can have an exciting era. 

This of-season can be useful for organization purposes, so we don't have lop-sided Kingdoms next era. 

17:16:46 Jan 21st 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Just cast it now, it'll take you another week to take Shush. :P And I'd rather just get the new era started asap before any more people start going inactive.

17:18:43 Jan 21st 14 - Sir Sorra:

Yeah, we are going to cast it ASAP regardless. Im just saying instead of letting this off time go to waste, lets organize things for next era so it can be even better.

17:26:11 Jan 21st 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Presi Dent):

19 people decided they wanted to spend eternity on Zetamania.

17:28:05 Jan 21st 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Well I know there will be people leaving us, and their are currently 2 inactives, but still, that puts us at about 15 members. AG has 13 and Monks have 7. Dunno if anyone's leaving them though. But I think some Forsaken members are joining them right? Can we get a rough idea of what numbers the other KD will have next era? If everyone has around 15 that should be good. Maybe make it a max of 20 players per KD?

18:34:24 Jan 21st 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

shoalins is expecting to grow next era. so far we will gain 2 and lose 1. at this rate we might win next era!

19:08:02 Jan 21st 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

As long as you don't land in our core again. :P lol

21:50:36 Jan 21st 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

A max of 20 players per KD sounds like a good idea. Hopefully all KDs have minimal inactives next era so that numbers stay balanced across the board. Might not be a bad idea for the KD leaders to post their tentative rosters so they can compare and make adjustments before the era starts?

how bout if you want a kd cap go to a world with one and the dd guys sure are ones to talk about overwhelming numbers

22:28:10 Jan 21st 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Well I said that DD will have about 15, and it looks like Monks will have at least 8 or more. If AG doesn't loose anyone they'll have 13. That just leaves Forsaken..

well were losing 2 players to monks one to inactivity so that puts us at 21

23:03:51 Jan 21st 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

Hmm, on second thought, I no longer agree with 20 people max KD. I wasn't aware that in order for that to happen, players would have to be kicked from Forsaken. That's not really a positive gesture even for a game. I don't think there's any easy way to make KD numbers even aside from recruiting fresh blood to Zetamania.

23:07:04 Jan 21st 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

no but they can avoid recriuting further members if they already have 20+

but lets not forget that an experienced player can count for several inexperienced players so kd count doesnt count for a whole lot on the lower worlds

23:09:31 Jan 21st 14 - Mr. Cry Lock:

Its all jibber jabbish Bran ;) Or is it?

23:11:08 Jan 21st 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

i think you need to go home, youre drunk

23:25:44 Jan 21st 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Well, 21 is close enough to 20. But try not to get any more than that. The rest of us will have to try and get a few more members. :P

01:39:24 Jan 22nd 14 - Mr. Merrith:

OK so i think i may stick around next era but I'll have to agree with karta about wall jumping - wall merging whatever you want to call it.

- Mereth

02:09:12 Jan 22nd 14 - Sir Sorra:

By the numbers we have here;

If AG and DD merge, that would have 28 players in that KD
And if FF and Monks merge that would also make 28 players in the new KD 

But as it stands, FF have 21, DD 15, AG 13, and Monks 7.

In all honesty, its probably going to go the same route as this era. AG and DD will make an alliance to combat the greater numbers of FF. This alliance will give them a slight advantage over FF. But FF will then make an alliance with Monks to even up the playing field. And we have the era that just passed. 

If this is how things stay, that is probably how the era is going to go. Basically a repeat of this one. 

Alliances any other way would leave one of the alliances way more lopsided than the other.

We either need a new way to divvy up the groups/players or some fresh ideas if we are hoping to have an era that does not end up as a repeat of this one.

02:40:30 Jan 22nd 14 - Dont Look Down (Sir Blybblubimfish):

Well in all honesty, the point is to leave the idea of 2 kingdoms since it will make every single era stale and boring. Speaking of alliances now is perhaps too soon. Numbers is ofc good to have but far from everything. (But if you want it would be nice if you came to us)

And on the whole walljumping problem. Kill scouts and you dont have to worry, how hard is that? If an entire kingdom cant kill a single scout then you are clearly doing something wrong. Before you say anything about this please consider this: "Dude, its a scout". Re-read it if you still have an urge to bring this matter up again because it is, after all, just a scout.

well awesome era thanks to all the dd players who didnt raze there cities was awfully nice of you guys to lets us get some spoils

hats off to ag for being an extremely fun fight and keeping me on my toes almost the whole time had you guys pulled both your merges to kiri you would have had us no doubt about it

also hats off to brans kd for fighting there asses off from day one till the end pretty much

and all i have to say about the cross walls and scout merging my KD will not make cross walls even if some one else decides to if it happens by accident we will message zeta again just as we did this era to get them fixed if you are silly enough to leave a scout out in the open for one of my mages to ownage so i can jump over your wall tough luck maybe you shouldn't have had that scout sitting out and about


Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 5 people want the age to end, 0 do not, and 34 people have not voted.

let the yes votes begin

06:19:42 Jan 22nd 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

Thanks Lyrelai :D

10:21:35 Jan 22nd 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

@ Sorra. Not exactly. As I said before, even though we agreed not to attack AG, we didn't help them fight in any way, to keep it fair. If things were to happen that way again, after this era, well we wouldn't think it too unfair to actually help them fight. Which means a very different era than this one. :P

@ Jack. I still really don't like the wall-jumping stuff. Can't we all agree to just have at least 1 era without it and do things the way they're meant to be? There's obviously enough people that agree with me and want it. Forsaken have it the best anyway, you guys are still the strongest whch means it's easier for you more than anyone to get enough armies to break through blockers without resorting to wall-jumping, so I don't know why you wouldn't want this rule. :P

Anyway, crappy era for us but in the end numbers win out. gg Forsaken. Enjoy it while you can. :P If anyone hasn't noticed, I'm leading DD now so expect things to be different next era. ;)

10:44:58 Jan 22nd 14 - Teirdel (Saint Feyrdel):

ty for vote and grats on promotion. So whats the plan on the kd counts. We moving people around etc?

10:59:42 Jan 22nd 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Forsaken's the only KD with numbers to cut, but they don't want to, so it looks like everyone else will just have to get more members to catch up. :P

12:58:06 Jan 22nd 14 - Alrisaia (Ms. Lyrelai):

it was an honor cheo -

any chance of splitting the kds up into many smaller kds?

seems like that might be more fun :-)

13:10:59 Jan 22nd 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

shaolins wont be splitting up into a smaller kd , sorry :)

13:45:38 Jan 22nd 14 - Alrisaia (Ms. Alrisaia):

no? sorry to hear that Bran :-( that kd is way too big!

also what does T-2 mean 2 RL days?

14:05:00 Jan 22nd 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

it does indeed

14:08:28 Jan 22nd 14 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jelly Bean):

Great era! Thanks you lot, for an interesting time. Now to join Monks.

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